QUICK LOGIC QL80FC-PB456C, QL80FC-PB456I, QL80FC-PQ208C, QL80FC-PQ208I Datasheet

QuickLogic QL80FC Programmable Fibre Channel ENDEC
QL80FC - QuickFC
Rev A
QL80FC - QuickFC
ANSI Fibre Channel (FC) compatibility
2.5Gb/s Simplex (200 MByte/s) or Duplex
(400 MByte/s) Mode
Compatible with standard SERDES components
32 bit synchronous FIFO system interface
Tx and Rx internal FIFO for system applications
without external FIFOs
Selectable 20-bit/10-bit encoded transmission
character interface to SERDES
8b/10b Encoding/Decoding
CRC Calculation and checking per FC standard
Fibre Channel Loss of Synchronization (LOS) state
Support for arbitrated loops
IntraFrame idles support for proprietary links
“Raw” data path for the injection of encoding and
CRC errors into the bitsteam for use in testing link error handling functions
3.3V operating voltage
3.3V CMOS I/O, 5.0V CMOS tolerant inputs
208 PQFP and 456 PBGA packages available
Extended Features
Extended features that can be designed into the user customizable logic:
Fibre Channel Link Control State Machine (LCSM)
RRDY credit management for link flow control
Microprocessor interface to configure various link
BIST functions support link bit error rate
Dual Port SRAM
22 blocks (total of 25,344 bits) of dual-port RAM
Configurable as RAM, ROM or FIFO
Can be configured as two internal FIFOs of up to
352 x 36 in size
Configurable RAM array sizes (by 2, 4, 9, 18)
<5ns access times, 160+Mhz FIFOs
High Speed Customizable Logic
Up to 269 customizable I/O pins
751 Logic cells
300 MHz 16-bit counters, 400 MHz Data paths
Mux-Based architecture; non-volatile technology
Completely customizable for any digital application
Fibre Channel Block Diagram
RAM Blocks
22 Blocks (25K bits)
IO Pins
Fibre Channel ENDEC
Logic Cells
IO Pins
10 bit/20 bit 10 bit/20 bit
IO Pins
QL80FC - QuickFC
FIGURE 1. System Level Diagram
General Description
The QL80FC device in the QuickLogic QuickFC ESP (Embedded Standard Product) family provides a com­pletely integrated configurable Fibre Channel Encoder/Decoder interface solution combined with customizable logic. This device provides a means to receive and transmit high-speed serial data and implement a Fibre Channel Link interface or any proprietary high-speed serial link.
The chip is divided into two main portions, an embedded design and a customizable design. The embedded design contains the built in functionality of Fibre Channel's FC-1 and FC-2 layers, which the sys­tem designer uses as a standard product. This portion can not be modified. As such, all functionality and timing requirements have been verified in hardware and are guaranteed.
The customizable portion consists of user customiz­able system gates, and interfaces directly to the embedded portion of the chip. These gates may be programmed to implement glue logic to other bus standards such as PCI or SCSI. They can also be pro­grammed with Fibre Channel Upper Layer Protocols. Of course, the designer may choose to modify Upper Layer Protocols for customization. In this way, the
QuickLogic QL80FC provides the embedded systems designer with an easy to use and cost effective solu­tion for embedded serial applications.
Fibre Channel Application
The QL80FC ENDEC is a high performance encoder/decoder designed for use in conjunction with Gb/s SERDES transmitter/receiver chips. These chips, when combined with internal FIFO buffer memory, can be used to build a complete serial link. Optional, external FIFOs can be used in place of the available internal FIFOs to extend buffering to sizes beyond 352 words.
The embedded ENDEC is a full duplex design with an encoder section for transmission and a decoder sec­tion for reception. The transmitter/encoder section accepts a 4-byte user data word, encodes each byte into a 10-bit transmission character and outputs transmission characters to the SERDES transmitter. This equals two 10-bit characters per clock (one 10­bit character per clock in 10-bit mode). The receiver/ decoder section accepts two 10-bit transmission char-
Recei ve
FIFO Control
User Customizabl e
Fibre Channel
QL80FC Programmable ENDEC Chip
Bridge Logic For Dat a Path
Recei ve
2.5 Gb/s Serial Data Ove r Copper or
Optical Cable
Internal Receive
Micro- Process or
System Bus
QL80FC - QuickFC
acters from the SERDES receiver (one 10-bit charac­ter in 10-bit mode), decodes them, and outputs a 4­byte user data word.
