63-104 9.fm Page 1 Wednesday, August 18, 1999 11 :10 AM
Cat. No. 63-1049
LX 3100 Underliner Laser Pointer
with Line Generating Lens
(illus of product)
Your RadioShack LX 3100 Underliner
Laser Pointer lets you use laser light to
point to an object. You can use the pointer on a board or projection screen at a
meeting, lect ure, class, or seminar. At the
touch of a button, you can choose either
a steady beam or a flashing (pulsed)
beam. For greater emphasis, the switch
on the end of t he lens cap l ets y ou gen erate a steady or flashing line.
This lightweight aluminum poin ter is easier to handle than wood or steel pointers.
Your laser pointer , usable f rom dist ance s
up to 500 feet away, eliminates needl ess
movement and lets you keep your attention on your audience.
• Never point the laser at anyone.
• Never look directly into the laser
• Keep the laser pointer away from
• Follow the instructions on the
pointer’s danger label.
• Use of controls or adjustments, or
the performance of procedures
other than specified herein, can
result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Your laser pointer uses two AAA batteries. For the best results, we recommend
alkaline batteries such as RadioShack
Cat. No. 23-555.
1. Remove the battery compartment
cap by turning it counterclockwise.
2. Insert both batteries with the negative (–) sides toward the lens opening.
3. Replace the cap.
Replace both batteries when the beam
(illus of danger la bel)
RadioShack is a trademark used by Tandy Corporation.
Press and hold the button nearest the
lens opening t o generate a sol id beam) or
the other button to generate a flashing
beam. Release the button to turn off the
© 1997 Tandy Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.

63-104 9.fm Page 2 Wednesday, August 18, 1999 11 :10 AM
To generate a solid or flashing line, push
down the swit ch at the f ront of the p ointer,
then press the desired button. To return
to the regular pinpoint beam, push the
switch back up.
Your RadioShack LX 3100 Underliner
Laser Pointer is an example of superior
design and craftsmanship. The following
suggestions will help you care for and enjoy your las e r po i nter for ye a rs .
• Keep the pointer dry. If it gets wet,
wipe it dry immediately.
• Use and store the pointer only in
normal temperature environments.
• Handle the pointer gently and carefully. Don’t drop it.
• Keep the pointer away from dust
and dirt.
• Wipe the pointer with a damp cloth
occasionally to keep it looking new.
Modifying or tampering wit h the point er’ s
internal components can cause a malfunction and might invalidate the pointer’s warranty. If your laser pointer does
not work as it should, take it to your local
RadioShack store for assistance.
Weight..........0.75 oz. (Without Batteries)
Outer Length...... ....................5
Mater ia l.......... ... ........................ .....B r a ss
/4 Inches
Laser Type.........................Index Guided
Wavelength.................................670 nm
Output Power .............................. <5 mW
Beam Expanse.........................<2 mRad
Battery Li fe................................. 4 Ho ur s
(Continuous Operation)
5/97 Printed in the USA
(Class IIIa Product)
A Division of Tandy Corporation
Fort Worth, Texas 76102