If you are reeling-in a large fish, keep an eye on the
LINE TENSION and LINE OUT displays. You may
need to adjust the drag to keep the fish from breaking
the line or swimming off with it.
Do not stop reeling
while you adjust the drag.
If the tension level increases outward into the red
zones, you will need to adjust the drag down quickly
( with the LURE•DRAG button) to avoid breaking
the line. If the tension level is very low and your line
out is increasing, you will need to adjust the drag up
( ) to keep the fish from swimming away with the
line. There are 12 drag levels. “MIN” or “MAX” will be
displayed at each extreme.
You will hear a splash when you get your fish in the
boat, the game will display the number and weight of
the fish. Pressing the STRINGER button lets you see
your collection by number and weight.
With the line completely in, press the GAME button
to start a tournament. In toumament mode,
“TOURNAMENT” is displayed on the screen along
with a 15 minute timer. The object is to have 3 fish
that weigh the most by the end of the time limit. The
game will only allow you to keep 3 fish and the
computer throws out the smallest fish as more are
caught. You can win the tournament by beating the
high score! (Hint: The wind direction can reveal hot
Somewhere in the 3 lakes looms a world-record 25pound Lunker. To catch this big fish, you need some
luck and a little practice – but it’s quite a thrill to land
There are no set rules for what lure will catch more
fish, but you may want to make note of a few hints:
• Plastic worms and jigs are better for sunny
weather. Spinnerbaits and buzzbaits are better for
cloudy weather. Crankbaits are good for any weather.
• With sunny weather and clear water, useful colors
include smoke, brown, red, and silver. With cloudy
skies and murky water, you might try copper, gold,
blue shad or crawfish. Other colors can work fine with
any visibility, depending on the kind of lure and its
depth. Experiment with different lures with various
weather and water conditions and see what works for
• The lure depth can be very important. While
reeling in, you will be more successful at getting a bite
if you maintain your lure at the same level as a fish
shown on the sonar screen.
• Most lures will sink when you’re not reeling and will
rise to various levels according to the reeling speed.
The Crankbaits and Buzzbaits are specialty lures and
perform a bit differently. The Crankbait floats at rest
but will dive to specific depths while being reeled in.
The depth ranges of the crankbaits are: Shallow (1 to
5 feet), Medium (5 to 10 feet), and Deep (10 to 15
feet). The Buzzbait, a top-water lure is good for fish
that are at or near the surface. It will sink at rest, but
while being reeled in, it will rise and stay on the
surface of the water. The following table is a general
guide for when to use each lure:
1 Motoroil 1-15 Sunny Murky
2 Red 1-15 Sunny Clear
3 Blue 1-15 Sunny Clear
4 Black 1-15 Sunny Murky
5 Jig and Pork 5-15 Sunny Murky
6 Spider Jig Brown 5-15 Sunny Clear
7 Tube Jig Smoke 5-15 Sunny Clear
8 Skirted Jig Chartruese 5-15 Sunny Murky
9 Tandem Nickle/Chart. 0-10 Cloudy Clear
10 Tandem Nickle/Black 0-10 Cloudy Clear
11 Single Copper/White 0-10 Cloudy Murky
12 Single Gold/Black 0-10 Cloudy Murky
13 Shallow Blue Shad 0-5 Cloudy Murky
14 Medium Crawfish 5-10 Cloudy Murky
15 Medium Silver 5-10 Sunny Clear
16 Deep Chartruese 10-15 Sunny Clear
17 Overhead White 0 Cloudy Clear
18 In-Line Chartreuse 0 Cloudy Clear
START•ON•CAST Turns the unit on and starts a
game. Hold this button down and use a casting
motion to cast the line. Release this button at the end
of the casting motion. For automatic retrieval, press to
retrieve the line quickly when the line is out (only when
there is
a fish on the line).
LURE•DRAG When the line is reeled in, use this
button to choose a lure. When the line is in the water,
use it to adjust the drag (if necessary).
LAKE Toggles through the 3 lakes.
BOAT Moves the boat around the lake to different
STRINGER Lets you view previously caught fish
from the current game.
GAME Toggles between leisure fishing and
tournament play. (When the line is reeled in). In
tournament mode, “TOURNAMENT” is displayed on
the screen along with a 15 minute timer.
BEST CATCH Shows your biggest fish ever caught
(in regular mode) or your top weight of 3 fish (in
tournament mode).
SOUND Turns the sound ON or OFF.
RESET Restarts the computer and erases all stored