The QL80FC has a system interface that emulates a synchronous FIFO for ease of use. FIFOs allow maxi­mum sustained performance of 400 MB/s running a full duplex link. Their function is to handle the asyn­chronous interface between the bus data rate and the different serial data rates, and handle phase and fre­quency differences inherent in serial links. Internal FIFOs of 352 x 36 or external FIFOs can be used to expand the buffering to accommodate multiple frames.
The QL80FC includes the hardware necessary for packetized data protection. Framing functions are provided via Fibre Channel compliant command words (ordered sets) for Start of Frame and End of Frame. CRC generation and data frame verification protect the Fibre Channel frame header and data field when these framing functions are used.
The device provides a microprocessor interface that allows the user to manage the serial link. Signals are also provided to decode serial link error conditions and differentiate between data and commands. The QL80FC implements link synchronization with the
SERDES chip through the Loss of Synchronization State Machine (LOS) as required by the ANSI FC-PH specification. The LOS manages receiver word syn­chronization with the RxComDet (comma detect) sig­nal.
The QL80FC is a versatile part that allows the system designer to create proprietary or Fibre Channel com­pliant serial links by taking advantage of some, or all, of the Fiber Channel compliant features. It has a number of useful features for system designers of proprietary links. One such feature is the ability to send intraframe IDLEs. These characters are auto­matically sent if the FIFO is empty, but they do not affect the CRC. In this mode the QL80FC allows simple interfacing to systems where the flow of data may be interrupted.
Embedded Design Functional Description
The embedded FC-1 and FC-2 layers are divided into two functional groupings: the Transmit data path and the Receive data path. A functional diagram for the Transmit path is included in Figure 2.
FIGURE 2. Customizable ENDEC Chip Functional Block Diagram - Transmit and LCSM Data Paths
CRC Generation
8b/10b Encoder
User Program mable
Embedded Fibre Channel ENDEC
To receive data path
TxIF IdleEn
(only [9:0] used
in 10b mode)
TxClk63 Sync
Reset Circuit
To receive data path
QL80FC - QuickFC
Transmit Data Path
When the transmit data path is in standard operation (TxRawEn not asserted) the chip will latch an un­encoded, Fibre Channel, 32-bit word on inputs TxData[31:0]. This data then passes on to the 8b/ 10b encoder, which creates a 40-bit encoded Fibre Channel word. The encoder will encode the most sig­nificant character as a command character if the TxKChar input line is asserted. This word is regis­tered and passed to the SERDES in 20-bit chunks (10 bit chunks if 10 bit mode is enabled) on the TxOut signal lines.
Asserting the TxCrcEn signal enables the CRC Gen­eration block. This block will automatically detect the SOF ordered set and begin CRC generation using the ANSI specified CRC polynomial. It will continue until an EOF or any other FC ordered set is encountered (unless TxIFIdleEn is asserted, then the IDLE ordered set will be ignored by the CRC generator). It then inserts the CRC value into the data path for transmis­sion to the SERDES.
The TxRawEn signal enables the raw transmit data path when asserted. In this mode, the 8 bits of TxR­Data is concatenated onto the 32 bits of the TxData signal to create a 40-bit wide data path. The CRC generation and 8b/10b encoder blocks are bypassed and the “raw” data latched at the inputs is passed directly to the output registers that drive the SER­DES. This mode is useful for testing the error han­dling capabilities of the serial link by providing the systems designer a way to intentionally introduce errors into the serial bit stream.
The TxIFIdleEn (Intra-Frame Idle Enable) input enables the use of Fibre Channel IDLE words within a Frame. When this signal is asserted, IDLE words present within a data frame will not affect the value
generated by the CRC block. This feature is useful in custom FC designs where it is desired to suspend the transmission of a frame for a period of time and then resume later.
The use of external FIFOs is optional. There is enough RAM on the ENDEC chip to be configured into two 352 x 36 FIFOs. If FIFOs of this size are all that is required, external FIFOs would not be needed. Synchronous read and writes directly from the system bus without a FIFO is also possible.
Two clock signals are supplied to the customizable logic on high speed, low skew clock networks: TxClk125 and TxClk63. TxClk125 is a clock run­ning at a maximum speed of 125 MHz, and repre­sents the full speed of the Oscillator being used to clock the transmit data path. The input that drives this signal is also used to clock the SERDES chip. The TxClk63 clock signal operates at half the speed of the TxClk125 clock. You will most likely want to use the TxClk63 signal to clock your FIFOs and cus­tomizable logic. Of course, these signals can be routed off-chip through the customizable I/O.
