Radial Engineering JPC Quick Start Guide

R a d i a l S m a r t S h e e t
Order No. R800 1026
The Radial JPC is a stereo direct box that has been specifi cally designed for use with computer sound cards and consumer electronic products. Flexible inputs, transformer isolation, active drive circuits and heavy-duty construction make the JPC ideal to interface consumer line-level signals to professional sound systems.
Connecting the JPC is easy. A full array of RCA, 3.5mm and 1/4” stereo connectors, commonly found on CD players, VCRs and notebook computers, are provided. For more connecting fl exibility, any of the JPC inputs can serve as thru-puts, providing a convenient way to split the signal.
Hybrid design offers the best of both active and passive worlds. Dual passive transformers at the input provide 100% isolation to eliminate buzz & hum caused by ground loops. Following the transformers, the JPC uses an active drive circuit powered by 48V phantom. The active drivers perform impedance conversion and signal balancing, allowing the JPC to drive long cable runs. Finally, the JPC is packaged in an innovative and tough 14 gauge steel welded I-beam enclosure that makes it impossible to torque the PC board. The JPC offers a compact, rugged, easy-to-use, fl exible solution for interfacing audio/video equipment on the stage or in the studio. And it sounds great too!
• Convenient interface for computer sound cards
• Like a “Swiss Army knife” for A/V systems
• Phantom-powered, does not require batteries
• Transformer isolation eliminates ground loop hum
• Active drive circuit electronically balances signal
• Converts hi-Z consumer line-level to low-Z mic-level
• Computer sound cards to PA system
• Audio for off-line video post-production
• Interface CD and MP3 players with pro-audio systems
Cool Factors
• ‘Plug & play’ easy-to-use
• All inputs can be used as thru-puts
• Full stereo operation in a compact enclosure
• Interface ANY consumer audio device
• 3 year transferable warranty
-10 dB PAD reduces input level from high output devices.
1/4” TRS -10dB stereo input can connect to headphone jacks.
RCA -10dB stereo INPUT and parallel THRU can be used with CD players, tape decks, VCRs, etc.
GROUND LIFT (on side) disconnects input ground from output to stop hum and buzz.
3.5mm TRS -10dB stereo input can connect to PC sound cards and headphone jacks.
PWR LEDs indicates if 48V phantom­power is present for each channel.
14 GAUGE STEEL outer shell creates a protective zone around connectors and switches.
XLR OUTPUTS are balanced 600 mic-level to drive long cables run through snakes & studio patch bays.
BOOK-END DESIGN creates a protective zone around the switches & connectors.
Mixing Console
Sound Card
Hi-Fi System
FULL BOTTOM PAD provides electrical isolation and keeps the JPC in one place.
RUGGED glass-fi lled nylon con­nectors are 100% isolated for true dual-channel operation.
TRANSFORMERS on both inputs provide 100% isolation to eliminate hum and noise caused by ground loops.
CD Player, VCR or MP3 Player
R a d i a l E n g i n e e r i n g L t d . · T el: 604-942-1001 · Fax: 604-942-1010 · www. r ad i a l e n g . c o m · e m a i l i n f o @ r a d i a l e n g . c o m
R a d i a l S m a r t S h e e t © 2 0 0 6 S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e .
MILITARY-GRADE PC board employs full ground plane to reduce RF interference and noise.
HIGH CYCLE switches are rated for 20,000 operations.