smart sheet
Order No. R700 0115
• High voltage 12AX7 tube gain stage
• Jensen transformer coupled input
• 100% discrete with over +65dB gain
• 10 segment LED bar-graph indicator
The PowerTube is a 12AX7 equipped tube microphone preamp that delivers 140 Volts to the plate
for optimal tube performance. The signal path begins with a convenient front-panel XLR for easy
connection in any studio. A Jensen transformer coupled input produces the warm Bessel curve that
has made Jensen a legend. The signal then passes through the tube-stage and 100% discrete
class-A output stage to deliver over +65dB of gain. Separate trim and level controls make it easy
to optimize signal to noise. Drive the PowerTube into the red for fun. A 10 segment LED bar graph
delivers clear and precise monitoring. This is augmented with an Air EQ that adds presence to voice
and a low-pass fi lter to eliminate unwanted low-frequency resonance. These features combine to
make the PowerTube a spectacular choice for all microphones.
FULL ENCLOSURE - 100% steel casing reduces magnetic
interference from other nearby modules that may cause pollution.
10 SEGMENT LED - Provides visual signal status as it monitors peaks to
deliver a clean, distortion-free signal to the mix buss and recording system.
TRIM - Control lets you set the input level going to the tube and class-A
circuit. Set low for least distortion or high to add harmonic content.
• The most demanding studio recording
• Warming up tracks by using the tube
• Adding character & grit to the voice
• Direct instrument recording with Omniport
• Single space 500 series design
• Fits in all ‘Lunchbox’ type racks
• Sounds absolutely amazing
• Built in fi lters to optimize signal path
Air Filter
20 20k50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k
High-Pass Filter
20 20k50 100 200 500 1 k 2k 5k 10k
180º POLARITY - Use to phase-align two signals for improved stereo
imaging or as a creative element during the recording process.
GAIN - Lets you adjust the overall drive circuit. When pushed hard,
the Po
the PowerTube adds character and harmonics to the signal path.
AIR - Hi
AIR - High frequency lift used to gently add presence to the signal
ath for
path for more shimmer and clarity.
FILTER - 80Hz high-pass filter removes low frequencies to help eliminate
excessive bass. It is particularly useful when layering acoustic tracks.
8V - P
48V - Phantom power for condensers is equipped with power-on LED and
recessed to prevent accidental use that could damage older ribbon mics.
MIC INPUT - XLR female connector is conveniently located on the front panel
and placed at the bottom to keep the cable out of the way.
OMNIPORT- Rear mounted ¼” instrument input, allows guitar and bass to be
recorded direct. Available when used with Radial Workhorse racks.
POWER ASSIGN SWITCH - Toggles the current draw from the positive to the
negative rails enabling multiple PowerTubes to be used without power sag.
JENSEN TRANSFORMER - Jensen input transformer delivers near perfect
frequency response and exceptionally low noise making it ideal for tube preamps.
HIGH VOLTAGE TUBE - Employs a select 12AX7 tube with a non-radiating
charge-pump power supply to deliver 140 volts to the tube plates.
100% DISCRETE CLASS-A - Output stage combines with the transformer and
tube to deliver 65dB of gain making the PowerTube ideal for just about
any microphone.
studio vocal channel strip
The PowerTube is the ultimate front end for
your fi nest studio microphone. The Jensen
transformer-coupled front end quietly delivers
the full audio spectrum into the class-A tube
drive circuit for spectacular results.
Radial Engineering Ltd. • Workhorse 500 Series Smart Sheet © Copyright 2012 all rights reserved · www.radialeng.com · email info@radialeng.com • Subject to change without notice • Made in Canada
PowerTube on bass
Nothing sounds bigger and warmer than a tube!
Connect your bass to the Omniport instrument input
on the Workhorse, Cube or Powerstrip. Feed the
PowerTube into a Komit compressor for dynamic
control and then a JDX amp & speaker simulator to
capture the sound of a 4x12 half stack.
Live recording
The single wide design and innovative
powering scheme allow you to use eight
PowerTubes in the Workhorse without
sacrifi cing dynamic range. This makes it
perfect for the most demanding live music
recording sessions.