Radio Shack 1201669 User Manual

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We hope you enjoy your Portabl e Bluetooth® Transmitter from RadioShack. Th is transmitter enables devices withou t Bluetooth capabi lities to connect to Bluetooth-enabl ed devices. For example, you can wirelessly co nnect a phone or MP3 player to a Bluetooth-enable d speaker or headphones. Please read t his user’s guide before using your new transmit ter.
Package Contents
• Portable Bluetooth Transmit ter
• Micro-USB Charging Cable
• User’s Guide
Battery Chemistr y ........................Bui lt-in 500mAh
...............................................................lithium polymer
Bluetooth Protocol .................................. V2.1 +EDR
Battery Charging Time ..............................2.5 hours
Play Time .............................................Up to 13 hours
Operation Range .................................32. 8 ft. (10m)
Specications are su bject to cha nge and impro vement
without notice. Act ual product m ay vary from t he images found in this documen t.
Charge Your Transmitter
The charging indicator li ghts red when chargi ng
and turns o when fully cha rged. Unplug th e
charging cable when the t ransmitter is ful ly charged. Note: When the battery is l ow, the charging
indicator ashes red. The t ransmitter powers o 
if not charged within 5 minu tes.
©2014 RadioShack Corporatio n. All rights reserve d. RadioSha ck is a registered trademar k used by RadioShack Corpora tion.
residential instal lation. T his equipm ent generate s, uses, and can radiate radio f requency en ergy and, if n ot install ed and used in accordance wit h the instr uctions , may cause harmful interfere nce to radio comm unicatio ns. However, there is no guarantee th at interfere nce will not occ ur in a particular inst allation . If this equi pment does ca use harmfu l interference to radio o r television re ception, w hich can be
determined by turnin g the equip ment o and on , the user
is encouraged to try to co rrect the in terference by o ne or more of the following me asures:
Reorient or relocate t he receivi ng antenn a.
Increase the separat ion betwe en the equ ipment an d receiver.
• Connect the equip ment into an o utlet on a ci rcuit die rent from
that to which the receiv er is connec ted.
Consult your local Ra dioShack s tore or an exp erienced r adio/T V technician for help.
Changes or modica tions not expre ssly approved b y the
party responsibl e for complian ce could void th e user’s authority to opera te the equip ment. This device complies w ith Part 15 of th e FCC Rules. Operation is subjec t to the follow ing two cond itions: (1) this device may not cause har mful inter ference, and (2) this device must accept an y interferen ce received, including interf erence that may c ause undesi red operati on.
Limited Warranty
RadioShack warrant s this produc t against d efects in materials and workma nship unde r normal use by t he original purchaser fo r ninety (90 ) days after t he date of purchase from a RadioSha ck-owned store or an a uthorized RadioShack franchi see or dealer. RA DIOSHACK MA KES NO OTHER EXPRESS WARRA NTIES.
Pairing Button & Bluetooth Indicator
• Flashes quickly – Searching last paired dev ice
• Flashes slowly – Pairing
• Lights steadily – Paired
This warranty does no t cover: (a) damage o r failure caused by or attribut able to abus e, misuse, fai lure to follow instructi ons, improp er install ation or mai ntenance,
alteration, accide nt, Acts of Go d (such as oods o r
lightning), or excess vol tage or curr ent; (b) imprope r or incorrectly per formed repai rs by persons wh o are not a RadioShack Authori zed Service Faci lity; (c) consu mables such as fuses or batteri es; (d) ordinary w ear and tear or cosmetic damage; (e) tran sportat ion, shipp ing or insurance costs; (f) cos ts of produc t removal, ins tallati on, set-up service, adjustm ent or reinst allation; a nd (g) claims by persons other than th e original p urchaser. Should a problem occur t hat is covered by th is warrant y, take the product and t he RadioShac k sales receip t as proof of purchase date to any Rad ioShack store i n the U.S. RadioShack will, at it s option, u nless other wise provid ed by law (a) replace the product w ith the sam e or a comparab le product, or (b) refund th e purchase pri ce. All replac ed products, and prod ucts on whi ch a refund is mad e, become the propert y of RadioShac k. RADIOSHACK EXPRE SSLY DISCLAI MS ALL WARRANTIES AND CON DITIONS NOT STATED IN THI S LIMITED WARRANT Y. ANY IMPLIED WAR RANTIES THAT MAY BE IMPOSED BY LAW, INCLUDIN G THE IMPLIED WARRANT Y OF MERCHANTABI LITY AND, I F APPLICABLE, THE IM PLIED WARRA NTY OF FITN ESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE , SHALL EXP IRE ON THE EXPIRATION OF THE STATED WARRANT Y PERIOD. EXCEPT AS DESCRIBED A BOVE, RADI OSHACK SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY O R RESPONSIB ILITY TO TH E PURCHASER OF THE PROD UCT OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY WIT H RESPECT TO ANY LIA BILITY, LOSS OR DAMAGE CAUSED DIRECTLY OR IN DIRECTLY
Print ed in China
Portable Bluetooth®
User’s Guide
Complies with the Eu ropean Union’s “Restriction of Haz ardous Subst ances Directive,” which protec ts the envi ronment
by restricting spec ic hazardou s materials
and products.
