11.8. Declaration of Conformity ............................................................................................... 264
11.9. FCC authorization of transmitters ................................................................................... 268
11.10. Country of Origin Declaration ....................................................................................... 269
A. Antenna dimensions ................................................................................................................... 270
B. Rain zone map ............................................................................................................................ 271
C. IP address in the PC (Windows XP) ........................................................................................... 272
D. IP address in the PC (Windows 7) .............................................................................................. 274
E. IP address in the PC (Windows 8) .............................................................................................. 276
F. SSH key generation .....................................................................................................................279
G. Https certificate ........................................................................................................................... 281
H. Unit block diagrams .................................................................................................................... 282
Index ................................................................................................................................................ 283
I. Revision History ........................................................................................................................... 287
List of Tables
2.1. Rain rate R (mm/h) ITU-R P.837 ................................................................................................ 14
2.2. Constants k, α for horizontal and vertical polarization at 10, 11, 17 and 24 GHz ...................... 15
2.3. 60 % of the 1st Fresnel zone ..................................................................................................... 18
3.1. Meaning of LED status indicators .............................................................................................. 25
3.2. Overview of antennas ................................................................................................................. 26
Although every precaution has been taken in preparing this information, RACOM assumes no liability
for errors and omissions, or any damages resulting from the use of this information. This document or
the equipment may be modified without notice, in the interests of improving the product.
All trademarks and product names are the property of their respective owners.
Important Notice
•Due to the nature of wireless communications, transmission and reception of data can never be
guaranteed. Data may be delayed, corrupted (i.e., have errors), or be totally lost. Significant delays
or losses of data are rare when wireless devices such as the RAy2 are used in an appropriate
manner within a well‐constructed network. RAy2 should not be used in situations where failure to
transmit or receive data could result in damage of any kind to the user or any other party, including
but not limited to personal injury, death, or loss of property. RACOM accepts no liability for damages
of any kind resulting from delays or errors in data transmitted or received using RAy2, or for the
failure of RAy2 to transmit or receive such data.
•Under no circumstances is RACOM or any other company or person responsible for incidental,
accidental or related damage arising as a result of the use of this product. RACOM does not provide
the user with any form of guarantee containing assurance of the suitability and applicability for its
•RACOM products are not developed, designed or tested for use in applications which may directly
affect health and/or life functions of humans or animals, nor tobe a component of similarly important
systems, and RACOM does not provide any guarantee when company products are used in such
— Default IP addresses: (L unit)Username: admin (U unit)Password: admin
Set computer IP address within the IP range
— Web browser access – (L unit)
or (U unit).
Accept the https security certificate issued by RACOM.
— If the units are linked to each other, the status indicator in management interface states “OK”
and status LED “AIR” lights green. If not, utilize the antenna alignment. (see pict. 11)
Configuration and backup of basic parameters
Set bandwidth, TX/RX channel, TX modulation, RF power, IP addresses (do not use
the default ones), Access channels (ssh, https, …).
Reboot both units and check the link status (to verify that the parameters are saved correctly)
Backup the configuration in the Tools – Maintenance – Backup – Settings menu.
Store the backup file to your PC.
The microwave link RAy2 is designed as a high-speed point-to-point wireless bridge for data transmission
under the latest requirements of modern wireless transmission equipment.
RAy2 works with an ethernet interface and can be used in backhaul networks as well as a last-mile
terminal.The design of microwave link RAy2 reflects effort on meeting the strictest criteria of ETSI
standards, particularly for durability against interference, high receiver sensitivity and high output power
to achieve maximum link distance. The native gigabit Ethernet interface is able to cope with full speed
user data throughput at low latency. High availability of the link (up to 99.999%) is able to be achieved
using hitless Adaptive coding and modulation. RAy2 microwave links can also be operated as a Short
Range Device (SRD).
The link properties can be summarised as:
•High data throughput
•Spectrum effeciency
•Security - cofiguration via http, https, ssh
•User friendly interface, advanced diagnostics
Key technical features see Chapter 10, Technical parameters
Operation of the RAy2-xx is described in this user manual.
Operation of the RAy11, RAy17 and RAy24 is described in User Manual RAy11,17,241.
Operation of the RAy10 is described in the RAy10 User Manual2.
