Radial Engineering JDX User Manual

True to the Music
Amplifi er Direct Box
User Guide
CAUTION: Please read safety disclosure statement on the inside cover before connecting your Radial JDX.
Radial Engineering Ltd. 1588 Kebet Way, Port Coquitlam BC V3C 5M5 Tel: 604-942-1001 Fax: 604-942-1010 email: info@radialeng.com
Please read before
connecting your Radial JDX
It is mandatory that your amplifi er be connected to a loudspeaker or load box at all times. The JDX does not provide a signifi cant resistive load for an amplifi er to safely operate. Damage may occur to your amp if the JDX is used without a proper loudspeaker load.
It is your responsibility to confi rm the JDX is connected properly before operating your amplifi er. If you are unsure about connecting or operating the JDX consult a qualifi ed technician or see your dealer. Damage caused by improper operation is not covered under the warranty. See the back cover for warranty details.
True to the Music
Radial JDX Amplifi er Direct Box
Users Guide
Table of Contents Page
Introduction ...................................................................1
Design Concept ............................................................2
Applications ..................................................................5
Feature Set ...................................................................6
Input Panel ...................................................................7
Output Panel ................................................................7
Making Connections .....................................................8
FAQ ..............................................................................8
Specifi cations ...............................................................9
Warranty ................................................................Back Cover
Congratulations on your purchase of the Radial JDX guitar amp direct box, a unique tool for recording and performing with ampli­ ed electric guitar. The JDX is an active speaker-level DI that taps the natural tone of your amplifi er and interfaces it with professional recording and PA systems.
The Radial JDX is easy to use, however it differs signifi cantly from standard direct boxes. Like any tool, the best way to get the most out of your JDX is by understanding the design, functions and safety features. We recommend you take a few minutes to read this manual before operating your JDX.
Should you have any questions regarding the JDX or it’s functions check our FAQ at www.radialeng.com. If you would like to share your experience with Radial products we invite you to contact us at info@radialeng.com.
The JDX, one small step for mankind, one huge leap for tone fanatics!
Radial Engineering
JDX User Guide
True to the Music
The JDX differs from a standard DI like the Radial J48. A stan­dard DI taps the output of the guitar before it is connected to an amplifi er. The JDX taps the output of your amplifi er yielding a completely different sound.
The JDX is placed between the amplifi er and loudspeaker. A pro- prietary reactive circuit follows the constantly changing interaction between amp and speaker to capture the dynamic response of your amp. Then an active multi-stage fi lter processes the signal to emulate the frequency response of a loudspeaker and fi nally, the JDX uses a Class-A buffering amplifi er to output a signal suitable for pro-recording and and PA systems.
JDX Amplifi er Direct Box vs. Standard Direct Box
JDX Amplifi er DI J48 Standard DI
Bass and acoustic guitars often use a standard DI to capture the clean sound of the instrument. This works because these instru­ments almost always use an unprocessed sound and the PA system merely amplifi es the levels of the direct signal.
Electric guitars generally don’t use standard DIs because the am­plifi er and loudspeaker play an important part in a player’s sound. Typically a microphone is used to capture the amplifi ed guitar sound. This raises several other variables such as bleed, place­ment and acoustics that come along with using microphones.
The Radial JDX offers an easy solution by eliminating the mi­crophone and delivering the sound of a player’s amp directly to the recording or PA console. By removing the variables of a microphone the consistency of the sound from night to night is improved. This is a boon to in-ear monitor users. When listening through in-ear monitors subtle differences in mic placement and room acoustics can translate into huge changes in tone. The JDX provides great sound while eliminating bleed from other instru­ments, like drums, from leaking into the guitar mix.
Radial Engineering
Mixing Console
JDX User Guide
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