This device co mplies with Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. O peration is
subject to the fo llowing two con ditions: (1) thi s device may not cau se
harmful inte rferenc e and (2) thi s device must ac cept any inter ference
received, in cluding inter ference that may cause und esired ope ration.
WARNING : Changes or modificati ons to this unit not ex pressly ap proved by the par ty respon sible for comp liance could vo id the user’s
authorit y to operate the eq uipment.
NOTE: T his equipme nt has been teste d and found to comp ly with the
limits for a Cla ss B digital devi ce, pursuan t to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limit s are designe d to provide reas onable protec tion against
harmful inte rferenc e in a residenti al installati on. This equip ment generates, uses an d can radiate rad io frequenc y energy and if n ot installed
and used in ac cordance wi th the instruct ions, may cause h armful
interfer ence to radio com munications . However, there is no guar antee
that interf erence will not o ccur in a par ticular inst allation. If thi s equipment does ca use harmful in terferen ce to radio or televi sion recepti on,
which can be de termined by tur ning the equipm ent off and on , the user
is encoura ged to try to cor rect the inter ference by one or more of the
following mea sures:
• Reorient o r relocate the re ceiving ante nna.
• Increase t he separatio n between the e quipment and r eceiver.
• Connect th e equipment in to an outlet on a cir cuit differe nt from that to
which the rec eiver is conne cted.
• Consult the d ealer or an exp erienced r adio TV techn ician for help.
(This p roduct wa rrant y is valid i n the Unite d States a nd Canad a only)
Radica Gam es Limited warr ants this prod uct for a perio d of 90 days
from the orig inal purcha se date under nor mal use again st defective
workmansh ip and materia ls (batter ies excluded ). This war ranty does
not cover damag e resulting fr om accident, u nreasonab le use, negligence, impr oper serv ice or other cau ses not arisi ng out of defects i n
material or wo rkmanship. R adica Games L imited will not be li able for
any costs incu rred due to los s of use of this prod uct or other inc idental
or consequ ential costs , expenses or da mages incur red by the purch aser. Some states do not a llow the exclusion o r limitation of i ncidental o r
conseque ntial damage s, so the above limit ations may not ap ply to you.
This warra nty gives you spe cific legal ri ghts and you may al so have other
legal righ ts, which var y from state to state.
During this 9 0-day war ranty peri od, the game will e ither be repai red or
replaced ( at our option) without ch arge to the purch aser when ret urned
prepaid wit h proof of date of purc hase to: Rad ica USA, L td., 13628 -A
Beta Road , Dallas , Texas 75244, USA . Please remove the batteries and wrap t he unit carefu lly before ship ping. Please in clude a brief
descripti on of the proble m along with your re turn addres s and mail it
postage pr epaid.
IMPORTANT: Befor e returning the u nit for repair, test it w ith fresh
alkaline bat teries. Even new batterie s may be defective or we ak and low
battery p ower is a freque nt cause of unsat isfactory o peration.
lowing time a tri ck is pulled of f, your score is dec reased. You may also
complete a com bination (c ompleting seve ral differe nt tricks duri ng a
jump). Tricks a re broken down into th e following categ ories:
• Grind Tricks
• Flip Tricks
• Lip Tricks
• Grab Tricks
To perform a trick , you’ll need to tilt your b oard in a speci fic sequenc e.
