Radica Games Legends of The Lake 74003 Instruction Manual

They say there's legendary fish in these lakes. Many have heard about them. A few have even seen them. But no one, absolutely no one has ever caught them - that is, until now! Now you can become the legend after you catch all 4 of these elusive beauties. Good luck! You're going to need it!
CAST / ON / LINE IN - Use this button to Turn on the game / Cast a line out / Automatically retrieve fishing line.
NOTE: If there is no activity for about 60 seconds, the game will automatically go into "sleep mode." Press the
CAST / ON / LINE IN button to turn the game on again.
NEW GAME - Press and hold this button for 2 seconds to
end your current game and bring you back to the Main Menu.
SOUND - This button toggles the sound ON and OFF.
REEL CRANK - Turn to reel in your line after a cast.
LIVE WELL - This shows you how many fish are currently
in your Live Well. This also shows you the total weight of all the fish you've caught in the current mode.
MOVE - When your fishing line is in, this moves your boat to a different location.
RESET - Using a blunt object, press this button to reset the game. Just be careful, this will erase your current game and trophies.
DIRECTIONAL PAD - Use this to: Menu Mode - scroll through the choices (Left & Right), press Down to enter a selection
BAIT MODE - Scroll through your bait (Left & Right), press Down to enter a selection
FISHING MODE - Pull rod left and right, using Up and Down to add or decrease drag respectively.
Turn the reel or press reset to exit demo mode.
Press and hold the NEW GAME button until the Menu screen appears. Use the DIRECTIONAL PAD's left and right directions to scroll through the four choices below. Then press Down to enter a selection.
TROPHY ROOM - After selecting the Trophy Room, use the Left / Right directions to view trophies for each lake. Choose a lake by pressing Down. You will then see:
Best Catch - The largest fish you've caught so far
Best Rank - The best you've ever ranked during a tourna-
Total Fish - the amount of fish caught
Exit the selected lake by pressing Down again.
VIEW LEGENDS - Press Left or Right to scroll through all four legendary fish. Press Up or Down to exit.
RECREATION - Fish any of the four lakes. Catch as many fish as you can and each lake's legendary fish.
TOURNAMENT- Fish the same four lakes, but now you have a time limit and your fish count toward your high score.
Using the Left and Right directions, highlight RECREATION in the main menu. Then move the DIRECTIONAL PAD Down to enter your selection.
Next, choose your lake. Move the DIRECTIONAL PAD Left and Right to select a lake. Press Down to enter your selec­tion (See "THE LAKES AND THEIR FISH" below).
Once you're at the lake you can: MOVE LOCATIONS ­While in the "overhead view" press the MOVE button.
CHANGE BAIT - While in "overhead view" press Left or Right to change bait.
LIVE WELL - Press and hold the LIVE WELL button to view fish you've caught.
Any time your Line is in, you may press the MOVE button to move your boat to a different part of the lake
Once you've positioned your boat and chosen your Lure (see CHANGE BAIT, above), it's time to cast!
Press and hold the CAST / ON / LINE button and cast as if you were casting an actual rod and reel. Pull your hand back, grip the handle tightly, and "whip" it forward. Remember, the harder you cast, the farther your line and lure will go.
If your lure lands on the shore, slowly reel in your line until it hits water. However, you're probably going to "snag" your hook on something. Making the same casting motion (but backwards), try to jerk it free. If your line breaks, you'll have to change your bait. Either way, it's best not to land your hook on the shore.
Once your lure is in the water, it's up to you to slowly reel it in until you get a bite. In this "sonar view," you can see where your lure is in relation to the surrounding fish.
Just be very careful not to snag your lure on an obstacle near the bottom of the lake. If you do, your line may break and you'll lose your bait. Just like on land, you may be able to jerk your line free, but the bottom line is: avoid snagging anything but a fish!
NOTE: For the best chance at getting a "bite", try to posi­tion your lure just in front of the fish.
If you get a bite, you must quickly "set the hook" by jerk­ing the Rod and Reel backwards. When fish "bite" the lure, the rod will vibrate.
Once you've hooked a fish, it's up to you to reel it in with­out breaking your line and losing your bait AND the fish! Keep an eye on that Tension Meter! If the tension is too high, try reeling in slower. If the fish jumps, jerk the Rod and Reel to keep from losing it.
You may also adjust the Drag by moving the DIRECTION­AL PAD up and down while you reel. Push the DIREC­TIONAL PAD Left and Right to help pull the fish Left and Right. That is, if the fish goes to the left, you have to press left, otherwise the line will break and the fish is let loose. It is same case for the fish go to right.
Everything needs to be just right. Too much tension, and your line will break. Too little tension, and the fish will get away. The more you practice, the better you'll be.
Now it's time to test your skills in a fishing tournament!
