P r o D I™ P r o D 2 P A S S I V E D I
ProDI Order No. R800 1100
ProD2 Order No. R800 1102
ProDI - mono DI
ProD2 - stereo DI
R a d i a l S m a r t S h e e t
Following the footsteps of the Radial JDI, the ProDI is a high-quality ultra-compact passive
direct box that has been specifi cally developed to allow regional sound companies and
project studios to enjoy the quality of a Radial direct box at a more affordable price point.
The ProDI features a custom-made transformer that is able to handle high levels without
saturation. This high-performance transformer has an exceptionally linear frequency
response from 20Hz to 18kHz, making it ideal for electronic musical instruments and audio
equipment. The ProDI also features a -15dB PAD for high output sources and ground lift
switch to troubleshoot noise from ground loops. The ProDI is a great choice for bass and
acoustic guitar.
ProD2 stereo version is also available. The ProD2 is essentially two ProDI’s in one compact
enclosure designed for stereo keyboards, DJ equipment and consumer hi-fi systems. The
ProDI and ProD2 are housed in an extremely rugged two piece 14 gauge steel enclosure
with a book-end-designed outer shell that prevents damage to the switches.
• Great sounding, rugged passive DI
• High performance custom-wound transformer
• -15dB PAD for wide range of input levels
• Ground lift switch eliminates ground loop hum
• ProDI for acoustic guitars and bass guitars
• ProD2 for stereo keyboards and drum machines
• Interface consumer audio with pro gear
• Eliminates buzz and hum caused by ground loops
Cool stuff
• Ultra-tough design, to last a lifetime
• ‘Plug & play’ easy-to-use
• Completely passive, no power needed
• 3 year transferable warranty
protection against radio
frequency and electromagnet interference.
-15dB PAD allows super-hot inputs
such as CD players and headphone
outputs to be connected.
INPUT and THRU jacks connect
from the instrument and to the
instrument amplifi er.
FULL BOTTOM PAD improves electrical isolation and keeps ProDI from
moving around on busy stages!
XLR balanced 600Ω mic-level
output for runs to 1000 feet without
appreciable noise.
GROUND LIFT disconnects the
ground path to the transformer at
the XLR output.
protective zone around the jacks
and switches.
for distortion-free signal transfer and
100% isolation from ground loop hum.
14-GAUGE STEEL welded I-beam
enclosure makes it impossible to torque
the PC board. Eliminates cold solder
The single channel ProDI is perfect for
mono instruments like guitar and bass.
R a d i a l E n g i n e e r i n g L t d . · T el: 604-942-1001 · Fax: 604-942-1010 · www. r ad i a l e n g . c o m · e m a i l i n f o @ r a d i a l e n g . c o m
The ProD2 is ideally suited for stereo
instruments like keyboards and samplers.
R a d i a l S m a r t S h e e t © 2 0 0 6 S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e .
ProD2 Input and Output Panels
two inputs, two thru-puts, two pads, two
transformers, two outputs.
The ProD2 is two independent direct boxes in one:
two inputs, thru-puts, pads, transformers, and outputs.