Radio Shack 20-147 Owner's Manual

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Cat. No.
PRO-2056 50-Channel
Home/Mobile Scanner
Please read before using this equipment.
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Your new RadioShack PRO-2056 5 0­Channel Home/Mobile Scanner lets you in on all the action. You can quick­ly tune to over 2 ,000 preprogrammed frequencies and search over 20,000 frequencies that include those used by police and fire departments, ambu­lance services, aircraft communica­tions, amateur radio services, and transportation services. The se­cret to your scanner’s ability to scan so many frequencies is its cus to m- designed microprocessor — a tiny, built-in computer.
Your scanner is preprogrammed for convenience. By pressing a single but­ton, you can quickly scan those fre­quencies most widely used by public service an d other agenc ies. The sca n­ner even lets you group speci al or i nt er­esting freq uencies into their o wn bank.
The scanner is com pact and v ersatile. You can use it in your home o r mount it in your vehicle.
Your scanner has these special fea­tures:
and HyperSearch
— so you can scan up to 100 channels per second and search up to 100 steps (frequency intervals) per second, pro­viding faster scan and search speed than many other scanners.
Service Search
— at the press of a button, lets you scan preset frequen­cies in separate police, fire/emergen­cy, marine, and air service search banks, to make it easy to quickly iden­tify calls. You can also add frequen­cies to channels in the police and fire/ emergency service search banks.
Band Search
— lets you search for transmissions within 11 preset fre­quency ranges, so you can quickly find interesting frequencies.
— lets you store up to 20 frequencies that you find while scanning or searching, so you can group unusual or special frequencies together for fast access.
One-Touch Weather Scannin
— quickly tunes to National Weather Ser­vice broadcasts, so you can keep cur­rent on important weather information.
Lock-Out Function
— lets you lock out specif i ed channels, so you can skip over those channels whi l e s canning.
— keeps the fre­quencies stored in m em ory f or up t o 5 days during a power loss.
Backlit Displa
— makes the display
easy to read in low light conditions.
RadioShack, HyperScan, and HyperSearch are trademarks used by Tandy Corporation.
ElectriClear is a registered trademark used by Libbey, Owens, Ford, and Delco-Remy.
InstaClear is a registered t rademark used by Ford Mo tor Company.
© 1997 Tandy Corporation.
All Rights Reserv ed .
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External Speaker Jack — makes it easy to connect an optional external speaker or headphones to the scanner.
Two Powe r Options — you can pow­er the scanner from standard AC pow­er with the supplied AC adapter or your vehicle’s battery with the sup­plied DC power cord or DC cigarette­lighter power cord.
Frequency Guide — this manual lists currently known frequencies by state and local area, so you can quickly tune to local frequencies.
Your PRO-2056 scanner can receive all of these frequencies:
• 29–54 MHz (10-Meter Amateur Radio, VHF Lo, 6-Meter Amateur Radio)
• 108–136.975 MHz (Aircraft)
• 137–174 MHz (Government, 2­Meter Amateur Radio, VHF Hi)
• 406–512 MHz (70-Centimeter Amateur Radio, UHF “T” Band, Government)
We recommend you record your scan­ner’s serial number here. The number is on the scanner’s back panel.
Serial Number:_______________
Your scanner might caus e T V or radi o interference even when it is operating properly. To determine whether your scanner is causing the interference, turn off your scanner. If the interfer­ence goes away, your scanner is causing it. Try to eliminate the interfer­ence by:
• Moving your scanner away from the TV or radio
• Connecting your scanner to an outlet that is on a different electr i­cal circuit from the TV or radio
• Contacting your local Ra­dioShack store for help
In addition, your scanner is prepro­grammed with these weather service frequencies:
• 162.4000 MHz
• 162.4250 MHz
• 162.4500 MHz
• 162.4750 MHz
• 162.5000 MHz
• 162.5250 MHz
• 162.5500 MHz
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Your scanner covers frequencies used by many different groups includ­ing police and fire departments, ambu­lance services, government agencies, private companies, amateur radio ser­vices, military operations, pager ser­vices, and wireline (telephone and telegraph) service providers. It is legal to listen to almost every tran smission your scanner can receive. However, there are some transmissions you should never intentionally listen to. These include:
• Telephone conversations (either cellular, cordless, or other private means of telephone signal trans­mission)
• Pager transmissions
• Any scrambled or encrypted transmissions
According to the Electronic Communi­cations Privacy Act (ECPA), you are subject to fines and possible imprison­ment for intentionally listening to, us­ing, or divulging the contents of such a transmission unless you have the con­sent of a party to the communication (unless such activity is otherwise ille­gal). We encourage responsibl e, legal scanner use.
