Radio Shack Voice Alert Radar Detector, 22-1696 User Manual

Please read before usingthisequipment.
The Safety Alert System employs low-powered transmitters used by some emergencyservicesand road crews to alert drivers to hazardousroad conditions. The system can indicate stationary, moving, or railroad hazards.
The system has the potential to dramatically decrease the occurrence of traffic accidents by increasing drivers’ awareness of localroadhazards. Having this safety alert compatible radar/laser detector will ensure thatyouarereadyto benefit from this systemwherever it isinuse.
In some vehicles, the dashboard may be thebestlocationto mount the detector. Use the supplied hook-and-looptapeto mount your radar detector to the dash.
1. Use a damp cloth to clean the bottom of the detector and the dashboard. Let both surfaces dry.
2. Remove the tape’s paper backing and stick the tape to the bottom of the detector.
3. Removethebacking fromtheother side of thetapeand firmly press your detector onto the dashboard.
Thank you for purchasing a RadioShack Radar Detector with Safety Alert. Your radar detector can alert you to many traffic radar and laser systems with its distinctvisualandaudioalerts. It receives X-, K-, and Ka-band radar signals, and detects boththe instant-on and laser systems manylawenforcem ent agenciesuseto measure vehiclespeed.Plus, your detectorcan give you advancewarningofpotent ialroad hazardsbyde tect i ngsignals fromtransmitters that broadcast Safety Alert System™ alerts.
Ô Dashboard Mounting Notes Ô
• The tape’sadhesivemightnot stick to a surface treated with vinyl
cleaner or protectant.
• Do notplacethehook-and-loop tape over the detector’s serial
• On acurveddashboard,cut the supplied strip in half and useone
strip on each sideofthe bottom of the detector.
• Be suretoplacethe detector out of view when you leavethe
vehicle. This keepsthedetector out of sight of thievesandprevents exposure to extremely hightemperatures,whichcan temporarily impair your detector’s performance.
Ô Note Ô
Before reading thisOwner’sManual,read the supplied booklet Questions and Answers AboutVehicleSpeed Detection tofamiliarizeyourself with thetermsand uses associated with your detector.
For the best performance, select a locationwherethe detector has a direct view of the road. Thedetector’s radar antenna is at the opposite end of the indicators.
Mounting Guidelines
• Choose a location that does not block the driver’s view of the road.
• Mount the detector in a level position with a clearviewof both thefrontandrear of your vehicle.
• Choose a locationthat gives the detector a view unobstructed by metal objects.
• Some vehicleshaveInstaClear
or ElectriClear®defogging windshields, which have metal coatings that block signals. Checkyourvehicle’sowner’s manual to see if your vehicle has one of these features.Adetectorinstalled in a vehicle with one of these features might not detect asignal.
• Since windowtintingreduces the received strength of laser signals, you should not mount the detector behind any tinted glass.
• Do not mount the detectorwhe rethe driver or a passengermight hit it in a sudden stop or accident.
1. Clean the selected windshield area, position the bracket on the windshield, and press firmly on each suction cup to secure the bracket.
2. Slidethe detector’s bracket slot onto the bracket until it snaps into place.
Do not use themounting bracket in a vehiclethat has a plastic safety coating on the insideof the windshield designed to protect passengers during anaccident.If you use the bracket onthis type of windshield, you might permanently mar the windshield’s surface. Mount the radar detector on the dashboard instead.
Ô Note Ô
Though the detector hasa 360°laserand radardetection range, the radar detectionis most sensitive in thefront range.
Questions and Answers About Vehicle Speed Detection Booklet
Hook and Loop Tape
Windshield Bracket with Suction Cups
Radar Detector
Coiled Power Cord
Adjusting the Bracket
If the mounted detector is not at the optimum viewing angle, you can adjust the mounting bracket for better viewing. Carefully bend the bracket to adjust it to the desired angle.
Bracket Slot
• Use onlythesupplied12V DC, Positive (+) Tippowercord.Useof any other power sourcemaycause damage.
• Before pluggingthepowercord’s cigarette-lighter plug into your vehicle’s cigarette-lighter socket, make sure the plug’s tip is screwed firmly onto the plug.
Federal law lets you install and use a radar detector in automobiles and light trucks under 10,000 pounds in the United States. Presently, Virginia and the District of Columbia have some laws regulating or prohibitingtheuse of radar detectors in all vehicles.
