Radio Shack 19-1205 Owner's Manual Page 1 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 10:30 AM
VHF FM Business Band Transceiver
Cat. No. 19-1205
Please read before using this equipment.
with CTCSS
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Your RadioShack BTX-124 VHF FM Business Band Transceiver with CTCSS is a portable, two-way business radio service transceiver that you can carry al­most anywhere. The transceiver is com­pact and light, making it an ideal choice for your business needs.
Your transceiver has these features:
rammable Channels A and B
— let you operate the transceiver on two different frequencies.
Preset Frequencies
— let you quickly begin operation on either 154.600 MHz (Channel A, green dot) or 154.570 MHz (Channel B, blue dot).
PLL-Controlled Circuitr
— provides
accurate and stable channel selection.
ustable Squelch
— helps eliminate noise between transmissions.
CTCSS (Continuous Tone Control Squelch S
— helps reduce inter-
ference from other systems in the area operating on the same frequency.
Built-In Modu lation Limiter Ci rcuit
— automatically adjusts for a wide variety of voice levels to ensure an understand ­able transmission.
h/Low Power
— lets you save pow­er by selecting a suitable transmitting power for long or short distances.
Low and Transmit Indicator
— shows the battery pack’s condition and lights when you transmit or receive.
Removable and Rechar ter
— lets you use one battery
eable Bat-
pack while you charge another (addi­tional packs available).
Supplied Batter
— conve­niently recharges your transceiver’s ba t­tery pack.
Earphone Jack and External Micro­phone Jack
— let you use an earphone or external microphone to help ensure understandable communications in noisy areas.
Belt Pouch
— protects your transceiver
and lets you easily carry it on your belt.
We recommend you rec ord your trans­ceiver’s serial number here. The num­ber is on the back of the transceiver.
Serial Number___________________
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© 1997 Tandy Corporation.
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FCC Regulations .......... ..................... ...................... ............................ .................. 4
FCC License Required ..................................................................................... 4
FCC Part 90 Rules ........................................................................................... 4
Preparation .......... ............................ ..................... ...................... ........................... 6
Charging the Battery Pack ............................................................................... 6
Checking the Battery Power ...................................................................... 7
Using the Belt Clip ........................................................................................... 7
Using an Earphone .......................................................................................... 7
Connecting an Antenna ................................................................................... 8
Using an External Microphone ......................................................................... 8
Operation .................................... ...................... ............................ ..................... .... 9
Why Use CTCSS? ......................................................................................... 10
Operational Hints ........................................................................................... 10
Addition al FC C Re
Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 12
Specifications ..................................................................................................... 13
ulations ...................... ..................... ............................. ...... 11 Page 4 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 10:30 AM
The Federal Communications Com mis­sion (FCC) requires you to have a li­cense before you operate this transceiver. Unless you qualify to oper­ate on the supplied frequencies, you must apply for a frequency through the PCIA (Personal Communication Indus­try Association), a non-profit organiza­tion that assigns frequencies na tionwide to help prevent conflicts between differ­ent businesses using transceivers in the same area. For more inform ation about getting a license, contact the PCIA at 800-759-0300, extension 3068 (in Vir­ginia 703-739-0300, extension 3068).
For other questions concerning the li­cense application, contact the FCC at 717-337-1212, or write:
FCC P.O. Box 1040 Gettysburg, PA 17325
If you do not have a fax machine, you can call the Government Forms Distri­bution Center at 1-800-418-FORM and request that the form and instructions be mailed to you.
This transceiver is intended for use in the operation of commercial activities, educational, philan thropic, or ecclesias­tical institutions, and hospitals, clinics, or medical associations.
You must be familiar with Part 90 of
FCC Rules
transceiver. The operation instructions in this manual conform to Part 90, but do not cover all items in Part 90.
Overall, Part 90 states that:
• You must have a valid license before you use the transceiver.
before you operate your
For the latest FCC application form and instructions, call the FCC’s fax-on-de­mand service from a f ax machine at 1­202-418-0177 and reque st one or more of the following documents:
All forms and instructions 000600 Form 600 instructions only 006001 Main Form 600 only 006002 Form 600 schedules only 006003
• As licensee, you are responsible for proper operation of all transceivers operating under your license author­ity.
• You can let unlicensed persons operate this transmi tter, as long as you take precautions to prevent unauthorized transmissions. Page 5 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 10:30 AM
• You must use this transceiver only for the commercial use of you r busi­ness, and only when other commer­cial channels (such as the telephone) are either not available or not practical.
• You must always yield the op erating frequency to communications that involve the safety of life or property.
• You must take reasonable precau­tions to prevent harmful interference to other services operating on the same frequency.
• You must not transmit program material of any kind used in connec­tion with commercial broadcasting.
• You must not provide a s ervice that is normally handled by telephone or telegraph unless such broadcasts involve the safety of life or property or in emergencies such as an earth­quake, hurricane, flood or a similar disaster where normal c ommunica­tion channels are disrupted.
• You must keep a written record of any maintenance or modification made to the transceiver, and you must make this re cord available for inspection upon demand by the FCC.
Violating any of the provisions of Part 90 can result in fines and/or conf iscation of equipment.
Your transceiver might cause TV or ra­dio interference even when it is operat­ing properly. To determine whether your transceiver is causing the interference, turn off your transceiver. If the interfer­ence goes away, your transceiver is causing it. Try to eliminate the interfer­ence by:
• Moving your transceiver away from the receiver
• Contacting your local RadioShack store for help
• During each transmission or exchange of transmissions, you must identify your station with the call sign issued to you by the FCC, or once each 15 minutes during periods of continuous operation.
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