No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means
without the express written permission of Digi International.
Permission is granted to make one or more copies as long as the copyright page contained therein is
included. These copies of the manuals may not be let or sold for any reason without the express written
permission of Digi International.
Digi International reserves the right to make changes and
improvements to its products without providing n otice.
T r ade mark s
Rabbit and Dynamic C are registered trademarks of Digi International Inc.
Rabbit 2000 and RabbitCore are trademarks of Digi International Inc.
The latest revision of this manual is available on the Rabbit Web site,,
for free, unregistered download.
1.5 CE Compliance.....................................................................................................................................6
3.1.1 Headers and Screw Terminals.....................................................................................................18
3.2 Power Modes ......................................................................................................................................19
3.2.1 Setting the Power-Save Mode.....................................................................................................20
3.2.2 Operating in the Power-Save Mode............................................................................................21
3.2.3 Resuming Normal-Power or Low-Power Operation ..................................................................21
3.3 Digital I/O...........................................................................................................................................22
3.3.1 Digital Inputs...............................................................................................................................22
3.3.2 Digital Outputs............................................................................................................................23
3.4 Serial Communication ........................................................................................................................25
The LP3500 is a low-po we r sin gle -bo ar d co mp uter wi th bui lt-i n
analog and digital I/O. Although the LP3500 was designed specifically for low-power applications and data logging, it has a
host of features that make it attractive for other applicat ions as
well. Low power is often required in portable equipment operating from batteries or from solar pow er. The LP3500 is ideal for
monitoring equipment o r processes that are far-removed from a
power supply, remote telemetry (RTUs), pipeline control and
monitoring, well-head monitoring; and use on mobile equipment
such as refrigeration trucks.
An optional plasti c enclosure a nd an
LCD/keypad module are available.
The Tool Kit has the essentials that you need to design your own
low-power microprocessor-based system, and includes a complete Dynamic C software development system.
1.1 LP3500 Description
The LP3500 is a low-power single-board computer that incorporates the powerful and
low-EMI Rabbit 3000 microprocessor, flash memory, static RAM, digital I/O ports, A/D
converter inputs, PWM outputs, RS-232/RS-485 serial ports, and both parallel and serial
interfaces that allow other devices to be connected to the LP3500.
All aspects of the LP3500 are designed for low power consumption and operates at a variety of power levels, including a power-save mode, to fit customer-specified conditions at
any given time. The CPU runs at a nominal speed of 7.4 MHz, and operates at 2.8 V to
conserve power. The LP3500 consumes less than 20 mA when fully operational, and less
than 100 µA when in the power-save mode. A replaceable coin-type battery will allow the
LP3500 to operate in sleep mode for over 3 years. The LP3500 is normally powered from
an external battery or power supply. When the unit is in the power-save mode, it can be
awakened by an internal timer, an RS-232 signal, or via polling of an external input. The
LP3500 can be switched from the power-save mode to full operation and back under program control. In addition, various sections of circuitry (such as the RS-232 ports) can be
switched off under program control to further conserve power when not in use.
User’s Manual1
1.2 LP3500 Features
• Rabbit 3000® microprocessor operating at up to 7.4 MHz.
• 512K/128K static RAM and 512K/256K flash memory options.
• 26 digital I/O: 16 protected digital inputs and 10 high-current digital outputs provide
sinking and sourcing outputs.
• 8 single-ended or 4 differential analog chann els with Vcc monitoring option: 1 1 -bit singleended or 12-bit differential chan nels.
• 3 PWM outputs.
• Six serial ports
1 RS-485
3 RS-232 (one 5-wire and one 3-wire or three 3-wire), jumper option for logic-level
outputs; Serial Port E has a “listen” and “wake-up” capability
1 logic-level serial interface for optional add-ons
1 asynchronous clocked serial port dedicated for programming
• Battery-backed real-time clock.
• Watchdog supervisor.