Charging Indicator
BY USE OR PERFORMANCE OF TH E PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BR EACH OF THIS WA RRANTY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LI MITED TO, ANY DAM AGES RESULTING FROM INCONVEN IENCE AND A NY LOSS OF TIME, DATA, PROPERTY, REVENUE, O R PROFIT AND AN Y INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCID ENTAL, OR CONSEQUEN TIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF RAD IOSHACK HAS B EEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILIT Y OF SUCH DAMAG ES. Some states do not allow l imitati ons on how long a n implied warranty l asts or the exc lusion or li mitation of incidental or conseq uential da mages, so th e above limitations or exclu sions may not ap ply to you. This
warranty gives you spe cic lega l rights, an d you may also
have other rights whi ch vary from s tate to state. You may contact RadioShack a t: RadioShack Customer Re lations 300 RadioShack Circl e Fort Worth, TX 76102 02/14
www.RadioShack .com
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are own ed by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. a nd any use of such m arks by RadioShack Corpora tion is under l icense.
Bluetooth Speaker
Lithium Battery Notes:
Recycle lithium bat teries. D o not dispos e of them in th e trash.
Do not burn or bury bat teries. D o not punct ure or crush . Do not
• Charge batteries on a  reproof sur face away f rom ammab le
items or liquids.
Do not charge inside an au tomobil e, especia lly whil e drivin g.
If the electrolyt e in the cell s should ge t on your skin , thoroug hly
wash with soap and wate r. If in the eyes, r inse thoro ughly wi th cool water. Immediatel y seek medi cal atten tion.
Follow the instruc tions for ch arging th e transmi tter and do n ot charge longer than re commend ed. Unplu g the USB ca ble when the battery is charg ed.
Use Your Transmitter
1. Turn on your transmi tter and press the Pairing button to go to pairi ng mode.
2. Turn on your speaker and m ake sure your
speaker is in pairing mode (refer to yo ur speaker’s user’s guide). The trans mitter pairs automatically, and t he Bluetooth indicator lights stead ily.
3. Plug your tr ansmitter’s buil t-in cable into your audio device’s 3.5mm headp hone jack.
4. Use your audio device’s playback controls.
5. Turn o your transmi tter after use.
Device Not Pairing?
Many Bluetooth-enabled dev ices, such as speakers, remember the mos t recently paired source (music, smartp hone, etc.) and automatically reconnec t when turned on . This is convenient, but can preven t you from connecting to a new source. If you can’t pair your transmi tter, you may need to disconnect it from its previ ous source.
• If the previously pa ired speaker is not avai lable, press the Pairing button to s earch for your speaker.
• To clear your transmitter’s p airing histor y, press and hold the Pairin g button for 2
seconds (Bluetooth indic ator ashes 5 time s).
• If no speaker is connec ted within 10 minut es, the transmitter autom atically ente rs sleep
mode (Bluetooth indic ator turns o). To resume searching, turn th e transmitter o ,
then on again.
• The transmitter w ill disconnec t from your speaker if they are too far apar t (Bluetooth
indicator ashes quick ly). To reconnect, move
the transmitter close r to the speaker with in 1 minute.
• Nearby Bluetooth dev ices can interf ere with your transmitter’s conn ection. If th is happens, move other Bluetooth devices a t least 32.8 ft. (10m) from your transmitter.
FCC Information
This equipment has be en tested and fo und to comply w ith the limits for a Class B d igital dev ice, pursuant t o Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These lim its are desig ned to provide reasonable protectio n against ha rmful inter ference in a
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