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Preparation............................................................................................................ 7
Connecting an Antenna ................................................................................... 7
Connecting the Telescoping Antenna........................................................ 7
Connecting the Window-Mount Anten na................................................... 7
Connecting an External Antenna............................................................... 8
Mounting the Scanner in Your Vehicle ............................................................. 9
Connecting Power from Your Vehicle’s Battery....................................... 10
Using the Scanner as a Base Station ............................................................ 11
Using the Supplied AC Adapter............................................................... 11
Memory Backup............................................................................................. 11
Connecting an External Speaker or Headphones.......................................... 12
Listening Safely........................................................................................12
Banks............................................................................................................. 13
Service Search Banks............................................................................. 13
PRIVATE Bank......................................................................................... 14
Channels........................................................................................................ 14
Search Bands ................................................................................................ 15
A Look at the Front Panel.............................................................................. 17
A Look at the Display......................................................................................18
Operation............................................................................................................. 19
Turning On the Scanner/
Setting Volume and Squelch.......................................................................... 19
Using Service Search .................................................................................... 19
Using Band Search........................................................................................ 20
Monitoring a Frequency ................................................................................. 20
Storing Frequencies into Channels................................................................ 21
Clearing Frequencies from Channels ............................................. ....... ....... . 22
Special Features................................................................................................. 23
Using Memolock ............................................................................................ 23
Delay .............................................................................................................. 23
Locking Out Channels and Frequencies........................................................ 23
Removing a Lockout from All Channels and Frequencies
within a Bank .......................................................................................... 24
Listening to Weather Broadcasts................................................................... 24
Your Scanner............................................................................ 13
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A General Guide to Scanning............................................................................ 25
Guide to Frequencies..................................................................................... 25
US Weather Frequencies ................................................. .. ....... .......... .... 25
Other Weather Frequencies .................................................................... 25
Ham Radio Frequencies ......................................................................... 25
Birdie Frequencies .................................................................................. 25
Guide to the Action Bands.............................................................................. 26
United States Broadcast Bands ............................................................ .. 26
Typical Band Usage .. .............................................................................. 26
Primary Usage ........................................................................................ 27
Specified Intervals.......................................................................................... 28
Band Allocation............................................................................................... 28
Frequency Conversion................................................................................... 32
Troubleshooting.................................................................................................. 33
Care and Maintenance........................................................................................ 34
Replacing the Fuses....................................................................................... 35
Replacing the Fuse in the DC Power Cord ............................................. 35
Replacing the Fuse in the DC Cigarette-Lighter Power Cord ................. 35
Specifications...................................................................................................... 36
Notes.................................................................................................................... 38
Frequency Guide................................................................................................. 39
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Connecting the Telescoping Antenna
The supplied telescoping antenna helps your scanner receive st rong lo­cal signals. To install this antenna, hold the antenna so it stands straight up, then gently push the antenna’s plug onto the ner’s back panel.
The scanner’s sensitivity dep ends on the antenna’s length and various en vi­ronmental conditions. Based on the frequencies of the transmissions you want to hear, adjust the antenna’s length.
