Radioshack 1201682 User Manual

Radio Alarm Clock with
Bluetooth® Speaker
User’s Guide
We hope you enjoy your Radio Alarm Clock with Bluetooth® Speaker from RadioShack. This radio features a 1.2” blue LED display, dual alarm clock, built-in USB charging port, and auxiliary input jack. Bluetooth connectivity enables you to wirelessly stream music from your Bluetooth­enabled device. Please read this user’s guide before using your new radio alarm clock.
Package Contents
• Radio Alarm Clock
• AC Adapter
• User’s Guide
Power Supp ly .................................... DC 5V, 2A adapter
......................2 × AAA backup batteries (not includ ed)
Output Power ....................................... > 2W (10% THD)
USB Output ....................................................... DC 5V, 1A
Frequency Range ............................FM 87.5 – 108 MHz
Bluetooth Protocol .....................................................v4.0
Bluetooth Connectio n Range .........> 33 ft. (10.05m)
Dimensions (WHD) ..............................5.6 × 3.4 × 3.2 in
.............................................................(14.2 × 8.6 × 8.1 cm)
Speci cations a re subject to ch ange and imp rovement
with out notice. Ac tual produc t may vary fro m the images found i n this docume nt.
2 3 4 5 6 7
Power Your Radio
Install Backup Batteries
Batteries provide backup power during power outages. Settings and data memory will be lost if both AC power and batteries are removed.
1. Open the batter y cover.
2. Install two AAA batteries (not included) as indicated by the polarity symbols (+ and –) marked inside.
3. Replace the batter y cover.
Battery Notes:
• Replace the batteries when the LED display dims or the sound becomes weak or distorted.
• Dispose of batteries promptly and properly. Do not burn or bury them.
• Use only fresh batteries of the required size an d type.
• Do not mix old a nd new batteries, dierent types of batteries (alkaline or rechargeable), or
rechargeable bat teries of dierent capaci ties.
• If you do not plan to use the radio for a long time, rem ove the batteries. Batteries can leak chemic als that can damage electroni c parts.
Plug the AC Adapter
Connect the supplied AC adapter barrel plug into the DC IN jack on the back of the radio, and plug the adapter into a standard AC outlet. The LED displays the time.
FM Antenna
USB Cha rging Port
Conne ct a portab le device for charg ing using an USB chargi ng cable (not inc luded).
+ / –
• Volume control.
• Set the t ime.
Microp hone
PM Indic ator (Green)
FM Indic ator (Red)
Blueto oth Indic ator (Blue)
• Press and h old to turn the rad io or Bluetoot h
mode on /o.
• Press to swi tch between radio a nd Bluetooth mode.
AL1 / AL2
Turn the alar m on /o or
set the al arm.
• Tune radio st ations.
• Previous/next tr ack (Bluetooth onl y).
Enter ti me-setting mo de.
Alar m 1 Indicator (Amb er)
Alar m 2 Indicator (Amb er)
§/snooze _dimmer/
• Answer/reje ct a call or play/pau se playback (Bluetooth onl y).
• Turn the alar m snooze on.
• Toggle LED dis play brightness to hi gh or low (sele ction disab led in Blueto oth or snooze mode, or when t he alarm sounds).
Listen to Your Radio
Listen to FM Radio
1. Press and hold FM for 2 seconds to turn
on the radio. The red FM indicator lights.
2. Press or to tune a station, or press and hold or to scan available stations.
3. Press + or – to increase or decrease the volume.
Listen to a Bluetooth Device
1. Press FM to switch to Bluetooth mode.
The blue Bluetooth indicator ashes.
2. Activate your device’s Bluetooth function (refer to your device’s user’s guide).
3. When your device locates RS1201682, select it. When paired, the blue indicator lights steadily.
4. Turn on the audio source. You can control your radio through your device or with the radio’s / , §/snooze_dimmer + / – buttons.
• If you receive a call, you can answer the
call by pressing §/snooze_dimmer/ and speaking into the microphone.
/, and
• Press and hold §/snooze_dimmer/
for 2 seconds to reject the call.
• When your device receives an incoming call, the Bluetooth connection is suspended and playback will pause.
