Radarcan R-105 User Manual

R-105 | English | Español
User’s Guide
Thank you for choosing RADARCAN®. Our mission is you reconquer your home. With RADARCAN® you will get comfort 24/7. Our devices work without chemical products and need no refills.
Instructions of Use
1. Remove the back cover of the device and insert 4 1.5 V, AAA batteries, preferably alkaline, following the steps in the diagram.
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
2. The LED indicator light will begin to flash EVERY 5 SECONDS and the device will begin to work. When the light stops working or when you hear a beeping sound, replace the batteries.
3. Place the PORTABLE MICE | COCKROACHES REPELLER in the area where mice and/or cockroaches are detected, near the floor, inside a cupboard, on a shelf or ledge, or hang it on a wall. If there are rodents or cockroaches above the ceiling, in an attic or crawlspace, place the PORTABLE MICE
that space. It can also be used to protect the wiring of
(5) (6)
a vehicle, by placing it inside the engine compartment, or by hanging it in the garage where the car is usually parked.
4. Avoid obstructing the front part of the PORTABLE MICE |
COCKROACHES REPELLER when it is switched on, and point it toward the area you want to protect, making sure no obstacles, e.g. walls, windows, furniture, etc., interfere, so that the ultrasound waves will be better dispersed.
5. The PORTABLE MICE | COCKROACHES REPELLER should not be used in conjunction with extermination systems that use poison or traps, since the two methods work against each other (repulsion vs. attraction).
Hole slot for hanging up the PORTABLE MICE
REPELLER on the wall or from bracket.
6. Should you notice an increased presence of cockroaches in the first few days of using the PORTABLE MICE
COCKROACHES REPELLER, it is likely because they are abandoning the residence.
7. It may take up to 3 weeks, once the device is in constant use, for the mice and/or cockroaches to totally disappear.
8. Recommendations:
• Leave the PORTABLE MICE
COCKROACHES REPELLER on even after the pests have disappeared, as a preventive measure.
• If you have a rodent as a pet, to avoid complications, do not let the pet be in the area where the device is being used.
Technical Specifications
Coverage: 269 sq. ft. - 25 m
(indoor use only). Batteries: 4 x 1.5 V AAA alkaline (not included). Duration: 8 month (running 24hrs/day).
incorporates technological innovations and is developed with components manufactured under strict RADARCAN® specifications for the greatest reliability and effectiveness.
INSonuerit 3.0 Our own advanced technology based on the use of specific ultrasound frequencies studied to find a natural method of protection against mice and cockroaches. Ultrasound consists of high-frequency sound waves which are perceived by mice and cockroaches, but inaudible to humans. The ultrasound waves fan out uni-directionally from the
PORTABLE MICE | COCKROACHES REPELLER, like fluorescent light. Hard substances (walls, ceilings, furniture, glass, etc.) promote better spreading out of the sound waves, as they bounce off these surfaces, whereas soft materials (cardboard, curtains, carpeting, etc.) absorb the sound waves.
Human Bat Mosquito Buttery Fly Cockroach Cricket Dog Grasshopper Rodent Dolphin Mole Others
Audible Ultrasound
Table of frequencies within the human hearing range between 20 Hz y 20 Khz, compared with the approximate hearing range of different animals and insects.
Remember, when installing the PORTABLE MICE
COCKROACHES REPELLER, that ultrasound waves do not penetrate walls (brick, plaster, etc.), or wooden room dividers, glass, plasterboard false ceilings or other solid materials. Hang the
PORTABLE MICE | COCKROACHES REPELLER inside the space to be protected, and avoid blocking the flow of the ultrasound waves from the front part of the device.
Certied Frequency.
PORTABLE MICE | COCKROACHES REPELLER is the result of more than 25 years of research. External accredited laboratories guarantee a high degree of effectiveness of
INSonuerit 3.0 technology.
SMT (Surface-Mount Technology).
The manufacture of PORTABLE MICE
REPELLER with SMD (Surface-Mount Device) micro­electronic technology has made it possible to obtain a more
The attached graph shows how ultrasound waves bounce back and spread, creating a protective shield in a kitchen.
compact size with high performance.
Demitto. 4 batteries = 8 months
The design efficiency and the energy consumption optimization of the PORTABLE MICE
REPELLER make it possible to run the device for 8 months on 4 AAA 1.5 V batteries. (running 24 hrs/day).
Can the INSonuerit technology in this PORTABLE MICE |
COCKROACHES REPELLER aect: babies, pregnant
women, children,adults or pets?
No. The INSonuerit technology used in the RADARCAN® devices cause no harm to people or pets.
I have heard that ultrasound is ineective at chasingaway mice and cockroaches. Is this true?
Please bear in mind that ultrasound is simply a term used to indicate that acoustic emissions of a frequency higher than 20KHz (human hearing limit) are being used.
The use of this technology should be backed up by studies, tests and certification that attest to the efficiency of the technology and the chosen ultrasound frequency, as well as the strength and the emission pattern. Our products are, thus, tested and certified in highly-respected laboratories and universities. NOT ALL PORTABLE ANTI-MICE AND COCKROACHES devices that emit ultrasound waves are EFFECTIVE. Each insect must be fought against with specific appropriate technology.
Does it work against all types of cockroaches?
Its efficiency has been tested and certified to workon the Blatella germanica
and Periplaneta amerciana species.
Does it work against all types of mice?
The device is designed to be effective against mice. What is the lifespan of the PORTABLE MICE
COCKROACHES REPELLER? The lifespan is unlimited.
Does it need rells?
Only the batteries need to be replaced when they run out.
How long do the batteries last?
The estimated duration of alkaline batteries is 8 months, running constantly 24 hours a day. Can I place more than one PORTABLE MICE
COCKROACHES REPELLER in the same space? Yes. The effect of the PORTABLE MICE
COCKROACHES REPELLER will be strengthened and be able to reach the maximum possible surface area.
Can I place other RADARCAN® products in the same area of the house?
Yes. Our products are totally compatible.
How long does it need to take eect?
It usually reacts best withing 1 to 3 weeks, since, even though the mice and cockroaches are immediately stuned, they may resist leaving, at first.
Why do I have more cockroaches when I rst start using PORTABLE MICE | COCKROACHES REPELLER?
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