Radio Shack 20-162 User Manual

Handheld Radio Scanner
Thank you for purchasing your RadioShack 1000-Channel Triple­Trunking Handheld Radio Scanner from RadioShack.
Your handheld scanner is one of a new generation of scanners designed to track Motorola® Type I, Type II, hybrid analog systems, (such as Smartnet® and Privacy Plus®) plus M/A-COM EDACS® and EF Johnson LTR. Those systems are extensively used in many 800 MHz, 900 MHz, and UHF communication systems.
What’s Included
Belt Clip and 2 Screws
Preprogrammed Frequency List
User’s Guide
Quick Start Guide
Scanner Setup ........................................................... 6
Scanner Features..............................................................6
Display Features................................................................8
Connecting the Antenna ............................................... 10
Attaching the Belt Clip................................................... 10
Powering Your Scanner ................................................. 10
Batteries ..................................................................... 10
Battery Notes.......................................................... 12
External Power........................................................... 12
Turning on the Scanner................................................. 13
Connecting Headphones............................................... 14
Listening Safely ......................................................... 14
Understanding Your Scanner........................................ 14
Service Banks ............................................................ 15
Channel-Storage Banks............................................ 15
Manual Mode.................................................................. 16
Programming Frequencies into Channels.................. 16
Entering Channel Text Tags............................................17
Entering Bank Text Tags................................................ 18
Erasing All Frequencies in a Bank............................... 18
Copying or Moving a Frequency ................................... 19
Searching ................................................................ 21
Chain Search................................................................... 21
Starting Chain Search .............................................. 21
Storing Frequencies Found During a Search......... 22
Programming Search Ranges................................. 22
Programming Search Bank Text Tags......................... 23
Fine Tune......................................................................... 24
Service Bank Search...................................................... 25
Search Skip Memory ..................................................... 25
Search Speeds................................................................ 27
Signal Stalker I ............................................................... 27
Using Signal Stalker I................................................ 27
Setting the Signal Stalker I Options ....................... 28
Signal Stalker I Options............................................ 28
Log Channels ............................................................. 29
Signal Stalker I Band Meter..................................... 30
Scanning.................................................................. 31
Scanning Stored Channels............................................ 31
Manually Selecting a Channel...................................... 31
Weather Scan ................................................................. 32
Skywarn ........................................................................... 32
About Skywarn........................................................... 33
Settings ................................................................... 35
Setting Delay................................................................... 35
Turning Banks On or Off................................................ 35
Programming Scan Bank Lists ............................... 36
Locking Out Channels.................................................... 37
Skipping Data Signals ................................................... 38
Using Keylock.................................................................. 38
Using the Display Backlight.......................................... 39
Setting the Auto Backlight Display......................... 39
Setting the LCD Contrast............................................... 39
Setting the Keytone ....................................................... 40
Setting the Battery Save Function............................... 40
Setting CTCSS/DCS........................................................ 40
Setting Priority.................................................................41
Weather Priority ............................................................. 42
Receiving NWR-SAME and Weather Alert Signals.... 43
Turning On the Digital Weather Alert Feature....... 43
Testing Digital Weather Alert Tone ......................... 43
Programming FIPS ................................................ 44
Trunk Scanning ........................................................ 46
Trunk Operation.............................................................. 46
Programming Trunked Frequencies ....................... 46
Using Trunk Scanning Scan Delay .......................... 49
Skipping a Trunked Bank ......................................... 49
Talk Group IDs ................................................................ 49
Finding Talk Group IDs ............................................ 49
Storing Talk Group IDs.............................................. 50
Talk Group ID Text Tags ............................................ 50
Pausing on an Active Talk Group ID ....................... 51
Manually Entering a Talk Group ID ......................... 51
Locking Out Talk Group IDs ..................................... 51
Unlocking Locked-Out Talk Group IDs................. 52
