Radica Games SKANNERZ TV, 76015 Instruction Manual

A few people ma y experience epile ptic seizures when vie wing flashing lights o r patterns in our daily e nvironment. These p ersons may experie nce seizures while wa tching TV pictures o r playing video game s. Players who have not had any s eizures may nonethe ­less have an un detected epilepti c condition.
Consult you r physician before pl aying video games if yo u have an epileptic condi tion or experie nce any of the following sym ptoms while playing vid eo games: altere d vision, eye or muscle t witching, other involu ntary movements, l oss of awareness of your s ur­rounding s, mental confusio n and/or convulsi ons.
BATTERY INSTALLATION (Four ( 4) “AA” ( LR6) a nd Three (3 ) AAA ( LR03 ) Batt eries Need ed)
On the back of th e main unit, remove the ba ttery compart ment and insert fou r (4) “AA” batterie s as indicated insid e the compartment ( alkaline batter ies recommended ). Replace th e battery compar tment door. Do not over-tighte n.
On the botto m of the handheld scann er, remove the battery co mpartment and in sert three (3 ) “AAA” batteries a s indicated inside the c ompartment (a lkaline batterie s rec­ommende d). Replace the ba ttery compart ment door. Do not over-tighten.
NOTE: B atteries in the Main U nit should give you about 10 ho urs of game play (if al kaline batterie s are used). The g ame will not operate no rmally when the batte ries begin to run low. The scree n may be blurred and res etting the game may not wo rk. Be sure to install fresh bat teries. The handhe ld scanner has a low bat tery indicator.
In order not to l ose your monsters, wh en unplugging the ha ndheld scanner fro m the main unit, o r after scanning, wai t 30seconds to allow th e scanner enter sle ep mode before bat teries are replace d.
To connect Scan nerzTV directly to a T V, the TV mus t be equipped with audi o and video inpu t jacks. They are commo nly found on the front of th e TV near the contra st, color, and pict ure adjustment cont rols; or on the back of th e TV near the antenna a nd cable /satellite jacks.
Insert t he yellow video plug fro m the game into the Video -In (yellow) jack on t he TV.
Insert t he white audio plug from t he game into the left Aud io-In (white) ja ck on the TV.
Set your TV to t he appropriate vide o input mode. (See yo ur TV’s operating ma nual for details. )
If your TV do esn’t have audio and vide o input jacks, you can co nnect ScannerzTV to your VCR.
Insert t he yellow video plug fro m the game into the Video -In (yellow) jack on t he VCR.
Insert t he white audio plug from t he game into the left Aud io-In (white) ja ck on the VCR.
Set your TV a nd VCR to the appropriate v ideo input mode. ( See your TV and VCR operatin g manuals for detail s.)
NOTE: If y our TV or VCR does not have AV inp uts, a “Y” adapter may be p urchased separate ly at any electronic s store.
Note: If o nly one (1) handheld co ntroller is attach ed, the Main Unit func tions as the 2nd player cont roller.
[Power ]
- Turns game On /Off.
MODEL 76015
For 1 or 2 players / Ages 8 and up
P/N 823A2500 Rev.A
[D-P ad] (8-way d irectional c ontrol)
- Navigates th rough options in men u screens.
- Controls m onster movement in Bat tle and during Duels .
[A] but ton
- Confirms se lections in menu sc reens.
- Activates we apon during arena co mbat.
[B] b utton
- Goes back o ne level in menu screen s.
- Brings up it em/options menu d uring Battle.
[D-P ad] (8-way d irectional c ontrol)
- Navigates th rough options in men u screens.
- Controls m onster movement in Bat tle and during Duel s.
[A] but ton
- Turns scanner O n to scan UPC codes.
- Confirms se lections in menu sc reens.
- Activates we apon during arena co mbat.
[B] b utton
- Goes back o ne level in menu screen s.
- Brings up it em/options menu d uring Battle.
LEDs (R ed & Green)
- Indicates r esult of scans.
Collecti ng monsters and item s is performed by sca nning UPC codes with a h andheld scanner /controller in a man ner similar to previou s Skannerz produc ts. The scanner abi l­ity of the con troller unit only fun ctions when it’s not at tached to the main cons ole.
• When disco nnected, the player mu st press [A] to ‘wake’ the u nit.
• When the uni t wakes the Scanning lig ht turns on, the Green l ight flashes twice, a nd the “Ready ” alert sound confi rms that the scanner i s active.
