End of work and storage of the machine..................................................................................
Scrapping and disposal of the components and packaging …………………………………… 12
Specific references for the hydraulic machines…………………………………………………… 13
Guarantee and Certification..................................................................................................... 17
Always keep a safe distance when you are in view of the danger symbol placed on the side of the
Never climb on the roller group or on the machine.
Before using the machinereadtheinstructionbooklet.
Turn off the walking tractorortractorbeforemakinganyadjustmentinthe
machine , take the keyandreadtheinstructionbooklet.
We would start by thanking you for having chosen our product and hope that you will be happy with
your choise.
In order that your MILL GRADER Mod. MT – MTL – MThi - MTLhi can offer the maximum
efficiency for many years, we ask you to pay attention to the instructions for use and maintenance
which you will find in this manual. Observance of these regulations will prevent breakdowns and
accidents for which our company will not accept responsability.
This use and maintenance manual is to be considered an integral part of the machine and therefore
it must always accompany the machine when it is sold, even in the event of its sale to third parties.
If you keep this manual in a safe place and in good condition, you - and whoever must use the
machine - will be able to have a complete, legible reference on hand at all times.
Description of the symbols used in the manual
This symbol will be used in the
manual to indicate actions
( misuse ) elements, behaviours
and situations that could risk
your security and the one of
other people.
The rounded symbols with
white pictograms will be used in
the manual to indicate the
Individual Protective Devices
necessary while using the
machine or while making any
This symbol will be used in this
manual to indicate that the
described operation must be
done with the walking tractor or
tractor turned off and the key
NOTE: This manual concerns the use and maintenance description of the mecchanic mill graders
MT-MTL, which corrisponds largely to the hydraulic models MTLhiandMThi;thedifferences
between the two models will be indicated withacaption
(*note n mod. hi) (nindicates thenotenumber)
and examined in an specific section of the manual
1 – Machine identification
Each R2 machine has a CE plate with the maindetails oftheR2companyandofthemachines.
The plate is positioned on the top center of themachine.
2 -Description of the machine and its proper use.
(*note 1 mod. hi)
The MILL GRADER Mod. MT – MTL – MThi - MTLhi is the only machine that can be applied to all
types of walking tractors or tractors of 12-14-18 HP with flange attachment; it levels, mills and
compresses the soil in a single operation.
As can be seen from the illustration (Fig.2), the MILL GRADER Mod. MT – MTL – MThi – MTLhi is
equipped with an adjustable –height scrapper on the front to shift the earth, a central rotating harrow
to mill the soil and a special grilled roller at the back, which makes it possible to adjust the working
depth of the rotating harrow and to compress the soil.
The MILL GRADER Mod. MT – MTL – MThi - MTLhi is used in the preparation of the soil for fields,
gardens, sporting facilities,vegetables, gardens and for anyone who needs the ground to be
perfectly levelled, also in small spaces.
Fig. 2
A – Main body of
the machine
B –Roller group.
C –Register roller
D – Hoes
E – Scraper
F –Screws
adjustment scraper
G –Walking tractor
H –Side and side
I - Protections.
THE MILL GRADERS Mod. MT –MTL–Mthi-MTLhiaredesignedtobeapplied
exclusively to professional driven tools withCEcertificateandappropriateHP(walking
tractors, tractors with flange atttachmentorhydraulic drive)THEMILLGRADERSMod.
MT – MTL – Mthi - MTLhi are designedexclusivelytopreparethesoil.
Any other type of use is considered improperandsodangerous.Inallthosecases thattheMILL
GRADERS Mod. MT – MTL – Mthi - MTLhi areusedfordifferentpurposes ofthosedetermined,the
manufacturer disclaims any liabilityf for damages ofanynature.
Read always the instruction booklet of the workingequipment(walkingtractorortractor)before
fitting and using the R2 machine.
The proper use of the machine implies:
-The respect of the rules of use and maintenanceestablishedbythemanufacturerandgatheredin
this manual.
-the exclusive use of spare parts and originalR2accessories.
The machine must be used, maintained and repairedonlybycompetentstaff.
The qualified staff enabled to use the machinemustbeproperlytrainedandinformedoftheproper
use of the equipment and the risks that couldberun.
The user is required to comply with the rules andexistingLegislationrelatingtofireprevention,
safety at work and traffic in public roads.
