RADEX RD1503+ User manual

RADEX RD1503 +
RADEXand РАДЭКС aretheregisteredbrandsof
Thank you for buying the product of the
trademark RADEX
Radiation monitor RADEX RD1503+, 10.KP. is
destined for detection and evaluation of the level of ionizing radiation.
The device is a new release of radiation monitor RADEX RD1503,
10. КР. which has additional user's features:
Graduated change of a threshold signal;
Evaluation of a dose rate on an open air, further of
Displaying the value of a background dose rate;
Displaying the difference of a dose rate between the
average indication and background;
Vibra-call signal is the additional alarming function;
Animation of the pressed button (the icon on display starts blinking).
The monitor is used for evaluation of the radiation level afield, indoors and for evaluation of contamination level of materials and products.
The device is designed and manufactured pursuant to «Provision on the metrology status, order of development, allowance to production and inspection of radiometric instruments and radiometric devices for the public», «Method of development and allowance of the goods to production on ГОСТ(AII-Union state standard) 15.001-88», ГOCT 15.009-91, and design documentation 10. KP. Operating conditions: at the temperature of environment from a minus 20 °C up to +50 °C and a relative humidity no more than 80 % at the temperature of +25 °C.
The device has the Certificate of Conformity N°0000883 of
25.11.2003 and registered in the List of System of certification of measurement instrumentation under N°030080149. The certificate is issued by Federal State Unitary Enterprise «VNIIFTRI» of the State Standard of Russian Federation. The Certificate is valid till
The results obtained with this device can not be used for official
statement on radiation environment and degree of pollution.
SafetyPrecautions…………………………………………..…5 Physicalconfiguration……………………………………...…..8 Displayformatinmonitoringandbackgroundmodes…..….10 Operatingmode……………………………………………….13 Monitoringmode………………………………………………14 Menumode…………………………………………………….15 Units………………………………………………………...….16 Levels…………………………………………………………..17 Background…………………….…………………………...…20 Setup…………………………………………….……………..26 Service…………………….………………………………...…29 Backgroundmode…………………………………………….30 Preparationsforusing………….……………………………..32 Deviceusing…………………………………………………...34
Technicalservice……………………………………………...39 Maintenanceandupdating…………………………………...39 Troubleshooting……………………………………………….40 Performancedata……………………………………………..41 Technical……………………………………42Characteristics
Safety Precautions
Read the safety instructions carefully before using the device. Follow the applicable safety instructions listed below. Heed all warning.
Do not leave the device for a long time under the impact of a direct solar light or height temperature, for example on an instrument board or in a trunk. The impact of the sunlight or temperature can lead to electrolyte leakage from power supply, their overheating or explosion and therefore to arson, burn and other injuries. High temperature can also cause malformation of the device’s frame.
Do not leave the device in damp and dusty places. It can cause arson, electrical shock and other damages.
Protect the unit from shocks and heavy mechanical stress that can cause damages of the device.
The unit is an accurate device. Avoid its fall and other mechanical stresses.
The body of the device is not waterproof; therefore it can’t be exposed to raining or water. If the device comes in touch with water, it is necessary to switch it off and apply to QUARTA-RAD Ltd. In case a small amount of water gets on the device or salty air, wipe it with a soft tissue, place it in a warm and dry premise and wait until a complete dehumidification from the interior of the unit.
Keep the unit away from devices such as electric or magnetic motors, which generate strong magnetic fields. Do not use and put the monitor close to areas where high electromagnetic signals are generated, such as transmitting tower. Superhigh frequencies can lead to malfunctioning.
Do not attempt yourself to dismantle or to fix the
Do not place the unit in a microwave and do not carry
out any monitoring with ionizers and ozonizers turned on.
Do not let particles penetrate through a perforated
hole inside the unit.
Do not touch electrical links of a battery block. It can
cause corrosion of links and affect normal functioning.
Condensate can occur on internal parts of device in case of a rapid temperature difference from higher to lower level. To prevent it place the device inside a plastic bag. Keep it there till its temperature reaches one of the environment.
In order to prevent damages to the unit do not use it if a condensate has appeared. In this case extract power batteries from unit and wait for a while till a condensate evaporates. It is possible to use the device only after a complete vaporization of a condensate.
Extract power batteries if the device is not being used for a long time and keep the unit in dry and cool conditions.
It is not recommended to keep the unit in places like labs where chemical agents potentially may cause corrosion.
It is necessary to check working capacity of the unit before usage if it was kept in stowage for a long time.
Precautionary measures for the LCD.
LCD posses a high-precision technology. Nevertheless one disabled pixel can be displayed on LCD, in the form of a permanent black dot on it, and it is not considered as a malfunction and does not impact on the image.
Do not hit and press on the LCD as it can cause fractures and damages of the display.
In case of LCD surface contamination switch off the devise and wipe gingerly the LCD with a soft tissue that does not scratch it.
Do not leave the device for a long time under the impact of direct solar and fluorescent light.
Do not let deleterious chemical substances, such as acids, alkali, and solvents etc. fall on the display and do not keep it in places where these substances are located.
Response time of the LCD increases at low temperatures and display can darken at high temperatures. Standard features of display will restore at room temperature.
Precautionary measures for the power supply.
Keep power supplies out of reach of children. Its chemical agents represent danger in case of casual swallowing. In this case apply to a doctor immediately.
Do not hold a power supply with metallic tools such as pliers for it can cause a short circuit.
Do not heat or dismantle a power supply for it can stop functioning.
