RadioPopper Einstein Receiver User Manual

Thank you for purchasing the RP Einstein Receiver. It’s easy to setup and use. Insert the module in the top of the E640 light and cong­ure from the display on your E640 as follows.
The Einstein Receiver will trigger from any RP transmitter, but requires the Jr2 Transmitter to adjust power levels of the E640.
The RP Einstein Receiver requires no batteries, and is congured using the display on your E640 light. Press the “FUNCTION” button on the E640, tab down to the boxes in the lower right to set the radio channel and group (it’s called a “Zone” on the E640. Zones A, B, C, D on the E640 correspond to RP Groups 1, 2, 3, 4).
If you only need 3 groups:
If you will be using between one and three lighting groups, on the display of your E640 light, use the “C-TL” channels 1 through 16 to set the radio channel. Zones A, B, C on the E640 correspond to RP groups 1, 2, 3 on your Jr2 transmitter. Easy. :-)
If you need 4 groups:
If you’d like to use 4 groups in your setup, it’s a bit more complicated. You’ll need to set the radio channel on your E640 between 16 and 32 to cause the “D” zone to become enabled on the E640 light. These channels 16 to 32 actually map to the RadioPopper channels 1 to 16. (E640 chan 16 is actually RP channel 1, E640 chan 17 is actually RP chan 2, etc).
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