3 – Technical specifications and dimensions
(*note 2 mod. hi)
MTL 50 MTL 75 MTL 100 MT 60 MT 90 MT 125
Milling width (Fig. 3 – Ref. A) 50 cm 75 cm 100 cm 60 cm 90 cm 122 cm
Levelling width (Fig. 3 – Ref. B) 50 cm 75 cm 100 cm 60 cm 90 cm 122 cm
Compactness width (Fig. 3 – Ref. C) 60 cm 85 cm 110 cm 70 cm 100 cm 132 cm
Depth (Fig. 3 – Ref. D) 75 cm 75 cm 75 cm 75 cm 75 cm 75 cm
Maximum height from the ground (Fig. 3
– Ref. E)
Walking tractor/tractor HP 8-10 HP 12-14 HP 14-18 HP 12-14 HP 14-18 HP 16-18 HP
Maximum working depth 14 cm 14 cm 14 cm 14 cm 14 cm 16 cm
Number of hoes 6 10 14 6 10 14
Weight 70 Kg 95 Kg 115 Kg 90 Kg 110 Kg 130 Kg
Lubricant: ROLOIL LITEX - EP/1
Note: Emission of airborne noise. The noise produced by the machine varies according to the soil
features at work. Exposure also depends strictly on the noise produced by the working equipment
(walking tractor or tractor). Considering the data in the literature relating to similar equipment, it can
be considered an approximate value of exposure to the noise (determined by the machine and the
walking tractor or tractor) between 90 dB (A) and 95 dB (A).
Verify the level of exposure to the noise with the proper instruments each time any work is performed. Follow the legislative
references of your country to identify the personal protective necessary equipment.
Fig. 3
42 cm 42 cm 42 cm 42 cm 42 cm 42 cm
Fig. 4
4 Handling and transportation of the machine.
(*note 3 mod. hi)
- The machine must be handled with lifting equipmentMakesurethatsuchequipment(including
the straps and the strings ) have a carrying capacityappropriatetotheweighttobeliftedandthat
they are in good maintenance conditions.
The machine can be anchored in the couplingpointas indicatedinFig.4;b
the center of gravity, the machine will lean whileliftedof25°(Fig.4).
In order to make handling operations safely,alwayswearsafetyshoes and
make sure that there are no peopleoranimals nearbywhileworking.
- The machine can be transported by professionalmeans ofconveyance(trucks,vans,etc.).
Transportation by car is permitted only if the carbootis dividedbythedriving/passengerseatwith
a barrier that can hold the machine in case offrontalcollision.Inallcases,beforetransportingthe
machine , make sure that it is well anchored withstraps andstrings andthatitis stableenough.The
anchor points can be the roller group supportandthefrontscraper.Makesurethatthescraper
adjustment screws are properly tightened.
Always check that any walkways, ramps, etc.thatmustbecrossedwithmeansofconveyanceand
lifting equipment are well anchored and haveacapacitycapableofsupportingthetotalloadofthe
vehicle + machine + operator. When usingramps forloading,ensurethatthevehiclehas the
handbrake on and have been positioned the wedges suitableforlockingthewheels.
5 – Accident prevention
(*note 4 mod. hi)
Most accidents that happen at work, during the maintenance or the shifting of a machine, are due to
negligence in the observance of the most elementary rules of accident prevention.
It is, therefore, necessary that whoever uses the machine read and respect the rules written below
and the ones on the adhesive stickers of the machine.
1. Verify that on the machine are stuck all the security signs and that they are readable.
2. Before cleaning the machine, making any adjustments or reparations, turn off the walking
tractor or tractor engine. Before each operation put the machine on the floor or on steady
3. Never approach to the machine moving parts.
4. The MILL GRADER Mod. MT – MTL – MThi - MTLhi has been manufactured for a
specialized use. It must, therefore,always be in perfect working conditions and only R2 spare
parts should be used when making any reparations.
5. Before using the machine , check the tightening of the nuts and screws, in particular those of
the hoes.
6. Keep away all the people or animals before starting to work.
7. Be careful when working alongside roads, pathways or sloping ground.
8. Do not leave the machine working without supervision.
9. While checking or repairing the machine, be sure that nobody can start it up accidentally.
10. Wear tight-fitting clothes that do not cause any footholds in the rotating parts of the machine.
11. Do not climb on the machine at work.
12. Do not interfere with objects on the machine while working.
13. Never use the machine without the back roller or without the protections delivered with the
machine. Never remove the protections.
14. In order to adjust the scraper, always turnoffthewalkingtractorortractorengineandmake
this operation safely
15. In case the machine blocks, before makinganyreparations,turnoffthewalkingtractoror
tractor engine and remove the key.
16. Always read the instruction booklet oftheworkingequipment(walkingtractorortractor)
before fitting and using the R2 machine.Donotremoveorevadethesecuritysystems ofthe
working equipment; before start working,besurethatthesecuritysystems ofthewalking
tractor or tractor work correctly; if not, donotusethemachine.
17. Do not carry people , animals or objects onthemachine.
18. In case of road traffic respect the regulations inforceinyourcountry;putonthemachineall
the signals required.
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