Manually Programming Talk Group IDs................. 53
Motorola.................................................................. 54
EDACS...................................................................... 54
EDACS Partial Group Numbers............................ 54
LTR ........................................................................... 55
Clearing Talk Group IDs............................................ 56
Clearing All Talk Group IDs in a Bank .................... 56
Using Talk Group ID Lists ......................................... 56
Turning a Talk Group ID List On or Off ................ 57
Scanning the Talk Group ID Lists......................... 57
Priority Scanning Talk Group IDs......................... 57
Motorola Trunking Systems .......................................... 58
Motorola Type II 800 MHz ........................................ 58
Setting the Base Frequency, Offset Channel, and
Spacing for 800 MHz Custom.............................. 59
Motorola UHF / VHF ................................................. 60
Type I and Hybrid Trunked Systems........................ 62
Selecting a Preset Fleet Map .................................. 63
Programming a Custom Fleet Map........................ 63
Setting Control Channel Only Mode ....................... 64
Setting the Status Bit Feature (S-Bit)..................... 65
Setting the Disconnect Tone Detect Function....... 66
EDACS Talk Groups ........................................................ 66
Selecting the EDACS Talk Group ID Format .......... 66
EDACS Talk Group ID Range Search ...................... 67
Advanced Programming ............................................ 68
Transferring Data To or From another Scanner or PC ......68
Cloning Your Scanner ............................................... 68
Wired Programming ................................................. 68
CTCSS/DCS ..................................................................... 69
Programming CTCSS/DCS Codes........................... 70
CTCSS Frequencies (Hz) ............................................71
DCS Codes (Octal) ......................................................71
Additional Information.............................................. 72
FCC Notice....................................................................... 72
Scanning Legally ............................................................ 72
Care.................................................................................. 73
Service and Repair.................................................... 73
6SHFLÀFDWLRQV ..................................................................74
Resetting your scanner............................................. 78
Appendix A: Inputting Text ............................................ 79
Text Input Chart ......................................................... 79
Appendix B: Fleet Maps................................................. 80
Preset Fleet Maps ..................................................... 80
8VHU'HÀQHG)OHHW0DSV.......................................... 80
Fleet Map Size Codes ............................................... 81
Size Code Restrictions.............................................. 82
Index ....................................................................... 83
Scanner Setup
Scanner Setup
Scanner Features
Scan the stored channels; scan an active ID while trunking. Press and hold to turn Signal Stalker on and off.
MAN (Manual) / MENU
Manually enter a channel. Press after FUNC to enter Menu Mode.
SRCH (Search)
Start a chain search; start and select a service search. Press after FUNC to enter the Fine Tune Pause Mode and search a specified frequency range.
Enter the Talk Group ID Programming Mode. Press after
FUNC to select the modulation for trunking system.
FUNC (Function) / A/a
Press in combination with other keys to access various functions. Change the text input mode: lower case letters, Upper case letters, or numbers.
PRI (Priority)
Turn priority function on and off. Turn weather alert on and off.
Lock out selected channels; skip specified frequencies during a search; lock out a selected ID while trunking.
Clear an entry. Press after FUNC to turn CTCSS/DCS on and off.
1-0/ A-Z
Input a number or character
Scanner Setup
Enter a decimal point, space, or hyphen. Turn delay on or off. Press after FUNC to change Trunk Open/Close Mode
ENT (Enter)
PGM (Program)
Complete the entry of frequencies and text. Put the scanner in Programming Mode.
Start weather search. Press and hold to activate Skywarn.
PSE (Pause)
Stop and resume search or scan. Change from Programming Mode to enter Text Tag Mode.
Select options during programming; change scan or search direction; change the ID location number while trunking. In Scan Mode, press after FUNC to go to select bank menu. In Manual or Program Mode, press after FUNC + to change bank. Hold down T or S to move through the selections faster.
Turn on the backlight. Press and hold to lock the keypad.
Turn the scanner on or off; adjust the volume.
Adjust the squelch.
Scanner Setup
A PGM 00-01 T+
P 866.1625 FM
Scan Bank 00
CT 250.3
Channel Text Tag
Police Fire Medical Custom Etc.
Bank Text Tag Frequency
Frequency Modulation Or Trunking System
FM, AM - Conventional MO - Motorola ED - EDACS LT - LTR
DCS code
Signal Stalker
Display Features
Scanner Setup
A PGM 00-01 T+
Police P 866.1625 FM
Scan Bank 00
CT 250.3
Text Input Mode
A - Upper case letter a - Lower case letter N - Numeric
Scan Direction
Bank Number
Channel Number PAUSE displayed
during Pause Mode
Trunking Mode T+ = Open T– = Closed
Low Battery
Operation Mode
PGM - Programming MAN - Manual SCAN - Scan SRCH - Search SVC - Service Search TUNE - Fine Tune SIG-S - Signal Stalker WX - Weather Scan
Lock Out
Data Skip Priority
Weather Alert
Scanner Setup
Connecting the Antenna
Attach the supplied antenna to the scanner by aligning the slots around its base with the tabs on the scanner, and then slide into place.
