6/19/2000 - Bags Without Baseboards & Curve Info.cdr
When using a bag without a baseboard inside, you
need to make some changes to the setup.
The V AKuum Bag Connector (VCA or VCA6) should
have an additional metal washer that goes inside the
bag as shown in Drawing A. If you do not have a
washer to fit the VCA(6), make one out of something
like Formica or a thin piece of wood. Make sure it
does not have any sharp edges!
Decide where you want the connector located.
Normally, 18“ in from the end is a good location for
long narrow bags. Remember, the connector must
butt up against your workpiece and not against the
opposite side of the bag. If it hits the opposite side of
the bag, the vacuum hole will seal itself off and you
will not get full vacuum in the bag.
Drawing A
For the VCA, cut a 5/8“ dia. hole or a 3/4” hole for the
VCA6 at the point you want the connector located. If
you put the hole in the wrong place, patch it using a
vinyl pool repair kit, but be careful not to glue the bag
Push the connector through the bag so that the
rubber washer is against the bag. Place the other
rubber washer and metal washers over the connector
and snug the nut tight with a wrench. Do not over
When using the bag without a baseboard, which has
grooves in it to allow the air to be evacuated through
the vacuum port, you need another method of
allowing the air to flow from one end of the bag to the
VCA(6). A good method is to wrap your workpiece in
nylon window screen material (see our video). The
connector then butts against the window screen
which allows the air to flow through the mesh.
It helps if you cut or file grooves into the top nut. This
allows the air to pass into the vacuum connector at a
faster rate.
A screen or net material is used inside a bag
without a baseboard in order to allow the air to be
evacuated from the back of the bag. The bag can
seal around the connector on a smooth surface
and seal itself off from the remainder of the bag.
We have recommended plastic window screen
and it can be used. This netting is easier to use
and remove.
The netting is expandable and can slide over a
jamb or stair stringer. If your part is too wide for
the net, just tape it to the top side (away from the
form) of your piece. Make sure that the VCA6
(VAKuum Bag Connector) touches the screen.
Always do a dry run the first time using V AK-Net.
CALL 1-800-547-5484 TODAY!
Or visit our site at www.qualityvak.com
Quality VAKuum Products, Inc.
74 Apsley St. - Hudson, MA 01749
Tel: 978-562-4680 - Fax: 978-562-4681
Whether doing curved staircases or round top windows, the
laminates are glued up, taped, mesh is added and then put in
the bag. The bag is placed over the form and clamped to hold
it to the form. Vacuum is applied and squeezes with 1800
lbs./sq.ft. of even and uniform pressure.
Always do a dry run the first time trying something for
the first time or if you are resetting up the equipment.
Glue: For curved pieces we recommend our VAK-Bond
2000 for several reasons. It has 20 - 30 minutes of open time
and dries with a rigid glue line, thus eliminating or minimizing
spring back. A rigid glue line is developed due to the fact that
the glue cures by a chemical reaction. Most yellow and white
glues cure by the solvent migrating away from the glue joint.
Thus, if the solvent (usually water) comes in contact with the
joint, it softens and weakens. VAK-Bond 2000 has high
water and heat resistance.
After gluing and stacking the laminates, use fiberglass
reenforced tape to wrap them, however, reverse the tape.
The laminates need to slide as they are curved around the
form, thus, reversing the tape prevents sticking and they slide
freely while still being held in place by the tape. T o hold joint s
together, use one or two strips of the same tape across the
joint. Masking tape will break and not hold.
Wrap the laminates in a mesh (plastic window screen is OK).
It should cover at least the side where the VCA is located.
The mesh acts as channels for the air to get out of the far end
of the bag. If the head of the VCA hit s the outer laminate, and
not the mesh, it will seal itself off and the bag will not develop
the full 1800 lbs./sq.ft. of pressure. Apply some tape to hold
the mesh in place. Sometimes it helps if you draw a slight
vacuum on the bag before placing it on the form.
Consider using a female form when doing small radius
arches like window jambs. When the bag is bent around the
male side of the form,
be smooth, however,
ripples on the inside of the arch. On larger radii, this fraction
of an inch of ripple is normally not a problem. On a small
radius, this could be a problem, thus using the inside of the
form will solve this problem.
the bag on the topside of the arch will
notice that the bag will have small
Visit our web site www.qualityvak.com and
view the Q.V.P. Newsletter section to view
Techniques #1 for further instruction.