• TOTAL (E) appears when the Inspector+ is in Total/Timer mode.
• X1000 (F) appears when the numeric display is to be multiplied by 1000.
• CAL (G) is shown while you are calibrating the Inspector+.
• SET (H) appears when you are setting the timer (the numeric display
shows the timed period instead of the current radiation level), in the
Cal mode (the numeric display shows the Cal factor instead of the current
radiation level), and while adjusting settings in the Utility and Alarm
• The current unit of measurement (I)—CPM, CPS, mR/hr or µµSv/hr—is
displayed to the right of the numeric display.
The Switches
The Inspector+ has two switches on the front, and one switch and three buttons
on the end panel. Each switch has three settings which are described below.
Mode Switch (Figure 1(2))
mR/hr µµSv/hr. The numeric display shows the current radiation level in
milliroentgens per hour or, when SI units are used, in microsieverts per hour.
In mR/hr mode, the Inspector+ displays the radiation level from .001 to 100.
In µSv/hr mode, the Inspector+ displays the radiation level from .01 to 1000.
See “Utility Menu” in Chapter 3 for details on how to activate this mode.
CPM CPS. In CPM, the display shows the current radiation level in counts
per minute from 0 to 300,000. When X1000 is shown on the display, multiply
the numeric reading by 1000 to get the complete radiation level. When using
SI units, the display shows the radiation level in counts per second from 0 to
Total/Timer. The display shows the accumulated total of counts from 1 to
9,999,000. When X1000 is shown on the display, multiply the numeric
reading by 1000 to get the complete radiation level. Totaling starts when the
switch is moved to this position. For details, see “Taking a Timed or Total
Count” in Chapter 3.
Off/On/Audio Switch (Figure 1 (3))
Audio. The Inspector+ is on and makes a clicking sound for each
radiation event detected.
On. The Inspector+ is operating, but audio is off.