Universal USB/WiFi/LAN/BLE Adapter Module with Pin Header
RW8300NE Series (USB)
Universal USB/WiFi/LAN/BLE Adapter Module with
mini USB and RJ45 jack
RW8300E Series (USB)
Universal USB/WiFi/LAN/BLE Adapter Standalone
Apr 20, 2017
Table of Contents
Introduction to the RW8300 (USB-Device) Universal Adapter Products ····· 3
Features ······················································································ 3
RW8300 (USB) Universal Adapter Applications Summary ······················ 6
Model N a mi n g S y st e m ···································································· 7
Model & O r d e r i n g I n for m a t i o n ························································ 8
RW8300 (USB) General Information ················································· 10
RW8300M-x DIP Module Mechanical Diagram and Pin Assignments ········ 12
RW8300M-x-B1/B2 DIP Module Mechanical Diagram and Pin Assignments 13
RW8300NE-x Module Mechanical Diagram ········································· 14
RW8300NE-x-B1/B2 Module Mechanical Diagram ································ 1 5
RW8300E-x Standalone Product Mechanical Diagram ··························· 16
RW8300-MB1 Mechanical Diagram ··················································· 17
RW8300-MB2 Mechanical Diagram and Pin Assignments ······················· 18
RW8300-MB3 Mechanical Diagram and Pin Assignments ······················· 19
RW8300-MB5 Mechanical Diagram and Pin Assignments ······················· 20
Ethern et Port Connector Pin Definitions ············································· 21
RW8300 (USB) LED operation ························································· 21
Mini USB Type-B Connector Pinouts ················································· 22
RJ45 Ethernet Cable Description ······················································ 22
RW8300-MB1 Development Board Descriptions ··································· 23
RW8300-MB2 Development Board Descriptions ··································· 2 4
RW8300-MB3 Development Board Descriptions ··································· 25
RW8300-MB5 Development Board Descriptions ··································· 26
WPS/RESET Button on RW8300 (USB)·············································· 27
Check in g & U p g r a d i ng F i r m w a r e V e r s i o n ·········································· 28
Reset RW8300 (USB) to the Default ··················································· 30
RW8300 (USB) Universal Adapter Quick Set Up Guide for Various
Application ·················································································· 3 5
1. Sma l l e s t p o c k e t r o u t e r ····························································· 35
2. USB to LAN ·········································································· 37
3. Hot Spot Sharing ···································································· 3 9
4. LAN to WL AN ····································································· 4 2
5. USB to WLAN ······································································· 45
6. WLAN Bri dge ········································································ 49
EMC Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declaration ·································· 5 4
RW8300 Regulatory Domain Frequencies ··········································· 55
FC C , I C , a n d CE L abel L o c a t i o n a n d M o d u l e M o d e l I d e n t i f i c a t i o n ··········· 56
Limi t e d W a r r a n t y ········································································· 6 0
Contact i n g t h e Factory ··································································· 62
Information furnished by Radicom Research is believed to be accurate and reliable. However Radicom
Research assumes no responsibility for its use, or any infringement of patents or other rights of third
parties that may result from its use. Radicom Research reserves the right to change circuitry at any time
without notice. This document is subject to change without notice.
Introduction to the RW8300 (USB) Universal Adapter Products
Radicom Research’s RW8300 (USB) series is all new Wi-Fi/LAN with USB Host or USB
Device. It is the perfect networking center solution for embedded system to integrate Wi-Fi,
Ethernet, BLE, or USB into a single platform. The AIO (All-In-One) networking capability
provides many functions, such as single port router, Wi-Fi adapter, Ethernet adapter,
Hotspot, Wi-Fi Repeater or WLAN bridge, BLE single mode, BLE dual mode, and with
USB host capability for various applications.
It can turn any Ethernet LAN port to a WiFi hotspot or connect PC or Laptop into a WiFi
Wireless Access Point. Any WiFi Device such as iPhone, iPod, PDA, within range can
connect to Internet by sharing your RW8300 (USB) Access Point.
The RW8300 (USB) series is a full embedded system. It does not require CPU host when
using as single port router or hotspot mode. This versatile RW8300 (USB) series of
products offers easy integration for additional BLE single mode or dual mode module to
meet the specific system requirements.
For RW8300 (USB-Device), please see RW8300 (USB-Device) Designer’s Guide for details.