When using an external antenna, always connect with 50-ohm, RG-58, or RG-8, coaxial cable. If the antenna is over 50 feet from the scanner, use RG-8 low-loss dielectric coaxial cable. If your antenna’s cable does not have a BNC connector, your local RadioShack store carries a variety of BNC adapters.
Attaching the Belt Clip
Use a Phillips-head screwdriver and the supplied screws to attach the clip to the scanner.
Powering Your Scanner
You can power your scanner with batteries, DC adapter, or AC adapter.
1. Remove the battery compartment cover.
2. Set the Battery Switch inside the battery compartment to the appropriate setting:
ALKALINE when using alkaline batteries.
Ni-MH when using rechargeable (Ni-MH) AA batteries.
Scanner Setup
3. Insert two AA batteries (not included) into the battery compartment and two AA batteries into the battery compartment cover, matching the polarity symbols (+ and -) marked inside.
4. Replace the cover.
Warning: Only set the Battery Switch to Ni-MH
for use with nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH) rechargeable batteries.
Never use non-rechargeable batteries when the switch is set to Ni-MH.
To charge batteries:
1. Set the Power Switch to Ni-MH.
2. Install rechargeable batteries.
3. Connect an external power source to the DC 9V 300mA jack.
The scanner stops charging automatically after a maximum of 14 hours.
Warning: Do not attempt to charge batteries if non-rechargeable batteries are installed in the scanner and the switch is set to Ni-MH, or if you are unsure of the switch’s position. Non­rechargeable batteries will get hot and can explode if you try to recharge them.
Battery Switch
Scanner Setup
Battery Notes
When battery power is low,
flashes and the scanner beeps every 15 seconds. When battery power is depleted, the scanner turns itself off.
Rechargeable batteries last longer and deliver more power if you let them fully discharge once a month. To do this, use the scanner until
Use only fresh batteries of the required size and recommended type. Do not mix old and new batteries, different types (alkaline or rechargeable), or rechargeable batteries of different capacities.
Remove old or weak batteries. If you will not use the scanner with batteries for a month, remove the batteries. Batteries can leak chemicals that destroy electronic circuits.
Always dispose of old batteries promptly and properly. Do not bury or burn them.
Recycle Rechargeable Batteries
Placing rechargeable batteries in the
trash can be harmful to the environment. Instead, recycle old rechargeable batteries at your local RadioShack store free of charge. RadioShack participates in the RBRC© battery recycling program, and is committed to preserving the environment and conserving natural resources. Call 1-800-THE-SHACK (1-800-843-7422) for more information.
External Power
You can power your scanner using an external power source that supplies 9V DC and delivers at least 300mA. Its center tip must be set to positive and its plug must fit the scanner’s DC 9V 300mA
Scanner Setup
jack. You can use an “Adaptaplug C” for AC adapters. Using an adapter that does not meet these specifications could damage the scanner or the adapter.
To use an external power source:
1. Always connect the adapter (not supplied) to the scanner first.
2. Plug the adapter into the power source.
3. To disconnect, unplug the adapter from the power source first.
Do not connect a charging adapter to the scanner if non­rechargeable batteries (such as alkaline batteries) are installed in the scanner and the switch is set to Ni-MH, or if you are unsure of the switch’s position.
Turning on the Scanner
1. Turn SQUELCH fully counterclockwise.
2. Turn VOLUME/OFF clockwise until it clicks and you hear a hissing sound.
3. Turn SQUELCH clockwise until the hissing stops.
Note: Make sure the scanner’s antenna is connected before you turn it on.
To perform a quick check of scanner operation, press the WX / key. If you are near a NOAA weather station, you should hear weather information.
Scanner Setup
Connecting Headphones
For private listening, you can plug headphones (not included) into the headphone jack on top of your scanner. This automatically disconnects the internal speaker. Note that the sound is not in stereo.
Listening Safely
To protect your hearing, follow these earphone or headphones guidelines:
Do not listen at extremely high volume levels. Extended high-volume listening can lead to permanent hearing loss.
Set the volume to the lowest setting before listening. Turn on the scanner, and adjust the volume to a comfortable level.
After you set the volume, do not increase it. Over time, your ears adapt to the volume level, so a volume level that does not cause discomfort might still damage your hearing.
Even though some earphones/headphones let you hear some outside sounds when listening at normal volume levels, they still can present a traffic hazard.
Understanding Your Scanner
We use a few simple terms in this manual to explain the features of the scanner. Familiarize yourself with these terms and the scanner’s features, and you can put the scanner to work for you right away.
