Link site planning consists of a set of surveys, which must be carried out
before any equipment is brought to the site. If for some reason, the outcome of any of these surveys is negative, site re-location will need to be
A Site Survey consists of three stages:
1. Preliminary survey - The proposed link is analyzed in the office using a
topographic map.
2. Physical survey - The locations of the RADWIN 1000/2000 indoor and
outdoor equipment are determined on-site.
Chapter 2
Site Preparation
3. Radio Frequency (RF) survey - It is recommended that the installation
area be scanned with a spectrum analyzer, to identify RF interference so
as to determine a clear channel for RADWIN 1000/2000 installation (on-site).
The Site Survey
RADWIN 1000/2000 wireless links must be planned before installation. The
designated installation site must be appraised to determine that the wireless system is able to operate efficiently and provide connectivity without
signal degradation.
RADWIN 1000/2000 offers a wide operating frequency range. A free frequency channel must be determined within the operating range, for optimum performance.
Recommended Equipment
Stage 1: Preliminary Survey
•Topological map of the area
RADWIN 1000/2000 User ManualVersion 2.122-1
Stage 1: Preliminary Survey Chapter 2
•Urban map of the area
Stage 2: Physical Survey
•100 meter tape measure
•Ohmmeter, to check ground connection
•Digital camera
•Paper, pencil, and a clipboard
•GPS device (optional)
•Compass (optional)
Stage 3: RF Survey
•Spectrum Analyzer with Max Hold function and screen capture facility that can store multiple images, for documentation purposes
•RF accessories (connectors and cables)
•Communication devices (for example, cellular phones, or a set of
Stage 1: Preliminary Survey
A preliminary survey is necessary before visiting potential installation sites.
As much detail as possible should be obtained about the two designated
ODU installation sites and the area between them.
¾ To perform a preliminary survey:
1. Mark the two designated installation sites on a topographic map of the
2. Measure the distance between the sites; check that it is within the specified range of the RADWIN 1000/2000.
3. On the urban map, check for developed areas situated between the two
installation sites. Pay attention to these areas when performing the physical site survey; there may be tall buildings, RF towers, or transmitters,
which could cause interference to the link.
4. Check the area between the two sites for obstructions such as:
•High ground - hills or mountains
•Lakes or large bodies of water. Water has a reflection effect on RF
signals like a building. This type of reflection causes the received
amplitude to be reduced. As a rule of thumb, the presence of a large
body of water between the link sites may double the required
antenna height.
5. Determine and record the compass bearings between both ODUs, relative to north.
6. If there are obstructions between the two sites, calculate the Fresnel
Zone (see appendix D for details).
RADWIN 1000/2000 User ManualVersion 2.122-2
Stage 2: Physical Survey Chapter 2
7. If the site chosen does not meet requirements, consider alternative sites.
8. Use the Link Budget Calculator (on the CD supplied with the RADWIN
1000/2000 or using the RADWIN Manager) to determine the expected
Stage 2: Physical Survey
The physical site survey reviews the environment of the proposed RADWIN
1000/2000 installation location, to ensure that the link sites are suitable for
the wireless network. The results of the physical site survey should be
It is advisable to go on a clear day, so you can more easily see any
obstructions between the two sites.
¾ To perform a physical survey:
1. From the compass readings taken in the preliminary survey, find the azimuth (horizontal position) that the ODU should face towards the second
2. Using binoculars, locate any obstructions such as tall trees, high buildings, hills or mountains. Look for other RF towers between the two sites.
Mark the locations of the obstructions on the map.
3. Determine the location for the ODU (having regard for existing rooftop
installations and tower space). It should be above any obstructions, considering the Fresnel zone (see appendix D).
4. If you need to install the ODU on a tower, make sure that the tower is far
away from overhead electric power lines.
5. Determine a location for the indoor equipment; it should be as close as
possible to the ODU. At an existing site, there is probably an equipment
room with cable-routing channels.
The IDU - ODU cable length limit is 100m, in accordance with IEEE 10/
100BaseT standards.
6. Measure and record the path length of the cable from the ODU position
to the indoor equipment room.