• If the player do es not scan a UPC code for 10 se conds, the scanner u nit turns off and the player ha s to press [A] again to wa ke it.
• For best res ults, make sure to star t scanning in a blank a rea (one without any b ar
­code strip es), and smoothl y sweep the scanning se nsor over the stripes . Skannerz read code s best when you move the unit s o it takes about a secon d to cross the whole barc ode. Don’t sweep the Skan nerz sensor back a nd forth.
• If the player sc ans a UPC code, the Scan s ound plays and the follow ing happens:
- If the scan is s uccessful (ent ire UPC code read) –
- If the UPC code p roduces an item, Item A cquired plays and the G reen LED turns on for 3 secon ds.
- If the player ha s already collecte d this item the Already a cquired sound plays
(Note: T he player can keep up to 5 Hea lth potions in their inve ntory at any time)
- If the UPC code p roduces a ‘Tech’ monster, the Tech so und plays and…
- If the player ha s not already collec ted this monster the gr een LED turns on for
3 seconds .
- If the player ha s already collecte d this monster the gree n and red LED flashes
quickly fo r 3 seconds and the Alre ady acquired sound p lays.
- If the UPC code p roduces a ‘Power’ mons ter, the Power sound plays and…
- If the player ha s not already collec ted this monster the gr een LED turns on for
3 seconds .
- If the player ha s already collecte d this monster the gree n and red LED flashes
quickly fo r 3 seconds and the Alre ady acquired sound p lays.
- If the UPC code p roduces a ‘Magic’ mon ster, the Magic sound plays a nd…
- If the player ha s not already collec ted this monster the gr een LED turns on for
3 seconds .
- If the player ha s already collecte d this monster the gree n and red LED flashes
quickly fo r 3 seconds and the Alre ady acquired sound p lays.
- If the scan is u nsuccessful (p artial UPC code rea d), the Bad Read sou nd plays and the red LED fla shes quickly for 3 sec onds.
• If a player sca ns a monster they alrea dy have, any stats that have be en improved via training a re NOT lost.
If the player p resses and holds bot h [A] and [B] for 2 s econds, the Green a nd Red LEDs flash to in dicate the number of mo nsters that the player h as in their stable. The Green LED r epresents 10s and the Re d LED represents 1s, with e ach LED (Green first, the n Red) flashing as ma ny times as needed to convey t he number. For example, 43 would be ind icated by the Green LED fl ashing four times and t hen the Red LED flashing th ree times (4x10 + 3x1 = 43), wh ile 68 would be indicate d by the Green LED flashing si x times and then the Red L ED flashing eight time s (6x10 + 8x1 = 68).
• The scann er unit has a low batter y indicator that warn s the player if they need to change the s canner’s batterie s (to prevent loss of all th eir monsters) . If the battery is low, when the pl ayer presses [A] to ac tivate the scanner the s canner LED will flash repeated ly (rather then stay ing on). The player w ill have a short perio d of time in which to chan ge the batteries wit hout losing their mo nsters.
In order not to l ose your monsters, wh en unplugging the ha ndheld scanner fro m the main unit, o r after scanning, wai t 30seconds to allow th e scanner enter sle ep mode before bat teries are replace d.
Scanner /Conso le Connect ion
The majori ty of monsters downl oaded from the handhe ld unit to the main conso le occur when the uni t is turned on:
If both scan ners are plugged in t hen the player with thei r scanner unit in the lef t port is conside red the ‘Blue Player’ and t he player with their sca nner unit in the right p ort is conside red the ‘Red Player’. Monster s are then downloaded f rom the handheld uni ts.
- If there’s only on e scanner plugged i n (in either port ) then that player is con sidered
to be the ‘Blue Pl ayer’ and monsters ar e then downloaded.
If neither p layer has a scanner uni t plugged in when the un it is turned on, then a me s­sage appe ars that tells where th e player is meant to conne ct their handheld un it:”
- If a player ins erts a scanner the n the game goes immedi ately to the ‘data down­load’ scre en and then the Main Men u.
If either pl ayer unplugs their sc anner then a menu appe ars asking the playe r to re­connect – a ssuming the player plu gs it back in then the gam e continues where the y left off ( if a different sca nner is plugged the n this will be treated as a ‘ne w player join­ing’ event, as o utlined above). T he player may also choos e the option to quit (whic h takes them b ack to the Main Menu) so i f one player is still conn ected then they may continue p laying but against the C PU.