The scanner scans conventional frequencies and trunked systems. A frequency, expressed in kHz or MHz, is the tuning location of a station. To find active frequencies, use the search function. For more information about trunked transmissions see “Trunk Operation” on p. 46.
Scanner Setup
Besides searching within a selected frequency range, you can also search your scanner’s service banks. Service banks are preset groups of frequencies categorized by type of service. For example, many amateur radio frequencies are located in the Ham service bank.
When you search and find a desired frequency, you can store it into a programmable memory location called a channel. Channels are grouped into channel-storage banks. Your scanner has 20 channel-storage banks. Each bank contains 50­channel sets. So the scanner has 1,000 channels. You can scan the channel-storage banks to see if there is activity on the frequencies stored there.
Note: Search for frequencies to find your local frequencies, after you have programmed these frequencies into channels, you can scan the channels.
Service Banks
The scanner is preprogrammed with all the frequencies allocated to the Marine, CB band, FRS/GMRS/MURS, Police (Fire/Emergency), Aircraft and Ham band services. This helps you quickly find active frequencies instead of doing a chain search.
Channel-Storage Banks
To make it easier to identify and select the channels you want to listen to, all the channels are divided into 20 banks of 50 channels. Use each channel-storage bank to group frequencies.
For example, the police department might use four frequencies in your town while the fire department uses an additional four. You could program the four police frequencies starting with Channel 0 (the first channel in Bank 0), and program the fire department frequencies starting with Channel 50 (the first channel in Bank 1).
Scanner Setup
Manual Mode
To enter Manual Mode from any other mode, press MAN/MENU.
Programming Frequencies into Channels
Before the scanner can begin to scan, you must program a frequency into at least one channel.
To locate and store specific frequencies into channels for later use:
1. From Manual Mode, press ENT/PGM to put the scanner in Programming Mode.
2. Press FUNC + S or T to select a bank.
3. Press S or T to select a channel
4. Use the number keys to enter the frequency, using for the decimal point.
5. Press ENT/PGM to store the frequency into the channel.
6. To program the next channel in sequence, press
S or ENT/PGM and repeat Steps 4 and 5.
Programming Notes:
If you entered an invalid frequency in Step 5,
Invalid Freq.” appears and the scanner beeps error tones. Enter a valid frequency.
If you entered a frequency in Step 5, which already exists on another channel, the scanner beeps an error tone and displays that channel. Press CL to clear the display, or press ENT/PGM to store the frequency in both channels.
To erase a frequency from a channel, from Manual Mode press ENT/PGM to enter Programming Mode and then press CL.
Scanner Setup
Erase Frequency” will appear; press ENT/PGM to erase.
The scanner automatically rounds the entered number to the nearest valid frequency. For example, if you enter 151.473 (MHz), your scanner accepts it as 151.475.
After a transmission, the scanner automatically pauses for 2 seconds on this channel before proceeding to the next active transmission. Press •/DELAY to turn the delay function on or off. The scanner stores this setting in the channel.
To store trunked system frequencies, see “Programming Trunked Frequencies” on p. 46.
If you do not have a list of frequencies in your area, use a chain, fine tune, or service search to find a transmission (see “Searching” on p. 21). Also refer to
Entering Channel Text Tags
To store text tags for easy identification of channels:
1. From Manual Mode, press ENT/PGM to put the scanner in Programming Mode.
2. Enter the channel number where you want to store a text tag. If you make a mistake, press CL repeatedly until the display is cleared.
3. Press MAN/MENU.
4. Press PSE/TEXT to put the scanner into channel Text Tag Mode. The cursor appears.
Scanner Setup
5. Enter up to 16 letters by repeatedly pressing the number keys. Press S or T to move the cursor to the right or the left. Press [A/a] to choose the input mode: upper case letters, lower case letters, or numbers. (See “Appendix A: Inputting Text on p. 79.)
6. Press ENT/PGM to store.
Entering Bank Text Tags
To store text tags for easy identification of banks:
1. From Manual Mode, press ENT/PGM to put the scanner in Programming Mode.
2. Press FUNC + S or T to select the bank where you want to store a text tag.
3. Press FUNC + ENT/PGM. “Edit Bank Tag or Erase All Freq.” appears.
4. Press PSE/TEXT to put the scanner into Bank Text Tag Mode. The cursor appears.
5. Press the number keys to enter up to 16 letters. Press S or T to move the cursor to the right or the left. Press [A/a] to choose the input mode: upper case letters, lower case letters, or numbers. (See “Appendix A: Inputting Text” on p. 79.)