The Async_rst pin accepts an asynchronous, active high reset signal. Circuitry takes this signal and syn­chronizes it with the TxClk63 clock. This synchro­nous reset signal, TxRst, is used to set or clear flip­flops in the transmit data path. It is made available to the user programmable logic for the same purpose on a high speed, low skew network
The Clk_rst input stops the TxClk63 clock when this signal is asserted. This signal was added primarily to facilitate simulation. Clk_rst may be permanently grounded in hardware.
QL80FC - QuickFC
FIGURE 3. .Customizable ENDEC Chip Functional Block Diagram - Receive Data Path
Receive Data Path
Receive Data Path
The receive data path receives encoded data from an on-board SERDES, decodes it and passes the result­ing data to the customizable section of the chip. A functional block diagram of the receive data path is shown in Figure 3.
The RxClk125 signal latches 20 bits (10 bits when 10-bit mode is enabled) of data from the SERDES into the RxIn input registers on the positive edge of the clock. The RxClk125 signal is made available to the customizable section. RxClk125 is divided by two and made available to the customizable section on the RxClk63 signal line. Both clocks use a high speed, low skew clock network. Again you will most likely want to use the RxClk63 signal to clock all reg­isters and FIFOs in the receive data path. Registers using RxClk125 and RxClk63 should be sensitive to the rising edge of these clocks.
Once the data on the RxIn signal lines is latched into the input registers, the data is passed on to the 8b/ 10b decoder. Under standard operation, (input RxRa-
wEn is low), the data is decoded into 4, 8-bit charac­ters and the resulting Fibre Channel word is placed on the RxData[31:0] output signals. RxRData is not used under normal operation. If the decoder detects a Fibre Channel comma character in the most signifi­cant character of the word, the RxKChar signal line will be asserted.
When the RxCrcEn signal is asserted the CRC check­ing logic will function. The CRC logic will automati­cally detect a SOF word and begin performing CRC division on the next word in the data stream using the ANSI specified CRC polynomial for Fibre Channel. When an EOF word or any other FC ordered set is detected (unless RxIFIdleEn is asserted, then the IDLE ordered set will be ignored by the CRC checker) the CRC will assert the RxCrcRdy signal for one cycle of the RxClk63 clock. If the remainder for the division is zero, the RxCrcOK signal line will also be asserted during this same cycle.
User Programmable
Embedded Fibre Channel ENDEC
RxClk125_inRxClk125_ out
8b/10b Decoder
Loss Of Sync
State Machine
CRC Checking
Ordered Set Recogn ition
(SOF, ID LE, EOF . . . )RxSgpBus[14:0]
From transmit data path
(only [9:0] used
in 10b mode)
RxIF IdleEn
RxClk63 Sync
Reset Circuit
From transmit
data path
QL80FC - QuickFC
When the RxRawEn signal is asserted the “raw” data path will be enabled for the receive circuit. With the raw data path enabled, the data received from the SERDES does not pass through the 8b/10b decoder or the CRC checking blocks. Instead it is routed directly to the output registers and is made available to the customizable section of the chip on signal lines RxRData and RxData. This mode is useful for testing the serial link.
The Loss of Synchronization State machine is responsible for achieving character synchronization on the data being sent from the SERDES. When the Rst signal is asserted, the LOSSM goes to the loss of synchronization state. In this state the RxLOSync signal will be asserted. After the reception of three valid command characters, the state machine will proceed to the synchronization acquired state and the RxLOSync signal is de-asserted. After the recep­tion of 4 successive invalid characters the state machine will return to the Loss of Synchronization state. The value on the RxLOSIdx bus indicates the state of LOSSM.
The ordered set recognition block detects Fibre Channel ordered sets and asserts one signal line in
the RxSgpBus bus corresponding to the ordered set detected. All 15 Fibre Channel ordered set types are detected including SOF, EOF and IDLE. There is a list of ordered sets detected by the ordered set recogni­tion circuitry in Table 1.
There are two signals used to indicate that a word having a decoding error of some kind is present on the RxData outputs. When RxInvChar is asserted a word with an invalid 10-bit representation is present on the RxData signal lines. RxRDErr indicates an invalid running disparity was detected on the cur­rently available RxData word.
The Async_rst pin accepts an asynchronous, active high reset signal. Circuitry takes this signal and syn­chronizes it with the RxClk63 clock. This synchro­nous reset signal, RxRst, is used to set or clear flip­flops in the receive data path. It is made available to the user programmable logic for the same purpose on a high speed, low skew network.
The Clk_rst input stops the RxClk63 clock when this signal is asserted. This signal was added primarily to facilitate simulation. Clk_rst may be permanently grounded in hardware.
