Radio Shack 19-1217 Owner's Manual

19-12 17 .f m Pag e 1 Tues da y , Au gu s t 3, 19 99 1:1 8 PM
Please read before using this equipment.
Cat. No. 19-1217
Business Band Transceiver
19-12 17 .f m Pag e 2 Tues da y , Au gu s t 3, 19 99 1:1 8 PM
Your RadioShack BTX-128 CTC­SS•VHF Business Band Trans­ceiver is a portable, two-way business radio service transceiver that you can carry almost any­where. The transceiver is com­pact and light, making it an ideal choice for your business needs.
Your transceiver has these fea­tures:
38-Tone CTCSS (Continuous Tone Control Squelch System) — helps reduce interference from other transce ivers which are oper­ating on the same frequency and in the same area.
Built-in VOX — allows hands-free operation of your transceiver us­ing an optional headset and mi­crophone.
Programmable Frequencies — you can program the transceiver to any VHF business band fre­quency you have a license to use — no crystals to buy!
Rechargeable Battery Pack and Battery Charger — the supplied battery charger lets you conve­niently recharge your transceiv­er’s battery pack while it is on the transceiver.
Earphone/Speaker and External Microphone Jacks — let you con­nect an external earphone or speaker and an external micro­phone for clearer communica­tions in nois y areas.
Battery Low Indication — the transceiver beeps when the bat­tery pack is low.
Flexible Antenna — provides ex­cellent reception.
Belt Clip — lets you attach the transceiver to your belt or waist­band.
© 1998 Tandy Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.
19-12 17 .f m Pag e 3 Tues da y , Au gu s t 3, 19 99 1:1 8 PM
The transceiver’s preset frequen­cies are:
• 151.625 MHz (red dot)
• 151.700 MHz
• 151.760 MHz
• 151.820 MHz
• 151.880 MHz
• 151.940 MHz
• 151.955 MHz (purple dot)
• 154.570 MHz (blue dot)
• 154.600 MHz (green dot)
Note: Some manufacturers identi­fy some business band frequen­cies by color. These “dot” frequencies ar e shown above.
We recommend you record your transceiver’s serial number here. The number is on the back of the transceiver.
Serial Number ____________
WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or shock hazard, do not expose this product to rain or moisture.
This symbol is intend­ed to alert you to the presence of uninsulat­ed dangerous voltage within the product’s enclosure that might be of sufficient magni­tude to constitute a risk of electric shock. Do not open the prod­uct’s case.
This symbol is intend­ed to inform you that
important operating and maintenance in­structions are included in the literat ure accom­panying this product.
19-12 17 .f m Pag e 4 Tues da y , Au gu s t 3, 19 99 1:1 8 PM
FCC Reg u la t io n s ...... ... ........................ ................................................ 5
FCC License Required .................................................................. 5
FCC Par t 90 R u le s ............................................. ........................... 5
Additional FCC Regulat ions ............................ ............ .. .. ............ .. 7
Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy .......................................... 7
Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility ................................... 8
Potentially Expl osive Atmospheres ....... ................................. ....... 9
Blasting Caps and Areas ............................................................... 9
For Vehicles With an Air Bag ........................................................ 9
Antennas ..................................................................................... 10
Batte ries ....... ............. ............ ......... ............. ............ ............ ........ 10
Chargers and Power Cord .......................................................... 10
Preparation ........................................................................................ 12
Installing the Battery Pack ........................................................... 12
Charging the Battery Pack .......................................................... 13
Connecting the Ante nna .. .......... .. ........................................... ..... 14
Using the Belt Clip ....................................................................... 15
Using an External Speaker/Microphone ................. .. ................... 15
Listening Safely ................................................................... 16
Traffic Safety ....................................................................... 16
Setting Frequenc y Options ..................... ........................................ .. . 17
About CTCSS ............................................................................. 17
Selecting a Business Band Frequency ...................................... 18
Using a CTCSS Frequency ........................................................ 18
Operation ........................................................................................... 20
Operational Hints ....................................................................... 20
Care and Maintenance ...................................................................... 21
Specifications .................................................................................... 22
19-12 17 .f m Pag e 5 Tues da y , Au gu s t 3, 19 99 1:1 8 PM
FCC Regulations
FCC License Required This transceiver is intended for
use in the operation of commer­cial activities, educational, philan­thropic, or ecclesiastical institutions, and hospitals, clinics, or medical associations.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires you to have a license before you oper­ate this transceiver. Unless you are already licensed to operate on one of the preset frequencies, you must apply for a frequency through the PCIA (Personal Com­munication Industry Association), a non-profit organization that as­signs frequencies nationwide to help prevent conflicts between di f­ferent businesses using transceiv­ers in the same area. For more information about getting a li­cense, contact the PCIA at 800­759-0300, extension 3068 (in Vir­ginia 703-739-0300, extension
• To receive all forms and instructions, enter 000600
• To receive Form 600 instruc­tions only, enter 006001
• To receive Main Form 600 only, enter 006002
• To receive Form 600 sched­ules only, enter 006003
If you do not have a fax machine, you can call the Government Forms Distribution Center at 1­800-418-FORM and request that the form and instructions be mailed to you.