Note: If the connected device moves too far from the radio, you will lose the Bluetooth connection.
Device Not Pairing?
Many Bluetooth-enabled devices, such as speakers, remember the most recently paired source (music, smartphone, etc.) and automatically reconnect when turned on. This is
convenient, but can prevent you from connecting to a new source.
If you can’t pair your radio, you may need to disconnect it from it s previous source.
Disconnect Your Device
To disconnect the paired device, press and hold the radio's § /snooze_dimmer/  for 2 seconds. The radio star ts searching for another Bluetooth device.
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Listen to an AUX Device
For an audio device without Bluetooth
technology, use an ⅛ in. audio cable (not
included) to connect it to the radio’s AUX IN jack.
AUX appears on the display.
• Bluetooth or FM radio mode is automatically deactivated when AUX IN is connected.
• Use the controls on your connected device to control playback.
Set the Clock
In standby mode, the time is shown using a 12­hour clock with green PM indicator.
1. Press and hold TIME for 2 seconds to enter
time-setting mode. The hour digits ash.
2. Press + or to set the hour.
3. Press TIME. The minute digits ash.
4. Press + or to set the minute.
5. Press TIME to conrm and exit.
Set the Alarm
You can set one or two alarms.
1. Press and hold AL1 (or AL2) for 2 seconds to enter alarm-setting mode. The hour
digits ash.
2. Press + or to set the hour.
3. Press AL1 (or AL2). The minute digits ash.
4. Press + or to set the minute.
5. Press AL1 (or AL2), then press + or to set the alarm source: b (Beep) or F (Radio).
6. Press AL1 (or AL2) to conrm and exit. The
amber AL indicator lights.
7. Press AL1 (or AL2) once to review the alarm
time, press it again to turn the alarm on/o.
When the Alarm Sounds
The respective Alarm 1 or Alarm 2 indicator ashes. The alarm will sound for 1 hour at the
set time, and the volume increases gradually to the maximum level.
• When the alarm time expires, the alarm will sound again the next day at the same time.
• To temporarily pause (snooze) the alarm for 9 minutes, press §/snooze_dimmer/ . The
alarm indicator continues ashing. You can
repeat snooze up to 7 times from when the
alarm rst sounds.
• To stop the alarm, press the respective alarm button (AL1 or AL2).
FCC Information
This eq uipment has b een tested an d found to compl y with the li mits for a Clas s B digital de vice, pursua nt to Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. These li mits are des igned to provid e reasona ble protect ion against h armful inte rference in a reside ntial inst allation . This equip ment genera tes, uses, and can r adiate radi o frequenc y energy and, i f not instal led and use d in accordance w ith the inst ruction s, may cause harmf ul interfe rence to radio co mmunicat ions. However, there is n o guarantee t hat interf erence will not o ccur in a part icular ins tallatio n. If this equ ipment doe s cause harmf ul interfe rence to radio or t elevision re ception, which c an be determi ned by turni ng the equip ment
o and on , the user is en couraged to tr y to correct t he
inter ference by one or m ore of the foll owing measure s:
• Reori ent or relocate t he receivin g antenna.
• Increas e the separat ion betwee n the equip ment and
receive r.
• Conne ct the equi pment into an ou tlet on a circu it diere nt from that to wh ich the recei ver is connect ed.
• Consul t the dealer o r an experie nced radio/ TV
techn ician for help .
If you ca nnot elimi nate the inte rference , the FCC require s that yo u stop using yo ur radio. Cha nges or modi cations
not expre ssly approved by t he party re sponsible fo r compl iance could vo id the user’s au thority t o operate the equip ment. This dev ice complie s with Part 15 of t he FCC Rules. Opera tion is subje ct to the foll owing two con ditions: (1) this devi ce may not cause ha rmful inter ference, and (2) this dev ice must accep t any interfe rence received , inclu ding inter ference that m ay cause unde sired opera tion.
