cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which ca n be determined by turning the
equipme nt off and on, the user is encouraged to
try to correct the interference by one or more of
the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the re ceiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment
and receiver.
• Conne ct the equipment into an outlet on a
circuit different from that to which the receiver
is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio / T V
technician for help.
Keep these ins truc tions for future reference as
they contain impor tant informatio n.
Protect the e nvironme nt by not disposing of this product with household waste
(2002/96 /EC ). Check your local authority
for recycling advice and facilities.
(This p roduct warra nty is valid in th e United Stat es and Canada only )
Radica Ga mes Limited warra nts this produc t for a period of 6 mont hs from
the origin al purchase date un der normal use again st defective wor kmanship
and materi als (batter ies excluded). T his warranty d oes not cover damage
resultin g from accident, un reasonable use , negligence, improp er service or
other cau ses not arising out o f defects in mate rial or workmansh ip. Radica
Games Limi ted will not be liable f or any costs incur red due to loss of use o f
this produ ct or other incide ntal or conseque ntial costs, exp enses or damages
incurred by t he purchaser. Some s tates do not allow t he exclusion or limit ation of inci dental or conseq uential damages , so the above limitat ions may not
apply to you . This warrant y gives you specific l egal rights and you m ay also
have other le gal rights, whic h vary from stat e to state.
In the event o f a defect covered un der this warrant y, first call the tol l-free
number list ed below. Many probl ems can be solved in thi s manner. If necessary, you wil l be instructed to r eturn the produc t, postage prep aid and insured,
to the addre ss below. Enclose yo ur name, address, d ated sales receip t, and
a brief expl anation of the def ect. Replacemen t, and return ship ment, will be
free of cha rge.
TOLL-FR EE NUMBER : 1-800-8 03-9611. Hours : 9:00 A M - 7:00 PM Easte rn
Time; Mo nday - Friday; 11:0 0 AM - 5:00 P M; Saturday.
EAST AU RORA, NY 140 52.
IMPORTA NT: Before retu rning the unit for re pair, test it with fre sh alkaline
batter ies. Even new batt eries may be defect ive or weak and low bat tery
power is a fre quent cause of unsa tisfactor y operation.
(This p roduct warra nty is valid in th e United Kingd om only)
All produ cts in the RADICA ® range are f ully guaranteed f or a period of 6
months fr om the original pur chase date under no rmal use, against de fective work manship and materi als (batteri es excluded). T his warranty d oes
not cover da mage resulting fro m accident, unrea sonable use, negli gence,
improper s ervice or other c auses not arising o ut of defects in mat erial or
workman ship.
In the unlike ly event that you do exp erience a problem w ithin the first 6
months, p lease telephone t he Technical Suppor t team: Tel. 01628 5 00303.
IMPORTA NT: Always test t he product with fr esh alkaline bat teries. Even new
batter ies may be defectiv e or weak and low batt ery power is a frequ ent cause
of unsati sfactory ope ration.
SOUND – Choose SOUND from the Main Menu to
adjust the game volume higher or lower. Do so by
tapping the SCROLL arrows on the touchscre en.
CONTRAST – Choose CONTRAST from the Main
Menu to adjust the brightness of the screen tapping the SCROLL arrows on the touchscreen.
MEMORY – Choose MEMORY from the Main
Menu to clea r all of your scoring information that
is stored in B rain Games. You will be prompted
to confirm whether you wish to clear out all of the
MEMORY. Select Yes or No to confirm. Once you
clear the memory it can not be recovered.
SLEEP MODE – The unit will go to sleep if nothing
is pressed / tappe d within 1 minute, and can be
awakened by pressing the On button.
This game is powered by
two (2 ) AA A (LR03)
(not included).
• Using a screwdriver (not included ), loosen the
screw until the battery compartment door can
be removed.
• Insert two ( 2) AAA ( LR03 ) batteries as indicated
inside the batter y compartment.
• Remove batteries and dispose of them safely.