F = Tilting the bo ard Forward
B = Tilting the bo ard Back
R = Tilting the bo ard Right
L = Tilting the bo ard Left
X = Pressing th e Left button o n the handset c ontroller
O = Pressing th e Right button o n the handset co ntroller
M = Pressing th e Middle button o n the handset c ontroller
Combo Bon us
2 Trick Combo = 2X point to tal
3 Trick Combo = 3X point tota l
4 Trick Combo = 4X point tota l
Grind Tricks
Trick Name Buttons Points Awarded fo r this Trick
5-0 Grin d M 100 + Variable grin d bonus
FS 50/50 G rind M L 200 + Variable g rind bonus
FS Boardslid e M R 200 + Variable g rind bonus
Tail Slide M F 20 0 + Variable grin d bonus
Overcrook G rind M M 300 + Variable gri nd bonus
50/50 Da rkslide M M L 400 + Variable g rind bonus
Feeble Grin d M M R 400 + Variable grin d bonus
Dark Slide M M F 400 + Variabl e grind bonus
Bulldance M X 500 + Variable gr ind bonus
Dark Crane M X L 600 + Variable grind bo nus
Flip Trip M X R 60 0 + Variable grin d bonus
5-0 Twisted Flip M X F 600 + Var iable grind bo nus
Flip Tricks
Trick Name Buttons Points Awarded fo r this Trick
Ninja Kick X 600
Pop Shove-It X L 800
Varial Kick flip X R 80 0
Hardflip X F 800
Impossib le X X 900
Kickflip 3 60 X X L 1000
McTwist X X R 1000
Casper Flip X X F 1100
Split Kick flip X O 1200
Heelflip 36 0 Body
X O L 1500
Bust a Move X O R 1500
Flip Cannonb all X O F 1500
Lip Tricks
Trick Name Buttons Points Awarded fo r this Trick
Axle Sta ll M
400 + (100 to 1000 Hold Poi nts)
Gymnast Pla nt M L
500 + (100 to 1000 Hold Poi nts)
Rock N Roll M R
500 + (100 to 1000 Hold Poi nts)
Sad Plant M F
500 + (100 to 1000 Hold Poi nts)
One Foot Inver t M M
600 + (100 to 1000 Hold Po ints)
Egg Plant M M L
700 + (100 to 1000 Hold Point s)
Disaster M M R
700+ (100 to 1000 Hol d Points)
Nose Stall M M F
700 + (100 to 1000 Hold Point s)
“T” Plant M X
800 + (100 to 1000 Hold Poi nts)
Dark Disa ster M X L
1000 + (100 to 1000 Hold Point s)
Inverted St all M X R
1000 + (100 to 1000 Hold Point s)
Gypsy Bonel ess M X F
1000 + (100 to 1000 Hold Point s)
Grab Tricks
Trick Name Buttons Points Awarded fo r this Trick
Indy Grab O 200 +
(100 to 1000 Hold Points )
Airwalk O L 400 +
(100 to 1000 Hold Points )
Judo Air O R 400 +
(100 to 1000 Hold Points )
Melon Grab O F 400 +
(100 to 1000 Hold Points )
Benihana O O 500 +
(100 to 1000 Hold Points )
Japan O O L 600 +
(100 to 1000 Hold Points )
Indy 360 O O R 600 +
(100 to 1000 Hold Points )
Madeena O O F 800 +
(100 to 1000 Hold Points )
Stickman O M 800 +
(100 to 1000 Hold Points )
Impossib le Indy O M L 800 +
(100 to 1000 Hold Points )
Indy 720 O M R 3000
Air Guitar O M F 800 +
(100 to 1000 Hold Points )
To locate your auxilia ry channel , which is usual ly not 3 or 4, but a gami ng
channel fou nd between 2 an d 99 (example 2, 1, 0, 99 ), first tr y 00 to see if
it is the auxili ary chann el. Channels d ownwards from 3 unti l a Line 1 or Line
2, Video 1 or Vide o 2, Front, Aux, AV, etc., appears on s creen, then p ush
the power butto n on the game and i t should automat ically come on i f you
have selected t he correct ch annel. If this do es not work, ano ther way to
determine you r auxiliar y channel is to ta ke a look at your televi sion remote.
There may be a bu tton on the remo te that may take you dire ctly to the correct chann el. The button s you are lookin g for may be labele d Input, AUX,
AV, Line, TV/Vid eo, or Video. If you r remote has one of th ese buttons, t urn
your televisio n back to Channel 3 a nd select tha t button. The powe r button
on the game sho uld be turned o n in order for the g ame to appear on t he
television. If yo ur television r emote does not have any o f these button s, and
channel 0 0 is not working, you m ay need to searc h the main menu for a way
to determine you r auxiliar y channel. If no ne of these metho ds have helped
you locate your au xiliary ch annel, you may nee d to check your owne r’s
manual and /or contact a local telev ision repai r company.
When conne cting to a VCR, you must fi rst star t with a blue backgr ound
showing on your te levision scre en. To obtain a blue scr een, try ins erting
a videotape i nto the VCR, let it sta rt to play, then hit the sto p button. This
may give you a blue sc reen, then you ca n channel down to yo ur auxiliar y
channel. If th e blue screen s till does not ap pear, try enteri ng your TV and /
or VCR main menu a nd see if it gives you o ptions to selec t a blue scree n
background. M any times if you ente r the main menu on yo ur television
you can chang e the setting fr om cable to vide o and display a blu e screen.