Using the Left / Right directions, highlight TOURNAMENT in the main menu. Then move the DIRECTIONAL PAD Down to enter your selection.
Model 74003
1 player / Ages 8 and up
P/N 82381210 Rev.A
Cast/On/Line In
New Game
Live Well
Directional Pad
E 1
In this mode, you catch the fish the same way, except now you have a time limit. Once your time is up, your catches are weighed and you are ranked against the others in the tournament.
NOTE: Only the five heaviest fish are kept during the tour­nament. To exit tournament mode, simply press and hold the NEW GAME button.
Each of the 4 lakes represents a lake in a different region of the United States. Because of this, the fish found in each lake will be slightly different and prefer different types of lures. Each lake will also have 1 legendary fish that you can catch after you've caught enough of the other fish.
LAKE WHATCOM - (Pacific Northwest region)
Largemouth Bass - The largemouth bass will be found in all 4 of the lakes. They are a standard sports-fish that is prevalent throughout the U.S.
Dolly Varden - The most abundant sports-fish found in the lake, Dolly Varden will usually strike at almost any type of lure.
Rainbow Trout - One of the most popular sports-fish in the Pacific Northwest. The Rainbow trout are known to be aggressive fighters.
"BORIS": White Sturgeon (Legendary) -The heaviest freshwater species that is caught on a rod and line. The sturgeon can live over 100 years, and grow up to 1500 lbs.
HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE - ( Midwest region )
Largemouth Bass
Northern Pike - This voracious predator is one of the
easiest fish to catch because it so willingly bites lures or bait.
Walleye - Common and popular sports-fish, the walleye is however not much of a fighter when caught
"OLD MAN WHISKERS" Blue Catfish (Legendary) - One of the strongest and largest freshwater sports-fish, the cat­fish is a prized catch.
CRESCENT LAKE - ( Southeast region )
Largemouth Bass
Bowfin - Prevalent throughout the Mississippi river and
south, the bowfin is an aggressive predator and a sought after sports-fish
Striped Bass -Similar to the largemouth bass, the striped bass is the largest member of the bass family
"SNAGGLE TOOTH" Alligator Gar (Legendary) -Huge predatory fish, the alligator gar feed on fish and sometimes waterfowl.
GREENLAKE- ( Northeast region )
Largemouth Bass
Brown Trout - Brown trout grow faster and live longer
then any other type of trout, and are somewhat difficult fish to catch
Coho Salmon - Coho salmon are premier sport-fish that are known to be spectacular acrobatic fighters
"HOUDINI" Muskellunge (Legendary) - Muskellunge are a solitary fish and lurk in weed beds or other protective cover
This game is powered by two (2) AAA (LR03) batteries.
• Using a screwdriver, loosen the screw until the battery compartment door can be removed.
•Insert two (2) AAA (LR03) batteries. (we recommend alkaline) as indicated inside the battery compartment.
• Replace the battery compartment door and tighten the screw with a screwdriver. Do not over-tighten.
• As with all small batteries, the batteries used with this game should be kept away from small children who might still putthings in their mouths. If a battery is swal­lowed, consult a physician immediately.
• Be sure you insert the battery correctly and always fol­low the game and battery manufacturer’s instructions.
• Do not dispose of batteries in fire.
• Batteries might leak if improperly installed, or explode if recharged, disassembled or heated.
• Handle this game carefully.
• Store this game away from dusty or dirty areas.
• Keep this game away from moisture or temperature extremes.
• Do not disassemble this game. If a problem occurs, press the Reset button or remove and replace the bat­teries to reset the computer, or try new batteries. If problems persist, consult your warranty information located at the end of this instruction manual.
• Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recom­mended are to be used.
• Do not mix old and new batteries.
• Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc) or recharge­able (nickel-cadmium) batteries.
• Do not use rechargeable batteries.
• Do not attempt to recharge non-rechargeable batteries.
• Remove any exhausted batteries from the game.
• The supply terminals are not to be short circuited.
• Insert batteries with the correct polarity.
Please retain this for future reference.
(This product warranty is valid in the United Kingdom only)
All products in the RADICA® range are fully guaran­teed for a period of 6 months from the original pur­chase date under normal use, against defective work­manship and materials (batteries excluded). This war­ranty does not cover damage resulting from accident, unreasonable use, negligence, improper service or other causes not arising out of defects in material or workmanship. In the unlikely event that you do experience a problem within the first 6 months, please telephone the UK Technical Support team: Tel. 0906 213 0001 (call cost 25p a minute).
IMPORTANT: Always test the product with fresh alka­line batteries. Even new batteries may be defective or weak and low battery power is a frequent cause of unsatisfactory operation.
Distributed by:
The Old Stables, Munns Farm, Cole Green, Hertfordshire, SG14 2NL, England