smart sheet
Order No. R700 0130
• 100% discrete class-A signal path
• Transformer isolation to eliminate buzz
• Dual outputs to drive two amps
• Individual level controls for each output
• Re-amp pre-recorded tracks for better tone
• Layer Re-amp’ed tracks to fatten up the sound
• Eliminate hours of repetition for the performer
• Change sounds as the recording advances
Cool factors
• Gets the musicians out of the studio!
• Delivers a performance with real amp tone
• Lets you adjust mic placement for best tone
• This is how the big record producers do it!
The X-Amp is a 500 series Reamp that employs the same audio building blocks as the stand-alone
X-Amp; the world’s most popular Reamper. The class-A design features two transformer coupled
outputs to eliminate hum and buzz caused by ground loops. Separate output controls make it easy
to set the guitar amps to the perfect level from the control room. A 180° polarity reverse assures both
amps will play in phase. In use, the X-Amp enables the user to take a pre-recorded track and send it to
two amplifi ers simultaneously. This makes it easy to optimize the track to best suit the recording. Guitar
cables may be extended to 15 meters (50’) without noise. Reamping is often used on guitars, bass and
keyboards to create effects, thicken the tone or simply replace poorly recorded tracks.
FULL ENCLOSURE - 100% steel casing reduces magnetic interference from other nearby modules that may cause pollution.
OUTPUT-1 LEVEL - Lets you adjust the output level to amp-1 right
from the control room. This is particularly useful for fine-tuning front
end drive distortion.
ON-OFF SWITCH - Lets you mute the output going to amp-1.
LIFT - Lifts the ground on the ¼” cable so it eliminates a potential
ground loop between the 500 series rack and the guitar amp.
OUTPUT-2 LEVEL - Use to adjust the output level going to amp-2.
This is particularly useful for fine-tuning front-end drive distortion.
180º POLARITY - Inverts the phase going to amp-2 to time-align
the amps if needed. Can also be used to create some interesting
¼” OUTPUTS - Two outputs let you drive two amps at the same time.
These are transformer isolated to help eliminate hum and buzz
caused by ground loops. Class-A buffered to let you drive long cables.
OMNIPORT - Configured as a hi-Z guitar input to allow the X-Amp
to be used like an ABY box allowing a guitarist to play two amps at once.
Available when used with Radial Workhorse racks.
Recording Dry with the X-Amp
Record a dry track using a direct box. If you have
a Workhorse rack you can connect your guitar to
the X-AMP’s Omniport and send the signal to the
recorder and your amp simultaneously.
GOLD 15-PIN CARD EDGE - Double sided and gold plated edge
connector ensures good conductivity and signal transfer.
100% DISCRETE ACTIVE BUFFERING - Full size through-hole
discrete electronics for optimal signal transfer; parts are selected
and mounted by hand.
TRANSFORMER ISOLATION - Helps eliminate hum and buzz caused
by ground loops by isolating the output going to the amplifiers.
Reamping with the X-Amp
Send the prerecorded clean (dry) track to the
X-Amp using the XLR input on your 500 series
rack. Feed the signal from Out-1 and Out-2 to
your guitar amps. Mic the guitar amp up with
some PowerPre modules and record!
Using the X-Amp as a Distro
Connect your guitar to the Omniport on the
Workhorse. The guitar signal can then be sent
to two amplifi ers using out-1 and out-2. Reverse
the phase of output-2 if needed for speaker
alignment and adjust the volume to suit.
Radial Engineering Ltd. • Workhorse 500 Series Smart Sheet © Copyright 2012 all rights reserved · www.radialeng.com · email info@radialeng.com • Subject to change without notice • Made in Canada