Radson Confort Pilot User Manual [en, fr, de]

Guide for installation and use CONFORT PILOT
After connecting your appliance to the electrical installation, turn on the appliance by pressing the button The indicator light [C] will light up.
Function buttons:
outside [*] - yellow; ECO - green; 18°C to max. - red]. Used to engage the “Confort Pilot” function.
B ON/stand-by button, thermostat and 2-hr. timer. C Radiator control light [green indicator light]. D Indicator light for the 2-hr timer [red indicator light].
To select the desired [or recommended] temperature:
• Press the [+] or [-] button [A].
- The thermostat indicator light will begin to flash if the room temperature is lower than the desired temperature: the appliance will start.
- When the desired temperature has been reached, the thermostat indicator light [C] will stop flashing and will burn steadily: the appliance will stop.
The appliance starts as soon as the room tempera­ture is lower than the recommended temperature.
Neutral : Grey wire • Phase : Brown wire Attention: Pilot wire: Black wire with “FIL PILOTE” label. The pilot wire can be used to reduce the set temperature when connected to a suitable programmer. The pilot wire should be insulated and NOT connected to the earth if this function is not used.
With this function, you can warm up a room or dry laundry for 2 hours. The appliance thermostat does not operate during that time [the recommended temperature indicator light is off]. The timer indicator light will burn until the 2 hours are over. The appliance will then return to normal operation [thermostat-control of the room tempera­ture] when the timer goes out.
To activate the timer:
• Press briefly on the
- The timer indicator light [D] will light up and the 2-hour heating cycle will start.
The timer indicator light will flash until the end
of the cycle.
Note You can interrupt the timer at any time by pressing 2 times quickly on the To activate the “Confort Pilot” function:
With this function, you can programme the timer to repeat a specific heating function every day at the same time.
• Activate the timer [as explained below].
• Press on the desired time by pressing the [+] but­ton for 5 seconds to register that you are activating it [the red indicator light will flash].
- The heating will start immediately for 2 hours
and will repeat after 23.15 hours and thereafter every 24 hours.
Example: on the 1st morning, the user pushes the [+] button for 5 seconds at 7.00 o’clock in timer mode. The next day, and for every day thereafter, the appliance will start at 6.15 a.m. and run for 2 hours.
• You can interrupt the timer at any time by pressing 2 times quickly on the
• To cancel the programme, press the [+] button in timer mode for 5 seconds.
A difference of 1° C to 2° C between the reference temperature on the housing and the temperature that is measured by a thermometer is normal. If you want those 2 values to be identical, you can do the following:
• Measure the room temperature with a thermo­meter;
• Press on the seconds at the same time.
- The temperature indicator light and the ‘frost
outside’ indicator lights will both begin to flash.
• If the temperature on the display is not the same as the temperature shown on the thermometer,
and [+] buttons for at least 5
press the [+] or [-] button to adjust the tempera­ture shown to match the room temperature.
• To set the new values, press briefly on the button.
• Example: the display shows 20° C and the thermometer shows 22° C. Press the [+] button until the display shows 22° C.
Note: if only the ‘frost outside’ indicator light [*] is flashing, it means that the room temperature is outside [i.e. higher or lower than] the calibrated zone [18°C<calibrated zone <22°C]. Press the recalibrate the thermostat.
button to
The following 2 functions may be useful in the case of appliances installed in premises accessible to the public.
Limiting thermostat
If you want to restrict the ambient temperature to a predefined level:
• Press the
The indicator light corresponding to the maximum
value allowed starts flashing. This value can be increased by pressing the [+] or [-] button.
• To validate the new value, briefly press the button.
Deactiving the timer
If you want to lock the forced operation by 2hr timer:
• Press the least 5 seconds.
- The 2 hr indicator light starts flashing for 5
• To validate the new value, briefly press the button.
button for at least 5 seconds.
button and [-] simultaneously for at
seconds to indicate it has taken the command into account.
Even if there is a power cut, the appliance keeps the setting from before the cut in its memory, excepting the function “Confort Pilot”.
• Simultaneously press the [+] and [-] buttons for 10 seconds to return to the initial configuration:
- Adjustment mode setting Frost free or pilot
- No correction of measured temperature.
- Setting restriction, positioned on max tempera-
ture [26°C].
- Timer function unlocked.
- Removal of timer daily repetition.
• When operating on central heating, the electric part must be closed.
• If you want to operate the electric part, it is advisable to close the tap mounted on the hot water supply, but in this case, never totally isolate the radiator [never shut the return of the cen­tral heating circuit, in order to leave free passage for dilation towards the expansion tank of the installation].
• Never operate the electric part without having checked that the radiator is full of water by purg­ing the air out and adding water if necessary. The purge must be carried out, either with pump stopped, or supply tap closed.