7. Determine the ground and lightning connection points of the installation.
The RADWIN 1000/2000 ODU and IDU must both be grounded.
8. Using the Ohmmeter, measure and record the resistance of the required
installation to the grounding point. The resistance must be less than 1O
RADWIN 1000/2000 User ManualVersion 2.122-3
Additional Outdoor Site Requirements Chapter 2
9. Review the results of the physical site survey. Decide if the site is suitable
for the RADWIN 1000/2000 wireless network installation.
•If the site is suitable, continue with stage 3, the RF survey
•If the site is not suitable, survey another site
Additional Outdoor Site Requirements
The ambient outdoor operating temperature should be -35 to 60°C (-31 to
Additional Indoor Site Requirements
The following requirements guarantee proper operation of the system:
•For IDU-C units, allow at least 90 cm (36 “) of front clearance for
operating and maintenance accessibility. Allow at least 10 cm (4 “)
clearance at the rear of the unit for signal lines and interface cables
•The ambient operating temperature should be 0 to 50°C (32 to 122
°F) at a humidity of up to 90%, non condensing
Stage 3: RF Survey
The RF survey examines the wireless environment of the RADWIN 1000/
2000 installation site, to determine whether there are available channels
within the RADWIN 1000/2000 operating frequency band. An RF survey is
performed using a spectrum analyzer.
It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the spectrum analyzer before
going out on site, specifically the Max Hold and Marker functions.
You should perform the RF survey at both proposed link sites.
The survey should be carried out during a busy time of day, to best judge
the worst-case radio interference. Allow 2-4 hours duration for a good RF
It is possible to install the RADWIN 1000/2000 link and use the RADWIN
Manager to find a clear channel. Each frequency channel can be evaluated
in turn. Achievement of a clear channel is indicated by the Quality bar on
the Channel Setting window (see figure 4-13) becoming green.
RADWIN 1000/2000 User ManualVersion 2.122-4
Hardware Installation
This chapter sets out the requirements and procedures for the hardware
installation and alignment of a RADWIN 1000/2000 link in accordance with
the prior planning as set out in chapter 2. It is intended to guide qualified
field technicians.
Outdoor units and antennas should be installed ONLY by experienced
installation professionals who are familiar with local building and safety
codes and, wherever applicable, are licensed by the appropriate
Safety Practices
government regulatory authorities. Failure to do so may expose the end
user or the service provider to legal and financial liabilities. RADWIN and its
resellers or distributors are not liable for injury, damage or violation of
regulations associated with the installation of outdoor units or antennas.
Chapter 3
Preventing overexposure to RF energy
To protect against overexposure to RF energy, install the ODUs so as to provide and maintain minimal separation distances from all persons.
When the system is operational, avoid standing directly in front of the
antenna. Strong RF fields are present when the transmitter is on. The ODU
must not be deployed in a location where it is possible for people to stand
or walk inadvertently in front of the antenna.
All RADWIN products should be grounded during operation. In addition:
•The ODU should be earthed by a wire with diameter of at least
The RADWIN 1000/2000 ODU must be properly grounded to protect
against lightning. It is the user's responsibility to install the equipment in accordance with Section 810 of the National Electric Code,
ANSI/NFPA No.70-1984 or Section 54 of the Canadian Electrical
Code. These codes describe correct installation procedures for
grounding the outdoor unit, mast, lead-in wire and discharge unit. It
RADWIN 1000/2000 User ManualVersion 2.123-1
Protection against Lightning Chapter 3
also lays down the size of grounding conductors and connection
requirements for grounding electrodes.
The RADWIN 1000/2000 ODU must be grounded to a Protective
Earth as described in appendix E and in accordance with the Local
Electrical Regulations.
•The earth lug on the IDU-C should be connected to the protective
earth at all times, by a wire with a diameter of 18 AWG or wider.
Rack-mounted equipment should be mounted only in earthed racks
and cabinets.
Further, you should -
•Always make the ground connection first and disconnect it last
•Never connect telecommunication cables to ungrounded equipment
•Ensure that all other cables are disconnected before disconnecting
the ground
More detailed guidelines are supplied in appendix E.