Before a microwave link can be installed, an analysis and calculation of the microwave link must be
made first. The analysis should take place before the site survey itself to get a clear idea about the dimensions of the antennas. The analysis consists of the following steps:
•Free space loss calculation
•Link budget calculation
•Rain attenuation
•Multipath fading
•Fade margin
•Fresnel zones calculation
This chapter explains the individual steps and an example of link design is given at the end.
NOTE - For quick reference you can use the calculator on www.racom.eu
2.1.1. Free space loss calculation
As the electromagnetic waves travel through open space they are attenuated. This attenuation is described as Free-space Loss. The loss depends on the distance travelled by signal and its frequency.
Longer distance and higher frequency both mean greater attenuation. Free-space loss can be calculated
FSL = 32.44 + 20log f + 20log D
free-space loss (dB)
frequency of the emitted signal (MHz)
length of the link (km)
2.1.2. Link budget calculation
The goal is to design a link producing a received signal stronger than the receiver's sensitivity at the
required BER (typically 10-6). Since every radio signal in earth atmosphere is subject to fading, some
difference between received signal level under normal circumstances and receiver sensitivity is needed
to serve as a fade margin. The minimum value of fade margin can be calculated from the requirement
for link availability (e.g. 99.999% of the time). The required margin depends on the length of the link
as well as other factors such as rain attenuation, diffraction and multipath propagation.
If we ignore the additional loss along the path, the received signal strength can be calculated using the
formula for signal propagation in free space as follows:
The receiver’s sensitivity defines the minimum level of the received signal at which the receiver is able
to process the signal without losses or affecting the transmitted data (for BER better then 10-6).
2.1.3. Fade margin
Determining sufficient fade margin is the most important step in microwave link design. If the margin
is too small, the link will be unstable – as a result, sufficient availability of the link or quality of the
provided services cannot be guaranteed. On the other hand, unnecessarily large margin makes the
link more expensive (higher performance, larger and more expensive antennas) and increases the
cost of creating the microwave link.
The following paragraphs describe the two most significant types of signal strength loss – rain and
multipath attenuation, which are the most frequent along with free space loss. Mutual relation between
rain and multipath attenuation rules out the possibility that the link could be affected by both types of
attenuation at the same time – these types of attenuation do not add up. To determine the fade
margin it is necessary to calculate both rain and multipath attenuation. The larger of the two types of
attenuation determines the value of fade margin. In areas with high precipitation, rain attenuation can
be expected to be more prominent. By contrast, links located in drier climates and little inclination, will
suffer more from multipath attenuation.
2.1.4. Rain attenuation
For frequencies of about 10 GHz rain attenuation starts to become increasingly effective. Precipitation
is not identical in all areas which is why ITU released a recommendation Rec. ITU-R PN.837-1 for
splitting the world into 15 regions according to precipitation intensity see Fig. 2.1, for more detail Appendix B, Rain zone map. In the areas with higher precipitation greater rain attenuation must be expected
and a greater signal fade margin must be established; see the calculation of link availability.
The following properties are inherent to rain attenuation:
•It increases exponentially with rain intensity
•It becomes significantly larger as the distance travelled increases (>10 Km)
•Horizontal polarization causes greater rain attenuation than vertical polarization
•Rain outage increases dramatically with frequency and path length
Fig. 2.1: Rain zone map, based on Rec.ITU-R PN.837-1
Rain attenuation can be calculated using ITU-R outage model, which consists of the following:
Obtain the rain rate R
values are defined for 15 rain zones and different time percentages and they are given in ITU-R
exceeded for 0.01 per cent of the time (with an integration time of 1 min).
Recommendation P.837.