Data uploa d from the main consol e to the handheld unit hap pens at the following po ints:
After a two -player Battle, whe n the winning player capt ures one of the rival’s mons ters.
- After a Due l, when the winning playe r receives their sta tistics.
• The player (s) have the followin g options in the menu scr een (note: If no cont rollers are attac hed to the main console , the player(s) wil l not be able to navigate the me nu options ):
- Battl e – Player(s) sele ct this mode in order to p lay 1-2 player Battle game s (this is
the default s election). If e ither player has colle cted fewer than 3 monste rs (i.e. less than need ed to fight a Battle) , then this option will not b e available.
- Duel – Playe r(s) select thi s mode in order to play tra ining Duels.
- Bestia ry – Player(s ) select this mode to view a ny monsters collec ted.
- Option s – Player(s) sele ct this mode to change g ame options.
Using the D -Pad either on the hand held controller (1) or o n the main console, the p layer navigates th rough the menu option s. Once the player has ch osen an option, sele ct it using the [ A] button on the contr oller or the main cons ole.
At any point du ring menu navigation , pressing [B] o n either the controll er or the main console re turns you one menu scre en.
Playing S cannerzTV
There are t wo main modes in Skann erz TV: Battle an d Duel. Each mode has seve ral differe nt play options. In addi tion, the player can view t heir Bestiary ( i.e. their collection of monster s).
Battl e – In this mode the player c an construct their ow n custom monster ‘army’ a nd send it into ba ttle against eithe r the computer or a frie nd on a chess-styl e grid. Each player takes t urns moving their mon sters. When one mons ter lands on another, then a Duel comm ences to determine wh o survives. There a re several differen t game varia­tions that p layers can choose bet ween, such as Flag Gr ab and Infected (se e below).
To move a monster, the player fi rst moves the cursor u sing the [D-Pad ] so that it’s under the de sired creature and t hen ‘selects’ it by pre ssing [A]:
- The selec ted monster now becom es highlighted.
- Moving the cu rsor around at vario us squares tells whe re the player can move their mons ter. Green = an allowed move. Re d = the move is not allowed.
- Squares c ontaining the player ’s own monste rs cannot be landed o n and so are not highlig hted.
The player ca n ‘de-select’ the mo nster by moving the curs or under it and press ing [A] agai n, leaving them free to ch oose another monste r.
- The player now s elects a square for th e monster to move to by highlig hting it with the curso r and pressing [A] :
- If the squar e is not valid (i.e. it’s not hig hlighted) then an a lert sounds and the player must s elect another squa re.
If the squar e is valid and empty the n the monster moves to its new p osition.
If the squar e is valid and contains a r ival monster then the re’s a Duel.
- If the Duel re solves in the attacke r’s favor then the player see s the enemy mon-
ster disap pearing and their mo nster moving to take its pl ace.
- If the Duel re solves in the defende r’s favor then the player see s their own
monster di sappearing.
If playing a fr iend but with only one c ontroller plugge d in, then each player bui lds their army f rom the same collect ion of monsters (i.e. t hose stored on the contr oller) – the second p layer controls the ga me using the main conso le.
- However, if the frie nd has their own contro ller plugged in then e ach player builds their army f rom their own unique mo nster collection. W hat’s more, players may win or lose mons ters to their rival dep ending upon the outco me of the Battle.
Duel – In thi s mode player(s ) can send single mons ters against one ano ther in a fast­paced arc ade-style comb at. Those monsters t hat win their Duels may a lso have their statisti cs improved.
- During a Du el, each player’s aim is to re duce their opponen t’s Health to zero by attacki ng them.
- At the top of the sc reen is a display showin g:
- Monste r Name
- ID Numbe r
- Health – S hown as both a bar that dep letes as the monster ta kes damage. When the bar reac hes zero the monster is d efeated.
- Reload – T his bar instantly dro ps to zero when a monster at tacks, then gradu ally ‘fills up’ acco rding to the monster’s Rel oad stat. While this ba r is only partially fi lled the monster c annot attack. Onc e the bar is full it star ts pulsating – this me ans that the monster c an now attack again.
- Power-Up I ndicator – If a mon ster is affected by an ite m then a relevant icon ap ­pears in th e stat bar.
- Players Due l until either of the mon sters is defeated. Whe n a monster is defeated, the victor is d eclared on the monito r screens, the winni ng monster perfor ms a small victo ry celebration , the losing monster fa des away. Pressing [A] ret urns the players to the B attle screen.
