smart sheet
Order No. R700 0110
The PowerPre is high performance mic preamp designed for the 500 series modular format. It
features 100% discrete electronics throughout to deliver over +55dB of gain, making it suitable for
both dynamic and condenser microphones. Accustate front end simultaneously adjusts the input
sensitivity and gain to ensure lowest noise at all levels. Connection is easy using a front-mounted
XLR. A ten-segment LED provides visual feedback to avoid overload. Driving the PowerPre into the
red is encouraged. This pushes the circuit and Hammond output transformer hard to create added
character. This is augmented with a 3 position ‘VOX’ control that adds air or bottom end when needed.
Extra features include -15dB pad for high level instruments, high-pass fi lter to eliminate low frequency
rumble, 180° polarity reverse to help phase align mics and a 48V phantom switch that is recessed to
protect mics and audio system from turn on transients.
• Ultra-low noise Accustate input circuit
• 100% discrete electronics throughout
• Broadcast transformer coupled output
• Vox control to add extra character to mic
• Studio vocal and instrument recording
• Warm up tracks by driving it hard
• Multi-channel ‘live’ recording
• All round great sounding pre-amplifi cation
• Instrument input using Omniport
• Front panel XLR for extra convenience
• 10 segment LED bar meter
• Incredible value for the money
Breath Filter
20 20k50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k
Punch Filter
20 20k50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k
FULL ENCLOSURE - 100% steel casing reduces magnetic
interference from other nearby modules that may cause pollution.
10 SEGMENT LED - Provides visual signal status as it monitors peaks to
deliver a clean, distortion-free signal to the mix buss and recording system.
-15dB PAD - Input pad allows ultra hot signals from devices such as
keyboards to be interfaced without distortion.
180º POLARITY - used to phase-align two signals for improved stereo
imaging or as a creative element during the recording process.
FILTER - 100Hz high pass filter removes low frequencies to help eliminate
excessive bass. Particularly useful when layering acoustic tracks.
OUTPUT- Fully adjustable gain control features dual taper Accustate™ drive
circuit that keeps noise down. +55dB of gain for all types of microphones.
VOX - 3-position switch lets you change the tonal character of the preamp.
Breath adds ‘air and clarity’ helping vocals cut through; punch adds warmth
to the bottom end to fatten up a track.
48V - Phantom power for condensers is equipped with power-on LED and is
recessed to prevent accidental use that could damage older ribbon mics.
MIC INPUT - XLR female connector is conveniently located on the front panel
and placed at the bottom to keep the cable out of the way.
OMNIPORT- Rear mounted ¼” instrument input, allows guitar and bass to be
recorded direct. Available when used with Radial Workhorse racks.
MINI SLIDER SWITCH - Lifts pin-1 ground on front panel XLR to help
eliminate hum and buzz caused by ground loops.
HAMMOND TRANSFORMER - Old school broadcast transformer delivers
added warmth while being able to gracefully handle extreme transients.
GOLD 15-PIN CARD EDGE - Double sided and gold plated edge
connector to ensure good conductivity and signal transfer.
Basic Setup
The PowerPre fi ts any 500 series rack. In its most
basic setup, you connect a mic to the PowerPre and
send the XLR out to the recording system. Single
dial control makes recording easy and effi cient.
Radial Engineering Ltd. • Workhorse 500 Series Smart Sheet © Copyright 2012 all rights reserved · www.radialeng.com · email info@radialeng.com • Subject to change without notice • Made in Canada
Channel Strip
Use the PowerPre as the front end to drive
an EQ and compressor to create the ultimate
channel strip. Simply cascade one module
into the next and send the fi nal output to your
Tracking Instruments
The PowerPre is not just for mics! If you have a
Workhorse, you can also use it as the front end
when recording instruments or tracking a bass
direct. Simply plug into the Omniport and you
are set to go.