From: John Lair [jlair@freelinc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 6:11 PM
To: Roland Gubisch ES-Box; Terre Wolak ES-Atl
Cc: 'Tony Sutera '; 'Doug Dobyns'
Subject: RE: TCB Review of FreeLinc FCC ID: TDA-FA1 and TDA-FMT200
Roland & Terre,
Attached please find the artwork for the sticker that we will adhere to the
bottom left corner of the outside front cover of the current user manual.
Please let me know if this solves the problem.
Thank you,
John Lair
-----Original Message----From: Roland Gubisch ES-Box [mailto:roland.gubisch@intertek.com]
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 8:59 AM
To: John Lair; Terre Wolak ES-Atl
Subject: RE: TCB Review of FreeLinc FCC ID: TDA-FA1 and TDA-FMT200
15.19(a)(5) allows devices which are too small for the full text to
be included on the device label, to place the required text either in the
user manual or on the device package. A sticker could be used either for
adding the text in the manual, or onto the package. The rule is not specific
as to the outside of the packaging or inside of the lid, so either location
would be acceptable. In any case you will need to specify which location
will be used, either by description or illustration.