Bestia ry – In the Bestiar y the player can scan th rough the monsters th ey’ve col­lected to date , and examine their app earance, behaviou r and statistics.
Option s – Player(s) sele ct this option to chang e game settings.
Armage ddon
Armaged don is a ‘last man stand ing’-style Battle var iant in which victor y is achieved by eliminati ng all of the opponent ’s monster s:
• Player( s) place their mons ters in opposite corn ers of the selected g ame map, as indicated b elow,
• Each player t hen takes turns moving t heir monsters and st arting a Dual.
• Play continu es until all the monste rs from one team have bee n defeated. The player with monste rs remaining is dec lared the victor.
Flag Grab
In a Flag Grab g ame, player(s) a ttempt to capture the op ponent’s flag marker an d return it to their sid e of the board:
Player( s) place their mons ters on opposite side s of the selected game m ap. In addition each team ha s is a flag marker placed o n the side of the game boar d (indicated in pur ple below; thi s square is also highl ighted on the board dur ing play).
• Each player t hen takes turns moving t heir monsters and st arting a Dual.
• If a monster e nds its turn on the squa re bearing the oppos ite team’s flag then that monster is c onsidered to have ‘captu red the flag’ – an icon appe ars above its head.
• If a monster ho lding the opposite tea m’s flag is defeated, the flag is ‘dr opped’ and returns to it s home square.
• Although m onsters may occupy th e same square as their te am’s flag, they cannot pick it up and m ove it. Monsters occupy ing the same square a s their team’s flag are conside red to be guarding the fla g.
If the monste r currently holdin g the flag ends its move on its ba se (the highlighte d square whe re their own flag was orig inally placed) wh ile their own flag is on its ba se too, then the fla g is considered ‘capt ured’ and that player wi ns.
[D-P ad]
(8-w ay
direc tional
contro l)
[A] but ton
[B] b utton
[D-P ad]
(8-w ay
direc tional
contro l)
[A] but ton
[B] b utton
In the Conqu er game, victory is a chieved by defeating the o pponent’s ‘King’ mons ter:
• Player( s) place their mons ters in all 4 corners of t he selected game ma p.
• The monste r placed on the ‘crown squ are’ (highlighted o n the board) is automa tically declare d the king.
• Each player t hen takes turns moving t heir monsters and st arting a Dual.
If a player defe ats their opponent ’s ‘King’ mo nster then they are dec lared the victor.
Infecte d
In an Infecte d game a monster is dee med to be infected with a ma gical plague until it defe ats another monster i n a duel. Every turn a mons ter has plague count s against th at team’s score:
• Player( s) place their mons ters on opposite side s of the selected game m ap.
• After all m onsters have been plac e, one monster is rand omly chosen to be infec ted – this is indi cated by an animated ico n floating over its head.
• The Health , Reload and Force stat s of the monster that is cur rently infected are doubled so t hat the monster beco mes very powerful .
• Each player t hen takes turns moving t heir monsters and st arting a Dual.
The infecte d monster’s task is to hunt d own a rival monster and en gage it in a Duel:
- If the infecte d monster wins the Due l then the rival monste r is removed from the
board as no rmal and one of the oppon ent’s team is randomly d eclared infected .
If the infecte d monster loses the D uel then their monste r is removed from the boa rd and anothe r member of their team i s randomly declare d infected.
- If a team’s monste rs have all been defeate d then the game ends and t he team with
the highes t score is declared t he winner.
• Both teams st art with 20 points, as d isplayed on the displ ay:
- Every turn a p oint is removed from the te am with the infected mo nster.
- If a team’s score hi ts 0 then the opposing te am is declared the vic tor.
Skull Sc ramble
In the Skull Sc ramble game, victo ry is achieved by moving a m agic skull to the opposi te team’s edge of the b attle map:
• Player( s) place their mons ters on opposite side s of the selected game m ap. In addi
tion a skull ‘m arker’ is placed at the c entre of the board.
• Each player t hen takes turns moving t heir monsters and st arting a Dual.
• If a monster e nds its turn on the squa re bearing the skull th en that monster is cons id
ered to be ‘ho lding the skull’ – an anim ated skull icon now appe ars above its head.
• If the monste r holding the skull is de feated in a Duel, the vict orious monster now takes poss ession of the skull.
If the monste r holding the skull suc cessfully reache s the opposite team’s goal s quare (i.e the cor ner square on that playe r’s side of the board; th is square is highligh ted on the board fo r emphasis) then th eir team is declared t he winner.
