Your Radio Shack 19-1208 Busin ess band transceiver is a portabl e, easy-to-use, two-way
rad io th at y ou c an c arry al mos t an ywh ere. It is ap pr oved with commer cial -g rad e stan d ard s
to give you clear, reliable communication. This tran sceiver consists of 8 Business channel s.
You r 19-1208 p rovides for p ers onal com mu nic ation s wit h f amil y m emb ers or ot h er lic ens es.
You can us e th e 19-1208 for recreat ional c ommun ication s whil e you h ike, ski, or fish . You
can even use the 19-1208 to coordinates your personal or business activities with other
famil y members . Wh en you get a lic ense to op erate t he rad io, you c an let other member s
of your fam ily living in the same hous ehol d op er ate th e radio.
Your transceiver h as the following featur es :
PLL-Controlled Circuitry
---- provides accurate and stabl e ch an nel selection.
Adjustable Squelch
38 CTCSS (Continuous Tone Control Squelch System)
---- help s el iminate n oise between transmissions.
---- helps reduce interference
from other systems in th e area operating on t he same frequency.
Built-in Modulation Limiter Circuit
---- automatically adjusts for a wide variety of voice
levels to ensure an understandable transmission.
High/Low Power
---- lets you save power by selecting a suitable transmitting power for
long or sh ort distances.
Battery Low and Transmit Indicator
---- shows the battery pack’s condition and lights
when you tran s m it or receive.
Removab le and Rech argeabl e Battery Pack
---- lets you u se one b attery pack while you
charge anoth er (additional packs availab le).
Supplied Battery Charger
Flexible Antenna with BNC Connector
---- conveniently recharges your t ran sceiver’s battery pack.
---- provides excellent reception. The BNC
connector is designed so you can easily attach and remove the supplied antenna or an
optional one.
Earphone Jack an d Extern al Mi crophone Jack
microphone to help ensure understandable communications in noisy areas.
Belt Clip
JIS level 4
---- lets you attach t he transceiver to your bel t or waistband.
---- pr ovid es excellent wat er proof c apab ility.
---- let you use an earphone or external
We recommend you record your transceiver’s serial number here. This number is on the
transceiver’s back pan el .
Serial Number_______________________
FCC Information
FCC L icense required
This Trans ceiver is int en ded for use in t he op erat ion of com merc ial ac tivities, in edu cat ion al,
phil an t hropic, or ecclesiastical institut ions, an d hospitals, clinics, or medical associations.
The Federal Communications commission (FCC)requires you to be licensed before you
operate this transceiver. Unl ess you are al ready licensed to operate on one of the preset
frequencies, you must apply for a frequency through the PCIA (Personal Communication
Industry Association), a non-profit organization that assigns frequencies nationwide to help
prevent conflicts between different businesses using transceivers in the same area. For
more inf ormat ion abou t gett ing a licens e, con t act t h e PCIA at 800-759-0300, exten sion 3068
(in Virginia 703-739-0300, exten s ion 3068)
For other qu es tions c oncerning the l ic ense application, c ontac t th e FCC at 717-337-1212, or
P.O. Box 1040
Gett ysburg , PA 17325
For t h e lat est FCC ap p lic ation for m an d in st ru ction s, cal l t he F CC’s fax-on -d eman d ser vice
at 1-202- 418- 0177 from a f ax machine and r equ es t one or m or e of the fol lowin g d oc umen ts:
All forms and in st ructions ……………………000600
Form 600 instr uct ions only……………………006001
Main For m 600 only……………………………006002
Form 600 s c hed ules onl y………………………006003
If you do not have a fax machine, you can call the Government Forms Distribution Center at
1-800-418-FORM and req uest that th e form and inst r uctions be mail ed to you.
FCC Part 90 Rules
You must be familiar with Part 90 of FCC Rul es before you operate your transceiver. The
operation instructions in this manual conform to Part 90, but do not cover all items in Part
Overal l, Part 90 st ates that:
! You must have a valid license before you use the transceiver.
! As licensee, you are responsible for proper operation of all transceivers operating under
your license’s auth ority.
! You can l et u n lic ens ed p ers ons oper ate t ran smit ter, as l on g as you take p rec au tion s to
prevent unauthorized transmissions.
! You must use th is tran sceiver onl y for commer cial us e of you r b u sin ess, an d on l y wh en
other commercial channels (such as the telephone) are either not available or not
! You must always yield the operating frequency to communications that involve the
safety of life or property.
! You mu st take r eason abl e p recau t ions to p revent h armf ul in ter fer enc e to ot her s ervices
oper ating on the s am e freq uenc y .
! You must not transmit program material of any kind used in connection with commercial
! You must not provide a service that is normally handles by telephone or telegraph
un less such broad casts in volve the s afety of life an d prop erty or in emerg encies su ch
as an earthquake, hurricane, flood or a similar disaster where normal communications
channels are disrupted.
! Durin g each transmissions or exchang e of transmissions, you mu st ident ify your station
with the call sign issued to you by the FCC, or once each 15 minutes during periods of
continuous operation.
! You must keep a written record of any maintenance or modifications made to the
transceiver, and you must make this record available for inspection upon demand by
th e FCC.
Violating any of the provisions of Part 90 can result in fines and/or confiscation of
Your tran sceiver migh t cau se TV or Rad io inter ferenc e even when it is op erating p roperl y.
To determine whether your transceiver is causing the interference, turn off your transceiver.
If the interference goes away, your transceiver us causing it. Try to eliminate the
interference by:
! Moving your tr ansceiver away from t he receiver
! Contacting your local RadioShack store for help
If you cannot eliminate the interference, the FCC requires that you stop using your
The Business Radio Service is under the jurisdiction of the FCC. Any adjustments or
alterations that would alter the performance of the transceiver so it no longer meets the
original FCC type acceptance or would change the frequency-determining method are
strictly p roh ib ited .
Replacement or substitution of crystals, transistors, ICS, regulator diodes, or any other
comp on ent that is of a un iq u e nat u re with com pon en ts oth er t han t hos e recomm en ded can
violate t h e tech n ical reg u lat ion s of t h e FCC ru l es or viol ate t yp e accep tan ce req u iremen t of
the rules.
Before you operate the transceiver, you must obtain your license. It is illegal to transmit
without the appropriate license, which you can get by submitting a completed FCC Form
600 to t he FCC (or thr ough the PCIA). Furthermore, your are required to understand Part 90
of the FCC Rules and Regulations prior to operating your transceiver. It is the user’s
responsibil ity to s ee that this un it is op er ating at all tim es in accor dan c e with the FCC Rules
and Regulations.
Your radio comes with a multifunctional backlight display. By pressing any button except
the PTT, the backlight will illuminate for 5 seconds. The liquid crystal display has been
enlarg ed to s how al l of the operating m odes.
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