Tab. 2.1: Rain rate R (mm/h) ITU-R P.837
of time (%)
Compute specific attenuation γR(dB/km) for the frequency, polarization, specific rain rate using ITU-R
recommendation P.838. Rain attenuation for rain rate γ
constants for horizontal and vertical polarization. Constants are slightly different for each
polarization, see next table according to ITU-R P.838
Tab. 2.2: Constants k, α for horizontal and vertical polarization at 10, 11, 17 and 24 GHz
Fig. 2.2: Attenuation for 10 GHz,
polarization H, V
v GHz GHz GHz
0.960.141.010.1424 GHz
Fig. 2.3: Attenuation for 11 GHz,
polarization H, V
Fig. 2.4: Attenuation for 17 GHz,
polarization H, V
Fig. 2.5: Attenuation for 24 GHz,
polarization H, V
Fig. 2.2 shows that rain attenuation is greater for horizontal polarization. In regions with higher precipitation the difference in attenuation is more marked. The microwave links RAy17 and RAy24 use both
polarizations, hence the need to consider the worse of the two, i.e. horizontal polarization. When ACM
is active we recommend using horizontal polarization in the direction with lower data traffic (typically
2.1.5. Multipath fading
Multipath fading is another dominant fading mechanism. A reflected wave causes a phenomenon known
as multipath, meaning that the radio signal can travel multiple paths to reach the receiver. Typically,
multipath occurs when a reflected wave reaches the receiver at the same time in opposite phase as
the direct wave that travels in a straight line from the transmitter.
Multipath propagation gives rise to two kinds of signal degrading effects, i.e., flat fading and frequency
selective fading. Flat fading is a reduction in input signal level where all frequencies in the channel of
interest are equally affected and is dependent on path length, frequency, and path inclination. In addition,
it is strongly dependent on the geoclimatic factor K.
To calculate the probability of outage due to multipath propagation of microwave links the ITU-R
probability model can be used which describes a single frequency (or narrowband) fading distribution
suitable for large fade depths A in the average worst month in any part of the world (based on ITU-R
P.530-14). The calculation for detailed link design is given as follows [1]:
P0= Kd
link distance (km)
frequency (GHz)
altitude of lower antenna (m)
fade depth (dB)
Kis geoclimatic factor and can be obtained from:
K = 10
The term dN1 is provided on a 1.5° grid in latitude and longitude in ITU-R Recommendation P.453.
The data are available in a tabular format and are available from the Radiocommunication Bureau
(BR). E.g. in Central Europe the values dN1 range from -242 to -362.
From the antenna heights heand hr(meters above sea level), calculate the magnitude of the path inclination │εP│ (mrad) using the following expression:
The position of obstacles between points of the bridge can significantly influence the quality of the microwave link. The radio signal doesn't only radiate along the line of sight, but also in the area around
it, i.e. in the so-called 1st Fresnel zone. Within this zone 90 % of the energy is transmitted between the
transmitter and receiver antenna. This space has the shape of an ellipsoid. If it is disturbed the link has
poorer transmission properties and a higher quality antenna is required. For this reason the position
of the antenna can be just as important as its height above ground. 60 % of the 1st Fresnel zone is
considered as the most important.
Fig. 2.6: Fresnel zone
The general equation for calculating the first Fresnel zone radius at any point P in between the endpoints
of the link is the following:
F1first Fresnel Zone radius in metres
d1distance of P from one end in metres
d2The distance of P from the other end in metres
λwavelength of the transmitted signal in metres
The cross sectional radius of each Fresnel zone is the highest in the center of link, shrinking to a point
at the antenna on each end. For practical applications, it is often useful to know the maximum radius
of the first Fresnel zone. From the above formula, calculation of the first Fresnel zone can be simplified
max radius of first Fresnel zone (m)
reducing the radius to 60% get values listed in the following table that define the space particularly
sensitive to the presence of obstacles
Link distance: 4 km
First antenna height above sea level: 295 m
Second antenna height above sea level: 320 m
Location: Central Europe (rain zone H, refraction gradient dN1= −300)
Transmission requirements:
Required data rate: >160 Mbps
Required availability: 99.99 %
FSL = 32.44 + 20log f + 20log D = 32.44 + 20log17.2·103+ 20log4 = 129.1 dB
Step 3a - Rain attenuation
Implementation Notes
For 99.99% availability in rain zone B the rain rate is R
=32 (see Fig. 2.1)
For f=17 GHz kh=0.06146; αh=1.0949; kv=0.06797; αv=1.0137
Vertical polarization:
= kv.R
= 0.07 · 32
= 2.32 dB/km => for 4km distance 9.3 dB
Horizontal polarization:
= kh.R
= 0.06 · 32
= 2.62 dB/km => for 4km distance 10.5 dB
Step 3b - Attenuation due to multipath propagation
We have to find required fade margin for reliability of the link 99.99 percent.
