Radial Engineering Twin-Iso Users Manual

Order No. R800 1024
T W I N - I S O™ L I N E I S O L AT O R
The Radial Twin-Iso is a balanced 2 channel, +4dB line-level isolator that has been specifi cally developed for professional touring systems as a means to eliminate hum and buzz caused by ground loops when interfacing various equipment such as two consoles, remote towers and drive racks.
Central to the Twin-Iso is the use of Jensen audio transformers, world-renowned for their sound quality. These assure the very best signal transfer without distortion caused by saturation or phase shift. All connections are balanced XLR following the AES standard with pin-1 ground and pin-2 hot. To add versatility, a polarity reverse switch is provided for each channel to ensure absolute phase is maintained throughout the audio signal path.
The Twin-Iso uses the same compact 14 gauge steel enclosure as our DI products, ensuring it will fi t anywhere and last for years. The Radial J-Clamp offers a tidy way to mount a Twin­Iso in discrete places like under a conference table. Up to eight may be rackmounted in just two 19” rack spaces using the Radial J-Rak. The Radial Twin-Iso is a simple yet extremely effective tool for the professional audio engineer and system designer.
R a d i a l S m a r t S h e e t
• Jensen transformer-equipped for optimum sound quality
• Transformer isolation eliminates ground loops
• +4dB line-level with up to +22dB signal handling
• Phase reverse switch for each channel
• Sub-mixing two consoles together
• Mixer to a remote amp rack or speaker tower
• Mixer to recorder or broadcast feed
Between professional VTR and PA system
Cool stuff
• Handles huge transients without distortion
• Completely passive, no power needed
• Eliminates hum and buzz caused by ground loops
• Dual-mono or stereo operation
• 3 year transferable warranty
GROUND LIFT SWITCH disconnects XLR pin-1 on both INPUT-1 and INPUT-2.
LINE-LEVEL INPUTS +4dB balanced input, AES standard with pin-1 ground and pin-2 hot.
FULL BOTTOM PAD improves electrical isolation and keeps the Twin-Iso from moving around.
LINE-LEVEL OUTPUTS +4dB isolated & balanced output, AES standard with pin-2 hot.
POLARITY REVERSE fl ips the polarity from pin-2 to pin-3 on the XLR for signals that may be out of phase.
BOOK-END DESIGN enclosure creates a protective zone around the switches & connectors.
JENSEN audio transformers provide 100% isolation to elimi­nate noise caused by ground loops, and they sound great!
Typical application Sub-mix the outputs of one mixer into a second mixer.
R a d i a l E n g i n e e r i n g L t d . · T el: 604-942-1001 · Fax: 604-942-1010 · www. r ad i a l e n g . c o m · e m a i l i n f o @ r a d i a l e n g . c o m
R a d i a l S m a r t S h e e t © 2 0 0 6 S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e .
HEAVY-DUTY WELDED I-BEAM enclosure of 14 gauge steel makes it impossible to torque the PC board. Eliminates cold solder joints.
ISOLATED XLR rugged glass-fi lled nylon connectors for true dual chan­nel operation.
HIGH CYCLE SWITCHES are rated for 20,000 operations.
MILITARY-GRADE PC board with full ground plane to reduce suscepti­bility to RF noise.