Two LP3500 models are available. Their standard features are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. LP3500 Models
MicroprocessorRabbit 3000 running at 7.4 MHz
Stati c RAM512K128K
Flash Memory512K256K
A/D Converter Inputs
(ranges from 0–1 V DC to 0–20 V DC, 4 channels
may be individually configured for 4–20 mA)
C-form Bistable Rel a yYesNo
Appendix A provides detailed specifications.
The LP3500 can be mounted in two ways. It can be mounted to a panel or on a plastic-
enclosure base, which allows I/O connections to be made using traditional connectors with
0.1" spacing. The LP3500 can also be inverted and mounted directly to mating connectors
on a motherboard of the customer's design. The first approach is appropriate where I/O
connections go directly to devices and switches. The second approach is appropriate
where additional circuitry is incorporated on the motherboard.
2Fox (LP3500)
1.3 Optional Add-Ons
• Plastic enclosure (can be wall-mounted or panel-mounted), which consists of a base
and a cover for either the LP3500 by itself or an assembly made up of the LP3500 and
the LP3500 Prototyping Board. The base is also available separately.
• The Prototyping Board included with the T o ol Kit is a convenient means of interfacing
to the LP3500 via the screw-terminal headers on the Prototyping Board. The Prototyping Board is also available for separate purchase.
• 4M and 8M SF1000 serial flash expansion cards.
• LCD/keypad module with 7-key keypad and seven LEDs.
Further details on the Prototyping Board, the plastic enclosure, and the LCD/keypad module
are provided in Appendix B, Appendix C, and Appendix D.
Visit our Web site for up-to-date information about additional add-ons and features as
they become available. The Web site also has the latest revision of this user’s man ual and
User’s Manual3
1.4 Development and Evaluation Tools
1.4.1 Tool Kit
A T ool Kit contains the hardware essentials you will need to develop applications with the
LP3500 single-board computer. The items in the Tool Kit and their use are as follows.
• LP3500 Getting Started instructions.
• Dynamic C CD-ROM, with complete product documentation on disk.
• Programming cable, used to connect your PC serial port to the LP3500.
• Universal AC adapter, 12 V DC, 1 A (includes Canada/Japan/U.S., Australia/N.Z.,
U.K., and European style plugs).
3 to 30 V DC
• Prototyping Board with pushbutton switches, LEDs, and screw-terminal headers. The
Prototyping Board can be hooked up to the LP3500 to demonstrate the I/O capabilities
of the LP3500 and to provide a prototyping area for you to develop your own add-on
circuits. The screw-terminal headers extend the LP3500’ s headers for development, and
can also be used in a production environment.
• Plastic enclosure with four screws.
• Four standoffs with mounting screws.
If you are using another power supply, it must provide
• Screwdriver.
• Rabbit 3000 Processor Easy Reference poster.
• Registration card.
Fox (LP3500)
The LP3500 is a low-power single-board computer designed to operate reliably virtually any place it
is deployed, especially where power is limited. These Getting Started instructions included with the
Tool Kit will help you get your LP3500 up and running so that you can run the sample programs to
explore its capabilities and develop your own applications.
Tool Kit Contents
The LP3500 Tool Kit contains the following items:
• Dynamic C CD-ROM, with complete product documentation on disk.
• Programming cable, used to connect your PC serial port to the LP3500.
• Universal AC adapter, 12 V DC, 1 A (includes Canada/Japan/U.S., Australia/N.Z., U.K., and
European style plugs).
• Prototyping Board with pushbutton switches, LEDs, and screw-terminal headers. The Prototyping
Board can be hooked up to the LP3500 to demonstrate the I/O capabilities of the LP3500 and to
provide a prototyping area for you to develop your own add-on circuits.
• Plastic enclosure with four screws.
• Four standoffs with mounting screws.
• Screwdriver.
Getting Started instructions.
• Rabbit 3000 Processor Easy Reference poster.
• Registration card.
Visit our online Rabbit store at for the latest information on peripherals and
accessories that are available for the LP3500 single-board computers.
