VBOX Indoor Positioning System uses a network of fixed beacons in set locations that communicate with a receiver
mounted on the roof of a vehicle using Ultra Wideband (UWB), to measure position and speed where you cannot use
GNSS signals. A minimum of eight beacons are required and a site survey must be carried out as part of the installation,
to ensure the optimum accuracy. Doing so means the exact location of each beacon is known which can then be shared
with the rover enabling it to calculate its location to centimetre level accuracy.
The rover features an integrated VBOX IMU04 (Inertial Measurement Unit) for precise pitch, roll and yaw angular data. It
also connects directly to an IMU04 enabled VBOX 3i, enabling additional parameters from the vehicle’s CAN bus to be
logged. Offering seamless integration between indoor and outdoor environments, the system can be used for high
dynamic applications and the rover will automatically connect to the nearest beacons in range.
• Can be used indoors and outdoors, switching
seamlessly between environments.
• Centimetre level accuracy in areas off limits to GPS
based systems.
• Small, rugged and low powered.
• Only one rover is required, featuring an integrated
VBOX IMU with Kalman filter to reduce noise and
errors in the data.
• Connects directly to a VBOX 3i data logger using
only one cable for simple configuration.
When first considering a VIPS installation or demonstration, it is important to understand the shape and size of the test
area and thus the minimum number of beacons that will be required.
The VBOX IPS will need at least 6 beacons in view at any one time to compute a solution. For a simple installation,
Racelogic recommend placing the beacons in a ‘Square’ formation with spacing between the beacons of around 25–30
m, as below.
If operating in an outdoor/indoor mode, then the rover will not switch to use the VBOX IPS until 6 beacons are in view.
This means that it is only the first 6 beacons that will need to be placed closer together to ensure that 6 beacons are in
view before the vehicle enters the test area. The remaining beacons can be placed with a greater separation so long as
the vehicle is always within a 60 m radius of at least 6 beacons.
For greater accuracy, it is recommended that the beacons are placed between 3 – 5 m above ground (i.e. above the roof
of the test vehicle) and that each beacon varies in height by at least 300 mm to the nearest beacons, alternating in a
high-low pattern.
When mounting the VIPS beacons, there are a couple of considerations that need to be made. It is important when
mounting the beacons that they are not mounted within at least 200 mm (or greater if possible) of an object, other than
the surface the beacon is mounted to, that could cause reflections (e.g. a wall or metal structure) and that the beacons
are mounted in the correct orientation in relation to the expected orientation of the Rover when in use.
The beacons require a 9 – 36 V power source that is connected to the 2 way Lemo connector. The other Lemo
connector on the beacon is for Firmware upgrades and should be covered with the supplied splashproof plug to ensure
The VIPS beacons have 4 magnets on the base allowing for easy installation onto any ferrous surface, however
Racelogic can supply metallic plates that can attach to a tripod for quick installations.
The VIPS Rover looks similar to the Beacon, however the rover contains an internal IMU and so care should be taken to
ensure that the Rover is mounted on a section of the roof that has the least vibration. This is usually towards the rear of
the vehicle, just in front of the rear windshield. The rover should also be mounted in a way such that it has a clear view
to the beacons and away from any objects that may block that view (Roof bars, radio antennas etc).
The Rover unit can connect to a standard VBOX 3i and switches seamlessly between GPS and the indoor positioning
system, allowing you to use your original hardware for both outdoor and indoor testing. As the VIPS is designed to be
used with IMU integration enabled, the same IMU Initialisation Process should be performed as normal.
For indoor only use, it is important that the VBOX 3i does not have a GPS antenna connected. If the VBOX receives a
satellite signal, even a poor one, the timing will change from the internal clock to GPS time, causing the VIPS system to
fail. the VBOX 3i will function the same as when using GPS in terms of CAN In / Out, data logging (analogue, etc.) and
VBOX Test Suite use.
When indoor/outdoor operation is selected, the VBOX IPS system will wait for GPS lock and IMU synchronisation before
attempting to initialise the VIPS positioning.
For the VBOX IPS to work correctly, the rover needs to know the expected site configuration. This configuration informs
the rover of the expected Beacon IDs it will be using and their locations. This information needs to be manually entered
by the user using the VIPS Site Configuration Software.
Getting Started
On opening, the user is presented with the option to load a previously saved site configuration (.JSON file) or create a
new configuration. On this screen, you can also choose to save the current settings.