Also if you have an ol der televisio n, you may locate a hid den door on your
television th at has color, pictur e, horizontal, ve rtical, an d cable, antenn ae
buttons. If yo ur television in cludes this pa nel, you can sele ct the antennae/ca ble button an d see the blue scr een appear s. If you have tried a ll of
these option s and are still un successfu l connectin g the console, th en you
may need to chec k your VCR owner’s manua l or contact the m anufacture r
to find out how to set up you r VCR for console g ames.
Remember, you can’ t play our games th rough a cable b ox or satellite, so
if you own one of thes e make sure it is tur ned off befor e connecting t he
game. You can conne ct our games th rough DVD player s with the same
connectio n as a VCR.
If you still have dif ficulty with s etup or operat ion of your game, pl ease
call our playe rs helpline me ntioned at the e nd of this manual .
If you choose to us e an AC Adapter we sugg est the followin g :
Recomme nded Ada ptor Outp ut:
-Voltage: 6 Volts DC
-Curren t: 300 mA ( minimum)
Polarity : Negative Cente r
Plug Size: 5.5 m m outside diam eter, 2.1 inside diameter.
AC Adapters ar e available at mos t electronic s tores.
If you use the pro duct with a tran sformer, regular ly examine for da mage
to the cord, plug , enclosure an d other par ts. In the event of any da mage, do not use th e toy with the transfo rmer.
As with al l small ba tterie s, the bat teries used wit h this devi ce shoul d
be kept away f rom small c hildre n who migh t still pu t things i n their
mouths . If a batte ry is swal lowed, co nsult a phy sician im mediat ely.
• Be sure yo u inser t the batt ery cor rectl y and always f ollow the
device an d batte ry manu factur er’s inst ructio ns.
• Do not dis pose of bat teries i n fire.
• Batte ries migh t leak if im proper ly insta lled, or ex plode if r e
charge d, disas semble d or heated .
• Someti mes, a bui ld-up of s tatic el ectric ( from carpets, e tc) may
cause th e game to sto p working . Just res et the game b y switching the pow er butto n off for a few s econds a nd it will wor k again.
• The unit m ay malfu nction w hen ther e is radio in terfe rence on t he
power lin e and signa l line. Th e unit will r evert to no rmal ope ration
when the i nterf erence s tops.
• In an envi ronment w ith radi o freque ncy inter ference, the pr oduct
may malf unctio n and requ ire user to r eset the p roduct .
• Handle this d evice careful ly.
• Store this devi ce away from dusty o r dirty ar eas.
• Keep this devic e away from moistur e or extreme tem perature.
• Do not disas semble this dev ice. If a proble m occurs, pre ss the Reset
button, or re move and replace t he batterie s to reset the device , or try
new batteri es. If problem s persist, c onsult the war ranty inform ation
located at the e nd of this instr uction manua l.
• Use only the re commende d battery t ype.
• Do not mix old an d new batterie s.
• Do not mix alka line, standa rd (carbo n-zinc) or rech argeable ( nickelcadmium) b atteries.
• Do not use rec hargeable b atteries.
• Do not attemp t to recharge no n-rechar geable batte ries.
• Remove any exhau sted batteri es from the devic e.
• Do not shor t-circuit the s upply termin als.
• Insert b atteries wi th the correct p olarity.
• This produ ct is not suitab le for childre n under 36 month s.
• Use only with th e recommend ed transfor mer type.
• Disconne ct the transfo rmer before c leaning the co nsole or contr oller.
• The transfo rmer is not a toy.
• Transformers u sed with the toy are to b e regularly exa mined for dam
age to the cord,p lug, enclosu re and other par ts. In the event of such
damage, the toy mu st not be used wit h this transfor mer until the
damage has b een repaire d.
• The toy is not to be con nected to more th an one power supp ly.
• Packaging sh ould be kept as it co ntains impor tant information.
Please r etain th is for futu re refer ence.
Distributed by:
13628-A Beta Road
Dallas, TX 75244-4510
Technical D irector
Jay Obernol te
Game Prog rammin g
Mike Reitmeyer
Tools Develop ment
Chris Kline
Mike Reitmeyer
Sean Shann on
Studio D irecto r
Bobby King
Produc er
Scott Shel ton
Chris Kline
Scott Shel ton
Art Di rector
Tom Green
Lead Ar tist
Chris Kline
Lead Ani mator
Darrin Ha rt
Animat ors
Amy Drobek
Chris Kline
Additi onal Audi o
Chris Kline
Qualit y Assurance
Norman Step ansky
Stacy Crump ler
J-San Toth
Rene Coron ado
Design D irecto r
Ron Bagley
Indust rial Designer
Ryan Paxson