Step 1 — Install Dynamic C
Before doing any development, you must install Dynamic C. Insert the CD from the Development Kit in
your PC’s CD-ROM drive. If the installation does not auto-start, run the setup.exe program in the root
directory of the Dynamic C CD. Install any Dynamic C modules after you install Dynamic C
Rabbit and Dynamic C are registered trademarks of Digi International Inc.
The LP3500 is programmed using version 7.26P or later of Rabbit’s Dynamic C. A com-
patible version is inclu ded o n the Tool Kit CD-ROM.
Library functions provide an easy-to-use
interface for the LP3500. Software drivers for digital and analog I/O, and for serial communication are included with Dynamic C.Web-based technical support is included at no
extra charge.
Starting with Dynamic C version 9.60, Dynamic C includes the popular µC/OS-II realtime operating system, point-to-point protocol (PPP), FAT file system, RabbitWeb, and
other select libraries. Rabbit also offers for purchase the Rabbit Embedded Security Pack
featuring the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and a specific Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES) library.
In addition to the Web-based technical support included at no extra charge, a one-year
telephone-based technical support subscription is also available for purchase.
V isit o ur Web site at for further information and complete documentation.
User’s Manual5
1.5 CE Compliance
Equipment is generally divided into two classes.
Digital equipment meant for light industrial useDigital equipment meant for home use
Less restrictive emissions requirement:
less than 40 dB µV/m at 10 m
(40 dB relative to 1 µV/m) or 300 µV/m
More restrictive emissions requirement:
30 dB µV/m at 10 m o r 100 µ V/m
These limits apply over the range of 30–230 MHz. The limits are 7 dB higher for frequencies
above 230 MHz. Although the test range goes to 1 GHz, the emissions from Rabbit-based
systems at frequencies above 300 MHz are generally well below background noise levels.
The LP3500 has been tested and was found to be in conformity with the
following applicable immunity and emission standards. The LP3510 is
also CE qualified as it is a sub-version of the LP3500. Boards that are
CE-compliant have the CE mark.
NOTE: Earlier versions of the LP3500 sold before 2003 that do not
have the CE mark are not CE-complaint.
The LP3500 series of single-board computers meets the following EN55024/1998 immunity standards.
• EN61000-4-3 (Radiated Immunity)
• EN61000-4-4 (EFT)
• EN61000-4-6 (Conducted Immunity)
Additional shielding or filtering may be required for a heavy industrial environment.
The LP3500 series of single-board computers meets the following emission standards
emission standards with the Rabbit 3000 spectrum spreader turned on and set to the normal mode.
• EN55022:1998 Class B
• FCC Part 15 Class B
Your results may vary, depending on your application, so additional shielding or filtering
may be needed to maintain the Class B emission qualification.
6Fox (LP3500)
1.5.1 Design Guidelines
Note the following requirements for incorporating the LP3500 series of single-board computers into your application to comply with CE requirements.
• The power supply provided with the T ool Kit is for development purposes only. It is the
customer’s responsibility to provide a CE-compliant power supply for the end-product
• When connecting the LP3500 to outdoor cables, the customer is responsible for provid-
ing CE-approved surge/lightning protection.
• Rabbit recommends placing digital I/O or analog cables that are 3 m or longer in a
metal conduit to assist in maintaining CE compliance and to conform to good cable
design practices. Rabbit also recommends using properly shielded I/O cables in noisy
electromagnetic environments.
• For personal safety, all inputs and outputs to and from the LP3500 must not be con-
nected to voltages exceeding SELV levels (42.4 V AC peak, or 60 V DC). Damage to
the Rabbit 3000 microprocessor may result if voltages outside the design range of 0 V
to 40 V DC are applied directly to any of its digital inputs.
• The lithium backup battery circuit on the LP3500 has been designed to protect the bat-
tery from hazardous conditions such as reverse charging and excessive current flows.
Do not disable the safety features of the design.
