We are here to help! Please contact us at INFO@RADPOWERBIKES.COM or 1-800-939-0310 if you have questions.

W W W . R A D P O W E R B I K E S . C O M 2
Thanks you for purchasing the Front Rack from Rad Power BikesTM. We take pride in bringing you a quality product that will offer years of enjoyment.
Using This Manual
This manual contains details of the product, its equipment, and information on its operation and maintenance. Read it carefully and familiarize yourself
with the Front Rack before using it in order to ensure a safe use and prevent tragic accidents. Be sure to retain this manual as your convenient Front Rack
information source.
This Manual contains Warnings and Cautions concerning the safe operation and consequences if safe setup, operation and
maintenance are not performed. All information in this manual should be carefully reviewed and if you have any questions you
should contact Rad Power Bikes immediately. The notes, warnings and cautions contained within the manual and marked by this
triangular Caution Symbol should also be given special care. Users should also pay special attention to information marked in this
manual beginning with NOTICE.
Because it is impossible to anticipate every situation or condition which can occur while riding, this manual makes no representations about the safe use
of bicycles under all conditions. There are risks associated with the use of any bicycle which cannot be predicted or avoided, and which are the sole
responsibility of the rider. You should save this manual, along with any other documents that were included with your bicycle, for future reference,
however all content in this manual is subject to change or withdrawal without notice. Visit www.radpowerbikes.com to download the latest version. Rad
Power Bikes makes every effort to ensure accuracy of its documentation and assumes no responsibility of liability if any errors or inaccuracies appear
within. Assembly and first adjustment of your Rad Power Bike and attachments such as the front rack requires special tools and skills and it is
reccomended that this should be done by a trained bicycle mechanic if possible.

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Table of Contents
Welcome ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Using This Manual ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Assembly Instructions for The RadRover .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Assembly Instructions for The RadCity ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Assembly Instructions for The RadMini .......................................................................................................................................... 18
Assembly Instructions for The RadWagon ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Carrying Loads ................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Link to Assembly Video and Online Resources ............................................................................................................................... 32
Limited Warranty ............................................................................................................................................................................ 32

W W W . R A D P O W E R B I K E S . C O M 4
Assembly Instructions for The RadRover
Follow these assembly instructions if you would like to install the Front Rack on the 2018 RadRover. If you are installing the
Front Rack on a different 2018 Rad Power Bike model, please go back to the table of contents and look for the appropriate
NOTICE: The following assembly steps are only a general guide to assist in the assembly of your Front Rack and is not a complete or comprehensive
manual of all aspects of assembly, maintenance and repair. We recommend you consult a bicycle repair specialist to assist in the assembly, repair and
maintenance of your bicycle and all accessories.
Required Tools:
- 2mm, 3mm, and 4mm Allen Wrenches
- Philips head screw driver
- 8mm and10mm wrench
Step 1: Check how the brake cable is routed on your bike. If it is
routed behind the fork brace like the picture below, then skip to
step 3. If the cable is routed in front of the fork brace, then move
on to step 2 where steps to move the brake cable to the rear of
your fork will be outlined.
The cable should be routed on rear of fork as shown. If routed on
rear of fork as shown above, skip to step 3.

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Step 2: If your brake cable is routed in front of the fork brace then it will need to be moved to the back of the fork.
- Remove the clip holding the brake cable to the front of the fork and remove the caliper from the fork.
- Pass the caliper around the fork lowers and remount the caliper loosely so it has some play.

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- Squeeze the brake lever to center the caliper, while holding the brake lever down, evenly tighten each mounting bolt a
¼ of a turn at a time. Torque these bolts to 10Nm
- Mount the brake housing to the rear of the fork.

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It is critical that the cables do not rub or interfere with the front wheel or the safe turning of your Rad Power Bikes. Make
sure that it is not possible for the cables to be snagged on any part of the bike while turning.
Ensure all components of the braking system are properly reattached before riding otherwise damage to your Rad Power Bike
or serious injury can occur. Rad Power bikes recommends consulting a bicycle repair specialist to assist in installation.
Step 3: Move the headlight to the front rack
- Remove the headlight and bracket from the bike as shown.
- Using the bracket included with the front rack, mount the headlight to the front rack as shown.

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- Plug in the headlight to the included headlight extension cable and zip tie the headlight extension cable on the right
side of the front rack when the rack is upside down as shown. Cut the ends of the zip ties off.

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Step 4: Install the front rack on the bike
- Remove all four (4) screws from the head tube as shown. Apply lubricant to threads of screws as needed if it is difficult
to remove the screws. The screws have Loctite on the threads and locking washers to ensure the front rack is secure
when installed, so be careful to remove the screws slowly and carefully to avoid stripping the heads of the screws.
- Cut zip ties as necessary to separate the wires. It is very important to split the wires as shown below. The only wires
on the brake side (left side) of the bike should be the front and rear brake cables.

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- Place the front rack onto the mounts on the head tube. Ensure none of the wires get pinched. Tighten these screws to
5-8Nm and plug in the headlight extension cable to the main wiring harness.
- Ensure the front wheel has a free range of motion when turning left and right.