Radial± Smart Sheet
Order No. R800 8100 00
e i gh t c h a n ne l a ut o s w i t c h e r
The Radial SW8™ is an 8-channel redundant backup switching interface designed for live
concert touring and stage shows that employ pre-recorded backing tracks as part of the
sound production. The SW8 provides the means to switch to a backup multi-track machine
if ever the main unit should suffer a failure. Switching from one multi-track to another is
instantaneous and noiseless enabling the show to go on uninterrupted.
The SW8 works by switching two balanced 8-channel line inputs between one 8-channel
thru-put. For exibility, the SW8 thru-puts both line-level and mic-level signals. This makes it
easy to interface the SW8 at the mix-position using it’s line-level thru-put, or on-stage using
the transformer isolated XLR direct box outputs to feed mic-level signals to a snake.
To accommodate larger 16 or 24 track playback, the SW8 is equipped with a link function
that allows several units to be slaved together. The SW8 can be manually switched by the
front panel AB selector or footswitch. Automatic switching is performed by sensing a prerecorded drone track from the master multi-track. Should the drone disappear the SW8 will
seamlessly switch to the backup multi-track.
with status LEDs for
manual switching.
balanced +4dB or unbalanced
-10dB line-level signals.
8-CHANNEL DIRECT BOX with transformers provide
100% isolation from noise caused by ground loops for
connecting mic-level signals to a microphone snake.
ALARM LED indicates
when there is a loss of
signal from the drone track.
CH. 1 TONE INPUT connects from a drone track to
monitor auto-switching.
CH-1 TONE LED lights
to indicate drone track
is present.
8-channel balanced
+4dB line-level.
INTERNAL LIFT connects the
signal ground to the chassis
for exible grounding.
LIFT disconnects pin-1 on
the XLR to eliminate noise
caused by ground loops.
FILTER lets you use
a binary signal such
as SMPTE as a drone
track by smoothing out
the signal.
ALT 1/8 selects
between channel 1 or
8 to receive the drone
follows the Tascam pin-out
for analog audio interface.
AUTO SWITCH GATE used to connect a drone signal directly to the
auto-switching gate.
Detail of rear panel controls.
transformer isolated direct
boxes with mic-level outputs.
1/4” latching contact used to
switch the SW8 with a remote.
CONTACT ALARM Internal relay
can turn on a beacon when the drone
signal drops below the set threshold.
ID LABELS for wax pencil
makes setups easy. A great
help when troubleshooting!
connection for the power
supply with cable lock.
JR-2 used to connect optional JR-2
remote to switch
between A & B
inputs. Link multiple
SW8’s together with
one footswitch.
SW8 at Front of House Position
Multi-track machines connect to the SW8 using either the 25-pin DSub or 1/4” Phone inputs. When the SW8 is located at the FOH mixposition the 25-pin D-sub THRU-PUT connector provides a direct
balanced line-level feed from the multi-track to the console.
+4dB Line-level Output
Main Multi-track
FOH Console
Back-up Multi-track
Radial Engineering Ltd. • © Copyright 2018 all rights reserved • www.radialeng.com • email info@radialeng.com • Subject to change without notice • Made in Canada
SW8 On-stage
When the SW8 is located on-stage the eight, transformer isolated,
XLR direct box outputs are used to connect to the snake systems.
Mic-level DI Output
Main Multi-track
Radial V12
Back-up Multi-track
FOH Console