For RW8300 (Serial), please see RW8300 (Serial) Designer’s Guide for detail
Please note that RW8300 firmware for USB Host and USB Device are not compatible.
xWiFi AP/Client
xRouter capability
xIEEE 802.11b/g/n compatible WLAN adapter
xWiFi USB adapter
xUSB Ethernet adapter
xUSB 1.1/2.0 and OTG (optional)
x20MHz and 40MHz bandwidth transmission
xOperates in 2.4GHz Frequency Range
xSupport WPS mode
xBackward compatible with 802.11b/g Devices while operating at 802.11n data rates
xFrame aggregation for increased MAC efficiency (A-MSDU, A-MPDU)
xLow latency immediate High-Throughput Block Acknowledgement (HT-BA)
xLong NAV for media reservation with CF-End for NAV release
xPHY-level spoofing to enhance legacy compatibility
xBuilt-in TCP/IP stack
xChannel management and co-existence
xSupport Wake-On-WLAN via Magic Packet and Wake-up frame
xTransmit Opportunity (TXOP) Short Inter-Frame Spaces (SIFS) bursting for higher
multimedia bandwidth
xShort Guard Interval (400ns)
xDSSS with DBPSK and DQPSK, CCK modulation with long and short preamble
xBluetooth 4.0 single mode Compliant
xSupports Host and Client modes
xIntegrated Bluetooth low energy stack including ATT, GATT, SMP, L2CAP, GAP
xTX Power: 4.0 dBm Max ~ RX Sensitivity: -92.5dBm Min
xRange: Up to 20 meters (line of sight)
x12 digital PIOs, 3 analogue AIOs
x10-bit ADC
xSerial Interface (UART / SPI / I
xSPI for external flash
x3 PWM modules
xWake-up interrupt
xWatch Dog Timer
xOn-board microprocessor, RAM and ROM
xOn-board antenna
xPassthrough Data Mode
xAT Comm and s
xExtended temperature operating
xRoHS compliant
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE-dual mode)
xFully qualified Bluetooth® v4.0 system
xFull-speed Bluetooth operation with full Piconet and Scatternet support
xClass 1 Bluetooth power level supported
xDual-mode Bluetooth low energy radio
x2Mbps and 3Mbps EDR support
xHigh-sensitivity Bluetooth receiver
xWideband speech
xA-law, μ-law and linear voice data from Host
xA-law, μ-law, and CVSD voice over the air
xVoice interpolation for lost packets
xRate mismatch correction
xPCM/I2S digital audio interface
xFast AGC for enhanced dynamic range
xSBC encoding
xFully integrated synthesizer requiring no external VCO varactor diode, resonator or
loop filter
x3 Bluetooth low energy connections at the same time as basic rate A2DP
xLow-power selectable 1.2 to 3.6V I/O (Optional)
xHigh-speed UART port (up to 4Mbps)
xSupports IEEE 802.11® coexistence
xDigital demodulator for improved sensitivity and co-channel rejection
xReal time digitized RSSI available on HCI interface
xExtended Temperature Operation
xRoHS compliant
RW8300 (USB-Host) supported following applications:
LAN to USB Device
LAN to USB device
Wi-Fi to USB Device
Wi-Fi to USB device
Extend Wired LAN through
WiFi to reach USB Device
From RW8300 USB interface, USB devices
can simply connect and access to other LAN
through WiFi communication.
Extend Wired LAN through WiFi
from One LAN to the Other
From RW8300 LAN interface, computers can simply
connect and access to other LAN through WiFi
WiFi + LAN + Bluetooth
The RW8300 supported WiFi, LAN, and Bluetooth
applications. It can be an IOT gateway with Bluetooth
extended functions, such as Bluetooth remote control,
M: DIP module with pin headers
NE: Standalone module without enclosure
E: Standalone product with enclosure
B1: BLE single mode
B2: BLE dual mode
a: Embedded on-board antennas
c: U.FL connectors for external antennas
NL: no LAN
D or (USB Device)
H or (USB Host)
HH or (2USB Host Ports)
S or (Serial)
SH or (Serial+ USB Host)
EVK Series:RW8300-MB x – x – (x) – (x) – (x)
1: MB1=RJ45, RS232, DB-9
2: MB2=MB1 + SPI, I2C, RS485, USBx2, BLE
3: MB3=MB2 + PoE, DC jack
5: MB5=MB3 + Modem (industrial)
S: Serial type
D: USB Device type
H: USB Host type
Optional for MB5
M: Modem
Optional for MB5
E: Enclosure
Optional for MB3/MB5
P: PoE (Power over Ethernet)
Available models:
RW8300-MB1-S: Serial type
RW8300-MB1-D: USB Device type
RW8300-MB2-H: USB Host type
RW8300-MB3-H: USB Host type
RW8300-MB3-H-P: USB Host type + PoE
RW8300-MB5-H: USB Host type
RW8300-MB5-H-M: USB Host type + Modem
RW8300-MB5-H-M-E: USB Host type + Modem + Enclosure
RW8300-MB5-H-E: USB Host type + Enclosure
RW8300-MB5-H-P: USB Host type +PoE
RW8300-MB5-H-M-P: USB Host type + Modem +PoE
RW8300-MB5-H-M-E-P: USB Host type + Modem + PoE + Enclosure
RW8300-MB5-H-E-P: USB Host type + PoE + Enclosure
Universal Adapter (USB/WiFi/LAN/BLE) DIP Modules provide through hole
(DIP) pins for the USB and Ethernet pins that allow the Jacks to be placed
in preferred locations. Default 4M s-Flash, 8M as optional. This version of
RW8300M also supported to add BLE features. Note: firmware for USB
Host and Device are not compatible.
