Radio Shack 19-1207 Owner's Manual Page 1 Friday, November 10, 2000 11:04 AM
BTX-128 2-Channel 1-Watt UHF Business Band Transceiver
with CTCSS
Owner’s Manual
Please read before using this equipment. Page 2 Friday, November 10, 2000 11:04 AM
FCC Regulations ............................... . 5
FCC License Required ..................... 5
FCC Part 90 Rules ........................... 7
A Quick Look at
Your Transceiver .............................. 13
Preparation ....................................... 14
Installing the Battery Pack ............. 14
Charging the Battery Pack ............. 15
Connecting the Antenna ................ 17
Using the Belt Clip ......................... 19
Connecting an Earphone /
External Speaker ........................... 19
Using an External Speaker/
Microphone .................................... 22
Setting Frequency Options ............ 22
2000 RadioShack Corporation. All Rights Reserved .
RadioShack and are trademarks
used by RadioShack Corporation.
Contents Page 3 Friday, November 10, 2000 11:04 AM
Setting a UHF Business Band
Frequency ..................................... 23
About Quiet Tone ........................... 28
Operation .......................................... 33
Care ................................................... 35
Specifications .................................. 36
Your RadioShack 2-Channel 1-Watt UHF Business Band Transceiver is a portable, two-way business radio service trans­ceiver that you can carry almost any­where. The transceiver is compact and light, making it an ideal choice for your business needs.
Programmable Frequencies
thorized service facility can program the
— an au-
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transceiver to any UHF business band frequency you have a license to use – no crystals to buy!
Your local RadioShack store must send the transceiver to an author ized s er­vice facility to program the transceiver with a frequency. You must show your li­cense to store personnel.
38 Quiet Tone CTCSS (Continuous Tone Control Squelch System)
— helps reduce interference from other transceivers which are operating on the same frequency, in the same area.
PLL-Controlled Circuitry
— provides
accurate and stable channel selection.
TX/BATT Indicator
— flashes green while the transceiver is turned on, lights green while transmitting, and turns red when battery is low.
Features Page 5 Friday, November 10, 2000 11:04 AM
FCC Regulations
This transceiver is intended for use in the operation of commer cial a ctivi ties, e duca­tional, philanthropic, or ecclesiastical in­stitutions, and hospitals, clinics, or medical associations.
Federal Communications Commis-
(FCC) requires you t o ha ve a l ic ens e
before you operate this transceiver. Un­less you are already licensed to operate on one of the preset frequencies, you must apply for a frequency through the PCIA (Personal Communication Industry Association), a non-profit organization that assigns frequencies nationwide to help prevent conflicts between different businesses using transceivers in the
FCC Regulations
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same area. For more information about getting a license, contact the PCIA at 800-759-0300, extension 3068 (in Virgin­ia 703-739-0300, extension 3068).
For other questions concerning the li­cense application, contact the FCC at 717-337-1212, or write:
P.O. Box 1040
Gettysburg, PA 17325
For the latest FCC application form and instructions, call the FCC's fax-on­demand service at 1-202-418-0177 from a fax machine and request one or more of the following documents:
To receive: Enter:
All forms and instructions 000600
FCC Regulations Page 7 Friday, November 10, 2000 11:04 AM
To receive: Enter:
Form 600 instructions only 006001 Main Form 600 only 006002 Form 600 schedules only 006003
If you do not have a fax mach ine , you ca n call the Government Forms Distribution Center at 1-800-418-FORM and request that the form and instructions be mailed to you.
You must be familiar with Part 90 of
before you operate your transceiv-
er. The operation instructions in th is ma n­ual conform t o Part 90, but do not cover all items in Part 90.
FCC Regulations
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Overall, Part 90 states that:
• You must have a valid license before you use the transceiver.
• As licensee, you are responsible for proper operation of all transceivers operating under your license author­ity.
• Y o u ca n let unl icensed person s oper­ate this transmitter, as long as you take precautions to prevent unautho­rized transmissions.
• You must use this transceiver only for the comme rcial use of your busi ­ness, and on ly when othe r commer­cial channels (such as the telephone) are either not available or not practical.
FCC Regulations Page 9 Friday, November 10, 2000 11:04 AM
ou must always yield the operating
frequency to communications that involve the safety of life or property.
• You must take reasonable precau-
tions to prevent harmful interference to other services operating on the same frequency.
• You must not transmit program
material of an y kind used in connec­tion with commercial broadcasting.
• You must not provide a service that
is normally handled by telephone or telegraph unless such broadcasts involve the safety of life or property or in emergencies such as an earth­quake, hurricane, flood or a similar disaster where normal communica­tion channels are disrupted.
FCC Regulations
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• During each transmission or exchange of transmissions, you must identify your station with the call sign issu ed to you by the FCC, or once each 15 minutes dur ing peri­ods of continuous operation.
• You must keep a written record of any maintenance or modification made to the transceiver, and you must make this record available for inspection upon demand by the FCC.
Violating any of the provisions of Part 90 can result in fines and/or confiscation of equipment.
Your equipment might cause TV or radio interference even when it is operating properly. To eliminate interference, you can try one or more of the following cor­rective measures:
FCC Regulations Page 11 Friday, November 10, 2000 11:04 AM
• reorient or relocate the receiving
• increase the distance between the
equipment and the radio or TV
• use outlets on different electrical cir-
cuits for the equipment and the radio or TV
Consult your local RadioShack store if the problem still exists.
You must use shielded interface cables with this equipment.
Additional FCC Regulations
The Business Radio Service is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Communica­tions Commission (FCC). Any adjust­ments or alte rations that would a lter the
FCC Regulations
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performance of the transceiver so it no longer meets the original FCC type ac­ceptance or would change the frequency­determining method are strictly prohibit­ed.
Replacement or substitution of crystals, transistors, integrated circuits, regulator diodes, or any other component that is of a unique nature with components other than those recommended can violate the technical regulations of the
FCC Rules
or violate type acceptance requirement of the rules.
Before you operate the transceiver, you must obtain your license. It is illegal to transmit without the appropriate license, which you can get by submitting a com­pleted FCC Form 600 to the FCC (or through the PCIA). Furthermore, you are required to understand Part 90 of the
FCC Regulations
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