J 4 8™ A C T I V E D I R E C T B O X
Order No. R800 3001
The Radial J48 direct box is the world’s fi nest phantom-powered active DI. It has been optimized to
handle extreme transients using only the 5 milliamps of available current from typical 48-Volt phantompower. The J48 features a unique digital switch-mode power supply that steps up the internal rail
voltage to an amazing 9-Volts.
Most battery-powered guitars and basses are active and will produce as much as 7-Volts when played
at maximum volume. Since typical direct boxes are only able to handle about 3 volts, they choke. The
trouble is caused when the input signal is greater than the internal rail voltage. This creates all types of
distortion: bass sounds thin and lacks punch, guitars sound scratchy and tend to have sporadic peaks,
and they lose their natural body resonance.
Because the J48 has more ‘horse-power” (current to work with), it is able to handle these transients
without choking. This extra headroom signifi cantly reduces harmonic, phase and inter-modulation
distortion. And when you fi x all of the problems, a funny thing occurs... you get great sound!
• Superior dynamic headroom
• High input impedance reduces loading
• Merge switch sums stereo instruments to mono
• Low-cut fi lter, -15 dB PAD, and polarity reverse
• Provides extra ‘reach’ and ‘air’ in your sound!
• Ideal for active acoustic guitars and basses
• Great for keyboards and drum modules
• Equally wonderful for live or studio
Cool stuff
• Huge 9-Volt internal rail voltage for extra headroom
• Handles loud transients without choking or clipping
• No batteries required, works with phantom-power
• 3 year transferable warranty
Headroom - J48 gives you more!
Typical active DI
Typical headroom
of most DI’s is a
mere 3 Volts. This
was originally designed for passive
3V 7V 9V
Rail voltage
Active guitar/bass
The output from
today’s active guitars
& basses reaches 7Volts, causing most
DI’s to square wave.
This makes them
sound harsh.
J48 max rail voltage
The J48’s 9-Volt
rails provide the
extra headroom so
it won’t choke! More
headroom means you
get less distortion and
better sound!
J48 Rail
R a d i a l S m a r t S h e e t
-15dB PAD allows super-hot inputs
such as from a CD player to be connected and balanced for long runs.
MOMENTARY LED will fl ash once to
tell you phantom-power is present.
This saves power for the audio circuit.
MERGE FUNCTION turns the input
and thru jacks into a passive mixer
to sum stereo signals to mono. This
saves valuable inputs on the mixer!
INPUT connects from instrument,
the THRU to the amplifi er. High
input impedance reduces loading.
XLR OUT 600 Ohm balanced,
mic-level output will drive 1000 feet
without appreciable noise.
polarity from the AES standard pin-2
to pin-3 on the XLR.
80HZ LOW-CUT (high-pass) fi lter
gently reduces excessive bass for
more headroom and clarity. Eliminates run-away resonant feedback
from acoustics!
GROUND-LIFT disconnects the
internal ground path between the
input and the output.
enclosure of 14 gauge steel makes
it impossible to torque the PC board.
Eliminates cold solder joints.
HIGH CYCLE heavy-duty switches
are rated at 10,000 cycles.
surface ground plane to reduce
susceptibility to RF noise.
up the internal rail voltage to 9-Volts.
The J48 will not choke like other DI’s
when hit with loud transients.
BAKED ENAMEL fi nish for excellent durability and great looks for
R a d i a l E n g i n e e r i n g L t d . · T el: 604-942-1001 · Fax: 604-942-1010 · www. r ad i a l e n g . c o m · e m a i l i n f o @ r a d i a l e n g . c o m
R a d i a l S m a r t S h e e t © 2 0 0 6 S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e .