Order No. R800 1125
P r o R M P™ P A S S I V E R E -A M P E R
Reamping has been the ‘secret weapon’ for countless recordings by the biggest names in
the business and is often used on guitars, bass, keyboards, percussion and even voice to
create new textures! The Radial ProRMP is a 100% passive reamper that lets you to take
a pre-recorded track and re-amplify it through a guitar amp or effects pedals to create new
and exciting tones.
Plug and play easy to use, just connect the ProRMP between the recorder and your amp
and adjust the level to suit! All the impedance matching is taken care of. The custom wound
transformer converts the balanced low-Z signal from your recorder to hi-Z for your amp while
also isolating your amp from ground loops that can cause buzz and hum.
Like all Radial products, the ProRMP is built tough! Encased in a 14 gauge steel, the ProRMP employs a unique book-end™ design with a welded I-beam frame that protects it from
damage and assures the PC board and solder points will not be stressed. A full-bottom noslip pad works double duty by providing plenty of stay-put while also eliminating electrical
Patent No. 6,005,950
contact points from guitar amp chassis bolts that could cause ground loops. Radial ProRMP
- affordable professional reamping for every studio!
R a d i a l S m a r t S h e e t
• 100% passive design, no power supply for easy use
• Custom wound transformer for natural tone
• Recessed level control to adjust output
• Compact yet durable steel construction
• Reamping guitars for new sounds
• Reamping voice for fun effects
• Reamping keyboards through guitar amps
• Reamping drums & percussion
Cool Factors
• Plug and play easy to use
• Eliminates tiresome repetition
• Hire top players and change their tone later!
• Monitor the new sound in the control room
• Lets you capture the sweet spot in your room
• 3 year transferable warranty
XLR INPUT balanced low-Z
input receives +4dB line-level
signal from recorder/mixer.
LIFT helps eliminate hum
caused by ground loops
between the recorder and amp.
14 gauge steel outer shell creates
protected zone around connectors
and switches.
T hi s p rov ide s m ec ha nic a l
isolation to reduce slipping and
electrical isolation from amplifi er
frames and handles.
The output LEVEL control allows
you to match the output of your
gu it ar. Re ce ss ed co nt ro l i s
adjusted using a guitar pick as a
Hi-Z ¼” output connects to guitar
amp or effect pedal input. This
output provides the pri mar y
ground path for the ProRMP.
1 2
Record a clean track with a high quality direct box. The player listens
to their amp while the direct signal goes to the recorder. You may
want to record the amp to another track with a microphone.
Direct Sound Direct Sound
Radial Pro48
Active Direct Box
R a d i a l E n g i n e e r i n g L t d . · T el: 604-942-1001 · Fax: 604-942-1010 · www. r ad i a l e n g . c o m · e m a i l i n f o @ r a d i a l e n g . c o m
R a d i a l S m a r t S h e e t © 2 0 0 6 S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e .
We ld ed i nt er na l e nc lo sur e
featu re s u ltra ri gi d I- be am
construction to prote ct the PC
Connect the recorders output to the ProRMP. Connect effect pedals
between the ProRMP and your amp. Play the clean track and mic the
amp. Record as many different amp setups as you like to new tracks.
Effect pedals
Amp sound is recorded to a new track