FCC Part 90 Rules You must be familiar with Part 90
of FCC Rules before you operate your transceiver. The operation instructions in this manual con­form to Part 90, but do not cover all items in Part 90.
For other questions concerning the license application, contact the FCC at 717-337-1212, or write:
FCC P.O. Box 1040 Gettysburg, PA 17325
For the latest FCC application form and instructions, call the FCC’s fax-on-demand service at 1-202-418-0177 from a fax ma­chine and request one or more of the following documents:
19-12 17 .f m Pag e 6 Tues da y , Au gu s t 3, 19 99 1:1 8 PM
Overall, Part 90 states that:
• You must have a valid license before you use the trans­ceiver.
• As licensee, you are respon­sible for proper operation of all transceivers operating under your license authority.
• You can let unlicensed per­sons operate this transmitter, as long as you take precau­tions to prevent unauthorized transmissions.
• You must use this transceiver only for the commercial use of your business, and only when other commer cial chan­nels (such as the telephone) are either not available or not practical.
• You must always yield the operating frequency to com­munications that involve the safety of life or property .
• You must take reasonable precautions to prevent harm­ful interference to other ser­vices operating on the same frequency.
• You must not transmit pro­gram material of any kind used in connecti on with com­mercial broadcasting.
• You must not provide a ser­vice that is normally handled by telephone or telegraph unless such broadcasts involve the safety of life or property or in emergencies such as an earthquake, hur­ricane, flood or a similar disas ter wher e normal com­munication channels are dis­rupted.
• During each transmission or exchange of transmissions, you must identify your sta­tion with the call sign issued to you by the FCC, or once each 15 minutes during peri­ods of continuous operation.
• You must keep a written record of any maintenance or modification made to the transceiver, and you must make this record available for inspection upon demand by the FCC.
Violating any of the provisions of Part 90 can result in fines and/or confiscation of equipment.
19-12 17 .f m Pag e 7 Tues da y , Au gu s t 3, 19 99 1:1 8 PM
Your transceiver might cause TV or radio interference even when it is operating properly. To deter­mine whether your transceiver is causing the interference, turn off your transceiver. If the interfer­ence goes away, your transceiver is causing it. Try to eliminate the interfere nce by:
• moving your transceiver away from the receiver
• contacting your local RadioShack store f or hel p
If you cannot eliminate the inter­ference, the FCC requires that you stop using your transceiver.
Additional FCC Regulations The Business Radio Service is
under the jurisdiction of the (FCC). Any adjustments or alter­ations that would alter the perfor­manc e of t he tr ansc eiver s o it n o longer meets the original FCC type acceptance or would change the frequency-determining meth­od are strictly pr ohibited.
appropriate license, which you can get by submitting a complet­ed FCC Form 600 to the FCC (or through the PCIA). Furthermore, you are required to understand Part 90 of the FCC Rules and Regulations prior to operating your transceiver. It is the user’s responsibility to see that this unit is operating at all times in accor­dance with the FCC Rules and Regulations.
Exposure to Radio Frequen cy Energy
The design of your radio, which generates radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy, complies with the following national and in­ternational standards and guide­lines:
Replacement or substitution of crystals, transistors, ICs, regulator diodes, or any other component that is of a unique nature with components other than those rec­ommended can violate the techni­cal regulat ions of the FCC rules or violate type acceptance require­ments of the rules.
Before you operate the transceiv­er, you must obtain your license. It is illegal to transmit without the
19-12 17 .f m Pag e 8 Tues da y , Au gu s t 3, 19 99 1:1 8 PM
• FCC Report and Order FCC 96-326 (August 1996)
• American National Stan­dards Institute (C95-1-1992)
• National Council on Radia­tion Protection and Measure­ments (NCRP-1986)
• International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Pro­tection (ICNRP-1866)
• CENELEC — Env. 50166-1 1995E - Hu-
man Exposur e to Electromag­netic Fields Low Frequency (0 Hz to 10 KHz)
— Env. 50166-2 1995E - Hu­man Exposur e to Electromag­netic Fields High Frequency (10 KHz to 300 GHz)
— Proceedings of SC211/8 1996 - Safety Considerations for Human Exposure to EMEs from Mobile Telecommunica­tions Equipment (MTE) in the Frequency Range 30 MHz–6 GHz (EME - Electromagnetic Fields)
To assure optimal radio perfor­mance and to ensure that expo­sure to RF energy is within the guideline s in these standa rds , the following operating procedures should be observed:
For hand-held operation: The ra­dio should be held in a vertical position with the microphone one to two inches away from the mouth, and the antenna should be kept one to two inches from the head or body when transmit­ting.
For body-worn oper ation : The an­tenna should be kept at least one inch from the body when trans­mitting.
ElectromagneticInterference/ Compatibility
Nearly every electronic device is susceptibl e to electromagnetic in­terference (EMI) if inadequately shielded, de-signed, or other­wise configured for electromag­netic compatibility.
Tur n your radio off in any fa cilities where posted notices instruct you to do so. Hospitals or health care facilities
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