Upgrad ing Stat istics – S ingle Playe r
If the player de feats their oppone nt then they may be able to upg rade their stats.
There are o nly three stats that may b e upgraded: Heat h, Damage and Reload
To upgrade stats , the player must Duel an d defeat an opponent w ith at least one stat higher tha n their monster’s. In add ition, only those sta ts may be upgraded (if t here’s more than on e then the one to be upgrad ed is chosen random ly).
• The Diffi culty level selecte d also affects stat s upgrades:
- Easy – No upg rade
- Medium – 1 p oint upgrade
- Hard – 2 poi nt upgrade (never beyo nd that monster’s Max st at value).
Upgrad ing Stat istics – Two-P layer
This is nea r identical to the singl e-player version : whoever wins the dual g ets one of their stat s (chosen random ly) upgraded by a sing le point.
Player Colo rs
So that each p layer can quickly and e asily identify wh ich monster is their s during a Bat­tle or a Duel, e ach monster is tinted s lightly different :
Player 1 – Al l the monsters have a blue c olor, and during the game th is player is referred to a s the ‘Blue Player’.
Player 2 – Al l the monsters have a red co lor, and during the game thi s player is referred to a s the ‘Red Player’.
Note: w hen monsters are viewe d on the Bestiary sc reen and during dua ls, they are seen in the ir ‘true colors’.
Option s
On this scre en the player can sele ct from the following op tions:
Battl e Animation O n/Off – If this i s set to ‘On’, the player sees monste rs move from square to squ are on the battlegr ound; if this is set to ‘Of f’ then monsters ‘s nap move’ from squa re to square.
Music Vol ume – Music Volume is rep resented by a bar, the length o f which can be altered us ing the [D-Pad ] to change the volume.
Sound F X Volume – Sound FX Volume i s represented by a bar, the le ngth of which can be alter ed using the [D- Pad] to change the volum e.
In addition t o collecting monste rs, scanning cer tain UPC codes gives th e player items:
Items can be u sed during any battl e game at the beginnin g of a player’s turn. Pressin g [B] wh ile on the Battle scre en brings up an Option s menu, one of which is ‘Use I tem’. Highlight t his option with the [D -Pad] and selec ting it with [A] brin gs up an overlay
• T
he player cycl es between items with t he [D-Pad] – as th is happens, the moni tor read-ou t changes to explain wh at the item does – and when t he desired one is high ­lighted it ca n be selected by pres sing [A].
• There are t hree ‘classes’ of item :
- Defens ive – These items aff ect the player’s monster s:
- After sel ecting a defensive ite m, the screen returns to t he Battle map.
With the [ D-Pad] the player gu ides a cursor onto one of t heir monsters.
- Once the de sired monster is high lighted, pressing [ A] activates the item .
- Offen sive – These items af fect the opponent ’s monste rs:
- After sel ecting an offensive i tem, the screen retur ns to the Battle map.
With the [ D-Pad] the player gu ides a cursor onto an en emy monster.
- Once the de sired monster is high lighted, pressing [ A] activates the item .
- Enviro nmental – These i tems affect all mon sters on the battle ma p. Once the item
is selecte d its effects appl y immediately.
• There are 20 i tems the player can coll ect and then use in Bat tle.
- Health P otions (Def ensive) – When th e player uses this item on a m onster, the
monster’s he alth is restored to full.
- Boots Of S peed (Defe nsive) – When the pl ayer uses this item, the m onster can
move up to 5 space s on the Battle map. If the mo nster engages in a Du el, their arena spe ed is also increase d. Boots Of Speed’s eff ect lasts for a single tu rn.
Book Of Th e Dead (Offe nsive & Defensi ve; Battle o nly) – When this item i s used,
a defeated mo nster from each team is r esurrected. The p layer who used the Book chooses t he monsters both from t heir own team and the oppo nent’s.
Ring Of S trength (D efensive) – Whe n the player uses this ite m on a monster, the monster’s For ce doubles. The effe cts of the Ring last for a s ingle turn.
- Vortex ( Offensive & D efensive) – Whe n the player uses this ite m they can teleport any monster to a ny space on the Battle m ap. Note: monsters th at are currently holding a fla g (in Capture The Flag ) or a skull (in Advanc e) cannot be telepo rted.