To turn on the detector, rotate VOLUME/OFF toward VOLUME until it clicks. After self-testing, the detectorsays“Welcome! Buckle your seat belt.”
H appears to
indicate that the detectorisinits highway mode.
To turn off the detector, rotate
towardOFF untilit clicks and all the LEDs turn off.
Rotate VOLUME/OFF toward VOLUME to increasethe detector’s volume, rotate it toward
OFF to reduce thevolume.
Your detector has two operating modes: City and Highway.
• City mode requiresa stronger X-band signal before the detector sounds, or visually indicates, an alert.
• Highwaymodeprovides maximum sensitivity for open-road driving. The detector is preset to Highway mode when you turn it on.
1. ToselectCity mode, press
City. The detector says “City
mode” and
C appears.
2. ToreturntoHighway mode, press
City again. The
detector says “Highway mode” and
H appears.
Ô Note Ô
• City modehelpsprevent false alerts in tightly populated areas where laser/ radar signals can bounceoff surrounding structures.
• Citymodehas no effect onK or Ka-band signals orlaser alerts or instant-on radar.
Mute —silencesthe
alert toneandvoice alert.
VG-2 — lightswhenaVG-2 signal is detected. X (X-Band Radar) —appearswhenthe detector
encounters an X-band radarsignal. K/Ka (K/Ka BandRadar)— appears when the detector
encounters either a K-orK a-bandradar signal. SA (Safety Alert) —lightswhen a safety alert signal is
detected. The following alsoappearonthe single-digit display.
E (Emergency Vehicle)—flasheswhen the detector
encounters a signal relatedtoanemergency vehicle from a safety alerttransmitter.Theradar detector announces “Caution, emergency vehicle”.
h (RoadHazard Situation) — flashes when the
detector encounters a signalrelatedtoa stationary road hazard from asafetyalerttransmitter. The radar detector announces “Caution, roadhazard”.
r (Railroad)— flashes when the detector encounters
a signal related toamovingtrain from a safety alert transmitter. The radar detectorannounces“Caution, moving train”.
360° Laser Eye —receives incoming laser signals directed atyourvehicle from all directions.
Dim — controls the brightness of the indicators
VOLUME/OFF — turnsthe detector on and offandlets you adjust the volume.
City (City/Highway) switches between city and highway modes.
Speaker — sounds the
digital voice alert.
Single-Digit Display indicates city/highwaymode,signal strength, safety alert, and laseralert.
Voice Alert Radar Detector
12V DC Jack
Plug the supplied power cord’s barrel plug into the detector’s 12V DC jack.Thenplugthe cord’s cigarette-lighter plug into your vehicle’s cigarette-lighter socket.
Ô Note Ô
• To preventthedetectorfrom draining your vehicle’s battery ifyouleave the detector on when you turnoffthe ignition, unplug the powercordfrom your vehicle’s cigarette lightersocket.
• If thedetectordoesnot operate when you turn it on,removethecigarette­lighter plug from yourvehicle’ssocket and check the socketfordebris.Also, check the fuse inthedetector’splug and your vehicle’s cigarettelighter fuse. Page 1 Tuesday, March 25,2003 3:18PM
If you have problems operating your detector,thesuggestions inthis section might help. If you cannot solve the problem after trying these suggestions, take your detector to your localRadioShack store for assistance.
Problem Suggestion
The detectordoesnotturnon Be sureallpowerconnectionsare secure.
The cigarettelightersocketmightbe dirty. Clean itwithfine emerycloth to ensure a good, clean connection.
Check thefuseinthepower cord’s cigarette lighter plug.See“ReplacingtheF use”. Check thefusethatcontrolspower to your vehicle’s cigarette-lightersocket.Seeyour
The detectorgivesafalsealert when you use vehicle accessoriessuchaspowerwindows, motorized mirror,brakes,and so on
Check thevehicle’selectricalsystem for a loose connection, includingthemain battery cable andalternatorconnections.
Install afiltercapacitor(1000µF, 35volts)ontheback of the cigarette lightersocket,across the powerconnections.
The detectorperformstheself-test,but does not respond toradarsignalswhenyou see a police car.
A policecarmightnotbe equipped with radar (see the suppliedbooklet,“Questionsand Answers AboutVehicleSpeed Detection”).
Police mightbeusingVASCARtypespeeddetection (See the supplied booklet,“Questions and AnswersAboutVehicle SpeedDetection”).