1.5.2 Interfacing the LP3500 to Other Devices
There are two versions of the LCD/keypad module that may be used with the LP3500:
without a bezel (Part No. 101-0601), and a remote panel-mounted version with bezel (Part
No. 101-0541). The cable used to connect the LCD/keypad module should be less than 30
cm (12") to maintain CE compliance. Appendix C provides complete information for
mounting and using the LCD/keypad module.
Since the LP3500 series of single-board computers is designed to be connected to other
devices, good EMC practices should be followed to ensure compliance. CE compliance is
ultimately the responsibility of the integrator. Additional information, tips, and technical
assistance are available from your authorized Rabbit distributor, and are also available on
our Web site at
User’s Manual7
8Fox (LP3500)
Chapter 2 explains how to connect the programming cable and
power supply to the LP3500.
2.1 LP3500 Connections
1. Use the 4-40 screws supplied with the Tool Kit to attach the metal standoffs to your
Figure 2. Attach Stand-Offs and Remove Battery Cap
User’s Manual9
2. Attach the LP3500 main board to the Prototyping Board as shown in Figure 3.
Press the pins from the headers on the bottom side of the LP3500 board firmly into the
corresponding header sockets located at J1, J2, and J4 on the Prototyping Board.
NOTE: It is important that you line up the header pins on the LP3500 exactly with the
pins may become bent or damaged if the pin alignment is offset, and the LP3500 will
not work. Permanent electrical damage may also result if a misaligned LP3500 is
powered up.
header socketsJ1, J2, and J4 on the Prototyping Board. The header
Figure 3. Attach LP3500 Main Board to Prototyping Board
10Fox (LP3500)
3. Connect the programming cable to download programs from your PC and to program
and debug the LP3500.
NOTE: Use only the programming cable that has a red shrink wrap around the RS-232
level converter (Part No. 101-0513), whic h is supplie d with the LP3500 Tool Kit. Other
Rabbit programming cables with clear or blue shrink wrap might not be voltage-compatible or their connector sizes may be different.
Connect the 10-pin PROG connector of the programming cable to header J5 on the LP3500
board. Ensure that the colored edge lines up with pin 1 as shown. There is a small dot on the
circuit board next to pin 1 of header J5. (Do not use the DIAG connector, which is used for
monitoring only.) Connect the other end of the programming cable to a COM port on your
PC. Make a note of the port to which you connect the cable, as Dynamic C will need to
have this parameter configured. Note that COM1 on the PC is the default COM port used
by Dynamic C.
Header J5 is between
the LP3500 and the
Prototyping Board
NOTE: Some PCs now come equipped only with a USB port. It may be possible to use an
RS-232/USB converte r (Part No. 20- 151-0178) with t he programming c able supplied wi th
the LP3500 Tool Kit. Note that not all RS-232/USB converters work with Dynamic C.
User’s Manual11
4. Connect the power supply.
First, prepare the AC adapter for the country where it will be used by selecting the plug.
The LP3500 Tool Kit presently includes Canada/Japan/U.S., Australia/N.Z., U.K., and
European style plugs. Snap in the top of the plug assembly into the slot at the top of the
AC adapter as shown in Figure 4, then press down on the spring-loaded clip below the
plug assembly to allow the plug assembly to click into place.
Hook up the connector from the wall transformer to header J5 on the Prototyping Board as
shown in Figure 4. The orientation of this connector is not important since the VIN (positive) voltage is the middle pin, and GND is available on both ends of the three-pin header
NOTE: Do not connect the AC adapter to the VBAT terminal on the Prototyping Board.
The VBAT terminal supplies th e backu p batt ery vo ltage of 3 V, and the LP3500 may b e
damaged if subjected to the raw DC voltage from the AC adapter through the VBAT
5. Apply power.
Plug in the AC adapter. If you are using your own power supply, it must provide 3 V to
30 V DC—voltages outside this range could damage the LP3500.
NOTE: A hardware reset may be done by pressing the RESET switch on the LP3500.
The LP3500 may also be reset by unplugging the AC adapter, then plugging it back in.