- Lightn ing Bolt (Of fensive) – Whe n the player uses this ite m on an opponent’s monster, its he alth is reduced by 50% .
- Spide r’s Web (Offen sive) – When the pl ayer uses this item on an op ponent’s monster, the mon ster is not able to move on the Ba ttle map (this eff ect does not carry ove r into Duels). The e ffect lasts for thre e turns.
- Aura Of Co nfusion (O ffensive) – W hen the player uses thi s item on an opponent’s monster, the mon ster’s controls are reve rsed during Duels ( i.e. pressing [U p] makes the mon ster go down, pressin g [Down] makes the m onster go up, pressin g [Left ] makes the monster go r ight, and pressing [ Right] makes the mo nster go left.) The effec ts last for a single tur n.
- Gravit y Hex (Enviro nmental) – W hen this item is used, al l flying monster are immobiliz ed on the Battle map (o n both armies). Fur thermore, if a flyin g monster engages i n a Duel while the effec ts of a Gravity Hex are in p lace, the monster’s speed is re duced and it essen tially becomes gro und-moving (i.e. it now t akes damage fro m things like lava pools, e tc). The effect la sts for three turns.
- Meteor S hower (Envir onmental ; Battle only ) – When this item is use d, a meteor shower occu rs. The meteor shower c auses damage to a rand om number of mon­sters from e ither team. Once sel ected, the meteor showe r is instant.
- Horn Of Pl enty (Defe nsive) – Raise s the Health of every mon ster in the player’s army by 50% .
- Titan A rmour (Defe nsive) – Boosts th e selected monster ’s stats to the ir Max value for a sin gle turn/rest of D uel (note that Healt h remains boosted )
- Gaunt lets of Dexteri ty (Defens ive) – Doubles the m onster’s Reload Rate for a single tur n/rest of Duel.
Dwarve n Ale (Offe nsive) – Gives a mon ster High Inertia fo r a single turn/re st of Duel.
Magic Ru ne (Environ mental; Bat tle only) – Gi ves Magic monsters a co mbat ‘boost’ against Tech mo nsters and doubles t heir usual boost ag ainst Power monsters . Lasts for three tur ns, can only be played o n the Battle board.
Tech Upgra de (Environ mental; Bat tle only) – Gi ves Tech mons ters a combat ‘boost ’ against Powe r monsters and doubl es their usual boos t against Magic mons ters. Lasts for three tur ns, can only be played o n the Battle board.
Power Sur ge (Environ mental; Ba ttle only) – Gi ves Power monsters a com bat ‘boost’ ag ainst Magic monste rs and doubles their u sual boost agains t Tech mon­sters. La sts for three turns, c an only be played on the Bat tle board.
- Chaos St orm (Enviro nment; Bat tle only) – Rever ses the Magic> Power>Technology combat ad vantage triangle fo r three turns.
- Glyph O f Warding (De fensive) – Prote cts a monster from har m for a turn (where they can not be a ttacked on the Battl e board) or for a limite d time during a Duel. Can’t be used o n a monster carryi ng a flag or a skull.
- Stones o f Henge (Envi ronmental ; Battle only ) – Causes a random nu mber of pillars to e rupt on the Battle boa rd for three turns; a ny monsters standin g on a pillared s quare cannot move or at tack, and monsters c annot move into squares with pillar s on.
While most of t he items may only be used o nce (without re-s canning the item) , the player is able to store u p to 5 Health Potions. The nu mber collected is s hown by a small number overlaying t he icon, which decrea ses every time a Heal th Potion is used.
If the player hi ghlights a monster wh ich is still under an ite m’s effec t, an icon in the monitor dis play indicates this ( i.e. if a monster has an Aur a Of Confusion cast o n it, a small icon i ndicating this will a ppear whenever it is hi ghlighted).
• A monster ca n only be under the effe cts of one item at a time – an ite m’s effect superse des that of any previou s items.