RW8300M-a:module with PIFA antenna
RW8300M-a-H: USB host DIP module with on-board antennas
RW8300M-a-NL:module with PIFA antenna, no LAN(w/o RJ45 jack
and 10/100 base transformer)
RW8300M-c: module with IPEX connector
RW8300M-c:-H USB host DIP module with U.FL antenna connectors
RW8300M-NW:module, no WLAN(w/o PIFA and IPEX)
RW8300M-B1-a-H: USB host + BLE single mode DIP module with on-board
RW8300M-B1-c-H: USB host + BLE single mode DIP module with U.FL
antenna connectors
RW8300M-B2-a-H: USB host + BLE dual mode DIP module with on-board
RW8300M-B2-c-H: USB host + BLE dual mode DIP module with U.FL antenna
RW8300M-B2-a-HH: 2 USB Host ports + BLE dual mode DIP module with
on-board antennas
RW8300M-B2-c-HH: 2 USB Host ports + BLE dual mode DIP module with
U.FL antenna connectors
Universal Adapter (USB/WiFi/LAN/BLE) Module with on board mini USB
and RJ45 jack that allow the flexibility of USB cable length. Default 4M
s-Flash, 8M as optional. This version of RW8300NE also supported to add
BLE single mode or dual mode.
Note: firmware for USB Host and Device are not compatible.
RW8300NE-a: Standalone module w/o enclosure, with PIFA antenna
RW8300NE-a-H: USB host module with on-board antennas
Universal Adapter (USB/WiFi/LAN/BLE) Standalone in Plastic Enclosure
with mini USB and RJ45 jack. RW8300E-a is embedded with on-board
antennas and is optional to add BLE single mode or dual mode module in
the plastic enclosure. Default loaded 4M s-Flash, 8M as optional.
Note: firmware for USB Host and Device are not compatible.
RW8300E-B1-a: Standalone product with enclosure, with BT 4.0(RB1083),
RW8300E-B1-a-H: antenna embedded USB- Host standalone with BLE
single mode
RW8300E-B2-a: Standalone product with enclosure, with BT 4.0(RB2083),
RW8300E-B2-a-H: antenna embedded USB-Host standalone with BLE dual
RW8300E: Standalone product with enclosure, with PIFA,LAN, WLAN
RW8300E-NW: produce with enclosure, no WLAN(w/o PIFA, IPEX)
RW8300E-NL: produce with enclosure, with PIFA, no LAN(w/o RJ45 jack
and 10/100 base transformer)
USB Y cable
USB to mini
USB cable
Antenna & Cable
USB Host Development Board for RW8300M module plug-in and easy
implementation. This development board series provides DB-9, USB, RJ-45,
RS485, PoE interface connectors and support Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Modem
features for testing purpose.
RW8300-MB2-H: Host type
RW8300-MB3-H: Host type
RW8300-MB5-H: Host type (industrial)
RW8300-MB5-H-M: Host type + Modem (industrial)
RW8300-MB5-H-M-E: Host type + Modem + Enclosure (industrial)
RW8300-MB5-H-E: Host type + Enclosure (industrial)
Accessories- Power Adapter
Accessories- Y cable (Optional for OTG feature)
Accessories- USB to mini USB cable
Accessories- antenna and cable for models RW8300M-xx-xx-c &
ATN-2d-RP-SMA: Replacement antenna, 2.4GHz, 2dBi, RP-SMA plug,
and Omni-directional.
AC6i-RP-SMA: 6” U.FL. to RP-SMA jack antenna cable.
Current Consumption when WiFi_OFF and
LAN connected
Current Consumption when WiFi_OFF and
LAN disconnected
Storage and transportation condition, in
range of °C and % R.H.
Operating temperature, humidity and
atmospheric pressure range
Highest operation altitude
IP Classification protection against harmful
ingress of water and particulate matter.
Ingress Protection Rating 21
Expected service life
BLE single mode Ratings @ 25° C
Operation voltage2.353.33.6V
Output Power4.0dBm
Current Consumption *
Dormant mode600nA
Deep Sleep mode
Idle mode
RX/TX active
* The Current Consumption is code dependent. Bluetooth functions and characteristics will vary depending on
the application firmware that is loaded into the RW8300xx-xx-B1-x module. The standard code is for BLE data
applications and Deep Sleep or Dormant mode is not available. Using any I/O (output) will draw more current
and change the overall current consumption.