Path inclination:
The percentage of time that fade depth A (dB) is exceeded in the average worst month is calculated
P0= Kd
P0= 10
P0= 0.022871×10
For reliability 99.99% is P0=0.01 we get exponential function for A:
A = -0.19765 - 10log(0.01/0.022871) = 3.4 dB
The minimum fade margin required to suppress multipath fading on this link would be 4 dB.
Step 4 - Choice of Tx power and antennas
Step 5 - and Link budget calculation
Calculation in steps 3a and 3b determines the minimum fade margin required for stable link operation
as 11 dB (rain attenuation is dominant). If you use the maximum performance of antenna with diameter of 30 cm, complete the radio formula as follows:
The resulting fade margin is larger than the required 11 dB. Current legislation in the Czech Republic
allows maximum EIRP of +20, i.e. the sum of transmit power and antenna gain at the transmitter
can be 20 dB at the most. For 99cm antennas, TX power can be up to 20 - 42 = -22 dB, the resultant
equation is as follows:
A = |PS| − |PR| = 79 − 67.1 = 11.9 dB
Fade margin is now only 12 dB which corresponds to link availability > 99.99% of the time in a year.
Technical literature often gives the minimum fade margin of 20 dB. For very long links (more than
10 km) fade margin will, indeed, be approximately 20 dB. For shorter links, however, such large
margin is not necessary. It is helpful to first conduct the calculation above to receive an idea of the
attenuation affecting the link.
The result
To achieve the required transmission capacity and link availability for link distance of 4 km, transmit
power -22 dBm and 99 cm antennas were selected for both sides of the link.
Sources for Chapter Chapter 2, Implementation Notes:
RAy2 microwave links enable transmissions in both bands requiring license fees and those that are
free. They work as a point-to-point link in a full duplex setting with transfer speeds of up to 360 Mbps.
Bandwidth can be configured from 1.75 up to 56 MHz. Modulation can be fixed or adaptive and can
be adjusted from QPSK to 256QAM. RAy2 microwave links can also be operated as a Short Range
Device (SRD).
Fig. 3.1: RAy2 – Microwave link
The link is formed by two FOD (Full Outdoor) units. In the case of links operating in the RAy2-17 and
RAy2-24 bands, both units have identical hardware. In the case of links operating in licensed bands,
one unit (labeled L) is transmitting in the Lower and receiving in the Upper part of the band. The other
unit (labeled U) is operating vice versa.
RAy2 links require the use of external parabolic antennas. Parabolic antennas from different producers
are available.
Cross polarization - valid only for links operating in the RAy2-17 and RAy2-24 bands:
One side of the link uses one polarization for transmission (e.g. horizontal) and the opposite polarization
for receiving (e.g. vertical). The other side of the link is turned by 90°. It therefore transmits and receives
using opposite polarizations with respect to the other unit.
Fig. 3.2: RAy2 Microwave link – antenna and FOD unit
The antenna is attached to the mast using a holder adjustable in two planes. The RAy2 unit is then
mounted on the antenna.
There are two possible mounting positions – for horizontal and vertical polarization. Installation and
adjustment of the holder is described in the Section 6.2, “Antenna mounting”.
The RAy2-10 and RAy2-11 units must be mounted with the same polarization while the
units RAy2-17 and RAy2-24 must be mounted with reverse polarity, see Cross polarization.
3.2. Connectors
Each unit is equipped with the following interfaces:
■ ETH1+POE – Gigabit metallic Ethernet port. This port is capable of powering the unit with any
Power over Ethernet power source working according to IEEE 802.3at standard.
■ ETH2 – Slot for user exchangeable SFP module. A wide range of optical modules is available. Both
single or dual mode transceivers can be used. An SFP module with metallic RJ45 interface can
also be used.
The SFP status LED is located just next to the slot.
■ P – DC power connector.
HW button for service purposes.
■ S – USB service connector.
RSS voltage output connectors.
It is strongly recommended to use a high quality SFP module. The SFP modules listed in
Accessories are thoroughly tested by RACOM and are guaranteed to function with RAy2
units. It is possible to use any other SFP module, but RACOM cannot guarantee they will
be completely compatible with RAy2 units.