6. Press ENT/PGM to store.
Erasing All Frequencies in a Bank
To erase all frequencies in a bank:
1. From Manual Mode, press ENT/PGM to put the scanner in Programming Mode.
Scanner Setup
2. Press FUNC + S or T to select the bank where you want to erase all the frequencies.
3. Press FUNC + ENT/PGM. “Edit Bank Tag or Erase All Freq.” appears.
4. Press FUNC + CL.
5. Press 1 to erase all frequencies in the selected bank. Press CL to cancel.
1. From Manual Mode, press ENT/PGM to put the scanner in Programming Mode.
2. Enter the number of the bank where you want to erase all the frequencies.
3. Press FUNC + ENT/PGM. “Edit Bank Tag or Erase All Freq.” appears.
4. Press FUNC + CL.
5. Press 1 to erase all frequencies in the selected bank. Press CL to cancel.
Note: If you entered an invalid bank number in step 2, the scanner displays “Invalid Bank No.” Press CL.
Copying or Moving a Frequency
To copy or move a frequency to a channel:
1. From Manual Mode, press ENT/PGM to put the scanner in Programming Mode.
2. Select the frequency you want to copy or move. Or, directly enter the bank and channel number and press MAN.
3. Press and hold ENT/PGM to put the scanner in Program Copy Mode.
Scanner Setup
4. Press S or T to select the bank where you want to copy or move the frequency.
5. Press ENT/PGM. The smallest empty channel number and 0.0000 appears. If there is no empty channel, the scanner automatically selects the first channel of the bank.
6. Press S or T if you want to select another channel, then press ENT/PGM, “Delete Source Channel?” appears.
7. If moving a frequency, press ENT/PGM to delete the source. If copying a frequency, press CL to keep both locations.
Use the search function to find active frequencies.
While doing a chain, fine tune, or service bank search, press •/DELAY to turn the delay on or off.
While doing a chain, fine tune, or service bank search, set the scanner to skip data signals (such as fax or modem signals) if you want to search only for audio (voice) signals (see “Skipping Data
Signals” on p. 38).
Chain Search
This feature lets you search through preset frequency ranges. You can also program a range. There are three modes within this feature: Chain Search Mode, Chain Search Pause Mode, and Program Band Select Mode.
The preset frequency ranges are:
Bank Frequency (MHz) Step (kHz) 0 25.0000-27.9950 5 1 28.0000-54.0000 5 2 137.0000-174.0000 5 3 216.0000-224.9950 5 4 225.0000-399.9875 12.5 5 400.0000-512.0000 6.25 6 764.0000-775.9875 12.5 7 794.0000-805.9875 12.5 8 806.0000-956.0000 12.5 9 1240.0000-1300.0000 12.5
Starting Chain Search
1. Press SRCH, and then repeatedly press SRCH
until SR6 appears at the top of the display.
2. Press 0 – 9 to enable or disable the search bank being searched.
Note: At least one bank needs to be entered.
3. Press T to search down or S to search up.
4. When the scanner stops on a transmission, quickly press PSE to stop searching and listen to the transmission. SR6 PAUSE appears. To step through the frequencies during search Pause Mode, press T or S.
5. To release the hold and continue searching, press PSE.
Storing Frequencies Found During a Search
To store frequencies you find in a search.
1. Press FUNC + ENT/PGM when you find a frequency.
2. Press T or S to select a bank.
3. Press ENT/PGM. The frequency you want to store, the smallest empty channel number, and “0.0000” are displayed.
4. Press ENT/PGM to enter the frequency. After programming, “Edit Ch Memory?” appears. Press ENT/PGM to go to Programming Mode, or press CL to go back to a previous mode.
Programming Search Ranges
To define the search range for each search bank during a chain search:
1. From Manual Mode, press ENT/PGM to put the scanner in Programming Mode.
2. Press SRCH to go to Programming Search Bank Mode.
3. Press T or S to select the bank number. Press ENT/PGM.
4. Using the number keys and , enter the lower limit frequency, and then press ENT/PGM.
5. Using the number keys and , enter the upper limit frequency, and then press ENT/PGM.
6. Press MAN/MENU to exit Programming Mode, or press CL to go back to a previous menu.
Programming Search Bank Text Tags
To store text tags for easy identification of search banks:
1. From Manual Mode, press ENT/PGM to put the scanner in Programming Mode.
2. Press SRCH to go to Programming Search Bank Mode.
3. Press T or S to select the desired bank number.
4. Press PSE/TEXT to go to Programming Search Bank Text Tag Mode.
5. Enter up to 16 letters by repeatedly pressing the number keys. Press S or T to move the cursor to the right or the left. Press A/a to
choose the input mode: upper case letters, lower case letters, or numbers. (See “Appendix A: Inputting Text” on p. 79.)