Protection against Lightning
The use of lightning protection is dependent on regulatory and end user
requirements. All of RADWIN outdoor units are designed with surge limiting
circuits to minimize the risk of damage due to lightning strikes. RADWIN
recommends the use of additional surge arrestor devices to protect the
equipment from nearby lightning strikes.
See appendix E for detailed installation instructions of lightning protection
•It is recommended that installation of the outdoor unit be contracted
to a professional installer.
•Before working on equipment connected to power lines or telecommunication lines, you should remove jewelry or any other metallic
object that may come into contact with energized parts.
•Use extreme care when installing antennas near power lines.
•Use extreme care when working at heights.
•When using an AC power source for RADWIN 1000/2000 always use
the AC power adapter supplied by RADWIN.
•Use the right tools. In addition to standard tools required for any
kind of ODU or antenna installation, RADWIN 1000/2000 requires
additional specific tools detailed on page 3-5 below.
Package Contents
The RADWIN 1000/2000 packages include the following items:
ODU Package Contents
The ODU package contains:
RADWIN 1000/2000 User ManualVersion 2.123-2
ODU Package Contents Chapter 3
•One ODU - see figure 3-2 below for front and rear view
•An ODU mounting kit - see figure 3-1 below
•A CD containing -
•the RADWIN Manager
•Quick Start Guide
•User Manual
•Link Budget Calculator
•Label showing the MAC address and the alternative Community
string. The label is self-adhesive. You should keep this label safe
•Cable glands (to be used with the ODU-IDU cable)
Figure 3-1: ODU Mounting kit
ODU - Front ViewODU - Rear View
Figure 3-2: Connectorized ODU - Front and rear views
RADWIN 1000/2000 User ManualVersion 2.123-3
IDU Package Contents Chapter 3
ODU - Front ViewODU - Rear View
Figure 3-3: Integrated ODU - Front and rear views
IDU Package Contents
The IDU package contains:
•IDU-C - see figure 3-4 below.
•19” rack mounting kit - see figure 3-5 below
•Two DC power plugs for power cables - see figure 3-5 below
Figure 3-4: IDU-C Package contents - the IDU-C
Figure 3-5: IDU-C Package contents - the mounting kit and DC power plugs
RADWIN 1000/2000 User ManualVersion 2.123-4
External Antenna Package Contents Chapter 3
External Antenna Package Contents
•RF cable 1m (3’) long; two cables supplied with bipolar antennas,
single cable supplied with monopolar antennas
•Mounting kit
Additional Tools and Materials Required
The following is a list of the equipment and materials required to install
RADWIN 1000/2000 hardware.
Tools and Materials
•Crimping tool for RJ-45 (if the ODU-IDU cable is without connectors)
The installation steps are detailed in the following sections.
Outdoor installation
Mounting the ODU
The ODU can be mounted on a pole or a wall. In both installations, the supplied mounting kit is used to secure the ODU.
A mast-sited ODU typically uses a pole attached to the mast.
A RADWIN 1000/2000 link operates in pairs of two ODUs with the same
configuration. Both ODUs must be installed, and the antennas aligned for
maximum throughput.
RADWIN 1000/2000 User ManualVersion 2.123-6
Mounting external antennas Chapter 3
Prior to connecting cables to the ODU, the protective earth terminal (screw)
of the ODU must be connected to an external protective ground conductor
or to a grounded pole.
•Only a qualified person using the proper safety equipment should
climb the antenna mast
•Only qualified professional personnel should install or dismantle
ODUs and masts
¾ To mount the ODU on a pole or a wall:
1. Ensure that the ODU is properly grounded.
2. Mount the ODU onto the pole or wall. Ensure that the unit is oriented so
that the cable connectors are at the bottom. (If they are on top,
water may penetrate into the unit causing damage.)
3. Refer to Appendix C, Pole and Wall Installation for detailed ODU
mounting kit contents and schematics.
Do not tighten the ODU to its mounting brackets until the alignment
process of the antenna is complete.