• Replace the battery compartment door a nd
tighten the screw with a screwdriver. Do not
• For long er life use only alkaline batteries.
• Replace the batteries when the product does
not function properly.
In exceptional circum stance s batteries may leak
fluids that can cause a c hemical burn injury or ruin
your product. To avoid batter y leakage;
• Do not use rechargeable batteries.
• Non-rechargeable batterie s are not to be re
• Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc ), or
rechargeable ( nickel- cadmium) batteries.
• Do not mix old and new batterie s.
• Only batterie s of the same or equivalent type a s
recommended are to be used.
• Batteries are to be inser ted with the correct
• Exhausted bat teries are to be removed from the
• The supply terminals are not to be shor tcircuited.
• Dispose of batteries safely.
• Do not dispose of this product in a fire. The bat
teries inside may explode or leak.
• Some times, a buil d-up o f stat ic elec tric ity
(fro m carp ets, etc) may cause t he game to
stop wor king. Just re set the game, and it wil l
work aga in.
• In an environment with radio frequen cy
inter ference, the prod uct may malfu nction
and require u ser to reset th e product.
This device complie s with Par t 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operation is subjec t to the following two
conditio ns: (1) this device may not cause harmful
interfe rence, and (2) this device must accept any
interfe rence re ceived, including interference that
may cause undesire d operation.
WARNING : Changes or modifications to this unit
not expres sly approved by the par ty responsible
for compliance could void the user’s authority to
operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and
found to comply with the limits for a Cla ss B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection aga inst harmful inter ference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates,
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accorda nce with
the instructions, may cause ha rmful inte rfere nce
to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does
Focus – In this brain game you are shown an
image to memorize.
You are then told the relationship of the
original image and the corre ct answer. You
then need to select the correct image from 4
very similar images that are displayed on the
touchscreen. The higher the skill level, the
less time you have to memorize the original
image. Af ter completing the exercise, the
game will di splay how many you got correct.
Recall – In this brain game you are given a
list of words to memorize within a period of
time. Use the Scroll arrows at the top and
bottom of the touchscreen to show mo re
words. Af ter a shor t time you will be given an
opportunity to recall as many of those words
as possible and group them into “Chunks”.
At the top of the screen it will give you a category and you will se lect the words that fall
into those categorie s. You will then be taken
to the next brain game to return later. After
you have completed the other brain ga mes,
you will return and be shown those words
and several others. Your objective is to pick
as many of those words that you groupe d into
chunks, and not the ones that weren’t on the
list. After completing the exercise, the game
will display how many you got correct.
SCORE – Choose SCORE from the Main Menu.
The score option keeps a tally of ever y TESTING
session played. This is a great way to measure
your progress over time. After each TESTING
session is played, an average (or percentage)
is measured based on all 5 brain games that
were played. T hese are recorde d in the SCORE
section. A bar char t is shown that repre sents
how well you brain has flexed its muscle. The
more you practice the exercises in TRAINING
the stronger your brain’s muscle will be for your
© 2007 Mattel, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
RADICA USA Ltd., 16650 Westgrove Dr., Suite 500, Addison, TX 75001. Helpline 1.800.803.9611 or
Retain this address for future reference.
Mattel Canada Inc., Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3W2. You may call us free
at 1.800.803.9611.
Mattel U.K. Ltd., Vanwall Business Park, Maidenhead SL6 4UB. Helpline 01628 500303.
Mattel Australia Pty., Ltd., Richmond, Victoria. 3121.Consumer Advisory
Service - 1300 135 312.
Mattel East Asia Ltd., Room 1106, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City,
Tsimshatsui, HK, China.
Diimport & Diedarkan Oleh: Mattel SEA Ptd Ltd.(993532-P) Lot 13.5, 13th Floor, Menara
Lien Hoe, Persiaran Tropicana Golf Countr y Resort, 47410 PJ. Tel:03-78803817, Fax:03-
Mattel, Inc., 333 Continental Blvd., El Segundo, CA 90245 U.S.A.
Consumer Relations 1.800.803.9611.