6. Press ENT/PGM to store the text tag.
7. Press MAN/MENU to exit Programming Mode, or press CL to go back to a previous menu.
Fine Tune
To search up or down from the currently displayed frequency using fine tune:
1. From Manual Mode, Press FUNC + SRCH/ TUNE to go to Fine Tune Pause Mode.
2. Press PSE to begin searching in Fine Tune Mode.
3. Press T or S to change search direction.
To start a fine tune search from a specific frequency:
1. From Manual Mode, Press FUNC + SRCH/ TUNE to go to Fine Tune Pause Mode.
2. Enter a frequency using the number keys, and then press ENT/PGM.
3. Press PSE to begin searching in Fine Tune Mode.
4. Press T or S to change search direction.
Note: If you enter an invalid frequency, the scanner displays “Invalid Freq.”
Service Bank Search
The scanner is preprogrammed with all the frequencies allocated to Marine, CB band, FRS/ GMRS/MURS, Police (Fire/Emergency), Aircraft and Ham band transmissions.
To search the service banks:
1. Press SRCH. The current service bank appears and the scanner starts searching. To select a different service bank, press SRCH again.
2. Press T or S to begin searching the newly selected service. Or, the scanner will start searching automatically after two seconds.
Note: Because there are many different
frequencies allocated to Aircraft and Ham, it can take several minutes to search all the service frequencies.
To directly access a channel (only for Marine, CB band, and FRS/GMRS/MURS):
1. From Service Search Mode, press PSE to go to Service Search Pause Mode.
2. Press the number key that corresponds to the desired channel. Press PSE to select the channel.
Search Skip Memory
You can skip up to 200 specified frequencies during chain, fine tune, service search, or Signal Stalker I. This lets you avoid unwanted frequencies or those already stored in a channel.
Note: You cannot skip frequencies during weather scan.
To skip a frequency, press L/O when the scanner stops on the frequency during a search. The scanner stores the skipped frequency in memory and automatically resumes the search.
To clear a single frequency from skip memory:
1. Press PSE to stop the search.
2. Press T or S to select the frequency. L/O appears.
3. Press L/O. L/O disappears.
1. In Search or Search Pause Mode, Press FUNC + L/O to open the Frequency Lockout menu.
2. Select Review Lockouts and press ENT/PGM.
3. Select the desired frequency and press ENT/PGM. “Unlock?” appears.
4. Select Yes and press ENT/PGM to clear the frequency from skip memory.
To clear all the skipped frequencies at once:
1. Press PSE to stop the search.
2. Hold down L/O until the scanner beeps twice.
1. In Search or Search Pause Mode, Press FUNC + L/O to open the Frequency Lockout menu.
2. Select Unlock All and press ENT/PGM.
3. Select Yes and press ENT/PGM to clear all frequencies from skip memory.
If you selected all frequencies to be skipped within the search range, the scanner beeps 3 times and does not search. “All range Locked out!” appears.
If you select more than 200 frequencies to
skip, “L/O List Full!” appears.
Search Speeds
The scanner has two search speeds: Normal search at 90 steps/second and Hypersearch at 270 steps/second.
Hypersearch applies only to the 5 kHz step bands (25–54 MHz, 137–174 MHz, and 216–224.9950 MHz).
Signal Stalker I
Signal Stalker I detects and displays the frequency of nearby strong radio transmissions. Signal Stalker I works well for locating mobile and handheld two way radios in areas with no other strong transmission sources.
Signal Stalker I might not correctly display frequency information for transmitters using a highly directive antenna (such as an amateur radio beam antenna), if there are many transmitters operating at the same time in the same area, or if the transmitter is a broadcast television station.
Using Signal Stalker I
Note: Turn off the data skip feature for Signal Stalker I if it is on. (See “Skipping
Data Signals” on p. 38.)
To turn on Signal Stalker I, turn SQUELCH fully clockwise, and then press and hold SCAN/
The icon appears. Every 2 seconds, the scanner searches for frequencies in the range you specify in “Setting the Signal Stalker I Options” below.
When the scanner finds a frequency, it alerts you according to its settings and “Signal found!” appears. Press any key to confirm the displayed frequency. Press T or S to resume scanning.
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