Radial Engineering JDI User Guide

R a d i a l S m a r t S h e e t
Order No. R800 1010
The Radial JDI direct box is the world’s fi nest passive DI. The JDI has been optimized to handle extreme transients without introducing distortion or coloration to the sound.
Because of the transformer, the JDI provides 100% isolation between the instrument input side and the balanced output, eliminating hum and buzz caused by ground loops. Ground loops are most prevalent when interfacing equipment with AC power such as keyboards and guitar amplifi ers. Most passive DIs sound terrible because they use inexpensive iron or steel core transformers. This causes phase shift at various frequencies known as group delay, which has the effect of making bass sound indistinct and lack punch and causes mid-range to smear. This makes mixing more diffi cult.
The Radial JDI employs a Jensen transformer with a nickel-laminated core. Nickel does not retain a memory or polarity. This has the net effect of reducing phase distortion, improving linearity and lowering harmonic distortion. Fix the problems; you get great sound.
The Radial JDI does not require 48V phantom-power or a battery. You just plug in and play. The JDI is also available in stereo (Radial JDI Duplex) and in 6 channels (Radial JD6) or may be rackmounted using the Radial J-Rak for up to 8 units in 2 RUs.
• Best-sounding passive DI in the world
• Linear from 10Hz ~ 40kHz
• Extraordinary level handling without distortion
• Built to survive the road
• Ideal for acoustic guitars and basses
• Keyboards, modules and electronic drums
• Great with high-output, electronic instruments
• Eliminates hum & buzz in sound systems
Cool Factors
• ‘Plug-&-play’ easy-to-use!
• No battery or phantom-power required
• Impossible to overload!
• Up to 8 may be rack-mounted with the J-Rak
• 3 year transferable warranty
-15dB PAD allows super-hot inputs such as from a CD player to be connected.
MERGE FUNCTION turns the input and thru jacks into a passive mixer to sum stereo signals to mono. This saves valuable inputs on the mixer!
INPUT and THRU jacks connect from the instrument and to the instrument amplifi er.
FULL BOTTOM PAD improves electrical isolation and keeps the JDI from moving around on busy stages!
XLR balanced 600 mic-level output for runs to 1000 feet without appreciable noise.
BOOK-END DESIGN creates a protective zone around the jacks and switches.
PARALLEL SPEAKER interface option introduces a second -30dB pad with band-pass fi lter to emulate a 12” guitar speaker.
GROUND LIFT disconnects the ground path to the transformer at the XLR output.
POLARITY REVERSE fl ips the polarity from pin-2 to pin-3 on the XLR.
Main Competition
The primary competition for the Radial JDI comes from Countryman and BSS. These DI’s show signifi cantly more harmonic distortion, are not as linear throughout the audio range and introduce serious phase distortion. Once the sound is distorted, you cannot fi x it in the mix!
Specifi cations Radial JDI Countryman BSS
Harmonic Distortion at 20Hz 0.06% 0.30% 0.70%
Linearity 20Hz ~ 20kHz +/- 0.2dB +/- 2.0dB +/- 1.0dB
Phase distortion at 20Hz 4.3º 19.8º 38.5º
R a d i a l E n g i n e e r i n g L t d . · T el: 604-942-1001 · Fax: 604-942-1010 · www. r ad i a l e n g . c o m · e m a i l i n f o @ r a d i a l e n g . c o m
R a d i a l S m a r t S h e e t © 2 0 0 6 S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e .
JENSEN nickel core transformer for distortion-free signal transfer and 100% isolation.
14-GAUGE STEEL welded I-beam enclosure makes it impossible to torque the PC board. Eliminates cold solder joints.
MU-METAL SHIELD for protection against radio frequency and electro­magnet interference.