However, when the LP3500 is operating in the power-save mode, the backup battery
will provide su ff icient voltage to prev ent a r eset f rom happeni ng, in which cas e you will
have to press the RESET switch on the LP3500.
NOTE: Rabbit recommends that the battery tab not be removed until you are ready to
place the LP3500 in normal service with regular power connected through header J2.
The backup battery protects the contents of the SRAM and keeps the real-time clock
running when regular power to the LP3500 is interrupted. If you plan to use the real-time
clock functionality in your application, you will need to set the real-time clock once you
remove the plastic tab. Set the real-time clock using the onscreen prompts in the demonstration program. Alternatively, you may set the real-time clock using the SETRTCKB.C
sample program from the Dynamic C SAMPLES\RTCLOCK folder. The RTC_TEST.C
sample program in the Dynamic C
SAMPLES\RTCLOCK folder provides additional exam-
ples of how to read and set the real-time clock.
User’s Manual13
2.3 Installing Dynamic C
If you have not yet installed Dynamic C version 7.26P (or a later version), do so now by
inserting the Dynamic C CD in your PC’s CD-ROM drive. The CD will auto-install unless
you have disabled auto-install on your PC.
If the CD does not auto-install, click Start > Run from the Windows Start button and
browse for the Dynamic C setup.exe file on your CD drive. Click OK to begin the
installation once you have selected the setup.exe file.
The Dynamic C User’s Manual provides detailed instructions for the installation of
Dynamic C and any future upgrades.
NOTE: If you have an earlier version of Dynamic C already installed, the default instal-
lation of the la te r ver sion wi ll b e in a dif f erent fold er, and a separate icon wil l app ear on
your desktop.
2.4 St arting Dynamic C
Once the LP3500 is connected to your PC and to a power source, start Dynamic C by double-clicking on the Dynamic C icon on your desktop or in your Start menu.
If you are using a USB port to connect your computer to the LP3500, choose Options >
Project Options
Click OK.
and select “Us e USB to Serial Conver ter” on t he Communications tab.
Dynamic C assumes, by default, that you are using serial port COM1 on your PC when
you are running a program. If you are
LP3500 and go through a sequence
using COM1, then Dynamic C should detect the
of steps to cold-boot the LP3500 and to compile the
BIOS. If the error message “Rabbit Processor Not Detected” appears, you have probably
connected to a different PC serial port such as COM2, COM3, or COM4. You can change
the serial port used by Dynamic C with the OPTIONS menu, then try to get Dynamic C to
recognize the LP3500 by selecting Reset Target/Compile BIOS on the Compile menu.
Try the different COM ports in the OPTIONS menu until you find the one you are connected to. If you still can’t get Dynamic C to recognize the target on any port, then the
hookup may be wrong or the COM port might not working on your PC.
Dynamic C automatically uses a maximum debug baud rate of 38,400 bps when an
LP3500 series board is in use.
14Fox (LP3500)
2.5 PONG.C
You are now ready to test your set-up by running a sample program.
Find the file PONG.C, which is in the Dynamic C SAMPLES folder. To run the program,
open it with the File menu (if it is not still open), then compile and run it by pressing F9 or
by selecting Run in the Run menu. The STDIO window will open and will display a small
square bouncing around in a box.
This program shows that the CPU is working.
2.6 Where Do I Go From Here?
NOTE: If you purchased yo ur LP350 0 through a distr ibutor o r Rabbit partner, contact the
distributor or partner first for technical support.
If there are any problems at this point:
• Use the Dynamic C Help menu to get further assistance with Dynamic C.
• Check the Rabbit Technical Bulletin Board and forums at
and at
• Use the Technical Support e-mail form at
If the sample program ran fine, you are now ready to go on to explore other LP3500 fea-
tures and develop your own applications.
Chapter 3, “Subsystems,” provides a description of the LP3500’s features, Chapter 4,
“Software,” describes the Dynamic C software libraries and introduces some sample programs. These sample programs can be used as templates for applications you may wish to
User’s Manual15
16Fox (LP3500)
Chapter 3 describes the principal subsystems for the LP3500.
