R a d i a l S m a r t S h e e t
Order No. R800 1105
• Superior dynamic headroom
• Ultra-fl at frequency response with extended highs
• High input impedance reduces loading
• Steps up 48V current for more headroom
• Provides extra ‘reach’ and ‘air’ in your sound!
• Ideal for active acoustic guitars and basses
• Great for keyboards and drum modules
• Equally wonderful for live or studio
Cool stuff
• Huge 9-Volt internal rail voltage for extra headroom
• Handles loud transients without choking or clipping
• No batteries required, works with phantom-power
• 3 year transferable warranty
Pro48 Frequency Response
The Radial Pro48 is a high-performance 48V phantom powered active direct box designed specifi cally for today’s higher output instruments like active basses and acoustics.
It features a digital switching power supply to signifi cantly increase headroom and directly benefi t
the user with less distortion while yielding a smooth and linear response that extends from 20Hz
to well above 100kHz for a natural and uncolored signal transfer. These combine to make the
Pro48 an ideal candidate for today’s battery powered active basses and acoustic guitars that tend
to overload other direct boxes.
The compact Pro48 is built road-ready with 14 gauge steel in our unique book-end™ design that
provides protective zones around the switches and connectors. The internal welded I-beam construction assures outside stress will not torque the PC board thus assuring longer product life.
Exceptional sonic performance, great natural tone at an affordable price; the Radial Pro48 truly
represents a breakthrough in value!
P r o 4 8™ A C T I V E D I R E C T B O X
INPUT & THRU ¼” input connects
from instrument, the parallel ¼” THRU
connects to an on-stage amplifi er.
-15 dB PAD reduces input level from
high output devices like CD players
and headphone outputs.
PHANTOM PWR LED light to confi rm
phantom-power is present and the
Pro48 is working.
GROUND-LIFT disconnects the
internal ground path between the
input and the output to help reduce
noise from ground loops.
protective zone around the jacks
and switches.
Pro48 Application
Just about any instrument from bass to mandolin will
benefi t from the Pro48s extended frequency response.
Instruments connect to the Pro48 and a parallel thru-put
connects to an on-stage amp. The PA or recording system is fed by the Pro48 XLR balanced mic-level output.
R a d i a l E n g i n e e r i n g L t d . · T el: 604-942-1001 · Fax: 604-942-1010 · www. r ad i a l e n g . c o m · e m a i l i n f o @ r a d i a l e n g . c o m
R a d i a l S m a r t S h e e t © 2 0 0 6 S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e .
XLR OUT 600 Ohm balanced,
mic-level output will drive 1000 feet
without appreciable noise.
enclosure of 14 gauge steel makes
it impossible to torque the PC board.
Eliminates cold solder joints.
BAKED ENAMEL fi nish for excellent durability and great looks for
surface ground plane to reduce
susceptibility to RF noise.
up the current from phantom power
to produce 9 volt internal rails. With
more voltage to work with than typical
active DIs, the Pro48 produces more
headroom and dynamic range while
lowering noise.