QL80FC - QuickFC
Table of Recognized Ordered Sets
TABLE 1. Table of Recognized Ordered Sets
* Only recognized when RxIFIdleEn is asserted
Identifier Ordered Set Code Hex
RxSgpBus Signal
Line Asserted
- SOFc1 K28.5 D21.5 D23.0 D23.0 BC B5 17 17 [0]
- SOFi1 K28.5 D21.5 D23.2 D23.2 BC B5 57 57 [0]
- SOFn1 K28.5 D21.5 D23.1 D23.1 BC B5 37 37 [0]
- SOFi2 K28.5 D21.5 D21.2 D21.1 BC B5 55 55 [0]
- SOFn2 K28.5 D21.5 D21.1 D21.1 BC B5 35 35 [0]
- SOFi3 K28.5 D21.5 D22.2 D22.2 BC B5 56 56 [0]
- SOFn3 K28.5 D21.5 D22.1 D22.1 BC B5 36 36 [0]
- SOFf K28.5 D21.5 D24.2 D24.2 BC B5 58 58 [0]
- EOFt K28.5 D21.4 D21.3 D21.3 BC 95 75 75 [1]
+ EOFt K28.5 D21.5 D21.3 D21.3 BC B5 75 75 [1]
- EOFdt K28.5 D21.4 D21.4 D21.4 BC 95 95 95 [1]
+ EOFdt K28.5 D21.5 D21.4 D21.4 BC B5 95 95 [1]
- EOFa K28.5 D21.4 D21.7 D21.7 BC 95 F5 F5 [1]
+ EOFa K28.5 D21.5 D21.7 D21.7 BC B5 F5 F5 [1]
- EOFn K28.5 D21.4 D21.6 D21.6 BC 95 D5 D5 [1]
+ EOFn K28.5 D21.5 D21.6 D21.6 BC B5 D5 D5 [1]
- EOFdti K28.5 D10.4 D21.4 D21.4 BC 8A 95 95 [1]
+ EOFdti K28.5 D10.5 D21.4 D21.4 BC AA 95 95 [1]
- EOFni K28.5 D10.4 D21.6 D21.6 BC 8A D5 D5 [1]
+ EOFni K28.5 D10.5 D21.6 D21.6 BC AA D5 D5 [1]
- IDLE K28.5 D21.4 D21.5 D21.5 BC 95 B5 B5 [2]
+ IDLE* K28.5 D21.5 D21.5 D21.5 BC B5 B5 B5 [2]
- R_RDY K28.5 D21.4 D10.2 D10.2 BC 95 4A 4A [3]
- OLS K28.5 K21.1 D10.4 D21.2 BC 35 8A 55 [4]
- NOS K28.5 D21.2 D31.5 D5.2 BC 55 BF 45 [5]
- LR K28.5 D9.2 D31.5 D9.2 BC 49 BF 49 [6]
- LRR K28.5 D21.1 D31.5 D9.2 BC 35 BF 49 [7]
- ARBx K28.5 D20.4 AL_PA AL_PA BC 4A xx xx [8]
- ARB(F0) K28.4 D20.4 D16.7 D16.7 BC 4A F0 F0 [8]
- OPNyx K28.5 D17.4 AL_PD AL_PS BC 91 yy xx [9]
- OPNyy K28.5 D17.4 AL_PD AL_PD BC 91 yy yy [9]
- OPNfr K28.5 D17.4 D31.7 D31.7 BC 91 FF FF [9]
- OPNyr K28.5 D17.4 AL_PD D31.7 BC 91 yy FF [9]
- CLS K28.5 D5.4 D21.5 D21.5 BC 85 B5 B5 [10]
- MRKtx K28.5 D31.2 MK_TP AL_PS BC 5F tt xx [11]
- LIP(F7,F7) K28.5 D21.0 D23.7 D23.7 BC 15 F7 F7 [12]
- LIP(F8,F7) K28.5 D21.0 D24.7 D23.7 BC 15 F8 F7 [12]
- LIP(F7,x) K28.5 D21.0 D23.7 AL_PS BC 15 F7 xx [12]
- LIP(F8,x) K28.5 D21.0 D24.7 AL_PS BC 15 F8 xx [12]
- LIP(y,x) K28.5 D21.0 AL_PD AL_PS BC 15 yy xx [12]
- LPEyx K28.5 D5.0 AL_PD AL_PS BC 05 yy xx [13]
- LPEfx K28.5 D5.0 D31.7 AL_PS BC 05 FF xx [13]
- LPByx K28.5 D9.0 AL_PD AL_PS BC 09 yy xx [14]
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