The detectorhaspoorlaserdetection range Be surethelaserdetectionlens is not blocked.
Be surethedetectoris properly mounted. Use lenscleaningsolutiontoclean the laser detection lens.
Yourdetectorhas three levelsofdisplay brightness:Bright,Dim, and Dark.
1. Press
Dim once to reduce brightness to Dim (50% darker).The
detector says “Dim.”
2. Press
Dim again to reduce brightness to Dark (X, K/Ka, VG-2,
and SA indicators do not light during analertand- appears). The detector says “Dark.”
3. Press
Dim a third time to return all indicators to Bright. The
detector says “Bright.”
While the detector sounds an alert signal, pressMutetotemporarily silence the detector.
The detector automatically turns Mute off 20 secondsafterthealert signal stops. To return the detector to normal operation sooner, press
Mute before the detector resets itself.
Your detector has Auto Mute Mode which automaticallyreduces the audio volume of all alerts after 4 seconds foraslongasthesignal is detected. If the same radar signal is encounteredwithin 10 seconds, the detector maintains a reduced audio-volume.
When the detector isinitsstandbymode,press Mute while thereisno alert. The detector sounds one beep and the indicatoronthedisplay disappears. To turn on auto mute, press
Mute again. The detector
sounds two beeps and the indicator on the displayappears.
VG-2 mode is preset to on. To turn off VG-2, hold down Mute untilyou hear “VG-2Off. ”To turn on VG-2,holddown
Mute untilyouhear “VG-2 On.”
When your detectorsensesaradarsignal,X or K/Ka lights depending on which band is selected. The detector soundsanalerttone corresponding to the type of radar detectedandthesignal strength appears as a number on the display.
Ô Note Ô
If there is another detector in the vicinity,youmightreceivefalse signals.
© 2003RadioShack Corporation. AllRights Reserved.
RadioShackand RadioShack.comare trademarks used byRadioShack Corporation.
This equipment has been tested and found to complywiththelimitsfor a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Theselimits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainstharmful interference in a residential installation. This equipmentgenerates,uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, ifnotinstalledandused in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterferencetoradio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interferencewillnotoccur in a particular installation. If this equipment does causeharmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from thattowhichthereceiver is connected.
• Consult your local RadioShack store or an experienced radio/TVtechnicianforhelp.
• Ifyou cannot eliminate the interference, the FCC requires that youstopusingyourradar detector. Changes or modifications not expressly approvedbyRadioShack may cause interference and void the user’s authority tooperatetheequipment.
If the detector stops operating, follow these stepstocheckthefuse in thepowercord’scigarettelighterplug and, if necessary, replace it with a 2 amp, 1
/4 ×1/4 -inch,fast-acting fuse (supplied).
1. Carefully turn the knurled ring on the cigarettelighterplug counterclockwise to unscrew it.
Takecarenottolose the ring, tip, or the spring inside the plug when removing the ring.
2. Remove the ring and tip from the cigarette lighterplug,then remove the old fuse.
3. Check the fuse. If it has blown, replace it.
4. Replace the metal tip inside thering,makesurethespringis intact, then place the fuse inside the cigarette lighterplug and screw the ring back onto the plug. Make surethetipis visible when you reassemble the cigarettelighterplug.
• Using afusethat does not meet the requirements listed above can damage your detector,thepowercable, or the vehicle’s electrical system.
• Ifyoumustuse pliers to loosen the ring, becarefulnot to crush the ring or themetaltip inside the ring.
• Never usepliersorother tools to retighten the ring on the cigarette lighter plug.
