Radial Engineering JDI User Manual

Radial± Smart Sheet
JDI± p a s s i v e d i r e c t b ox
JDI Order No. R800 1010 00
• Eliminates hum and buzz from ground loops
• Virtually zero phase & harmonic distortion
• Extraordinary signal handling and noise rejection
• Great with high-output electronic instruments
• Ideal for acoustic guitars & active basses
• Merge stereo keyboards to mono
• Perfect for live performance & studio recording
The Radial JDI™ is the world’s nest passive direct box. It features a premium Jensen
transformer to isolate the signal and reject noise while at the same time boasting an extremely wide frequency response and virtually zero distortion of all types.
The heart of any passive DI is the audio transformer, which determines the frequency response and distortion characteristics of the direct box, and imparts character on the signal when
saturated. The JDI employs a Jensen JT-DB-EPC audio transformer to produce a ruler-at
frequency response from 10Hz up to 40kHz, while minimizing phase and harmonic distortion and isolating the signal to prevent hum and buzz from ground loops. When connected to high­output sources such as active basses or electronic instruments, the JDI transformer saturates instead of clipping, producing a warm sounding bessel curve that emulates some of the most sought-after vintage equipment.
Built with 14 gauge steel to handle the harshest touring environment, the JDI is the perfect choice when signal quality is critical, delivering only the natural, pure sound of your instrument on a live stage or in the recording studio.
-15dB PAD reduces input sensitivity for active high-output instruments.
MERGE FUNCTION turns the input and thru jacks into a passive mixer to sum stereo signals to mono and save valuable inputs on the mixer.
INPUT connects to the instrument, THRU feeds the amplier.
electrical isolation and keeps the JDI from moving around on busy stages.
Cool Stuff
• Build tough to survive the road
• Passive operation, no power required
• Impossible to overload
• 3 year transferable warranty
JENSEN EQUIPPED nickel core transformer provides distortion-free signal transfer and 100% isolation.
Using the JDI with Electric Bass
The JDI is often selected for high output bass guitars, as it is able to handle huge signal levels without distortion or signal degradation. On stage it sends the pure sound of the bass to the PA with minimal loading. In the studio, it is perfect for recording direct.
Using the JDI with Acoustic Guitar
Most acoustic guitars have built-in preamps that can produce harsh-sounding peaks. The JDI naturally smoothes out these transients for a warmer tone, and because the JDI is able to handle hot output levels it will not distort.
XLR balanced, mic-level output used to feed a mixer or a mic preamp.
BOOK-END DESIGN creates a protective zone around the jacks and switches.
PARALLEL SPEAKER interface option introduces a second -30dB
pad with band-pass lter to emulate
a 12” guitar speaker.
GROUND LIFT disconnects pin-1 at the XLR output to help eliminate hum and buzz from ground loops.
POLARITY reverses pins 2 and 3 at the XLR output.
Using the JDI with Keyboards
Today’s digital keyboards are not only very dynamic, they also have a tremendously wide frequency response. The JDI is able to withstand excessive signal levels at all frequencies without introducing distortion or phase shift.
Radial Engineering Ltd. • © Copyright 2018 all rights reserved • www.radialeng.com • email info@radialeng.com • Subject to change without notice • Made in Canada