The SFP status LED function: The LED status is controlled directly from the SFP module. Its function
is specific for each SFP module. The typical behaviour is an indication of the received signal strength.
Should the signal be in the proper power range (not too strong and not too weak), the LED is shining.
It is recommended that the ETH cable should be grounded at both ends of the connection.
For example, the connector CON-RJ45-UBNT-CAT6 and ETH socket on the control panel
should have a grounded sheath as should the connection to the RAy2 unit.
All bushings and plugs (including the original plugs in the ports) must be fitted with O-rings
and carefully tightened. Otherwise, the unit is not protected against moisture intake and can
not offer guaranteed functionality.
For detailed description see Connectors and Start up.
3.3. Power supply
The microwave unit can be powered either by PoE or a DC power source:
•Standard PoE plus (IEEE 802.3at) power source connected to the “ETH1+POE” connector.
Supported voltage range is 40 — 60 V, distances up to 100 m. Internal RJ45 pins wiring is :
○ (V+) ... 1,2,4,5
○ (V-) ... 3,6,7,8
It is possible to use all 8 pins or only 4 pins. Use:
○ either 4,5 (V+) and 7,8 (V-)
○ or1,2 (V+) and 3,6 (V-)
○ or both simultaneously
•Any kind of DC power source connected to “P” 3-pin connector.
Supported voltage range is 20 — 60 V.
The microwave unit doesn't support a combination of both power supplies. Only one power
supply can be connected at any one time.
The internal DC power source uses galvanic separation. If the galvanic separated power source is
used and the DC power line needs to be grounded (either positive or negative wire), the middle pin of
the 3-port DC connector can be used to make a connection between ground and the respective power
wire, see Grounding options (d),(e). If grounding is required it should only be made in one of the following
ways: on the DC power source side or using the 3-port DC connector plugged into the unit.
The next figure shows all available grounding options. We recommend the use of a galvanic separated
power source and no additional DC grounding - see Fig. 3.5, “Grounding options” version c).
PoE IEEE 802.3atwww.racom.eu
20-60Vmax.1.5AMade in Czech Republic
3.6. Dimensions
Communication unit ODU
Outer size244 x 244 x 157 mm•
WeightRAy2-10 — 2.8 kg•
•RAy2-11 — 2.8 kg
•RAy2-17 — 2.5 kg
•RAy2-24 — 2.5 kg
Diameters of supplied antennas
RAy2 units are ready for direct mounting to Jirous1Class 2 antennas.
Individual datasheets are accessible here2.
Tab. 3.2: Overview of antennas
24 GHz17 GHz10, 11 GHz
36.8 dBi40 cm34.8 dBi40 cm29.0 dBi38 cm
41.7 dBi68 cm38.6 dBi68 cm35.5 dBi65 cm
44.0 dBi90 cm41.0 dBi90 cm37.5 dBi90 cm
46.6 dBi120 cm43.7 dBi120 cm41.0 dBi120 cm
Andrew (Class 2 or 3) or Arkivator antennas can also be used but require an antenna mounting kit.
Flexible waveguide is a general-purpose option for any antenna usage.
Name plate
The plate contains name, bar code record, CE label, etc.:
•Type – RAy2 product line identification
•Code – detailed identification of the unit type (for details see Section 3.7, “Ordering codes”)
•S/N – serial number, MW link consists of two separated units with two different serial numbers
•QR code - www link to the latest version of the User manual
Feature key type.
The "SW" key is available now. This key unlocks the User speed to a given value.
The default user speed without the feature key is the minimum for the respective HW unit.
Feature key value. In case of User speed it states Mbps. Possible values 200, 360.
3.7. Ordering codes
The proper pair (from the same row) of Lower and Upper units should be selected when ordering the
microwave link. This is not valid for RAy2-17 and RAy2-24 units. In such a case the same unit is used
for both sides of the link.
