Radwin AMWL1250 Users Manual

Chapter 5
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
This chapter describes the WinLink 1000 diagnostic functions, which include:
Get Link Information
Monitoring Performance
Error detection and alarms including Link Compatibility
Frequently asked questions.
5.1 Automatic Link Data Collection (Get Link
The Get Link Information feature collects all the link and Manager information which can be used for diagnostics.
In the event of needing to contact technical support please send this file so as to speed up the assistance.
To get link information
1. Click Help on the menu bar, select Link Information.
The Get Link Information dialog box appears. See
2. Select or deselect the data options. If the file is to be sent to
Technical Support leave all options checked.
3. Click File Path to get to the directory to save the file in.
4. Click Start to save the information.
The file is saved as Link Information.txt
Figure 5-1
Automatic Link Data Collection (Get Link Information) 5-1
Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual
Figure 5-1. Get Link Information
5.2 Monitoring Performance
WinLink 1000 constantly monitors traffic over the radio link and collects the following statistics data:
Site 1/Site 2 received traffic rate (in Mbps)
Site 1/Site 2 received frames rate (in Mbps)
Radio signal strength (in dBm)
Error (Blocks).
The statistics (monitor) log and event log can be saved as TXT files. New alarms are automatically added to the text file, as they enter the event log.
Saving the Monitor Log
To save the monitor log:
1. From the Tools menu, choose Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box appears (see
2. Click the Monitor Tab.
3. Select the file to save.
5-2 Monitoring Performance
Figure 5-2
WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
4. Click the check box to open the file for saving.
5. Click the
button and in the Select File dialog box indicate in
which folder and under what name the alarm log file is to be saved.
6. Set the time interval for adding data to the file.
7. Click OK to save the file
Figure 5-2. Preferences Dialog Box, Monitor Tab
Setting the Events Preferences
You can define a color that the traps are displayed in the monitor pane, according to severity of the event. The severity is predefined.
To set the trap color:
1. From the Tools menu, choose Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box appears).
2. Click the Events Tab (see
3. Select the Event priority type and click on the
A color chart opens.
Monitoring Performance 5-3
Figure 5-3
Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual
4. Select the desired color.
5. Repeat for all the trap types.
To set the trap background color:
Click Background Color to change the text background.
To reset the trap colors:
Click Reset Settings to return to the default color settings.
Saving the Events Log
To save the event log:
1. From the Tools menu, choose Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box appears (see
Figure 5-3
2. Click the Events Tab.
3. Select the file to save.
4. Click the check box to open the file for saving.
5. Click the
button and in the Select File dialog box indicate in which folder and under what name the alarm log file is to be saved, and click OK.
5-4 Monitoring Performance
WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Figure 5-3. Preferences Dialog Box, Event Log Tab
Monitoring Performance 5-5
Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual
5.3 Viewing Performance Reports
The Performance Monitor Report displays performance views of each of the interfaces for each of the interfaces (ES, SES, and UAS), as well as Specific data per Interface type (e.g., TX and RX bytes for Ethernet). For the Air Interface, user defined thresholds data are collected. Refer to
Data is collected and selectively displayed based on three time intervals as selected by the Interval radio buttons:
Current (t=0)
15 minutes Intervals
Figure 5-4
). Several performance data are collected
Table 5-1
UAS – This parameter counts the time the air link was not providing any service. There are several potential reasons for this situation; one of the sites has a power failure, high interference, maintenance operation etc.
Radio BBER Threshold – This parameter counts the seconds in which the radio performance is below a user specified threshold. The threshold is measured in percent. The threshold can be set from 0.1% up to 50%. For links with E1/T1 service the recommended value is 1% (system default). Excellent TDM service is expected below the 1% threshold, meaning that for 1% threshold, the expected BBER value should be 0 if there are no problems during the 15 min interval. If the BBER threshold increases some degraded service might be noticed. For links with Ethernet only service, 8% threshold is recommended and not 1% meaning that for 8% threshold, the recommended BBER value should be 0 if there are no problems during the 15 min interval. Since WinLink 1000 provides a loss less Ethernet service, there is throughput degradation in case of interference. The degradation is proportional to the BBER.
Radio RSS Threshold can also be used to indicate problems in the radio channel. After verifying the RSS according to the link budget calculator
Ethernet performance is not collected in PoE systems.
