Model G71029
For 1-4 players / Ages 8 and up
P/N 82351900 Rev.A
Listen closely…what was that word? Now
it’s your turn! Put your memory to the test
and see if you can keep up with HearSay’s
tongue-twisting challenges. Play it by yourself or with a group of friends—and hang in
there as long as you can! Good luck!
Off/Game Switch - Slide this switch up to
select Game 1, 2 or 3. This switch also turns
the unit on and off.
Start • Enter - Starts a game. Pressing this
button also locks in your selection.
Player # • Level - Scrolls through the
Number of Players (1–4) and Game Levels
Reset - Resets the game.
HearSay will say a word and ask you to
repeat it. (Remember to wait for the beep
before you repeat a word!). If you repeat a
word correctly, HearSay will add a new word
to the sequence. In multi-player mode, each
player will be asked to repeat the word
To turn the game on, slide the Off/Game
switch up and select:
Game 1 - HearSay (1-4 players) - Players
take turns repeating the word sequence.
Game 2 - Random HearSay (2-4 players) Players are called at random to repeat the
word sequence.
Game 3 - Team HearSay (2-4 players) Players collaborate to repeat the word
Once you have selected a game, HearSay will
ask you to “Choose a level.” To choose a
level, press the Player # • Level button to
scroll through the levels:
“Level One” - uses 3 of the 11 words to create the sequences (pop, snap, fizz)
“Level Two” - uses 7 of the 11 words to create the sequences (pop, snap, fizz, lumpy,
dusty, squishy, soggy)
“Level Three” - uses all 11 words to create
the sequences (pop, snap, fizz, lumpy, dusty,
squishy, soggy, enchilada, sarsaparilla, rutabaga, alfalfa).
When you hear the level you’d like to play,
press the Start•Enter button to lock in your
Next, HearSay will ask “How many players?” To select the number of players, press
the Player # • Level button until you hear the
correct number of players. Press the
Start•Enter button to lock in your selection.
HearSay will confirm your selections: “You’re
playing Game One, Level One, One Player.”
In the single player mode, HearSay will say a
word and ask you to repeat it. Listen closely!
HearSay will say “Repeat after me: Fizz!
Now you say it.” Wait until you hear a beep
and then repeat the word: “Fizz!”
If you repeat the word correctly, HearSay will
add another word: “Repeat after me:
Fizz…Snap! Now you say it.” Wait for the
beep before repeating each word.
Example: Fizz, Snap, Enchilada, Squishy,
Snap - should be repeated as: (beep) Fizz,
(beep) Snap, (beep) Enchilada, (beep)
Squishy, (beep) Snap. You got it!
HearSay will continue adding words to the
sequence. When you make it to the end
without missing a word, you win by beating
your highest score.
In the multi-player mode, each player will be
asked to repeat a specific word or word
sequence. Listen closely.
HearSay will call on one of the players:
“Repeat after me: Lumpy! Now you say it,
Player Three.”
Player Three will wait for the beep and
repeat the word: “Lumpy!”
If the word is repeated correctly, HearSay
will call on the next player and add a new
word: “Repeat after me: Lumpy…Dusty!
Now you say it, Player One.”
Player One will wait for the beep and repeat
the word sequence.
The objective in multiplayer Games 1 & 2 is
to be the last one playing. If a player fails to
repeat the list, he/she is dropped from the
game while the remaining players continue.
The Winner is the last player left. Scores
are given for each player only as a reference.
Game 3 is a shared game. Ascore is given
to the team. However, players that fail to
repeat their word(s) are dropped from the
game. Please note: The third player must
wait until player 1 or player 2 has missed a
If you repeat a word correctly, HearSay will
congratulate you: “You got it!”
Pop Dusty Sarsparilla
Fizz Squishy Rutabaga
Snap Soggy Alfalfa
Lumpy Enchilada