H o t S h o t A B i
Order No. R800 1508
The Hot Shot ABi is a balanced line selecting device that lets you toggle between two
sources and send the signal to a single destination. It features 100% passive operation with
latching footswitch and therefore does not require any type of powering whatsoever. To add
versatility both inputs are equipped with a -15dB pad and input B features a secondary -6dB
trim to balance the two sources.
A great application would be to allow a moderator to select between two microphones in a
community hall setting for a question and answer session of public debate. Another could
be to simply select between a paging microphone and a music track in a public address system. For stage use, a keyboard player or multi-instrumentalist could use the ABi to toggle
between two microphones set up in different places while only using a single channel on
the mixing console. And it can also be used as a microphone mute switch. The possibilities
are open to the imagination!
Compact and plug-&-play easy to use, the Radial HotShot ABi is made from 14 gauge steel
for durability and fi nished in a tough black enamel coat.
R a d i a l S m a r t S h e e t
• 100% passive - does not require power
• Built-in pad for high output sources
• Built-in trim to balance input levels
• Durable 14 gauge steel construction
• Heavy duty latching toggle switch
• Toggle between two microphones using one channel
• Use live to select between two instruments with DIs
• Select between two balanced audio tracks
• Mutes a signal such as talk-back mic
Cool Factors
• Plug & play easy to use
• Ultra compact – fi ts anywhere
• Various level controls on board
• Control PA and mics while performing live
• 3 year transferable warranty
PAD switches help match input
levels for different sources like
mic and line. PAD reduces level
by -15dB.
TRIM on INPUT-B allows further
leve l matching. TRIM reduces
level by -6dB.
LIFT switch can reduce ground
loop hum. Disconnects pin 1 at
TOGGLE Heavy-duty footswitch
lets you select INPUT-A or B.
14 ga uge steel en closu re is
stomp- proof and com pact for
placment under keybo ard rigs
and next to mic stands.
XLR INPUTS/OUTPUT for balanced mics and line level gear.
All XLRs are wired pin 2 hot
(AES standard) and isolated
from the chasis.
Toggle Two Microphones
Footswitch selects between two microphones.
Great for sax and trumpet mics or singers that
use two mics on-stage. Saves mixer channels.
Main PA
R a d i a l E n g i n e e r i n g L t d . · T el: 604-942-1001 · Fax: 604-942-1010 · www. r ad i a l e n g . c o m · e m a i l i n f o @ r a d i a l e n g . c o m
Toggle Two Acoustic Instruments
Footswitch selects between two acoustic guitars and
direct boxes to a shared mixer input. Works with any
instrument that uses a DI to connect to a PA
R a d i a l S m a r t S h e e t © 2 0 0 6 S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e .
Stereo DI
Main PA
Live Mic With Background Music
Footswitch selects between a mic and a music/
announcement system. Easily override recorded
announcements with a live mic.
Live Mic
Radial ProAV1
Pre-recorded Music
or Announcements
Main PA