5-6 Viewing Performance Reports
WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
during the installation. A value of -5dB from the current RSS is recommended as a threshold.
Figure 5-4. Performance Monitoring Report window
Viewing Performance Reports 5-7
Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual
Table 5-1. Explanation of performance data
Data type Reported value Explanation
Generic PM Data
UAS – Unavailable Seconds
Seconds in which the interface was out of service.
ES – Error Second The number of
seconds in which there was at least an error block. Note that notation of an error block is different per interface.
SES – Severe Error Second
The number of seconds in which the service quality is low (the actual BBER ratio varies per interface).
BBE – Background Block Error
The number of error block in an interval.
Integrity A flag indicating that
the data is valid. Note that the PM data is not valid if not all the values were stored
Air Interface PM Data
Max RSL The maximum of the
receive signal level (measured in dBm).
Min RSL The minimum of the
receive signal level (measured in dBm).
Max TSL The maximum of the
transmit signal level (measured in dBm)
Possible reasons are: Clock changes within the interval and Power up reset
The transmit power is fixed. The value can be changed only by user
5-8 Viewing Performance Reports
WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Data type Reported value Explanation
Min TSL The minimum of the
transmit signal level (measured in dBm).
RSL Threshold 1 This parameter counts
the number of seconds in which the RSL is below the specified threshold.
RSL Threshold 2 This parameter counts
the number of seconds in which the RSL is below the specified threshold.
TSL Threshold 1 This parameter counts
the number of seconds in which the RSL is above the specified threshold.
Ethernet Interface PM Data
BBER Threshold The BBER Threshold
value counts the number of seconds in which the Background Block Error Ratio (BBER) exceeds the specified threshold. Note, that the system is design for excellent quality of service with BBER of less then 1%. (at 1% BBER expected TDM BER is less than 1E-6.
Received Bytes The number of Mega
bytes received in the specified port within the interval
Viewing Performance Reports 5-9
Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual
Data type Reported value Explanation
Transmitted Bytes The number of Mega
bytes received in the specified port within the interval.
Table 5-2. Action of the tool bar button commands
Button Action
Get Data Uploads the selected report from the ODU.
Save Saves the data in a CSV or Text format for additional analysis.
Clear Removes the current data from the window.
Selection pane Selects the site, interface, and interval to be displayed.
Close Closes the Performance Monitor Report window.
Opens the threshold configuration dialog box (Figure
set the Air Interface thresholds. Note that threshold change is effected immediately, but it does not change any historical data.
Figure 5-5. Threshold configuration dialog box
5-5) to
5.4 Error Detection and Alarms
WinLink 1000 detects compatibility problems, fault conditions of the radio or user links, and initiates alarms to alert the user.
5-10 Error Detection and Alarms
WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
To store the Event Log, first define the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and trap address of the management PC, see
for details.
Alarms (traps) are displayed in the Event Log in the lower panel of the Main Menu screen. The event log may be saved as a TXT file.
The event log includes the following fields:
Sequential number (ID)
Date and time stamp
Trap source
IP address of the ODU that initiated alarm.
Error Detection and Alarms 5-11
Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual
Table 5-3. WinLink 1000 Alarms and Information Messages
Message Description
Radio Link – Sync Radio link is synchronized
Radio Link – Out Of Sync Radio link lost synchronization
Link Has Been Reset ODU was reset due to internal problem
TDM Interface – Normal TDM interface is operating properly
TDM Interface – LOS Loss of Synchronization is reported by TDM interface
TDM Interface – LOS
TDM Interface – AIS
TDM Interface – Loopback
Link Resetting Wireless link reset from the management station. This
Local ODU Resetting The local ODU reset from the management station.
Monitor was stopped since no connection to the link
TDM Service – Normal
TDM Service – Alarm Error has been detected on a TDM line
Configuration problem detected The link needs to be reinstalled
Channel Scanning in progress The ODU is scanning the channels for the remote ODU
Transmitting on <frequency> GHz
Radar activity was detected in <site>, on channel <frequency> GHz
Loss of Signal is reported by TDM interface
Alarm Indication Signal is reported by TDM interface
A loopback is active on TDM interface
alarm is caused by automatic reset after link configuration.
No ODU-to-IDU traffic was detected during the last 20 minutes.
TDM service is operating properly
The ODU is transmitting on the frequency channel listed
For DFS versions only. Radar is detected; the channel is prohibited for 30 minutes.