Switching on without the appliance being properly filled with water will result in the cancellation of the guarantee.
Electric radiators
During use, you will be able to note that the top and bottom elements are not as warm as the rest of the radiator:
• The top elements are not completely filled to allow dilation of the heat transfer fluid when heating.
• The bottom elements receive the return fluid which has transmitted its heat.
The electronic thermostat allows the orders sent by EDF [cf. Tariff Tempo] to be managed. It also allows them to be viewed:
Orders generated by your programmer
1. Comfort: normal mode, the temperature set
point indicator light is on.
2. Reduced: temperature set point flashes.
3. Frost free: the 1st indicator light is on solidly.
4. Off: the heat indicator light [C] is on solid.
Orders generated by EDF
5. Comfort -1°C: the set point indicator light
flashes with single impulse.
6. Comfort -2°C: the set point indicator light
flashes with double impulse.
Do not use chemically aggressive or abrasive products. A cloth moistened with alcohol will be suitable after having let the appliance cool down. Preferably use a dry soft cloth for cleaning the casing.
Mixed appliances
The mixed appliances are provided to operate with 2 different types of power: central heating/electric heating. These 2 power types must never operate
Notice d’installation et d’utilisation CONFORT PILOT
Après raccordement de votre appareil à votre installation électrique, vous pouvez le mettre en route en appuyant sur la touche
Touches de fonctionnement:
A Touche de variation de température [couleur des
B Touche Marche /Veille, thermostat et minuterie 2h. C Voyant de chauffe [voyant vert]. D Voyant de la minuterie 2h [voyant rouge].
[B]. Le voyant de chauffe [C] s’ allume.
voyants: Hors gel [*] - jaune; ECO - vert; 18° jusqu’à Maxi - rouge]. Touche de mise en route de la fonction ”Confort Pilot”.
Pour sélectionner la température désirée dans la pièce [ou température de consigne]:
• Appuyer sur les touches [+] ou [-] [A].
- Le voyant du thermostat se met à clignoter si la température de la pièce est inférieure à celle souhaitée: l’appareil se met en chauffe.
- Dès que la température est atteinte, le voyant du thermostat [C ] cesse de clignoter et reste allumé en continu: la mise en chauffe de l’appareil cesse.
Le sèche-serviettes se remet en chauffe dès que la température de la pièce est inférieure à la tempéra­ture de consigne.
Neutre: Fil gris • Phase: Fil marron Attention: Fil pilote: Fil noir marqué “FIL PILOTE”. Le fil pilote peut être utilisé pour réaliser une réduction de température si raccordé à une centrale de program­mation compatible. Si cette fonction n’est pas utilisée, il est impératif d’isoler le fil. NE PAS RACCORDER à la terre.
Cette fonction permet de chauffer une pièce ou de sécher du linge pendant une durée de 2h. Le thermostat de l’appareil est inactif pendant tout ce temps [le voyant de la température de consigne s’éteint]. Le voyant de la minuterie reste allumé jusqu’ à la fin du cycle de marche forcée. L’appareil reprend un fonctionnement normal [régulation de la température ambiante par le thermostat] dès l’arrêt de la minuterie.
Pour actionner la minuterie:
• Appuyer brièvement sur la touche
- Le voyant 2h [D] s’allume, déclenchant le cycle
de chauffage forcé pendant 2h. Le voyant du thermostat se met à clignoter jusqu’à la fin du cycle de chauffage forcé.
NOTE: vous pouvez interrompre la minuterie à tout moment en exerçant 2 pressions brèves successives sur la touche
Pour actionner la fonction “Confort Pilot”:
Cette fonction permet la répétition quotidienne à une heure définie de la fonction chauffage forcé, par programmation de la minuterie.
• Actionner la minuterie [comme expliquer ci-des­sus].
• A l’heure souhaitée, appuyer sur la touche [+] pendant 5 sec pour enregistrer la mise en route [le voyant rouge clignote].
- La marche forcée de 2H se met en route
immédiatement et se répétera au bout de 23h15, et ensuite toutes les 24H.
Exemple: Le 1er matin, l’utilisateur appuie sur la touche [+] pendant 5 secondes en mode minuterie à 7H. Le lendemain, et les jours suivants, le radiateur se met en chauffe à 6 heures 15 pour une durée de 2 heures.
• Vous pouvez interrompre la minuterie à tout moment en exerçant 2 pressions brèves succes­sives sur la touche
• Pour annuler la programmation, se positionner en mode minuterie et appuyer sur la touche [+] pendant 5 sec.
Il est normal qu’il puisse subsister un décalage de 1 à 2°C entre la température référencée sur le boîtier et celle mesurée par un thermomètre. Si vous souhaitez faire coïncider ces 2 valeurs, procédez comme suit:
• Mesurez la température de la pièce avec un
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