Tab. 3.3: Ordering codes
SW key possibilities, valid for RAy2-10, 11, 17, 18, 24:
•RAy2-SW-200SW feature key - Capacity up to 200 Mbps
•RAy2-SW-360SW feature key - Capacity up to 200 Mbps
•RAy2-SW-200-360SW feature key - Capacity upgrade from 200 to 360 Mbps
Antenna parabolic 0.38 m 10-11GHz with holder 28.0-29.0 dBi Class 2ANT-JRMA-380-10/11R
Antenna parabolic 0.65 m 10-11GHz with holder 34.1-35.5 dBi Class 2ANT-JRMA-650-10/11R
Antenna parabolic 0.9 m 10-11GHz with holder 37.0-37.5 dBi Class 2ANT-JRMB-900-10/11R
Antenna parabolic 1.2 m 10-11GHz with holder 40.0-41.0 dBi Class 2ANT-JRMB-1200-10/11R
Antenna parabolic 0.4 m 17 GHz with holder 34.8 dBi Class 2ANT-JRMB-400-17R
Antenna parabolic 0.68 m 17 GHz with holder 38.6 dBi Class 2ANT-JRMB-680-17R
Antenna parabolic 0.9 m 17 GHz with holder 41.0 dBi Class 2ANT-JRMB-900-17R
Antenna parabolic 1.2 m 17 GHz with holder 44.6 dBi Class 2ANT-JRMB-1200-17R
Antenna parabolic 0.4 m 24 GHz with holder 36.8 dBi Class 2ANT-JRMB-400-24R
Antenna parabolic 0.68 m 24 GHz with holder 41.7 dBi Class 2ANT-JRMB-680-24R
Antenna parabolic 0.9 m 24 GHz with holder 44.0 dBi Class 2ANT-JRMB-900-24R
Antenna parabolic 1.2 m 24 GHz with holder 46.6 dBi Class 2ANT-JRMB-1200-24R
Antenna mounting kit
Set mouting RAy10/11 Antenna Andrew 60, 100SET-RAY10-ANW
Set mouting RAy10/11 Antenna Arkivator 30, 60, 99, 120SET-RAY10-ARK
Set mouting RAy17 Antenna Andrew 30, 60, 100SET-RAY17-ANW
Set mouting RAy17 Antenna Arkivator 30, 60, 99SET-RAY17-ARK
Set mouting RAy24 Antenna Andrew 30, 60, 100SET-RAY24-ANW
Set mouting RAy24 Antenna Arkivator 30, 60, 99, 120SET-RAY24-ARK
Flexible waveguide mounting kit
Set mouting RAy2 to flange R100SET-RAY-FX-R100
Set mouting RAy2 to flange R120SET-RAY-FX-R120
Cable bushing
Basic set cable bushings and connectorsSET-RAY2-CON-B
Cable bushing lengthening, PG21, 35 mmSET-RAY2-EXT35
Cable bushing lengthening, PG21, Flexi, 50cmSET-RAY2-EXT-F50
Power supply DC
Power supply PoE
Power supply holder
Surge protection
Power supply 90-260 VAC / 50 W at 27.6 VDC MeanWellPWS-AC/DC-AD-55B
Power supply PoE 1xGb Eth 90-264 VAC/ 33.6 W at 56 VDC PhihongPWR-POE36U-1AT
Power supply PoE 1xGb Eth 36-72 VDC/ 33.6 W at 56 VDC PhihongPWR-POE36D-1AT
The overview of different Jirous antenna types is listed in Section 3.6,
“Dimensions”. The antenna choice determines radio link properties.
The radio link calculation should be performed to determine proper
antenna size. Rough calculation can be done using a simple on-line
•see the Overview
•List of datasheets
Antenna mounting kit
Other manufacturer's antennas can also be used with RAy2 links.
The RAy2 unit can be attached by means of special interconnetions.
There are several types of these parts for Andrew and Arkivator
antennas. It is also possible to develop interconnetions for other
antenna types.
•see the Overview
•The bracket for mounting FOD unit on the antenna.
Flexible waveguide mounting kit
The RAy2 unit can be attached to the antenna by flexible waveguide.
•The bracket for mounting the flexible waveguide on the FOD
Cable bushing
•Basic set cable bushings and connectors
○ 3 pc standard PG21 bushing with nut
○ 2 pc blind plug Racom
○ 3 pc O-ring
○ 2 pc rubber sealing small diameter
○ 3 pc rubber sealing medium diameter
○ 2 pc rubber sealing big diameter
○ 1 pc DC connector
○ 1 pc tie wrap
○ 1 pc connector jumper
○ 1 pc RJ-45 ethernet connector