Monitoring fo Radar activity on channel <frequency> GHz
Bit Failed indication Indicates ODU hardware problem. Send error code to
Link Status Indicates incorrect connection or incompatibility between
Site Status Indicates incorrect connection or operation at the site.
For DFS versions only. ODU is looking for Radar activity.
Technical Support.
versions. Available in 1.620 versions and above.
Available in 1.620 versions and above.
5-12 Error Detection and Alarms
WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
To view summary of saved alarms
From the Tools menu, choose Active Alarm Summary.
The Active Alarms Summary window opens. See
Table 5-4
; for
an explanation of the command buttons.
Figure 5-6. Active Alarms Summary
Command Action
Save Saves the alarms in CSV or text format for further
Refresh Reads the alarms from the ODU, and displays the
Site Selects site for the active alarms.
Error Detection and Alarms 5-13
5-4. Active Alarms command buttons
Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual
Close Closes the active alarm window.
5.5 Remote Power Fail Indication
Remote power fail indication indicates to one side that the other side has had a power failure. The failed site sends a final trap indication about the power loss just before powering off.
A Dying-Gasp circuit identifies the power failure at a minimum interval of 20 milliseconds before the IDU crash, during that interval a message notifying the power failure is sent to the remote end.
Alarm output number 4 indicates link loss due to power failure at the remote end.
5.6 Link Compatibility
WinLink 1000 indicates the version compatibility via software traps. As new hardware is added to existing networks compatibility issues may arise. An incompatibility issue is indicated to the user via a change of color of the Link Status box on the Main Menu screen. Trap messages in the Event Log indicate the problems or limitations and suggest upgrades when appropriate.
The following Link Status messages are given:
fullCompatibility - different software versions that are fully compatible.
Message indicates that upgrade is available.
restrictedCompatibility - different software versions that operate
correctly. However, new features are not supported
softwareUpgradeRequired - different software versions with limited
operation. The link will operate as Ethernet only; a full service will not be available. The message is software upgrade required.
versionsIncompatibility - different software versions that are not
compatible. User needs to perform local upgrades.
Table 5-5. Link Compatibility Trap Messages
Link State Link Link Status Site Description Site Link Status
5-14 Link Compatibility
WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
State Text
fullCompatibility Active Green SW
restrictedCompatibility Active -
SW Version mismatch
softwareUpgradeRequired Active –
SW Upgrade Required
versionsIncompatibility Not
Active ­SW Upgrade Required
Color Desc.
Upgrade Available
Magenta (Same as authentication error)
Brown (Major) SW Upgrade
Red Local SW Upgrade
SW Upgrade Recommended
Yellow Green
Yellow Magenta
(Same as authentication error)
Yellow Brown (Major)
Yellow Red
5.7 Testing WinLink 1000
WinLink 1000 supports activation of the internal and external loopbacks on the local and remote units.
To activate a loopback:
1. From the Maintenance menu, choose Set Loopbacks.
The Loopbacks dialog box appears (see
2. From the Local or Remote drop-down box, select a loopback that
you intend to run, and click OK.
A confirmation message appears.
3. Click OK to activate a loopback.
WinLink 1000 activates selected loopback. A loopback status arrow in the Main menu turns green to indicate an active loopback.
To deactivate a loopback:
Figure 5-7
From the From the Local or Remote drop-down box of the
Loopbacks dialog box, select None and click OK.
Testing WinLink 1000 5-15
Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual
A loopback is deactivated and the corresponding status arrow in the Main menu becomes dimmed.
Local External Loopback
Local WinLink 1000 can be set to an external loopback to test the local E1/T1 port and its connection to the local side user equipment. In this mode, data coming from the local user equipment is looped back to it
Figure 5-8
(see connected to the local unit.
Figure 5-7. Loopbacks Dialog Box
). This loopback is initiated from a management station
Local ODU
Figure 5-8. Local External Loopback
Remote Internal Loopback
Remote WinLink 1000 can be set to an internal loopback to test connection between the local and remote units, the local E1/T1 port and its connection to the local side user equipment. In this mode, data
5-16 Testing WinLink 1000
WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
coming from the local WinLink 1000 is looped back to it (see
). This loopback is initiated from a management station connected to
the local unit.