Ensure that there are no direct obstructions in front of the ODU or
interference from man-made obstacles.
Mounting external antennas
If you are using ODU with an integrated antenna, skip to Mounting the
Lightning Protection Devices below.
The supplied mounting kit is used to mount the antenna onto a pole. The
antennas must be aligned for maximum throughput.
Do not stand in front of a live antenna.
¾ To mount an external antenna:
1. To mount an external antenna ensure that the antenna is properly
grounded and then mount the antenna onto the pole. Refer to Appen-
dix C, Pole and Wall Installation for detailed antenna mounting
2. Follow the mounting instructions supplied with the antenna.
Mounting the Lightning Protection Devices
The use of lightning protection is dependent on regulatory and end user
requirements. The RADWIN 1000/2000 ODU is designed with surge limiting
circuits to minimize the risk of damage due to lightning strikes. RADWIN
RADWIN 1000/2000 User ManualVersion 2.123-7
Outdoor Connections Chapter 3
recommends the use of additional surge arrestor devices to protect the
equipment from nearby lightning strikes.
Refer to appendix E for detailed installation instructions of lightning protection devices.
Outdoor Connections
¾ To complete the outdoor connections:
1. Connect the ground cable to the ODU chassis as marked on the ODU.
2. Connect the antenna cable(s) to the ODU.
3. Connect the lightning protection device to the ODU (see appendix E).
4. Attach the ODU-IDU cable to the ODU RJ-45 connector (see appendix B
for the connector pin-out)
5. Screw in the cable glands to ensure hermetic sealing of the ODU.
6. Secure the cables to the pole, mast or brackets using UV-rated cable ties.
Indoor Installation
Mounting the IDUs
The RADWIN 1000/2000 IDUs are all rack mounted, as shown in figure 1-
6. A front panel keyed schematic of a rack mounted IDU-C is shown in
figure 3-7 below.
Figure 3-7: IDU-C front panel
In figure 3-8 we display a perspective view of the IDU-C:
RADWIN 1000/2000 User ManualVersion 2.123-8
Mounting the IDUs Chapter 3
Figure 3-8: IDU-C - A perspective view
Further description of the keyed items in figure 3-7 is shown in table 3-1
Table 3-1: Components of an IDU-C front panel
AIndicator LEDs
C2 LAN Ports
DSFP PortThe IDU-C is SFP ready.
EAlarm PortsStandard DB25 female connector, see
figure 3-9.
RJ-45 connector, see
Ethernet, RJ-45 connector, see
table B-1.
table B-2
table B-3.
FLabel indentPlace for adhesive identification labels
GPrimary 3 pin Power
HSecondary 3 pin
Power Connector
Standard 3 pins in line power connector,
table B-4.
Standard 3 pins in line power connector,
table B-4.
IGrounding LugUse the lug supplied
JRack mounting
KDetachable Rack
mounting brackets
The Indicator LEDs (Item A in table 3-1 above) are shown in more detail in
figure 3-9 below:
RADWIN 1000/2000 User ManualVersion 2.123-9
Mounting the IDUs Chapter 3
Figure 3-9: IDU-C LEDs
The purpose of the LEDs is shown in table 3-2 below:
Table 3-2: IDU-C Front Panel LEDs
AIR I/FGreen
IDU operational
During power-up only
ODU-to-IDU communication link is operating
ODU-to-IDU communication link is disrupted
Wireless link is synchronized
During installation mode only
Wireless link lost synchronization
¾ To mount an IDU (using figure 3-7 above):
1. If the rack already holds other equipment, ensure that it is properly
Do not proceed with installation into a “live” rack unless it is properly
2. Attach the rack mounting brackets (K) to the IDU.
3. Bolt the IDU into an empty slot in the rack, ensuring that it sits securely.
4. Ground the IDU to the rack using grounding lug I. The IDU should be left
permanently grounded.
Instead of using the rack mounting brackets, the IDU may be rail mounted
using the four screw holes on each of its sides.
RADWIN 1000/2000 User ManualVersion 2.123-10
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