• Power Modes
•Digital I/O
• Serial Communication
• A/D Converter Inputs (LP3500 only)
• PWM Outputs
• Relay Output Circuit (LP3500 only)
• Memory
Figure 7 shows these Rabbit-based subsystems designed into the LP3500.
NOTE: Although header J2 is installed on the LP3510, the associated analog I/O are not
available on the LP3510. The relay screw-terminal header at J8 is also not installed on
the LP3510. The power supply inputs on header J2 are still available.
3.1.1 Headers and Screw Terminals
Standard LP3500 models are equipped with two 1 × 17 headers (J1 and J2) with a pitch of
0.1", one 1 × 25 header (J4) with a pitch of 0.1", and one 1 × 3 screw terminal strip (J8).
The Display Interface (J9) is a 2 × 13 header with a pitch of 0.1", and the Serial Interface
is a 2 mm 2 × 5 socket.
A variety of commercially available connectors with a 0.1" pitch can be used to interface
to the signals on headers J1, J2, and J4, or the Prototyping Board may be used to access
these signals via screw-terminal headers.
18Fox (LP3500)
3.2 Power Modes
See note
16 mA
Typical Current
from Table 3
Relay Output
Power Source
5 mA
1.0 mA
140 µA
140 µA
VIN or external
External battery
70 µA
NoNo46 µA
lator turned off)
(with linear regu-
or ext. battery
Onboard ba ttery
SRAM and
Section 3.2.1
Section 3.2.2
R TC updates
Table 2. Software-Defined Power Modes
88.192 kHz
94.096 kHz
Processor haltedNone
102.048 kHz
Power-Save Mode 2.048 kHz
NOTE: The actual current consumption depends heavily on the SRAM writes in the user’s program. See Section 3.2.2 for more
User’s Manual19
7.3728 MHz
23.6864 MHz
31.8423 MHz
41.2288 MHz
32.768 kHz
50.9216 MHz
716.384 kHz
Table 2 lists the power modes based on clock frequency that can be defined in software
using the powerMode function.
The LP3500 can operate at various power levels, depending on the clock frequency and on
which subsystems on the board are turned off using the devPowerSet function. Table 3
lists the LP3500 subsystems that can be turned off with the devPowerSet function.
Table 3. LP3500 Subsystems That Can Be Turned Off
LP3500 SectionDescription
RS-232Receivers and transmitters are disabled, RxE remains active.
RS-485Transmitter is disabled.
A/D Converter
(LP3500 model only)
LCD/Keypad ModuleLCD/keypad module is turned off.
All of the AboveAll sections are disabled as described above.
NOTE: RxE always remains active when the above systems are turned off to allow the
LP3500 to “listen” while it is in the
ADS7870 internal oscillator is turned off.
power-save mode.
The LP3500 processor turns off automatically when VIN is removed, and the processor
will not operate again until VIN is restored. The onboard battery provides backup for the
SRAM and the real-time clock. VIN must be applied to the LP3500 in order to run or set
the processor in any of the numbered modes listed in Table 2.
3.2.1 Setting the Power-Save Mode
The LP3500 can be placed in the power-save mode using one of three different software
timedAlert, or
depending on whether you wish to use Serial Port E, a simple timeout, or a digital input to
trigger the LP3500 to resume operation in one of the other power modes.
If you call serCommAlert, then any activity on Serial Port E will trigger the LP3500 out
of the low-power mode. If you call timedAlert, then the LP3500 is triggered out of the
power-save mode when the specified time has elapsed. If you call digInAlert, then the
LP3500 is triggered out of the power-save mode when the specified channel is activated.
In addition, digInAlert and serCommAlert have “backup” timeout parameters associated with them to wake up the LP3500 after a specified period even in the absence of the
digital or serial triggers.
