92639 14 March 2000
Notes on Datasonde User Manual
The Radiodetection ND1579 (Short Range or Slim) Datasonde is part of the
Radiodetection Drilltrack system. The DrillTrack system is designed to provide
guidance information for horizontal directional drill machines. The basic system
consists of a datasonde, a DrillTrack Receiver and a DrillTrack DataView.
The datasonde is mounted in the drilling machine drillhead and transmits information
on its pitch, roll position, temperature and battery status to the DrillTrack Receiver.
The information received by the DrillTrack Receiver is then communicated to the
DataView by a separate radio link.
There is no specific user manual for the DrillTrack datasondes. Instructions on using
the datasonde are included in an overall DrillTrack system user manual.
Relevant pages from the DrillTrack system user manual are submitted as exhibits in
support of the application for FCC certification of the Radiodetection Short Range
Copyright © 2000 Radiodetection Ltd., Western Drive, Bristol, BS14 0AZ
Notice: Unauthorized disclosure or copying of this document or part thereof is prohibited