Figure 5-9. Remote Internal Loopback
Remote External Loopback
Remote WinLink 1000 can be set to an external loopback to test the remote E1/T1 port and its connection to the remote side user equipment. In this mode, data coming from the remote user equipment is looped back to it (see inband command sent from a management station connected to the local unit.
Remote ODU Local ODU
Figure 5-10
). This loopback is initiated by an
Figure 5-
Local Internal Loopback
Local WinLink 1000 can be set to close an internal loopback to test connection between the local and remote units, remote E1/T1 port and its connection to the remote side user equipment. In this mode, data coming from the remote user equipment is looped back to it (see
Figure 5-11
from a management station connected to the local unit.
/T1 E1
Inband Loopback
Activation Command
Remote ODU
Local ODU
Figure 5-10. Remote External Loopback
). This loopback is initiated by an inband command sent
Testing WinLink 1000 5-17
Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual
Remote ODU
Figure 5-11. Local Internal Loopback
5.8 Troubleshooting
Table 5-7
Symptom Remedy
Table 5-7
to diagnose any faults in the system.
Table 5-6. Troubleshooting
Inband Loopback
Activation Command
Local ODU
Verify that AC power is connected to the IDU. No power
Verify that the ODU cable is properly wired and connected.
No signal
Complete the installation procedure from the management software.
Verify the ODU alignment. Check that the radio configuration of both site A and site B units are the same (channel and SSID).
Weak signal Verify the ODU alignment, reconfigure the link.
Verify the beeper sounds the Best Signal sequence.
The WinLink 1000 LEDs show faults in the system or the link.
Table 5-7. Troubleshooting with WinLink 1000 LEDs
LED Status Remedy
PWR Off Check that AC adapter is connected to the
IDU-E and the AC power outlet.
5-18 Troubleshooting
WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
IDU Orange Check that the IDU/ODU cable is properly
wired and connected.
ODU Red Check that the IDU/ODU cable is properly
wired and connected.
Orange Complete the installation procedure from
the management software.
Red Check the ODU Antenna alignment. Check
that the radio configuration of both site A and site B units are the same (channel and SSID).
Off Check the TDM service configuration in the
Orange Check that the system is not in loopback
mode. Check the site B IDU ports and cables and site B external equipment.
Red Check the site A IDU ports, cables and
external equipment.
5.9 Replacing an ODU
Prior to any action verify that both ODUs have the same software version (Configuration > Configure site >Inventory). If one ODU has an old software version, perform a software upgrade. It is important to configure the new ODU exactly the same as the old ODU to avoid configuration mismatches, which will disrupt the link.
An ODU may be replaced with a new ODU in one several ways.
Use the backup
If a backup of the configuration is available, restore that configuration using Configuration > Configure site > Restore.
Manual Configuration
The new ODU can be configured manually according to the link configuration, remember to use the same settings for SSID, channels, link password, IP addresses, and names.
Restore Factory Setup
From version 1.6xx the feature of Restore Factory Setup is
Replacing an ODU 5-19
Chapter 5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting WinLink 1000 Installation and Operation Manual
available. Using this feature we recommend putting the remaining ODU back to factory setup Configuration>Configure site>Advance option, and then activate the second ODU reconfiguring the link from scratch.
Option number 3 is our recommended option preventing configuration mismatches.
5.10 Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What performance issues will arise due to environmental conditions?
A: WinLink 1000 is not sensitive to environmental conditions. However if heavy rain or snowfall is expected ensure the performance by allowing a higher fade margin in the link budget planning calculations.
Q: When using the WinLink 1000, what is the potential for interference between our system and other cellular or wireless Networks devices?
A: The WinLink 1000 is a robust system. However since it operates in unlicensed band there maybe some interference. Nevertheless, the fact that we can manually set the frequency gives us the flexibility to find a clear channel. In addition each WinLink 1000 link uses unique user configurable SSID code.
Q: What protocol does the WinLink 1000 use, i.e. 802.11?
A: WinLink 1000 uses a proprietary protocol; this protocol contains improved options that more efficiently support the clock reconstruction from the TDM services.
Q: What type of security is offered on WinLink 1000?
A: WinLink 1000 has three levels of security:
1. AES hardware mechanism
2. Each unit uses a unique SSID link-specific code (up to 24
alphanumeric characters)
3. Proprietary protocol protects from eavesdropping from other
5-20 Frequently Asked Questions
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