20Fox (LP3500)
3.2.2 Operating in the Power-Save Mode
VIN may be removed to allow the LP3500 to operate using the external battery once the
LP3500 is in Mode 10. At this point, the LP3500 will draw 200 µA after the subsystems
listed in T able 3 are turned off. The LP3500’ s linear regulator may then be turned off using
the setpowersource function call, and this will lower the current draw to 100 µA.
The LP3500 digital I/O can continue to operate (remember that an independent +K source
is required for the digital outputs) using special software routines.
Here are some tips for when the LP3500 is in the power-save mode.
1. Do not write to the SRAM while the LP3500 is in power-save mode and you are relying
solely on the onboard backup battery.
2. When the linear regulator is turned off, watch your current consumption carefully since
too high a current draw could trigger a system reset and turn off the processor.
3.2.3 Resuming Normal-Power or Low-Power Operation
As long as VIN is still connected and the linear regulator has not been turned off, the
LP3500 will return automatically to the previous power mode once the non-zero timeout
specified in serCommAlert, timedAlert, or digInAlert has elapsed.
NOTE: The processor wil l tur n of f if VIN i s not ava ilable at th e e xpirat ion of the timeout
or if VIN is not available when a wake-up signal comes in through Serial Port E or the
selected digital input.
When the timeout is set to 0, which corresponds to an indefinite timeout, the LP3500 may
still be restored to a normal power mode from the power-save mode.
1. Make sure that raw DC power is available at VIN.
2. Turn the linear regulator back on using the setpowersource function call.
3. Use the rdPowerState function call to establish that the LP3500 is now operating
from VIN. Note that this function only works with LP3500 models, which have the
A/D converter.
4. Use the powerMode function call to set the desired power mode.
User’s Manual21
3.3 Digital I/O
3.3.1 Digital Inputs
The LP3500 has 16 digital inputs, IN00–IN15. The inputs are factory-configured to be
pulled up to +K in banks of eight, but they can also be pulled up to Vcc or down to 0 V in
banks of eight by changing a surface-mounted 0 Ω resistor as shown in Figure 9.
0 W
22 kW
Figure 9. LP3500 Digital Inputs [Pulled Up—Factory Default]
The digital inputs are each fully protected
over a range of 0 V to +36 V, and can handle
short spikes of ±40 V. The actual switching
threshold is approximately 1.40 V. Anything below this value is a logic 0, and anything above is a logic 1
100 kW
330 nF
+40 V
+36 V
Rabbit 3000
Normal Switching
Pulling the digital inputs to Vcc will
+3.3 V
increase the current consumption by about
300 µA for each digital input.
Digital Input Voltage
40 V
Figure 10. LP3500 Digital Input Protected
22Fox (LP3500)
3.3.2 Digital Outputs
The LP3500 has 10 digital outputs: OUT0–OUT7 can each sink up to 200 mA, and
OUT8–OUT9 can each source up to 200 mA at 36 V. Figure 11 shows a wiring diagram
for using the digital outputs in a sinking or a souring configuration.
1 MW
Figure 11. LP3500 Digital Outputs
TIP: Turn the outputs off (high for sourcing outputs and low for sinking outputs) to
reduce current consumption.
User’s Manual23
When the LP3500 is connected to the Prototyping Board, a 0 Ω resistor on the Prototyp-
ing Board (R1) ties +K to VIN, the raw DC
input voltage. Figure 12 shows the location of
this 0 Ω resistor on the Prototyping Board.
NOTE: R1 on the Prototyping Broad
must be removed to avoid damage to
the power supplies if you are using the
Prototyping Board with the LP3500
and you are using separate power supplies for VIN and K.
Figure 12. Location of R1
on Prototyping Board
When the LP3500 is used alone, remember to connect a power supply to +K (pin 12 on
header J7). Your +K supply may be up to +36 V DC, and should be capable of delivering
up to 2.0 A.
NOTE: If +K is not connected, the dig ital inputs may floa t, which may in creas e your cur -
rent consumption.
24Fox (LP3500)
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