Limited One-Year Warranty
This productis warranted byRadioShack against manufacturingdefec tsin materialand workmanship undernormal use forone (1) yearfrom the dateof purchasefrom RadioShack company-owned storesand authorized RadioShack franchisees anddealers. EXCEPT ASPROVIDED HEREIN,Radi oShackMAKES NOEXPRESS WARRANTIES ANDANY IMPLIEDWARRANT IES,INCLUDING THOSEOF MERCHANTABILITYAND FITNESSFOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE,ARE LIMITEDIN DURATIONTO THEDURATION OF THE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTIESCONTAINED HEREIN.EXCEPT AS PROVIDEDHEREIN, RadioShackSHALL HAVENO LIABILITY ORRE SPONSIBILITY TO CUSTOMER ORANY OTHERPERSON ORENTITY WITHRESPECT TO ANY LIABILITY,LOSS ORDAMAGE CAUSEDDIRECTLY ORINDIRECTLY BYUSE ORPERFORMANCE OFTHE PRODUCTOR ARISING OUT OF ANYBREACH OFTHIS WARRANTY,INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITEDTO, ANYDAMAGES RESULTINGFROMINCONVENIENCE, LOSSOF TIME,DATA,PROPERTY,REVENUE, ORPROFIT ORANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL,INCI­DENTAL,OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES, EVENIF RadioShackHAS BEENADVISEDOF THEP OSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGES. Some statesdo notallow limitations onhow longan implied warrantylasts orthe exclusion orlimitation ofincide ntalor consequentialdamages, so theabove limitationsor exclusions maynot applyt oyou. In theevent ofa product defectduring thewarranty period, takethe productand theR adioShacksales receiptas proof ofpurchase dateto any RadioShackstore. RadioShackwill ,at itsoption, unlessotherwise provided bylaw: (a)cor­rect thedefect byproduct repairwithout charge forparts andlabor; (b)replace thepr oductwith oneof thesame orsimilar design;o r(c) refundthe purchaseprice. Allreplace dparts andproducts, andproducts onwhich arefund is made, become theproperty ofRadioShack. Newor reconditioned partsand productsmay beused inthe performance ofwarranty service.Repaired orrepl acedparts andproducts arewarranted forthe remainder ofthe originalwarranty period. Youwill be chargedfor repairor replacement ofthe product madeafter theexpiration of thewarranty period. This warrantydoes not cover:(a) damageor failure causedby or attributableto acts ofGod, abuse,accident ,misuse, improperor abnormal usage,failure to followinstructions, improper installationor maintenance, alteration,lightning or otherincidence ofexcess voltage orcurrent; (b)any repairs otherthan thoseprovided by aRadioShack Authorized ServiceFacility; (c)consumab lessuch asfuses orbatte ries;(d) cosmeticdamage; (e) transportation,shipping orin­surance costs;or (f)costs ofp roductremoval, installation,set -upservice adjustmentor reinstallation. This warrantygives youspecif iclegal rights,and youmay also haveother rightswhich vary fromstate tostate.
RadioShack CustomerRelations, 200 Taylor Street, 6thFloor, FortWorth, TX 76102
Keep the radar detector dry; if it gets wet, wipe itdry immediately. Handle the radar detectorcarefully;do not drop it. Keep the radar detector away from dust anddirt,andwipeitwithadampclothoccasionallyto keep it looking new.
If your radar detector is not performing as it should,takeittoyourlocal RadioShack store for assistance. To locate your nearest RadioShack, use the store locator feature onRadioShack's website (,orcall1-800-TheShack(843-7422) and follow the menu options. Modifying or tampering with the radardetector's internal components can cause a malfunction and might invalidate its warrantyandvoidyourFCCauthorization to operate it.
OPERATION (continued)
• If your detectorsenses an X-band, K-band, or Ka-band radar signal, the detector says “X-band detected,” “K-band detected,”or“Ka-band detected” respectively.
• If your detector senses a safety alert signal, SA lightsand
E (emergency
h (road hazard),
r (railroad warning)
flashandthedetector says “Caution, emergency vehicle,” “Caution,roadhazard,” or “Caution, moving train” respectively, dependingonthe type of signal received.
• If VG-2isdetected,VG-2lights and
flashes, and the detector sounds a distinctive tone. The detector says “VG-2 detected.”.
Your detector has a tutorial mode to demonstrateandcheckthestatus of all of its alert indicators.
1. ToenterTutorialmode, turn on the detector while holding down
and City. The detector sounds 3 beeps and t appears.
2. Toselectthe demonstration for each alert, press
Dim. The detector
displays each alert with its correspondingaudioalert.The detector demonstrates the alerts in the following order.
• X-Band Alert
• K-Band Alert
• Ka-Band Alert
• Pro-LaserAlert
• Pro-Laser3Alert
• LTI2020 Laser Alert
• UltralyteLaserAlert
• Emergency Vehicle Alert
• Road HazardAlert
• RailroadAlert
3. ToexitTutorialmode, press
Knurled Ring
Ô Note Ô
The closer you get to the source of the radar, the higher the signal strengthnumber increases. When your detectorsenses a lasersignal,
L flashes on the display and the detectorsoundsthelaser alert tone. Page 2 Tuesday, March 25,2003 3:18PM