Radial StageDirect
Active Direct Box with Mute
Table of Contents Page
What is a direct box anyway ............................................1
Features ...........................................................................2
Getting started with power and connections ....................3
Using the PAD and tuner output ......................................4
Using the mute footswitch ................................................5
Using the remote mute ....................................................5
Various remote footswitch setups ....................................6
Remote control with the Radial SW2 footswitch ..............7
Using the high-pass fi lter .................................................8
Using the polarity and phase reverse ..............................9
Eliminating hum and buzz ..............................................10
Specifi cations .................................................................1 1
Radial Limited Warranty ...................................Back Cover
Congratulations on your purchase of the Radial StageDirect! The
StageDirect combines a high quality Radial active direct box with a guitarstyle mute footswitch and separate tuner out that lets you mute the signal
with a single foot stomp. This enables you to switch instruments or tune
up without disrupting the audience or introducing the popping noise that
typically occurs while ‘hot-swapping’ your cable from one instrument to
the next.
Designed to be super easy to use, the StageDirect will get you up and
running in no time. That said, as with any new product that you get your
hands (or feet) on, we recommend that you take a little time to read
through the manual in order to familiarize yourself with the StageDirect
so you can get the most out of it.
If you have any questions that are not covered in this manual, please
consult the FAQ section on the web site as this is where we post the latest
updates and questions from other users. If you still can’t fi nd what you are
looking for, feel free to send us a note at info@radialeng.com and we will
do our very best to reply in short order.
Now let’s make some foot-stomping music!