Limited Warranty
Gener al Wireless O perations I nc., doing b usiness as RadioS hack (hereaf ter “RadioS hack”) wa rrants th is produc t against d efects in mat erials and wo rkmanshi p under n ormal use by th e origina l purchaser for n inety (90) D ays after the d ate of purchase f rom a RadioShac k­owned s tore or an auth orized RadioSh ack franchi see or deal er. RADIOSHAC K MAKES NO OTHER E XPRESS WARRA NTIES. This wa rranty doe s not cover: (a) damag e or failure cause d by or attribu table to ab use, misuse, fa ilure to follow i nstruct ions, impro per instal lation or ma intenance,
alter ation, acci dent, Acts o f God (such as oo ds or
light ning), or excess vo ltage or cu rrent; (b) impro per or incor rectly per formed repa irs by persons w ho are not a RadioS hack-authorized s ervice fa cility; (c) con sumables such as fu ses or batter ies; (d) ordinar y wear and tear or cosmet ic damage; (e) tr ansporta tion, ship ping or
insura nce costs; (f ) costs of produ ct removal, i nstallat ion, set-up serv ice, adjust ment or reins tallatio n; and (g) claims by perso ns other than t he origina l purchaser. Shoul d a problem occ ur that is covered by t his warrant y, take th e product an d the RadioSh ack sales recei pt as proof of pu rchase date to any Ra dioShack sto re in the U.S. RadioS hack will, a t its option , unless othe rwise provi ded by law (a) repla ce the produc t with the sa me or a compara ble produc t, or (b) refund t he purchase pr ice. All repl aced produc ts, and pro ducts on wh ich a refund is ma de, becom e the proper ty of RadioSha ck. RADI OSHACK EXPR ESSLY DISCLA IMS ALL WARRA NTIES AND CO NDITIONS N OT STATED IN THIS LI MITED WARR ANTY. ANY IMP LIED WARRAN TIES THAT MAY BE IMPOS ED BY LAW, INCLUDI NG THE IMPLI ED WARRANT Y OF MERCHAN TABI LITY AND, I F APPLIC ABLE, THE I MPLIED WARR ANTY OF FI TNESS FOR A PARTICU LAR PURPO SE, SHALL EX PIRE ON THE EXPI RATION OF THE STATED WARRA NTY PERIOD. EXCEPT A S DESCRIB ED ABOVE, RAD IOSHACK SHA LL HAVE NO LI ABILIT Y OR RESPONSI BILIT Y TO TH E PURCH ASER OF THE PRO DUCT OR ANY OTH ER PERSON O R ENTITY WI TH RESPECT TO ANY LI ABILIT Y, LOSS OR DAMAG E CAUSED DIRECT LY OR IN DIRECTLY BY USE OR PER FORMANCE OF T HE PRODUCT O R ARISI NG OUT OF ANY B REACH OF TH IS WARRANT Y, INCLU DING, BUT N OT LIMITED TO, ANY DA MAGES RESULTIN G FROM INCONV ENIENCE AN D ANY LOSS OF TIME , DATA, PROPERT Y, REVENUE, O R PROFIT AND A NY INDI RECT, SPECI AL, INCID ENTAL , OR CONSEQUEN TIAL DAMAGE S, EVEN IF RA DIOSHACK HA S BEEN ADVISE D OF THE P OSSIBILIT Y OF SUCH DAM AGES.
Some st ates do not all ow limitat ions on how lon g an impl ied warrant y lasts or th e exclusion or l imitatio n of incid ental or conse quential d amages, so t he above limi tations or excl usions may not a pply to you. Th is
warra nty gives you sp ecic leg al rights , and you may also
have othe r rights wh ich vary fro m state to state . Conta ct General W ireless Ope rations In c. at: RadioS hack Custome r Relations 300 Ra dioShack Circ le Fort Wor th, TX 76102 07/15
The Bl uetooth® word mar k and logos are owned by B luetooth SI G, Inc. and a ny use of such m arks by Gene ral Wireless Opera tions Inc. i s under licen se.
© 2015 Gener al Wireless O perations I nc. All ri ghts reser ved. RadioSh ack is a registe red trade mark used un der license by G eneral Wirel ess Operati ons Inc. dba Ra dioShack .
ww w.radioshac
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by restr icting spe cic hazardo us materials
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