29–108 Extend fully 108–174 Extend three
174–512 Extend two
ANT Jack
jack on the scan-
Antenna Len
Connecting the Window­Mount Antenna
You can install the supplied window­mount antenna on the inside of your ve­hicle’s windshi eld. Foll ow these steps to install the window -mount antenna .
mount antenna on a windshield that has a plastic coating designed to pro­tect passengers during an accident. If you use the antenna on this type of windshield, you might permanently damage the windshield’s surface.
1. Select a location for the window-
Do not use the window-
mount antenna. Follow these mounting guidelines when se­lecting a location.
• The antenna’s clear wire re­ceives signals. Mount it verti­cally against the far right (pas­senger) side of the windshield.
• Choose a location that does not block the driver’s view of the road.
• Some vehicles have Insta-
or ElectriClear® defog­ging windshields, which have metal coatings that interfere with signals. General Motor’s APV vans have a solar shield that keeps the vehicle cooler during the summer, which also interferes with signals. If you install a window-mount an ten na in a vehicle with any of these features, the scanner probably will not detect weak signals.
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2. Clean the selected windshield area, position the antenna’s clear wire on the windshield, then press firmly on both suction cups to secure it in place.
3. Route the antenna’s black cable down the edge of t he windshield, around the edge of the dash, and underneath it. Be sure the cable does not interfere with the vehi­cle’s pedals or other moving parts.
4. Align the slots around the antenna’s connector with the ta bs on the
jack. Then push the antenna’s connector and turn it clockwise until it locks int o place.
Connecting an External Antenna
The ner makes it easy to use the scanner with a variety of antennas. Instead of one of the supplied antennas, you can attac h a diff er en t one, suc h as an ex te r­nal mobi l e ant enn a o r ou t door ba se s ta­tion antenna. Your local RadioShack store sells a variety of antennas.
When deciding on an antenna and its location, consider the following:
Always use 50-ohm coaxial cable, such as RG-58 or RG-8, to connect an outdoor antenna. For lengths over 50 feet, use RG-8 low-loss dielectric coaxial cable. If the coaxial cable’s connector does not fit in the you might also need a PL-259-to-B NC antenna plug adapter, such as Cat. No. 278-120. Your local RadioShack store carries a wide variety of coaxial antenna cable and connectors.
jack on the back of the scan-
• The location of the antenna should be as high as possible.
• The antenna and antenna cable should be as far as possible from sources of electrical noise (appli­ances, other radios, and so on).
• The antenna should be vertical for the best performance.
Follow the installation instructions sup­plied with the antenna, route the anten­na cable to the s canner, then connect it to the
BNC-type jack on the
back of the scanner.
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Warning : Use extreme caution when installing or removing an outdoor an­tenna. If the antenna starts to fall, let it go! It could contact overhead power lines. If the antenna touches a power line, contact with the antenna, mast, cable or guy wires can cause electro­cution and death! Call the power com­pany to remove the antenna. Do not attempt to do so yourself.
Caution: Do not run the cable over sharp edges or objects that move.
The most common m ounting location for this scanner is under your vehicle’s dashboard. If you use this scanner in a vehicle, mount it securely to avoid damage to the scanner or vehicle, or injury to anyone in the vehicle during sudden starts or stops.
Note: Mobile use of this scanner is unlawful or requires a perm it in some areas. Check the laws in your area.
• Wires and cables will not interf ere with vehicle’s pedals or other moving parts
• The scanner is not directly in front of any heating vents
Follow these steps to mount the scan­ner in your vehicle.
1. Choose a mounting location, then use the mounting bracket as a template to mark the positions for the mounting screw holes.
(add corrected illus F6)
2. In the m ar k ed loc ations, dr ill h oles slightly smaller than the supplied screws. Take care not to drill into or damage objects behind the mounting surface.
3. Attach the mounting bracket to the mounting location using the sup­plied screws and lock washers.
When you choose a mounting loca­tion, be sure:
• You can easily reach the scanner
• All wires and cables will reach their connection points
(add correc t ed illus F7)
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4. Attach the scanner to the mount­ing bracket using the supplied mounting knobs.