To locate your auxil iary channel, whi ch is usually not 3 or 4, bu t a gaming channel foun d between 2 a nd 99 (example 2, 1, 0, 99) , first try 00 to see if it i s the auxiliary cha nnel. Channels d ownwards from 3 until a Lin e 1 or Line 2, Video 1 or Vide o 2, Front, Aux, AV, etc., appears on sc reen, then push the po wer button on the game an d it should automatic ally come on if you have sele cted the correct ch annel. If this does not wo rk, another way to d etermine your auxilia ry channel is to take a l ook at your television remote. The re may be a button on the rem ote that may take you direct ly to the correct channel. T he buttons you are look ing for may be labeled In put, AUX, AV, Line, TV/Vi deo, or Video. If yo ur remote has one of these b uttons, turn your tele vision back to Channe l 3 and selec t that button. The power b utton on the game shou ld be turned on in orde r for the game to a ppear on the televisi on. If your television re mote does not have any of these but tons, and channel 00 i s not working, you may nee d to search the main menu for a way to determ ine your auxiliary c hannel. If none of thes e methods have helped you locate you r auxiliary chann el, you may need to check you r owner’s manual and /or contact a lo cal television repa ir company.
When conne cting to a VCR, you must firs t start with a blue ba ckground showing on your televis ion screen. To obtain a blue s creen, try inser ting a videotape into t he VCR, let it star t to play, then hit the stop butto n. This may give you a blue sc reen, then you can chann el down to your auxiliar y channel. If the blue sc reen still does not ap pear, try entering yo ur TV and/or VCR ma in menu and see if it gives y ou options to select a blu e screen ba ckground. Many times if yo u enter the main menu on yo ur television you can change the s etting from cable to v ideo and display a blue s creen. Also if you have an older telev ision, you may locate a hid den door on your televis ion that has color, pictur e, horizonta l, vertical, and ca ble, antennae button s. If your television inc ludes this panel, you can sele ct the antennae/c able button and see t he blue screen appe ars. If you have tried all of t hese options and are st ill unsuccessful c onnecting the cons ole, then you may need to chec k your VCR owner’s manual or c ontact the manufact urer to find out how to set up your VCR fo r console games.
Remembe r, you can’t play o ur games through a ca ble box or satellite, so if you o wn one of these make s ure it is turned off bef ore connecting the g ame. You can connect our games thr ough DVD players with the s ame connection as a VC R.
If you still have di fficulty with setu p or operation of your ga me, please call our pl ayers helpline m entioned at the end of th is manual.
If you choose to u se an AC Adapter we sugges t the following :
Recomm ended Adaptor O utput:
-Voltage: 6 Volt s DC
-Curren t: 300 mA (minimu m)
Polarity : Negative Center Plug Size: 5. 5 mm outside diameter, 2.1 inside di ameter. AC Adapters a re available at most ele ctronic stores.
If you use the pr oduct with a transfo rmer, regularly examin e for damage to the cord, plug, encl osure and other par ts. In the event of any damag e, do not use the toy with the transf ormer.
• As with al l small batte ries, the bat teries used wit h this device sh ould be kept away from s mall childre n who might stil l put things in t heir mouths. I f a bat­tery is s wallowed, cons ult a physicia n immediately.
• Be sure yo u insert the ba ttery corr ectly and alway s follow the devi ce and bat
tery ma nufacturer ’s instructi ons.
• Do not dis pose of batter ies in fire.
• Batte ries might leak i f improperl y installed, o r explode if rech arged, disa ssem
bled or he ated.
Someti mes, a build-u p of static elec tric (from ca rpets, etc) m ay cause the gam e to stop wor king. Just res et the game by swit ching the power b utton off for a fe w second s and it will work ag ain.
The unit m ay malfuncti on when there i s radio interf erence on the pow er line and signal l ine. The unit wi ll revert to norm al operation w hen the inter ference stop s.
• In an envi ronment with r adio frequen cy interfere nce, the produ ct may mal­funct ion and requir e user to reset th e product.
• Handle thi s device carefully.
• Store this dev ice away from dusty or di rty areas.
• Keep this devi ce away from moisture or ex treme temperatur e.
• Do not disas semble this device. I f a problem occurs, p ress the Reset butto n, or remove and re place the batterie s to reset the device, or tr y new batteries. If p rob­lems per sist, consult the war ranty informatio n located at the end of this i nstruction manual.
• Use only the re commended batte ry type.
• Do not mix old a nd new batteries.
• D
o not mix alka line, standard (ca rbon-zinc) or rech argeable (nicke l-cadmium)
batterie s.
• Do not use rec hargeable batte ries.
• Do not attem pt to recharge non-r echargeable bat teries.
• Remove any exha usted batteries fr om the device.
• Do not shor t-circuit the suppl y terminals.
• Insert b atteries with the co rrect polarity.
• This produ ct is not suitable for c hildren under 36 mon ths.
• Use only with t he recommended tr ansformer type.
• Disconn ect the transforme r before cleaning the c onsole or controlle r.
