Radica Games Brain Games 77038 Instruction Manual

Dear Br ain Gamers,
I am delighte d that you are one of the mill ions of people who w ant to keep their minds sh arp and have fun doing it . After two decades s tudying how we can improve memo ry and prevent Alzhe imer’s disease, I have found the re is a lot we can do. Genetic s accounts for only abo ut a third of what determi nes our health as we age – that me ans that simple, ever yday lifestyle choices h ave a major impact on our me mory and brain fitness. My b ooks, The Memor y Bible, The Memory Prescri ption, and The Longevit y Bible, detail my strate ­gies – physi cal and mental exerci se, stress reductio n techniqu es, the Healthy Brain D iet, and more – to boost your brain p ower and live longer, bette r. However, you are well on you r way to boosting your brai n power by playing Br ain Games.
Brain Ga mes will teach you my basi c memory tech­nique – Look, Sn ap, Connect – and help you p erfect these stra tegies. Besides be ing fun to play, Brain Games will h elp your memory abi lities improve almos t immediate ly. You will also “cr oss-train” your bra in with left-bra in (verbal memor y and logical skills – e .g., writ­ing letter s) and right-brai n (visual memory a nd mental skills – e.g., re ading maps) game s. Brain Games lets you monitor yo ur progress, while se tting and increas ing a pace that wor ks for your memory ab ility as you train your brain a nd gauge your improvem ent.
You can use Look, Sna p, Connect for everyday m emory tasks (li sts, errands, nam es and faces) and bu ild on this basic te chnique to become a me mory champion. First mas ter the basic skill:
Look – learn to f ocus your attention o n the new informati on you wish to remember. Slow d own, take a deep brea th, and ignore distra ctions.
Snap – crea te a mental snapshot or v isual image in your mind’s eye of wh at you want to remember. Make it pers onal and give it detail to h elp fix it into your memor y.
Connect – li nk up your mental snap shots in you mind’s eye. This a ssociation step hel ps put the new memorie s into context and helps yo u retrieve them later when yo u need them.
To remember a lis t of errands, create a st ory using Look, Snap, Con nect: You need to stop at the stor e to get some as pirin and a hair brush b efore you meet your sister. In your mi nd’s eye, you see your sister tak ing some aspi rin and then brushin g her hair.
For learni ng and recalling nam es and faces, think up a Name Sn ap and a Face Snap – then Co nnect these ment al pictures or Snap s together. Thinking of a visual ima ge or Snap for a name can b e easy: See a house for Mr. Hou se, a gold coin for Ms. Gol d, or a carnival wo rker for Mrs. Carney. For mo re complex names, co mbine visual words th at sound like the name – see Mr. Dom achow eating chicke n chow mein under a dom e. For a face snap, look for a dis tinguish­ing feature a nd then connect it to the n ame snap. If Mrs. Washin gton has prominent li ps, see her kissing George Was hington on the lips. At fir st it may seem a bit wacky ; however, you’ll not only have fun but you’l l improve your eve ryday memory ski lls. Remember­ing names a nd faces is the most com mon memory complain t.
Our resea rch group at UCLA ha s studied the effect ive­ness of Look, S nap, Connect, along with ot her lifestyle strategie s that improve memor y and brain health. We found that af ter only two weeks, the se techniques have a significa nt effect on memor y performance s cores and drama tically increase b rain efficiency. The mo re you play Bra in Games, the better yo u’ll get at it and the more brai n power you’ll have.
To find out more abou t the creation of Brai n Games, visit ww w.drgarysm all.com and ww w.brainstor m-
inginc .com.
Have fun,
Dr. Gary S mall
Ready to C ross-Train Your Brain !
Brain Gam es is a mind stimulatin g activity for your brain. It’s ti me to test yourself! W hether you choose to enter the tra ining session or ju mp right into the BRAIN ­CHECK mode, B rain Games will be sur e to challenge your mind in seve ral different ways .