(add corrected illus F8)
Connecting Power from Your Vehicle’s Battery
Depending on if your scanner is per­manently installed in y our v ehicle, you can power it using either the DC po w­er cord or the DC cigarette-lighter power cable (both supplied).
Follow these steps to connect the sup­plied DC power cord.
(add corrected illus F9. Add callouts ‘Positive (+)’ and ‘Negative (-)’ to respective
3. Insert the power cord’s barrel plug into the
DC 13.8V
jack on the back
of the scanner.
To connect the supplied DC cigarette­lighter power cord, insert its barrel plug into the
DC 13.8V
jack on the back of the scanner, then plug the power cord into your vehicle’s cigarette­lighter socket.
(add corrected illus F10)
• Unplug the power cord from your vehicle’s cigarette-lighter socket when you turn off the ignition. This prevents vehicle battery drain if you leave the scanner on when you turn off the ignition.
1. Connect the power cord’s black wire to your vehicle battery’s neg­ative (
) terminal or to a metal part
of the vehicle’s frame that is not insulated from the frame by a plastic part.
2. Connect the power cord’s red wire (with in-line fuse) to a source of voltage that turns on and off with the ignition switch, such as a spare accessory terminal in your vehicle’s fuse box.
• Always unplug the power cord from your vehicle’s cigarette­lighter socket before you unplug its barrel plug from the scanner.
If the scanner does not operate
when you turn it on, remove the power cord from your vehicle’s cigarette­lighter socket and check the socket for debris. Also, check the fuse in the power cord you are using (see “Re­placing the Fuses” on Page 35) and your vehicle’s fuse block.
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You can place this scanner on a desk, shelf, or table to use i t as a base s ta­tion.
Your scanner’s front feet f old up and down. Adjust them to give you the best view of the display.
Using the Supplied AC Adapter
Plug the adapter’s barrel plug into the scanner’s the adapter’s power module into a standard AC outlet.
er’s polarized plug with an extension cord, receptacle, or other outlet unless the blades can be fully inserted to pre­vent blade exposure.
DC 13.8V
Do not use the AC adapt-
jack. Then plug
• Use only the supplied AC adapter. Using a different adapter can damage your scanner and could present a safety hazard.
• To prevent electric shock, the plug’s blades are polarized and fit only one way. If the plug does not fit easily, turn it over and try again. Do not force it into the AC outlet.
• When you finish using the AC adapter, disconnect it from the AC outlet first. Then disconnect it from the scanner.
When you first power the scanner,
until you program the scanner. The memory backup circuit begins to func­tion a few minutes after you supply power to the scanner. How long the scanner will maintain channels stored in memory depends on how long pow­er has been supplied to the scanner.
(memory loss) appears
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If power is continuously supplied to the scanner for at least 24 hours, the memory backup circuit maintains the channels stored in m em ory f or up t o 5 days. If power is disconnected and the memory backup circuit becomes too weak to save the scanne r’s program­ming, when power is reconnected until you reprogram the scanner.
appears again
In a noisy area, an extension speaker or pair of monaural headp hones (Cat. No. 21-549 or 20-210) might provide more comfortable listening . Use an 8­ohm external speaker capable of ha n­dling 3 watts of power.
Plug the speaker cable’s or head­phones’ jack on the back of the scanner.
/8-inch plug into the
volume all the way up while using headphones. The headphones could be damaged.
or headphones disconnec ts the scan­ner’s internal speaker.
Do not turn the scanner’s
Plugging in an external speaker
Listening Safely
To protect your hearing, follow these guidelines when you use headphones.
• Do not listen at extremely high volume levels. Extended high-vol­ume listening can lead to perma­nent hearing loss.
• Set the volume to the lowest set­ting before you begin listening. After you begin listening, adjust the volume to a comfortable level.
• Once you set the volume, do not increase it. Over time, your ears adapt to the volume level, so a volume level that does not cause discomfort might still damage your hearing.
(add corrected illus F13. Add external speaker and callout EXT SP and arrow to jack)
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