• The trans former is not a toy.
Transformer s used with the toy are to be re gularly examined fo r damage to the cord,plug , enclosure and othe r parts. In the event of su ch damage, the toy must not be used with t his transformer un til the damage has bee n repaired.
• The toy is not to be co nnected to more than on e power supply.
• Packaging s hould be kept as it conta ins important info rmation.
Please r etain this for f uture refere nce.
This devic e complies with Part 15 of th e FCC Rules. Operatio n is subject to the fol­lowing two co nditions: (1) this dev ice may not cause harmf ul interference a nd (2) this device must a ccept any interfer ence received, incl uding interferen ce that may cause undesire d operation.
WARNING : Changes or modifi cations to this unit not e xpressly approved by t he party respons ible for compliance c ould void the user’s auth ority to operate the eq uipment.
NOTE: T his equipment has be en tested and found to com ply with the limits for a Cl ass B digital dev ice, pursuant to Par t 15 of the FCC Rul es. These limits are d esigned to provide reasona ble protection agai nst harmful interf erence in a residen tial installation. T his equipme nt generates, uses a nd can radiate radio fr equency energy an d if not installed and used in a ccordance with the in structions, may cau se harmful interf erence to radio communic ations. However, there is no gu arantee that inter ference will not occu r in a partic ular installation. I f this equipment doe s cause harmful inte rference to radio or te l­evision re ception, which can be d etermined by turning t he equipment off an d on, the user is encour aged to try to correc t the interference by o ne or more of the following m easures:
• Reorien t or relocate the recei ving antenna.
• Increase t he separation bet ween the equipment an d receiver.
• Connect t he equipment into an out let on a circuit diffe rent from that to which th e receiver i s connected.
• Consult th e dealer or an experie nced radio TV tech nician for help.
(This p roduct warra nty is valid in t he United Stat es and Canada on ly)
Radica Ga mes Limited warrant s this product for a per iod of 6 months from the or iginal purchas e date under normal use a gainst defective wor kmanship and mater ials (bat­teries exclu ded). This warr anty does not cover da mage resulting from a ccident, unreaso nable use, negligen ce, improper ser vice or other causes n ot arising out of defects in m aterial or workmans hip. Radica Games Li mited will not be liable fo r any costs incu rred due to loss of use of th is product or other in cidental or conseq uential costs, exp enses or damages in curred by the purchas er. Some states do not allow th e exclusion o r limitation of incide ntal or consequen tial damages, so the a bove limitations may not apply to yo u. This warranty gi ves you specific legal r ights and you may also have other leg al rights, which var y from state to state.
During thi s 6-month warrant y period, the game wil l either be repaired o r replaced (at our option ) without charge to the p urchaser when retu rned prepaid with p roof of date of purchas e to: Radica USA , Ltd., 13628-A Be ta Road, Dalla s, Texas 752 44, USA. Please rem ove the batteries and wr ap the unit carefull y before shipping. Ple ase include a brief des cription of the proble m along with your retur n address and mail it po stage prepaid.
IMPORTANT: Be fore returning the uni t for repair, test it with fre sh alkaline batter ies. Even new batte ries may be defective or we ak and low battery p ower is a frequent caus e of unsatis factory operatio n.
(This p roduct warra nty is valid in t he United Kingd om only)
All produc ts in the RADICA® ran ge are fully guarante ed for a period of 6 month s from the origin al purchase date unde r normal use, again st defective workman ship and material s (batteries exclu ded). This warr anty does not cover dam age resulting from a c­cident, un reasonable use, ne gligence, improp er service or other c auses not arising o ut of defects in m aterial or workman ship.
In the unlikel y event that you do experie nce a problem within t he first 6 months, plea se telephon e the Technic al Support team : Tel. 0871 2 22 8278. Calls a re charged at 10 p
per minu te and will show u p on your standa rd telephone b ill. Helpline h ours are 2pm-11pm, Mond ay to Friday.
IMPORTANT: Al ways test the product wit h fresh alkaline bat teries. Even new batte ries may
be defecti ve or weak and low batter y power is a frequent cau se of unsatisfactor y operation.
Publisher – Radica
Programmer/Author - Hi-Score TV Limited
Production Company - Hi-Score TV Limited
Distributed in the USA by:
13628-A Beta Road Dallas, TX 75244-4510
Distributed in the UK by:
The Old Stables, Munns Farm, Cole Green, Hertfordshire, SG14 2NL, England