ON / START / ENTE R – Press the ON button to powe r on the game. B y using the SCROLL but tons on the far right of the key p ad, toggle through the di fferent game modes. On ce your mode is highlig hted, press ENTER to select. N ext, select the skil l level at which you wish to play at. Pres s ENTER to start the ga me and confirm selecti on.
NEW GAM E – Press this button for t wo seconds to quit your curre nt game, and select you r choice of modes.
END ROUND – Th is allows you to end the curr ent game and calcul ates the score up to that po int. This may be most usefu l in the Word Hunt game when yo u can not think of any mo re words, but there is sti ll time remain­ing. Or Rec all when you have already m emorized words and th ere is still time remai ning.
NEW GAME – T his allows you to cancel th e current game and ret urn to the Main Menu. If se lected during Brainche ck mode, it will cance l your score for that session .
KEY PAD – Pres s these buttons when p laying each of the exercise s. The various keys will wo rk in different ways with each o f the games. Most of the ti me, they will repre sent the same layout as s hown on screen or corres pond to the numbers at th e bottom of the screen.
UNDO – In som e games you can use this b utton to reverse or U NDO a selection, pri or to pressing ENTER.
RESET – Wh en a blunt point is inse rted, this button wil l RESET the ga me to its original facto ry settings.
BRAIN CHECK – Select BRA INCHECK from the Main Menu to star t your daily exercise p rogram. Choose the skill leve l you wish to play at, and that ’s it! Br ain Games will n ow run you through the 5 dif ferent exer­cises (d escribed below) of yo ur routine. This is the mode that you w ill be tested in and that wil l record your score. You can che ck this in the SCORE mode ( see below). R emember to use the Loo k, Snap, Connect techniqu e!
TRAINI NG – This is where you ca n train or practice th e differe nt brain games witho ut affecting your sc ore. Af­ter press ing the START button, sele ct TRAINING. Use the SCROLL bu ttons to toggle throug h the five different exercises ( Sequence, Flas hcard, Mind Game, Word Hunt, and Re call) and press En ter to select. Next, choose the s kill level you wish to play at. You ar e now ready to sta rt your training ses sion.
Seque nce – In this brain gam e your objective is to put the rand om numbers in the gri d into the proper sequenc e or order (lowest to hig hest). The numbe rs in the top row of the g rid correspond to th e places of the butto ns in the top row of the key pad. The numbers i n the second row of the grid c orrespond to the places o f the buttons in the sec ond row of the key pad. If you sel ect a number out of sequ ence an X will appear, and you w ill continue onto the nex t grid. If the sequen ce is correct, a che ck will appear. There will be severa l grids in each game. Af ter completing the exercise , the game will display how m any you got correct .
Flashc ard – In this brain ga me your objective is to add, subtra ct, multiply or divid e the numbers that the exercise give s you. You must answer the equa tion with the cor rect answer using the ke y pads that align with the numb er bar at the bottom of the s creen. Each ques tion is timed. The high er the skill level, the harder the e quation. After com pleting the exercise, the game will d isplay how many you got cor rect.
MODEL 77038
For 1 player / Ages 8 and up
P/N 823-A7100-106 Rev.A
Mind G ame – In this brain gam e the objective is to keep track of h ow many thoughts are in th e profes­sor’s head. Th e professor will tell you h ow many thoughts h e has in his head at the begi nning. You must add and s ubtract the thought s (!) as they enter and exit his he ad, ending up with a final c ount at the end. You must the n input the answer usi ng the correct c orresponding nu mber keys on the key pad. After com pleting the exercise, th e game will display how many you got c orrect.
Word Hunt – I n this brain game your o bjective it to use the let ters the game gives you to ma ke words. At the top of the sc reen you will be shown your wo rd and the total n umber of words that can b e formed out of that word. Ea ch letter corresp onds to the key pad button be low. To select a let ter, press the key pad button be low that is aligned unde rneath it. To dese­lect, pre ss the button that is al igned with the letter i n the origin al word. After comple ting the exercise, the game will di splay how many you got corr ect.
