RADWAG E2R Weighing Records User Manual

User Manual
Manual number: ITKU-56-01-01-11-A
RADWAG Wagi Elektroniczne, 26–600 Radom 28 Bracka Street - POLAND Tel. +48 48 38 48 800, tel/fax. +48 48 385 00 10 Sales Department +48 48 366 80 06
1. GENERAL INFORMATION..................................................................................4
1.1. Intended use.................................................................................................4
1.2. Database.......................................................................................................5
1.3. System requirements....................................................................................5
1.4. Scales cooperating with the system..............................................................6
2. SOFTWARE INSTRUCTION................................................................................7
2.1. Databases.....................................................................................................7
2.2. Installation of E2R Weighing Records...........................................................7
3. E2R SYNCHRONIZER.......................................................................................10
3.1. RADWAG Synchronizer – Windows Service...............................................11
3.2. Adding new scales to the Synchronizer......................................................13
3.3. Deleting and editing of existing scale..........................................................16
3.4. Global settings and scale settings...............................................................16
4. E2R MANAGER..................................................................................................19
4.1. Setting connection to Radwag Synchronizer...............................................20
4.2. Show / hide the panel of connection with server.........................................21
5. E2R WEIGHING RECORDS ..............................................................................21
5.1. Starting program.........................................................................................21
5.2. Main program window.................................................................................22
5.3. Program settings.........................................................................................23
5.3.1. Database.............................................................................................24
5.3.2. Updating the database........................................................................25
5.3.3. Connection configuration.....................................................................25
5.3.4. Connection checking...........................................................................26
5.3.5. Authorization and groups of users.......................................................26
5.3.6. Service settings ...................................................................................28
5.4. Other settings..............................................................................................29
5.4.1. Changing the active window................................................................29
5.4.2. Language change ...............................................................................29
5.4.3. Program appearance ..........................................................................29
5.4.4. Logging out .........................................................................................30
5.4.5. Closing program..................................................................................30
5.5. Working window of the program..................................................................31
5.5.1. Sorting information..............................................................................31
5.5.2. Additional filtering options ...................................................................31
5.5.3. Filter creator........................................................................................33
6. DATABASES......................................................................................................37
6.1. Assortment..................................................................................................37
6.1.1. Adding / editing assortments...............................................................38
6.1.2. Deleting product..................................................................................39
6.1.3. Searching and filtering assortments....................................................39
6.1.4. Reports from Products........................................................................40
6.2. Contractors .................................................................................................40
6.2.1. Adding / editing contractors.................................................................41
6.2.2. Deleting contractors............................................................................42
6.2.3. Filtering and searching contractors .....................................................42
6.2.4. Reports from Contractors....................................................................43
6.3. Stocks.........................................................................................................43
6.3.1. Adding / changing stocks ....................................................................44
6.3.2. Deleting a stock...................................................................................44
6.3.3. Filtering and searching stocks.............................................................45
6.4. Packagings .................................................................................................45
6.4.1. Adding / changing packagings ............................................................46
6.5. Operators....................................................................................................47
6.5.1. Adding / changing operators ...............................................................48
6.5.2. Deleting operators...............................................................................49
6.5.3. Filtering and searching operators........................................................49
6.5.4. Reports from operators.......................................................................49
7. MODULE WEIGHING RECORDS – Reports ....................................................49
7.1. The main window in E2R Weighing Records ..............................................49
7.2. Raport for the Materials...............................................................................52
7.3. Report for Operator.....................................................................................52
7.4. Report for Cooperants.................................................................................53
7.5. Report for Batch Number............................................................................54
7.6. Report for the Balance................................................................................55
7.7. Header and Report Title..............................................................................56
7.8. Archive Weighings ......................................................................................57
8. TOOLS...............................................................................................................58
8.1. Scale Restart ..............................................................................................58


1.1. Intended use E2R System is a modular system for complex management of production

processes that are associated in some points with weighing. Owning to the modular structure the system is versatile and can be easily tailored to the profile, characteristics and needs of a firm as well as individual customer requirements.
Module E2R Weighing Records is intended to recording weight measurements performed on RADWAG weighing terminals, which work connected in the Ethernet network, and saving them in the computer database.
The network of scales can be combined with one or more types of scales.
E2R SYSTEM based on Ethernet
The program allows for full supervision and reporting from measurements collected from scales WPW, TMC, TMX, WLY, WPY.
1. Due to continual updates, there is a possibility of minor discrepancies between the contents of this manual and the program.
2. RADWAG takes no responsibility for the unexpected effects of program operation, and possible consequences resulting from wrong use of the program.