Button«» anditsicon
Button«» anditsicon
«MENU»responsesinMonitoringmode «SELECT»responsesinMenusection «CHANGE»responsesinMenusection «START»responsesinMenusection
Button«»respondstotwofunctions: «»switchesonLCDbacklightinMonitoring
« »-movescursorintheMENUsection
Theiconssuggesttouserthefunctionsofbuttonsmakingit easiertooperate.Furtherinthetextonlyiconsofbuttonswill bepointedout.Instructiontopushthebuttonwitha correspondingiconmeansclickingtheapplicablebuttonofthe device.
Thepressedbuttonoftheunithasanimation,meaning thatclickinganyactivebuttonleadstotemporaryalteringthe shapeofaniconondisplayfrom«»to«»andrestoresto position«».Inalldisplaysshownbelowtheanimationof pressedbuttonsisnotdepicted
coverfora batterybay
Display format in monitoring and
background modes
After activation the unit displays a screen of RD1503+
with button icons and individual or manufacture settings.
Location of 13 fields on display and a possible appearance of icons within these fields are shown below.
« » « » « »
« »
1. Icon of battery condition: Complete charge of battery; Discharged battery; Discharged below allowed level battery, a
replacement is needed.
2. Conventional symbol of the unit.
3. Icon of quantum registration.
4. Icon in a shape of two parallel lines (short cycle equal to 10 s of observation) or a side of a square (complete cycle equal to 40 s of observation) displays the amount of implemented observations
« »-
equal to the first short cycle of monitoring (10 s of observations);
« »-
equal to the second short cycle of monitoring (20 s of observations);
« »-
equal to the third short cycle of monitoring (30 s of observations);
« »-
equal to one complete cycle of monitoring (40 s of observations);
« »-
equal to two complete cycles of monitoring (80 s of observations);
« »-
equal to three complete cycles of monitoring
(120 s of observations);
« »-
equal to four complete cycles of monitoring (160 s of observations).
« »-
5. Icon warning that value of a dose rate is less than of a background. Therefore a value «0,00» is displayed.
6. « MENU » icon of the button (page 8). This field contains four icons referring to following
functions: « MENU » « SELECT » « CHANGE» or « START »
7. «CURSOR»icon of the button (page 8). This field contains following icons:
« »-
« »-
switching on a backlight in Monitoring and Background modes; moving cursor and altering a threshold in «MENU» section.
8. A value of a background dose rate ­«NOISE XXX», where XXX is a value of a dose rate of background in µSv/h or µRem/h;
9. Icon of the button «OFF» (page 9). This field
contains following icons: «RETURN» «EXIT»
in MENU section.
in transfering from MENU section to
Monitoring and Background modes. «BACKGROUND» «OFF»
in MENU section.
in Monitoring mode.
« »-
« »-
« » -
« »-
« »-
« »­« »-
10.Icon of a vibra-call:
vibra-call is on. When the vibra-call is off the
icon is lacking;
11. Icon of a bell:
the bell is on. When the bell is off the icon is
12. Icon of a threshold signal: threshold signal
can be set in a range from 0.10 to 0.90 µSv/h for
µSv/h dimension (microSievert per hour), for
0,30 µSv/h
threshold signal can be set in a range from 10 to
9 0 µ Re m / h f o r µ R e m / h d i m e n s i o n
(microRoentgen per hour), for example
30 µRem/h or
for a turned off threshold signal.
13. Icon of units:
microSievert per hour
microRoentgen per hour.
The«MONITORING»modeissetautomaticallyatstart ofunitsfunctioning.Thismodegivesestimationofadoserate andindicationsoutputtotheLCD.
Thebutton«ina«MONITORING»mode (page8),fulfillthefunctionofturningon/offabacklightof display.Ashort-termclickonitswitchesonabacklightfor2sIt allowsseeingindicationsinatwilightordarkness.The importanceofabacklightisnotremarkableduringabright illumination.
switchingofabacklightshortensstronglythetimeof continuousoperationofthedevice.
«BACKGROUND»section(page20)in«MENU»mode.Just asin«MONITORING»modethismodeperformsestimation ofadoseratebutitgivesouttwoindicationssimultaneously: adifferencebetweenadoserateofanaverageindicationand ofbackground,i.e.theexceedingofadoserateaboveadose rateofbackgroundandadditionallyavalueofadoserateof background.Thismodeisconvenientforexamining premises,whenitisimportanttoknowthedifferencebetween indicationsindoorsandthoseonanopenairandhow determinecorrectlyavalueofadoserateoutdoors.
(page8)incasealteringofafactorysetupisneeded.Ina «MENU»modetheestimationofaratedoseisnot conducting.
Monitoring mode
This mode gives a value of a dose rate displaying indications on the LCD. Every registered quantum is displayed on LCD as « » icon. Blinking frequency of « » icon is proportional to the strength of a radiation dose rate.
A short cycle of observation is introduced in order to reduce a waiting time of the first reading. The indications of a short cycle and its icon of two parallel lines « » (page 10, paragraph 4) are displayed within 10 s, but have a rough value and are updated during the next three subsequent short cycles. The readings of a short cycle are effective as initial estimation of a radiation dose rate
Within 40 s after activation the device gives the first indication which is presented on display as side of a square « » and shows a number of performed observations.
These icons (page 10, paragraph 4) allow determining visually the number of averaging cycles. They are extremely useful for detection of a strong variation in a radiation dose rate (for example in case of a local/domestic radioactive contamination) as in such circumstances the icon « » will be changed to « » and that it is quite easy to note. At the same time the estimation of a dose rate starts all over again from the first cycle, so averaging indication of the previous cycles are not taking into account.
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