Recall – I n this brain game you mus t recall a certain number of wor ds after a period of tim e. This game will prese nt you with a number of dif ferent words to memorize. A fter a period of time go es by you will be taken to the ne xt brain game to retur n later. After you have compl eted the other brain ga mes, you will return and b e given an opportuni ty to recall as many of those word s as possible. The gam e will give you the beginn ing letter and endin g letter of the word as a hint. Use the E NTER button to put a chec k next to the words you re call based on the let ters given. Scroll up an d down with the SCROLL but tons. The display sc reen will show you how many ex isting words still n eed to be checked. Reme mber not all words are fr om your list, so only che ck the ones you know. After co mpleting the exercise , the game will display how m any you got correct.
SCORE – Cho ose SCORE from the Main M enu. The score opti on keeps a tally of every B RAINCHECK session p layed. This is a great way to me asure your progres s over time. After each BR AINCHECK sessio n is played, an ave rage (or percent age) is measured based on al l 5 brain games that wer e played. These are recor ded in the SCORE secti on. A bar chart is shown that re presents how well you br ain has flexed its muscle . The more you practice t he exercises in TRAININ G the stronger your br ain’s muscle will be for your BRAI NCHECK testing.
SOUND – Cho ose SOUND from the Main M enu to adjust the vo lume of the sound highe r or lower using the SCROLL bu ttons on the key pad.
CONTRA ST – Choose CONTRAST f rom the Main Menu to adjus t the brightness of th e screen using the SCROLL but tons on the key pad.
MEMORY – Cho ose MEMORY from the Mai n Menu to clear all of yo ur scoring informa tion that is stored in Brain Gam es. You will be prompted to confi rm whether you wish to cle ar out all of the MEMORY. Select Yes or No and the n press ENTER. Once you c lear the memory i t can not be recovered.
SLEEP MO DE – The unit will go to slee p if no buttons are press ed within 5 minutes, an d can be awakened by pressin g the button “ON - ENTER”.
This game i s powered by two (2) A AA (LR03) b atteries.
• Using a sc rewdriver, loosen the scr ew until the bat
tery comp artment door can b e removed.
Insert t wo (2) AAA ( LR03) batteri es (we recommend alkaline ) as indicated insi de the battery comp artment.
• Replac e the battery compa rtment door and ti ghten the screw wit h a screwdriver. Do not over-tighte n.
• As wit h all small batt eries, the bat teries used wi th this dev ice should be kep t away from small c hil­dren who m ight still pu t things in thei r mouths. If a batt ery is swallowe d, consult a phys ician immedi ately.
• Be sur e you insert the b attery cor rectly and always fo llow the device a nd battery ma nufactur­er’s ins tructions.
• Do not di spose of batte ries in fire.
• Batt eries might lea k if improper ly installed , or explod e if recharged , disassembl ed or heated.
• Somet imes, a build- up of static ele ctricity ( from carpet s, etc) may cau se the game to stop w ork­ing. Jus t reset the game , and it will work ag ain.
• In an env ironment wit h radio freque ncy interfer
­ence, th e product may ma lfunction an d require user to re set the produc t.
• Handle t his device carefully.
• Store thi s device away from dusty or d irty areas.
• Keep this d evice away from moisture o r extreme temperat ure.
• Do not dis assemble this devic e. If a problem occurs , press the R eset button, or remove a nd replace the batterie s to reset the device, or tr y new batteries. If problem s persist, consul t the warranty inform ation located at th e end of this instruct ion manual.
• Use only th e recommended bat tery type.
• Do not mix ol d and new batteries.
• Do not mix a lkaline, standard ( carbon-zinc) or r e
chargea ble (nickel-cad mium) batteries .