1.2. Database

The engine of installed database can be any distribution of MS SQL Server (MS SQL 2000/2005/2008). Due to the performance, scalability and reliability of the system it is recommended to use a commercial platform SQL Server, e.g.: SQL Server 2008.

1.3. System requirements

The minimum requirements for the program:
Windows 2000/XP/ 2003/Vista/Windows7 operating system,
processor 2 GHz or faster,
minimum 1 GB RAM (recomended 2 GB),
minimum 5 GB of free space on HD,
monitor and graphic card allowing for resolution at least 1024x768
DVD drive,
Default system font size (96 dpi)!
1. It is advisable not to install other applications on the computer with E2R system.
2. If the program is to be installed on a computer that is not delivered, together with installed software, by RADWAG (customer ownership), take following steps:
install SQL server on your computer (if it has not been installed before),
connect databases (is SQL server is installed).
3. If the program has been installed on a customer’s computer any resulting hardware and software problems are of the user (computer owner) concern.
4. RADWAG takes no responsibility for:
Any influence of E2R system and/or SQL server on operation of other programs installed on the same computer,
Any malfunctions of E2R system and/or SQL server cosed by operation of other programs installed on the computer (system overload).

1.4. Scales cooperating with the system

Program E2R Weighing Records, considering the communication protocol, can cooperate only with scales manufactured by RADWAG. Following series of scales can cooperate with this program: WPW, TMX, WLY and WPY.
Before starting cooperation with the program, each scale requires setting adequate user parameters for assuring the expected measurement accuracy and appropriate cooperation with the program. Setting parameters for each scale is described in user manuals.


2.1. Databases

As a database engine can be used any distribution of MS SQL Server (MS SQL 2000/2005/2008). The database of E2R System is created during installation of E2R Weighing Records.

2.2. Installation of E2R Weighing Records This instruction comprises description of version „System E2R Weighing

Records 11.02.02”.
After running the file the following dialogue window appears with the possibility of choosing the language to be used during the installation:
Choose the language and press „OK”.
In further steps follow the instructions displayed in subsequent windows.
Welcome window:
In order to continue press „Next”.
Window with installation path:
Choose a folder for program (it is advisable to keep the default path),then press „Next”.
Window for selecting components to be installed:
Choose components you want to install (all elements needed for appropriate operation are ticked), and then press „Next”.
Ready-to-install window:
In order to start the installation process press button „Install”.
Completing installation window:
After the installation is completed the computer restart is required and the option is selected by default.
Press button „Finish” in order to complete the installation. Together with the program are installed: database of E2R System (SQL
base), „E2R Synchronizer” and „E2R Manager”.


Program E2R Synchronizer is designed for saving registered weighings in the MS SQL database and monitoring scales based on terminals other than PUE5 (e.g. PUE C41, PUE 7).
The program operates as a service – if properly configured it does not require any user intervention. It is run automatically by starting operating system (no user logging in is required). After establishing connection with the indicated database collects data with choosen scales.

3.1. RADWAG Synchronizer – Windows Service

In the main window of E2R SYNCHRONIZER (SynchAdmin.exe), a button for changing the language and configuring the Radwag Synchronizer sercice is accessible.
Main program window:
In the title bar of the window there is information about of programs that are parts of „RADWAG Synchronizer”.
Install Service Before running RADWAG Synchronizer the
service needs to be installed in MS Windows operating system.
Uninstall Service Uninstalling the service RADWAG Synchronizer
from MS Windows
Run Server Running the service server RADWAG
Stop Server
Stopping the server responsible for communication with scales.
Language selection window. Accessible languages Polish, English, German and Spanish. After the language change program restart is required.
Save Saving language change. Caution! The language
change will be applied after program restart.
In case of any problems with the service it should be stopped and uninstalled. Meanwhile a test program can be used C:\RADWAG\E2R SYSTEM\E2R EWIDENCJA\E2R SYNCHRONIZER\SynchServer.exe. It is also a service. But only one of the programs can opperate.
If the „Windows Firewall” is enabled the program needs to be unlocked after the first program start.
After starting the program go to overlap „Parameters”.
Connect to the database by pressing button „Connect” to configure scales.