• Do not use r echargeable bat teries.
Do not attem pt to recharge non-r echargeable bat teries.
• Remove any ex hausted batterie s from the device.
• Do not sho rt-circuit the sup ply terminals.
• Inser t batteries with the c orrect polarit y.
Please r etain this for f uture refere nce.
This devic e complies with Part 15 of th e FCC Rules. Op­eration is s ubject to the following t wo conditions: (1) th is device may not c ause harmful inter ference and (2 ) this device must a ccept any interfer ence received, incl uding interfe rence that may cause un desired operatio n.
WARNING : Changes or modifi cations to this unit not expres sly approved by the par ty responsible fo r complian ce could void the user’s au thority to operate the equipm ent.
NOTE: T his equipment has be en tested and found to comply wit h the limits for a Class B dig ital device, pursuan t to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. The se limits are desig ned to provide reasona ble protection agai nst harmful in terference in a res idential install ation. This equipme nt generates, uses a nd can radiate radio fr e­quency ene rgy and if not install ed and used in accord ­ance with th e instructions, may c ause harmful inter fer­ence to radi o communications. H owever, there is no guarante e that interferenc e will not occur in a par ticular installa tion. If this equipme nt does cause harmfu l interfe rence to radio or televis ion reception, whic h can be determi ned by turning the equip ment off and on, the user is enc ouraged to try to cor rect the interfere nce by one or more of t he following measure s:
• Reorie nt or relocate the rec eiving antenna.
• Increa se the separation be tween the equipmen t and receiver.
• Connec t the equipment into an o utlet on a circuit dif
ferent fro m that to which the receive r is connected.
• Consul t the dealer or an exper ienced radio TV te chni
cian for hel p.
The consu mer has a significant r ole to play in reducing the impact of wa ste electrical an d electronic equip ment on the enviro nment, through re- using or recycling su ch equipme nt.
The cross ed out wheelie-bi n symbol on this produc t is to remind you t hat Waste Electrical a nd Electronic product s should not be dispose d of with household waste. If you are u nable to re-use or re cycle your prod­uct it shoul d be disposed of at a civi c amenity site.
While Radi ca toys comply with all rel evant safety standar ds, we are obliged to tell you t hat some of the compone nts used in electric al and electronic e quip­ment may cont ain hazardous su bstances that can damage the e nvironment and pre sent a risk to human health if no t properly dispose d of.
(This p roduct warra nty is valid in t he United Stat es and Cana da only)
Radica Ga mes Limited warrant s this product for a pe ­riod of 90 days f rom the original pur chase date under normal us e against defective wo rkmanship and mater i­als (bat teries excluded) . This warranty do es not cover damage re sulting from accide nt, unreasonable u se, negligen ce, improper ser vice or other causes n ot aris­ing out of defe cts in material or work manship. Radica Games Lim ited will not be liable fo r any costs incurred due to loss of us e of this product or othe r incidental or consequ ential costs, expen ses or damages incu rred by the purcha ser. Some states do not allow t he exclusion or limitati on of incidental or co nsequential dama ges, so the above limi tations may not apply to you . This war­ranty give s you specific legal r ights and you may also have other leg al rights, which var y from state to state.
During thi s 90-day warrant y period, the game will e ither be repaire d or replaced (at ou r option) without ch arge to the purcha ser when returned p repaid with proof of date of purch ase to: Radica USA , Ltd., 13628- A Beta Road, Da llas, Texas 75244, US A. Please remove the batterie s and wrap the unit car efully before shippi ng. Please inc lude a brief descrip tion of the problem alo ng with your retu rn address and mail i t postage prepaid.
IMPORTANT: Be fore returning the uni t for repair, test it with fres h alkaline batteri es. Even new batteries may be defect ive or weak and low batter y power is a frequen t cause of unsatisfac tory operation.
Distributed by:
13628-A Beta Road Dallas, TX 75244-4510