3.2. Adding new scales to the Synchronizer

After connecting to the database adding new scales to the Synchronizer on overlap „Scales” is possible. Press button „Add” to add a new scale.
Then a scale window appears which needs to be filled in according to the example below. Adding an new scale is shown on the scale WPW. Identically can be added other scales that can cooperate with „E2R System”.
Scale settings:
Name Type Config Edit Ident. Name Type
Any interface name Field to display interface type (serial, Ethernet) Field to display interface configuration Button for interface edition Scale identification number (numerical field) Any scale name Types of conection with scales:
Radwag.Devices.PUE41.PUE41Encoder – connection with indicator PUEC41H
Radwag.Devices.WeightDryer.WeightDryer Encoder – connection with moisture analyser MAX
Radwag.Devices.PUE7.PUE7Encoder – connection with indicator PUE 7
Radwag.Devices.PUE4L.PUE4LEncoder – connection with indicator PUE4L
Serial No. Adress Platform Quantity
Scale serial number Scale address (set in the scale) Platform Number
For scales with WPW indicators „Type” choose an appropriate setting:
Press button „Edit” to see a window for setting parameters of the communication interface with the scale.
Interface settings:
Connection type (None – no connection, Serial – scale connected via RS232, Ethernet – scale connected via Ethernet)
String of characters with encoded configuration parameters
Name or IP of remote host (for Ethernet connections) – scale IP on which the
Synchronizer server runs.
Port Remote host port (default 4001) BaudRate
Baud rate of RS232 (default for moisture analysers 9600 bps, for WPW and PUE7 set
115200 bps)
DataBits Number of data bits (default DB_8) Handshake
Device presence and transmission acknowledge (default None)
Parity Parity check (default None) PortName StopBits Number of stop bits (default One)
Communication port number
All of the above settings need to be compared with settings in scales and the system settings of the communication port in MS Windows.
If adding a scale (after pressing „Save” in the window for adding scale) triggers the message box below it means that the scale identifier already exists in the database.
Then the Identifier needs to be changed and saved again by pressing „Save”.

3.3. Deleting and editing of existing scale

If the scale no longer works in the system it can be removed from the Synchronizer in order to avoid searching for the scale during synchronisation. Choose the scale to be deleted and press button „Delete”.
Then the following window appears:
This question appears in order to avoid the risk of accidental removing of a scale. Press „Yes” if you want to remove the scale from the synchronizer.
Button „Edit” opens the window of the selected scale (the same as for adding a scale) and allows for making some changed.

3.4. Global settings and scale settings

On overlap „Scales” „Global settings” and „Scale settings” can be changed.
Some parameters are only for service purposes and is described in the service manual.
Below you can find settings of functions that are crucial for proper operation of the synchroniser and parameters that extending the functionality.
Global settings:
pue41Oper_id2kod 0
pue41Towary_id2kod 0
Setting to „1” causes sending operators‘ IDs from the database to scales with indicator PUE_C41 instead of code (code cannot be longer than 6 characters)
Setting to „1” causes sending products’ IDs from the database to scales with indicator PUE_C41 instead of code (code cannot be longer than 6 characters); productname= Code+name and code=id
Synch_Towar MasaEnabled
Synch_Towar MinMaxEnabled
Synch_Towar TaraEnabled
Synch_Towar UpdateEnabled
Setting to „1” causes enabling the update of mass standards in all scales
Setting parameter to „1” causes enabling the update of thresholds in all scales
Setting parameter to „1” causes enabling the update of tare in all scales
Setting parameter to „1” causes enabling updates from all scales to the database
Scale settings:
ew_wazenia 0
Weighings from the scale are saved in the database: 0 - ew1_wazenia (for modules E2R Weighing Records, E2R Transactions i E2R Formulas); 1 – ew_wazenia (E2R Weighing)
Synch_Towar MasaEnabled
Setting parameter to „1” causes enabling the update of mass standard in the scale
Synch_Towar MinMaxEnabled
Synch_Towar TaraEnabled
Synch_Towar UpdateEnabled
ReconnectTimeout OnNoRespond
Signalling lamp 0
Setting parameter to „1” causes enabling the update of thresholds in the scale
Setting parameter to „1” causes enabling the update of tare in the scale
Setting parameter to „1” causes enabling the update of tare in the scale
A parameter for setting the maximum timeout in seconds (waiting for a scale reply). After the time elapses the scale is disconnected and reconnected to Synchronizer. Parameter values: 0 – no timeout, 1 to 60 – timeout in seconds.
Setting parameter to „1” sets the checkweighing mode of a scale based on indicator PUE4-L
After making changes (adding scales and changing parameters) press button „Save”.
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